Active direct dependers over time: total, gained/lost
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

num-traits is used at run time in 37,689 crates (of which 3,121 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 3,694 crates. It's used at build time in 178 crates (of which 52 optionally, ). It's used only as a dev dependency in 5,118 crates (of which 33 directly).

Number of dependers num-traits version Downloads/month
42,178 0.2.18 4.7M
26 0.2.17 2.1M
6 0.2.15 1.8M
1 0.2.14 264K
774 0.1.43 327K
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) num-traits version
7.5M 10052 chrono ^0.2
6.3M 366 num-integer ^0.2.11
5.0M 945 num-bigint ^0.2.16
3.1M 334 num-complex ^0.2.11
3.1M 27 num-iter ^0.2.11
3.3M 171 num-rational ^0.2.11
3.6M 496 ordered-float ^0.2.1
2.2M 4911 criterion ^0.2
2.4M 1518 num ^0.2.18
1.1M 713 approx ^0.2.0
1.1M 79 atoi ^0.2.14
1.0M 68 hdrhistogram ^0.2
1.3M 2227 image ^0.2.0
1.4M 59 num-bigint-dig ^0.2.4
1.7M 205 plotters ^0.2.14
1.1M 1220 proptest ^0.2.15
1.0M 442 rand_distr ^0.2
1.1M 106 rmp ^0.2.14
1.5M 300 rsa ^0.2.9
1.2M 27 simple_asn1 ^0.2
4.8M 3 deranged optional ^0.2.15
3.5M 237 half optional ^0.2.14
1.0M 518 rust_decimal ^0.2
928K 23 der-parser ^0.2
902K 14 asn1-rs ^0.2.14
843K 234 bigdecimal ^0.2
757K 154 ark-std ^0.2
753K 172 ark-ff ^0.2
753K 1 ark-ff-macros ^0.2
2.0M 211 float-cmp optional ^0.2.1
608K 789 nalgebra ^0.2
566K 52 simba ^0.2.11
559K 892 ndarray ^0.2
526K 20 btoi ^0.2
474K 130 ark-ec ^0.2
337K 125 async-graphql ^0.2.14
337K 96 swc_ecma_parser ^0.2.15
280K 27 integer-sqrt ^0.2
233K 47 naga ^0.2
233K 3 wasmi_core ^0.2.8
211K 43 spl-token-2022 ^0.2
208K 168 spl-associated-token-account ^0.2
197K 268 spl-token ^0.2
193K 432 solana-program ^0.2
188K 144 euclid ^0.2.15
554K 24 iso8601 optional ^0.2
183K 34 mysql_common ^0.2
177K 7 spl-program-error ^0.2
174K 43 rstar ^0.2
171K 11 finality-grandpa ^0.2
171K 137 geo-types ^0.2
164K 129 geo ^0.2
158K 5 v_frame ^0.2
154K 5 rav1e ^0.2
150K 472 solana-sdk ^0.2
150K 10 solana-zk-token-sdk ^0.2
145K 20 clap-num ^0.2
142K 57 enum-primitive-derive ^0.2
140K 78 numpy ^0.2
133K 5 smoldot ^0.2.15
127K 3 impl-num-traits ^0.2
126K 140 statrs ^0.2.14
123K 29 solana-program-runtime ^0.2
122K 72 rmpv ^0.2.14
120K 8 earcutr ^0.2
119K 34 solana-vote-program ^0.2
119K 19 spade ^0.2
118K 26 solana-remote-wallet ^0.2
355K 154 askama optional ^0.2.6
345K 362 diesel optional ^0.2.0
114K 8 minidump-common ^0.2
111K 5 range-map ^0.2
106K 115 rustfft ^0.2
98K 91 enum_primitive ^0.1.32
92K 11 biscuit ^0.2
91K 48 noisy_float ^0.2
86K 88 rhai ^0.2.0
81K 20 liquid-core ^0.2
82K 8 serde-hjson ~0.1.32
81K 16 lyon_geom ^0.2
81K 81 mpl-token-metadata ^0.2
80K 35 libpulse-binding ^0.2
80K 8 libpulse-sys ^0.2
80K 19 polars-arrow ^0.2
79K 22 cidr-utils ^0.2
79K 23 polars-core ^0.2
79K 15 polars-utils ^0.2
79K 32 tiberius ^0.2
77K 11 polars-io ^0.2
77K 11 taffy ^0.2
76K 9 polars-ops ^0.2
73K 52 ndarray-stats ^0.2
73K 2 oboe ^0.2
222K 20 ruint optional ^0.2.16
72K 1 argminmax ^0.2
72K 1 polars-pipe ^0.2
69K 2 addchain ^0.2
69K 31 lyon_path ^0.2.15
68K 4 py_literal ^0.2
206K 74 datafusion optional ^0.2
67K 52 serde-pickle ^0.2.10
65K 20 fast_image_resize ^0.2.17
64K 6 gemm ^0.2
63K 1 gemm-c32 ^0.2
63K 1 gemm-c64 ^0.2
64K 6 gemm-common ^0.2
63K 1 gemm-f16 ^0.2
63K 2 gemm-f32 ^0.2
63K 1 gemm-f64 ^0.2
64K 45 ndarray-npy ^0.2
63K 7 lyon_algorithms ^0.2.15
58K 17 starknet-crypto ^0.2.15
55K 33 tendermint-proto ^0.2
166K 133 fake optional ^0.2
53K 18 counter ^0.2
52K 243 cgmath ^0.2
52K 19 lyon_tessellation ^0.2.15
52K 4 polars-compute ^0.2
52K 51 uom ^0.2
156K 173 cpal optional ^0.2.6
50K 13 bluer ^0.2
50K 27 packed_simd ^0.2.14
48K 33 sprs ^0.2.0
48K 45 tendermint ^0.2
47K 1 ff_derive ^0.2
46K 13 gdbstub ^0.2
42K 3 rustfst ^0.2
42K 64 sp-arithmetic ^0.2.17
42K 20 termwiz ^0.2
41K 87 mlua ^0.2.14
41K 4 polars-parquet ^0.2
41K 17 solana-address-lookup-table-program ^0.2
39K 23 line_drawing ^0.2
40K 8 malachite-bigint ^0.2.11
39K 14 dimensioned ^0.2.5
39K 17 rubato ^0.2
37K 2 criterion-stats ^0.2
38K 26 pathfinding ^0.2.18
114K 4 lite-json optional ^0.2
36K 33 alga ^0.2.11
35K 23 decorum ^0.2.4
33K 7 dsa ^0.2
34K 17 kdtree ^0.2
34K 48 opencv ^0.2
33K 3 rv ^0.2.17
33K 58 solana-runtime ^0.2
33K 33 arrow2 ^0.2
33K 1 test-fuzz-runtime ^0.2
32K 31 itertools-num ^0.2.2
31K 1 openssh-sftp-protocol ^0.2
31K 1 ff_derive_ce ^0.2
31K 16 tokio-cron-scheduler ^0.2
30K 10 cairo-felt ^0.2.15
29K 40 cairo-lang-utils ^0.2
30K 37 lightning-invoice ^0.2.8
29K 11 cairo-lang-casm ^0.2
29K 7 cairo-lang-lowering ^0.2
29K 9 cairo-lang-parser ^0.2
29K 8 cairo-lang-semantic ^0.2
29K 18 cairo-lang-sierra ^0.2
29K 3 cairo-lang-sierra-ap-change ^0.2
29K 2 cairo-lang-sierra-gas ^0.2
29K 8 cairo-lang-sierra-generator ^0.2
29K 8 cairo-lang-sierra-to-casm ^0.2
29K 14 cairo-lang-syntax ^0.2
28K der-oid-macro ^0.2
29K 1 solana-zk-token-proof-program ^0.2
29K 8 tract-core ^0.2.14
29K 3 tract-data ^0.2.14
29K 2 tract-linalg ^0.2.14
28K 13 num-prime ^0.2.14
28K 32 poem-openapi ^0.2.14
26K 46 candle-core ^0.2.15
27K 23 parse_int ^0.2
26K 5 cairo-lang-runner ^0.2
26K 6 cairo-vm ^0.2
26K 110 fvm_shared ^0.2.14
26K 5 sucds ^0.2.15
25K 17 wkt ^0.2
24K 62 noise ^0.2
24K qldb ^0.2
74K 80 fixed optional ^0.2.15
24K 9 intervallum ^0.2.14
24K 1 ion-binary-rs ^0.2
23K 6 keyframe ^0.2.15
22K 16 average ^0.2
23K 9 gcollections ^0.2.14
23K 25 pgp ^0.2.6
23K 16 solana-accounts-db ^0.2
21K 4 fvm ^0.2.14
22K 5 googletest ^0.2.17
21K 21 iced_core ^0.2
22K 25 linfa ^0.2
21K 14 parry2d ^0.2
21K 10 boa_engine ^0.2.18
20K 3 boa_parser ^0.2.18
21K 14 linfa-linalg ^0.2.0
21K 72 ndarray-linalg ^0.2.14
20K 10 re_arrow2 ^0.2
20K 11 cairo-lang-starknet-classes ^0.2
20K jiter ^0.2.16
19K 13 parry3d ^0.2
60K 136 candid optional ^0.2
19K 7 cauchy ^0.2.14
18K 6 parry3d-f64 ^0.2
19K 19 rasn ^0.2.16
58K 1 askama_shared optional ^0.2.6
58K 11 num-modular optional ^0.2.14
17K 1 hytra ^0.2
18K 4 lax ^0.2.14
17K 15 re_format ^0.2
17K 27 re_log_types ^0.2
17K 1 smallbitset ^0.2
18K 8 space ^0.2.14
17K cbordata ^0.2.14
16K 1 linfa-clustering ^0.2
16K 3 linfa-nn ^0.2.0
17K 4 polars-json ^0.2
17K starknet-types-core ^0.2.18
17K 5 starship-battery ^0.2
16K 23 streaming-stats ^0.2
15K 27 argmin ^0.2
15K 2 burn-core ^0.2.18
15K 5 burn-ndarray ^0.2.18
15K 8 burn-tensor ^0.2.18
47K 44 micromath optional ^0.2
14K 14 argmin-math ^0.2
13K 6 dtparse ^0.2.15
14K 6 iced_widget ^0.2
13K sanitizer ^0.2
41K 4 bnum optional ^0.2
12K 48 ark-r1cs-std ^0.2
13K 9 faer-entity ^0.2
13K 9 matrixcompare ^0.2
12K 7 minidump ^0.2
12K 5 serde_valid ^0.2
13K 49 vek ^0.2.15
11K 37 atsamd-hal ^0.2.14
12K 19 deno_crypto ^0.2.14
11K 9 faer ^0.2.18
12K 11 finite-wasm ^0.2.15
11K 9 mpl-token-auth-rules ^0.2
11K 6 parry2d-f64 ^0.2
12K 21 rapier3d ^0.2
11K 9 winstructs ^0.2
10K 3 accurate ^0.2
11K 1 build-info-proc ^0.2
10K 31 cpython ^0.2
10K 12 i-slint-core ^0.2
10K 12 librespot-core ^0.2
10K 8 obj-rs ^0.2.11
10K 13 rapier2d ^0.2
11K 14 rust-lapper ^0.2.12
10K 20 slint ^0.2
10K 13 solana-gossip ^0.2
10K 1 sspi ^0.2
10K 3 tfrecord ^0.2.16
10K 25 yaxpeax-arch ^0.2
10K 11 yaxpeax-x86 ^0.2
30K 4 candid_parser optional ^0.2
30K 4 xorf optional ^0.2.12
9.9K 5 storage-proofs-porep ^0.2
9.8K 15 soroban-env-host =0.2.17
9.8K 1 russh-sftp ^0.2
9.7K 4 soroban-env-common =0.2.17
9.6K 6 rust-gmp-kzen ^0.2
9.6K 3 av-metrics ^0.2
9.5K 13 ncollide3d ^0.2
9.5K 5 easer ^0.2
9.4K 3 mft ^0.2
9.4K 5 gdbstub_arch ^0.2
9.3K 2 simple_moving_average ^0.2.17
9.3K rmesg ^0.2.14
9.2K 20 ddsfile ^0.2
9.2K 4 amd ^0.2
9.1K 14 faer-core ^0.2
9.1K 47 nalgebra-glm ^0.2
9.1K 5 ndarray_einsum_beta ^0.2
8.8K 4 redis-module ^0.2
8.7K 41 iced_native ^0.2
8.7K 10 fvm_sdk ^0.2.14
25K 5 fpe optional ^0.2
8.6K 1 clarabel ^0.2
8.6K 10 macaw ^0.2.14
8.5K 5 halo2curves ^0.2
8.4K mpchash ^0.2
8.4K 1 sid ^0.2
8.3K 22 fasthash ^0.2
8.1K 7 vec-collections ^0.2
7.9K 5 faer-qr ^0.2
7.8K 3 faer-lu ^0.2
7.8K 3 faer-cholesky ^0.2
7.8K 1 faer-svd ^0.2
7.8K faer-evd ^0.2
7.7K 2 cbitset ^0.2.8
7.7K rustworkx-core ^0.2
7.6K 13 vob ^0.2.14
7.5K 2 packedvec ^0.2
7.4K 13 num256 ^0.2
7.3K blind-rsa-signatures ^0.2.15
7.3K 10 clvmr ^0.2.15
7.3K 13 ion-rs ^0.2
22K 12 tuple optional ^0.2
7.3K 6 zeromq ^0.2
7.1K 1 stats-cli ^0.2
7.0K 9 linreg ^0.2.4
7.0K 1 sparsevec ^0.2
7.0K 81 bio ^0.2
6.9K 4 zigzag ^0.2.11
6.9K 9 ncollide2d ^0.2
6.9K 2 range-set 0.2.*
6.9K 34 candle-nn ^0.2.15
6.9K 13 fil_actors_shared ^0.2
6.9K 5 jmt ^0.2.14
6.8K 6 ibc-types-timestamp ^0.2.15
6.8K 6 cfgrammar ^0.2
6.8K 4 ibc-types-core-commitment ^0.2.15
6.8K 5 ibc-types-core-client ^0.2.15
6.8K 2 lrtable ^0.2
6.8K 18 hifitime ^0.2.15
6.8K 4 ibc-types-core-connection ^0.2.15
6.8K 1 as3_parser ^0.2.17
6.7K 2 ibc-types-core-channel ^0.2.15
6.7K 1 ibc-types-path ^0.2.15
6.7K 1 ibc-types-lightclients-tendermint ^0.2.15
6.6K 36 ink_env ^0.2
6.6K 4 nu-json ^0.2
6.5K 5 scm-record ^0.2
6.4K 4 fil_actor_verifreg_state ^0.2
6.4K 2 fil_actor_miner_state ^0.2
6.4K 3 fvm_actor_utils ^0.2.15
6.3K 7 frc46_token ^0.2.15
6.3K 8 sc-consensus-babe ^0.2.17
18K 28 iota-crypto optional ^0.2
6.2K 4 morton-encoding ^0.2
6.2K 4 ode_solvers ^0.2.17
6.2K 16 nalgebra-sparse ^0.2
6.1K 2 fil_actor_power_state ^0.2
6.1K 1 ff_derive-zeroize ^0.2
6.1K 12 netstat2 ^0.2.8
6.1K stablebond-sdk ^0.2
6.0K 5 apple-codesign ^0.2.17
5.9K 2 fil_actor_reward_state ^0.2
5.9K 1 fil_actor_evm_state ^0.2
5.9K 2 fil_actor_account_state ^0.2
5.9K 1 fil_actor_multisig_state ^0.2
17K 3 dec optional ^0.2.14
5.9K 2 fil_actor_init_state ^0.2
17K 24 merge optional ^0.2.12
5.9K 2 fil_actor_system_state ^0.2
5.9K 2 fil_actor_datacap_state ^0.2
5.9K 2 fil_actor_market_state ^0.2
5.9K 2 fil_actor_cron_state ^0.2
5.9K 8 nu-command ^0.2
5.8K 5 dash-mpd ^0.2.18
5.8K 1 bitwarden >=0.2.15, <0.3
5.7K 6 spirv_headers ^0.2
5.7K 4 prefix-trie ^0.2
5.6K fakes-gen ^0.2
5.5K 1 lindel ^0.2
5.5K 3 meminterval ^0.2
5.5K 33 ocl ^0.2
5.5K 12 pyth-sdk-solana ^0.2
5.5K 12 tss-esapi ^0.2.12
5.4K 8 ocl-core ^0.2
5.4K 11 s2n-quic-core ^0.2
5.4K 8 las ^0.2
5.4K 7 rpm ^0.2
5.3K 4 celestia-tendermint-proto ^0.2
5.3K 16 hyprland ^0.2
5.3K 1 celestia-tendermint ^0.2
5.2K 4 mpl-bubblegum ^0.2
5.2K 4 kitsune_p2p_dht_arc ^0.2
5.2K 10 rexie ^0.2.15
5.1K 3 spirv-std ^0.2.15
5.1K 2 ocl-core-vector ^0.2
5.0K 3 blockifier ^0.2
5.0K 7 llm-samplers ^0.2
4.9K 5 pid ^0.2
4.9K 11 kiddo ^0.2
15K 123 rug optional ^0.2.15
15K 25 ultraviolet optional ^0.2.15
4.9K 3 laz ^0.2.14
4.9K 7 extprim ^0.2
4.8K 22 candle-transformers ^0.2.15
4.7K 21 probe-rs ^0.2
4.7K 10 lance-arrow ^0.2
4.6K 5 lance-testing ^0.2
4.5K 9 mp4parse ^0.2.14
4.5K 22 amethyst_core ^0.2.11
4.5K 15 curv-kzen ^0.2
4.5K 6 tezos_crypto_rs ^0.2.8
4.5K 1 lbfgs ^0.2.8
4.4K 7 tezos_data_encoding ^0.2.8
4.4K 4 lance-linalg ^0.2
4.4K 8 deno_node ^0.2.14
4.3K 3 lance-index ^0.2
4.3K 1 pennereq ^0.2
4.2K elasticsearch-dsl ^0.2
4.2K cargo-criterion ^0.2
4.1K 30 expectest ^0.2
4.1K 8 starlark ^0.2
4.1K 8 succinct ^0.2
4.1K 3 lance-file ^0.2
4.0K 3 nannou_core ^0.2.14
4.0K 2 t1ha ^0.2
3.9K 3 polynomial ^0.2
3.9K 6 mpl-token-vault ^0.2
11K 16 age optional ^0.2
12K 14 ibig optional ^0.2.14
3.9K 14 substreams ^0.2
3.8K 21 snarkvm-fields ^0.2
3.8K winpty-rs ^0.2
3.8K 5 deltalake-core ^0.2.15
3.8K 3 embassy-hal-internal ^0.2.14
3.7K 26 snarkvm-algorithms ^0.2
3.7K 3 p256k1 ^0.2
3.7K 3 quircs ^0.2.11
3.6K 4 lrpar ^0.2
3.6K 3 lrlex ^0.2
3.6K 4 angle ^0.2
3.6K 2 serenity-voice-model ^0.2
3.5K 2 nu-cmd-extra ^0.2
3.5K 8 proj ^0.2.14
3.4K 3 influxdb2-structmap ^0.2
3.4K 9 snarkvm-console-network-environment ^0.2
3.4K 4 kitsune_p2p_dht ^0.2.14
3.4K webpsan ^0.2.16
3.4K 2 base-62 ^0.2.6
3.3K 1 bit-struct ^0.2
3.3K 9 snarkvm-circuit-environment ^0.2
3.2K 2 snarkvm-console-program ^0.2
3.2K 1 nom-leb128 ^0.2.12
3.1K 15 spl-math ^0.2
3.1K 2 cairo-lang-test-plugin ^0.2
3.1K 20 ssi-jwk ^0.2
3.1K 1 cloudproof_fpe ^0.2
3.1K 18 coap-message ^0.2.16
3.1K 3 wsts ^0.2
3.1K 4 rink-core ^0.2
3.0K 4 spirv-reflect ^0.2.8
3.0K 11 multiversx-sc =0.2.17
2.9K 17 rustpython-parser ^0.2
2.9K 8 glass_pumpkin ^0.2
2.9K icrc-ledger-types ^0.2.12
9.3K 4 pdatastructs optional ^0.2.4
2.9K linfa-linear ^0.2
2.8K 1 ezing ^0.2
2.8K 1 frida-gum ^0.2.18
2.8K 3 levenberg-marquardt ^0.2.14
2.8K vector-expr ^0.2.17
2.7K 15 dicom-core ^0.2.12
2.7K 6 candle-gemm-common ^0.2
2.7K 23 battery ^0.2
2.7K 3 elf_rs ^0.2
2.6K 2 candle-gemm-f32 ^0.2
2.6K 1 candle-gemm-f64 ^0.2
2.6K 1 candle-gemm-c32 ^0.2
2.6K 1 candle-gemm-f16 ^0.2
2.6K 1 candle-gemm-c64 ^0.2
2.6K 3 dcap-ql ^0.2
2.6K candle-gemm ^0.2
2.6K 9 smartcore ^0.2.12
2.5K 6 wasmedge-sdk ^0.2
2.5K 15 serum_dex ^0.2.12
2.5K 11 languageserver-types ^0.2
2.5K 1 criterion2 ^0.2
2.5K float-derive ^0.2.15
2.5K 2 stable-hash ^0.2.11
7.9K 6 arbitrary-int optional ^0.2.17
2.4K 1 ndarray-ndimage ^0.2
7.9K 6 prio optional ^0.2.18
7.8K 9 app_units optional ^0.2
2.4K 22 kiss3d ^0.2
2.4K 1 topology-traits ^0.2
7.8K 17 risc0-zkvm optional ^0.2
2.4K 3 linfa-kernel ^0.2
2.3K 3 ark-nonnative-field ^0.2
2.3K 17 sfml ^0.2.15
2.3K is_close ^0.2
2.3K 4 holochain_sqlite ^0.2
2.3K 8 av-data ^0.2.8
2.3K 7 enterpolation ^0.2
2.3K 2 iced_web ^0.2
2.2K 18 rsass ^0.2.0
2.2K 1 quaternion-core ^0.2.17
2.2K kubewarden-policy-sdk ^0.2
2.2K 1 linfa-reduction ^0.2
2.2K 7 kitsune_p2p ^0.2
2.2K 5 gifski ^0.2.17
7.0K 16 bounded-integer optional ^0.2.14
2.1K 1 anoncreds-clsignatures ^0.2.15
2.1K 2 concordium_base ^0.2
2.1K 7 imagepipe ^0.2
2.1K 20 tp-state-machine ^0.2.8
2.1K 3 ndrustfft ^0.2
2.1K indy ^0.2
2.0K netsock ^0.2
2.0K 1 cairo-lang-test-runner ^0.2
2.0K 28 bp-runtime ^0.2
2.0K 1 kitsune_p2p_fetch ^0.2.14
2.0K 9 yubikey ^0.2
2.0K fast_polynomial ^0.2
2.0K 2 contrast ^0.2
2.0K Rustb ^0.2.17
1.9K 4 vtkio ^0.2
1.9K 11 lerp ^0.2
1.9K 2 hdfs-native ^0.2
1.9K aws-nitro-enclaves-image-format ^0.2
1.9K nmea-parser ^0.2.15
1.9K adskalman ^0.2
1.9K 4 allsorts ^0.2
1.9K 3 twofloat ^0.2.14
1.9K safe_drive ^0.2
1.9K 42 casper-types ^0.2.10
1.9K 3 mpl-core ^0.2
1.8K 1 fdt-rs ^0.2
1.8K 18 sway-types ^0.2.16
1.8K 3 petal-neighbors ^0.2
1.8K 4 dfdx ^0.2.15
1.8K nonzero ^0.2.16
1.7K 3 petal-clustering ^0.2
1.7K linfa-elasticnet ^0.2
1.7K 1 concordium-rust-sdk ^0.2
1.7K 6 sway-ast ^0.2.14
1.7K 1 math_adapter ~0.2
1.7K 8 libafl ^0.2
1.6K 8 kd-tree ^0.2.17
1.6K 1 wasmer_enumset ^0.2
1.6K 6 pyth-client ^0.2
1.6K 13 vst ^0.2
1.6K sobol ^0.2
1.6K 9 sway-error ^0.2.14
1.5K hyperopt ^0.2.18
1.5K 38 ark-algebra-test-templates ^0.2
1.5K 2 snowbridge-pallet-inbound-queue ^0.2.16
5.1K 3 assertor optional ^0.2.15
1.5K 253 caffe2-imports ^0.2.15
5.0K 8 iced_aw optional ^0.2.18
1.5K 5 lib-sokoban =0.2.15
1.5K 48 miraland-program ^0.2
1.4K 5 sacabase ^0.2.9
1.4K 7 pallet-bridge-messages ^0.2
1.4K 2 msft-service ^0.2
1.4K 4 sway-parse ^0.2.14
1.4K 4 prost-helper ^0.2.17
1.4K 7 multiversx-sc-scenario ^0.2
1.4K 1 msft-runtime ^0.2
4.7K 5 rust-bigint optional ^0.2
1.4K 5 speedy2d ^0.2
1.3K 2 metaplex-token-vault ^0.2
1.3K 1 multiversx-chain-scenario-format ^0.2
1.3K 1 raft-engine ^0.2
1.3K 3 geo-nd ^0.2.1
1.3K 6 metaplex-token-metadata ^0.2
1.3K 2 bezier-nd ^0.2.1
1.3K 107 miraland-sdk ^0.2
1.3K 7 twasmi ^0.2.8
1.3K 13 clarity ^0.2
1.3K 8 fftw ^0.2.15
1.3K thaw ^0.2.18
1.3K 121 tet-core ^0.2.8
1.3K esp-wifi ^0.2
1.2K 3 mavlink ^0.2
1.2K 2 oxyroot ^0.2
1.2K 6 spl-token-swap ^0.2
1.2K 2 parsec-interface ^0.2.12
1.2K 4 dicom-pixeldata ^0.2.12
1.2K 1 nifty-asset ^0.2
1.2K 10 arithmetic ^0.2.8
1.2K 2 solana-cli ^0.2
1.2K 28 solarti-token ^0.2
1.2K 17 gear-core ^0.2
1.2K 1 cheap-ruler ^0.2
1.2K 15 zng-view-api ^0.2
1.2K 15 solarti-token-2022 ^0.2
1.2K 6 solarti-program-error ^0.2
1.2K 2 starlark_syntax ^0.2
1.1K 14 orml-traits ^0.2.14
1.1K 11 deep_space ^0.2
1.1K 1 all-pairs-hamming ^0.2.15
1.1K 5 cbor-diag ^0.2.15
1.1K cozo ^0.2.15
1.1K 4 twenty-first ^0.2
1.1K 1 qsv-stats ^0.2
1.1K 5 uplc ^0.2.15
1.1K 1 tide-disco ^0.2
1.1K 6 zng-unit ^0.2
1.1K 6 ril ^0.2
1.1K 15 solarti-associated-token-account ^0.2
1.1K 1 multiversx-chain-vm ^0.2
1.1K 41 vipers ^0.2.14
3.6K 3 chinese-number optional ^0.2
1.0K 2 rustdds ^0.2
1.0K 7 miraland-zk-token-sdk ^0.2
1.0K glamour ^0.2
1.0K 2 librsvg ^0.2
3.5K 11 num-bigfloat optional ~0.2.16
1.0K 1 vectordb ^0.2
3.5K 6 dashu-int optional ^0.2.14
1.0K lfest ^0.2
1.0K 6 pointy ^0.2
950 2 libvips ^0.2
950 4 reductive ^0.2
950 14 rustbox ^0.1.13
950 3 numeric-array ^0.2
3.4K 2 risc0-groth16 optional ^0.2
950 2 mvt ^0.2
950 5 unc-vm-types ^0.2.15
950 6 dft ^0.1.35
950 3 ethereum-tx-sign ^0.2
950 3 rustpython-literal ^0.2
950 1 serde_avro_fast ^0.2
950 2 flacenc ^0.2
950 1 temporal_rs ^0.2.18
950 4 nphysics2d ^0.2
950 yew-oauth2 ^0.2
950 21 miraland-program-runtime ^0.2
950 71 surge-imports ^0.2.14
3.3K 4 dashu-float optional ^0.2.15
3.3K 5 concordium-contracts-common optional ^0.2
3.3K 2 dashu-ratio optional ^0.2.15
900 8 stm32f3xx-hal ^0.2.17
900 4 idsp ^0.2.14
900 nfsserve ^0.2
900 4 interp ^0.2
900 1 ledger_device_sdk ^0.2.14
900 rapier2d-f64 ^0.2
900 investments ^0.2.18
900 1 logaddexp ^0.2
850 tango-bench ^0.2
3.2K 1 cosmian_fpe optional ^0.2
850 3 spacepackets ^0.2
850 9 num-dual ^0.2
850 1 checked ^0.2.0
850 2 rrt ^0.2
850 2 triton-vm ^0.2
850 6 kml ^0.2
850 1 stellar-baselib ^0.2.15
850 1 vegafusion-runtime ^0.2.15
850 sol-did ^0.2
850 2 rustpython-codegen ^0.2
850 currencies ^0.2
850 1 accessibility-tree ^0.2
850 safe_drive_msg ^0.2
850 3 geo-booleanop ^0.2
800 4 nphysics3d ^0.2
800 1 near-runtime ^0.2.11
800 1 uu_expr ^0.2.18
800 7 xous-api-log ^0.2.14
800 1 steady_state ^0.2.18
800 8 visioncortex ^0.2
800 static-bushes ^0.2
800 11 web30 ^0.2
800 linfa-logistic ^0.2
800 1 oxc_minifier ^0.2.18
800 1 simple_accumulator ^0.2.17
800 1 uu_factor ^0.2.18
800 2 hyperdual ^0.2
800 2 rustpython-format ^0.2
800 1 uu_seq ^0.2.18
750 20 miraland-vote-program ^0.2
750 4 probe-rs-cli-util ^0.2.15
750 uniswap-v3-sdk ^0.2.17
750 2 gaoya ^0.2.15
2.8K 6 num-order optional ^0.2.0
750 6 xous-api-names ^0.2.14
750 structured ^0.2
750 3 rustpython-common ^0.2
750 3 ipaddress ^0.2.15
750 76 test_tools ~0.2
750 arp-toolkit ^0.2
750 realsense-rust ^0.2
750 4 solana-gateway ^0.2.18
750 5 ang ^0.2
750 1 typed-generational-arena ^0.2
750 10 factorial ^0.2
750 8 casper-execution-engine ^0.2.10
750 15 gemachain-program ^0.2
750 1 csv2svg ^0.2.14
750 8 rust-gmp ^0.1
750 4 discord-sdk ^0.2
700 3 discord-rpc-client ^0.2
700 29 nu-errors ^0.2.14
700 3 planus-translation ^0.2.15
700 2 rolling-stats ^0.2.15
700 3 rustpython-vm ^0.2
700 varpro ^0.2
700 1 light-curve-dmdt ^0.2.14
2.6K 6 serde-hashkey optional ^0.2.1
700 17 safecoin-program ^0.2
700 softfloat-wrapper ^0.2.12
700 4 rust-code-analysis ^0.2
2.6K 3 gstuff optional ^0.2
700 5 nu-value-ext ^0.2.14
700 light-curve-feature ^0.2
700 7 waffles-solana-program ^0.2
650 7 exe ^0.2.14
650 47 gemachain-sdk ^0.2
650 lancedb ^0.2
650 llm-weaver ^0.2.17
650 timecode ^0.2
650 64 waffles-solana-sdk ^0.2
650 1 casper-wasmi-core ^0.2.8
650 50 safecoin-sdk ^0.2
650 5 ring-algorithm ^0.2.15
650 4 bitbuffer ^0.2.18
650 1 async-tftp ^0.2.15
650 6 ncollide_math ^0.1
650 varlociraptor ^0.2
650 9 dharitri-wasm ^0.2
650 7 russell_lab ^0.2
650 hylo-fix ^0.2.17
650 patternfly-yew ^0.2.16
650 round_float ^0.2.18
650 7 dharitri-wasm-debug ^0.2
650 5 ncollide_utils ^0.1
600 fluent-assertions ^0.2
600 3 casper-engine-test-support ^0.2.14
600 10 miraland-remote-wallet ^0.2
600 4 spl-governance-tools ^0.2
600 7 tetra ^0.2.14
600 3 nmea ^0.2
600 6 stellar-base ^0.2.14
600 solace-rs ^0.2.15
600 1 solana-extra-wasm ^0.2
600 4 yuv ^0.2.14
600 14 libsm ^0.2
600 1 sux ^0.2.15
600 5 veilid-core ^0.2.17
600 5 color-rs ^0.2
600 treeculler ^0.2.14
600 7 spl-governance ^0.2
600 dtn7 ^0.2.15
600 1 wasabi_leb128 ^0.2.8
600 chull ^0.2
600 2 ublox ^0.2.12
600 ncollide3d-updated ^0.2
550 3 loose-liquid-core ^0.2
550 2 uniswap-sdk-core ^0.2.17
550 2 ncollide_procedural ^0.1
2.2K 2 kmeans_colors optional ^0.2.16
550 geo-rasterize ^0.2.14
550 prometheus-utils ^0.2.14
550 6 bonsaidb-core ^0.2
550 1 tonlib ^0.2
550 1 eqsolver ^0.2.15
550 8 hnsw_rs ^0.2
550 12 waffles-solana-program-runtime ^0.2
550 1 gridiron ~0.2.11
550 4 idb ^0.2.17
550 Boa ^0.2.14
550 2 sprs-ldl ^0.2.0
550 2 miraland-address-lookup-table-program ^0.2
550 4 russell_sparse ^0.2
550 2 rustpython-stdlib ^0.2
550 1 recrypt ^0.2
550 2 pcd-rs ^0.2.18
550 poly_it ^0.2.18
550 4 wedpr_l_libsm ^0.2
550 1 t4_idl_parser ^0.2
550 1 v-common ^0.2.14
550 earcut ^0.2
500 rust_ev_crypto_primitives ^0.2
500 3 nt_hive2 ^0.2
500 fil_actor_ethaccount_state ^0.2
500 9 spirq ^0.2
500 3 libsql-client ^0.2.15
500 numtest ^0.2.18
500 fil_actor_paych_state ^0.2
500 fil_actor_eam_state ^0.2
500 hungarian ^0.2
500 2 trajectory ^0.2
500 4 spl-name-service ^0.2
500 2 acir_field ^0.2
500 1 curvo ^0.2.18
500 2 encdec-base ^0.2.15
500 1 terminus-store ^0.2
500 4 egobox-doe ^0.2
500 yafnv ^0.2.18
500 16 pcg_rand ^0.2
500 csaps ^0.2.11
2.0K 6 quick-js optional ^0.2.0
500 datafusion-server ^0.2.18
500 cargo-steady-state ^0.2.18
500 2 giga-segy-core ^0.2
500 ncollide2d-updated ^0.2
500 bspline ^0.2
500 29 fbthrift-git ^0.2
500 2 f128_internal ^0.2.6
490 1 lair ^0.2.15
2.0K 3 range-set-blaze optional ^0.2.15
490 1 miraland-zk-token-proof-program ^0.2
490 5 rg3d-core ^0.2.14
490 ory-client ^0.2
490 1 spl-token-vault ^0.2
490 3 egobox-gp ^0.2
490 1 samsa ^0.2.18
480 2 adder-codec-rs ^0.2.15
480 3 f128 ^0.2.6
480 2 spl-token-metadata ^0.2
480 itf ^0.2
470 7 fbthrift ^0.2
470 25 tea-actorx-core ^0.2.15
470 1 rustdns ^0.2.14
470 5 bc-rand ^0.2.15
470 1 freqiterator ^0.2.18
470 21 miraland-runtime ^0.2
470 2 houtamelo_utils ^0.2
460 3 mwalib ^0.2.0
460 1 statest ^0.2.12
460 stblib ^0.2.18
460 2 mpt_trie ^0.2.15
460 rmp-futures ^0.2
450 1 rustc_codegen_spirv ^0.2
450 7 tea-runtime-codec ^0.2.15
450 ema ^0.2
450 13 miraland-accounts-db ^0.2
450 bevy-hikari ^0.2
450 14 waffles-solana-vote-program ^0.2
440 core-preview ^0.2
440 9 safecoin-program-runtime ^0.2
440 grafana-plugin-sdk ^0.2.15
440 monkey_test ^0.2
430 14 elrond-wasm ^0.2
430 parsec-service ^0.2.14
430 tiny-solver ^0.2.18
430 6 bee-ternary ^0.2.15
430 1 ncollide_transformation ^0.1
430 6 redgold-schema ^0.2.15
430 2 ipp ^0.2
430 1 mandos ^0.2
430 1 tdb-succinct ^0.2.18
420 2 integer-cbrt ^0.2
420 26 ex3-node-types ^0.2.18
420 1 gwasmi_core ^0.2.8
420 2 sentencepiece ^0.2
420 2 wtest_basic ~0.2
420 5 wkb ^0.2
420 2 vpsearch ^0.2.11
420 3 ncollide_geometry ^0.1
420 3 angular-units ^0.2
420 1 metaheuristics-nature ^0.2
420 2 sacapart ^0.2.9
420 seekstorm ^0.2.18
410 3 linfa-pls ^0.2
410 8 odra-core ^0.2.14
410 anychain-filecoin ^0.2.15
410 eccodes ^0.2
410 3 fugue-bv ^0.2
410 rawsample ^0.2
410 5 waffles-solana-address-lookup-table-program ^0.2
410 1 asio-sys ^0.2
410 1 redact-composer-midi ^0.2.17
400 2 yang2 ^0.2
400 7 stable-swap-client ^0.2
400 3 fast_hilbert ^0.2.15
400 6 num-decimal ^0.2
400 iterator_ilp ^0.2
400 3 compression >=0.2.0
400 5 fyrox-core ^0.2.14
400 4 sts ^0.2.18
390 26 reproto-core ^0.1
390 9 safecoin-vote-program ^0.2
390 satkit ^0.2
1.7K ursa optional =0.2.11
390 fractionfree ^0.2.18
1.7K 1 typed_floats optional ^0.2
390 softposit ^0.2
390 7 chfft >=0.0.0
390 fidget ^0.2
390 6 klvmr ^0.2.15
390 1 burn-jit ^0.2.18
380 3 bundlr-sdk ^0.2.14
380 1 nonstdfloat ~0.2
380 9 strafe-type ~0.2
380 stm32-hal2 ^0.2.15
380 6 dharitri-sc ^0.2
380 7 strafe-trait ~0.2
380 1 zng-webrender ^0.2
380 4 prisma ^0.2
370 4 discord-presence ^0.2
370 lapjv ^0.2
370 i3stat ^0.2.17
370 minesweep ^0.2.18
370 10 gemachain-vote-program ^0.2
370 10 r2rs-nmath ~0.2
360 1 futuredsp ^0.2
360 6 vec3 ^0.2
360 forceatlas2 ^0.2
360 6 augmented-atomics ^0.2.14
360 4 r2rs-mass ^0.2
360 hdbscan ^0.2.18
360 2 ssimulacra2 ^0.2.15
360 5 traitgraph ^0.2.14
360 10 zkp-u256 ^0.2.10
360 1 av-bitstream ^0.2.8
360 6 r2rs-base ~0.2
360 7 r2rs-stats ^0.2
1.5K 2 rigetti-pyo3 optional ^0.2.15
360 2 redgold-keys ^0.2
360 2 wavers ^0.2.16
350 5 r2rs-rfit ~0.2
350 1 rustitude ^0.2.17
350 1 fff_derive ^0.2
350 dicom-json ^0.2.15
350 3 xsd-types ^0.2.15
350 series ^0.2
350 molar ^0.2.16
350 soroban-wasmi_core ^0.2.8
340 bevy_stat_query ^0.2.18
340 csvbinmatrix ^0.2
340 1 halo2curves-axiom ^0.2
340 iced_pure ^0.2
340 netsblox-vm ^0.2.17
340 2 nova-snark ^0.2
340 2 yy-typings ^0.2
340 3 dharitri-sc-scenario ^0.2
340 9 fj-math ^0.2.18
340 2 flussab ^0.2.17
340 1 fm-index ^0.2
340 ex3-payload-decoder ^0.2.14
330 2 gemachain-stake-program ^0.2
330 5 int ^0.2.6
330 1 diameter ^0.2
330 3 gemachain-program-runtime ^0.2
330 faer_gmres ^0.2.18
330 2 polynomial-ring ^0.2.11
330 kernel-density-estimation ^0.2
320 6 ramp ^0.2
320 aphelion-util ^0.2.18
320 1 russell_stat ^0.2
1.4K 1 sgp4 optional ^0.2.17
320 zawk ^0.2
320 1 odra-schema ^0.2.14
320 3 sophus_image ^0.2.15
320 vergil ^0.2
310 1 bitchomp ^0.2.18
310 ens160-aq ^0.2
310 2 geocoding ^0.2
310 5 safe-zk-token-sdk ^0.2
310 4 del-msh ^0.2.18
310 aelhometta ^0.2.18
310 yara-x ^0.2.18
310 5 graphcast-sdk ^0.2.15
310 4 reproto-lexer ^0.1
310 sp-ark-models ^0.2
310 countmap ^0.1
310 jay-compositor ^0.2.17
310 1 tuifw-screen-winapi ^0.2.16
310 2 acap ^0.2.14
310 3 fixed-unsigned ^0.2
1.4K 4 fpdec optional ^0.2.0
310 4 imp_int ^0.2.18
310 2 sophus_sensor ^0.2.15
310 2 sparsetools ^0.2
310 immeta ^0.2
310 11 safe-token ^0.2
310 3 sophus_lie ^0.2.15
310 sths34pf80 ^0.2
310 2 bedrs ^0.2.16
310 fast-tlsh ^0.2.18
310 1 l1_ir ^0.2
300 komac ^0.2.18
300 16 radix-common ^0.2.15
300 2 biodivine-lib-param-bn ^0.2.17
300 6 blit ^0.2.18
300 1 lozizol ^0.2
300 1 sn_curv ^0.2
300 uefi-eventlog ^0.2
2.2M 44 crypto-bigint dev ^0.2
1.7M 854 num-derive dev ^0.2
807K 156 k256 dev ^0.2
799K 40 yasna dev ^0.2
726K 1 smawk dev ^0.2.14
665K 152 primitive-types dev ^0.2
58K 74 geojson dev ^0.2
29K 2 geohash dev ^0.2
26K 7 range-collections dev ^0.2.8
24K 5 atomic-traits dev ^0.2
19K 1 papyrus_storage dev ^0.2.15
18K 3 reddsa dev ^0.2.15
10K 7 cryptoki dev ^0.2.14
9.1K 40 ggez dev ^0.2
6.0K 8 ordinal dev ^0.2
3.7K 1 apollo-router dev ^0.2.18
3.4K 2 influxdb2-derive dev ^0.2
3.1K 5 influxdb2 dev ^0.2
3.1K 5 pkcs11 dev ^0.1
1.9K 1 fil_actor_bundler dev ^0.2.16
1.8K 2 substrate-fixed dev ^0.2
1.4K msft dev ^0.2
1.3K 2 pdl-compiler dev ^0.2.15
900 hasty dev ^0.2
850 4 special-fun dev ^0.2
600 1 generic_singleton dev ^0.2.15
500 4 quickersort dev ^0.1
490 1 fdh dev ^0.2.14
420 2 auto-impl-ops dev ^0.2.15
360 2 vex-rt dev ^0.2.15