1 unstable release
0.1.0 | Jul 14, 2024 |
#221 in Embedded development
623 downloads per month
Used in 3 crates
is a Rust implementation of the Protobuf format, with a focus on embedded environments. micropb
generates a Rust module from .proto
Unlike other Protobuf libraries, micropb
is aimed for constrained environments where no allocator is available. Additionally, it aims to be highly configurable, allowing the user to customize the generated code on a per-field granularity. As such, micropb
offers a different set of tradeoffs compared to other Protobuf libraries.
- Supports no-std and no-alloc environments
- Reduced memory usage for generated code
- Allows both statically-allocated containers (
) or dynamically-allocated containers fromalloc
- Code generator is highly configurable
- Fields can have custom handlers with user-defined encoding and decoding behaviour
- Supports different data sources for encoding and decoding, abstracted behind the
traits. - Can enable either encoder or decoder alone
- Some speed has been sacrificed for memory usage
- Protobuf groups are not supported
- Unknown fields and extensions can only be captured with a custom handler
- Reflection is not supported
- Does not perform cycle detection, so users need to break cyclic references themselves by boxing the field or using a custom handler
, repeated, andmap
fields require some basic user configuration, as explained later
The micropb
project consists of two crates:
: Code generation tool that generates a Rust module from a set of.proto
files. Include this as a build dependency. -
: Encoding and decoding routines for the Protobuf wire data. The generated module will assume it's been imported as a regular dependency.
Getting Started
Add micropb
crates to your Cargo.toml
micropb = "0.1"
# Allow types from `heapless` to be used for container fields
micropb-gen = { version = "0.1", features = ["container-heapless"] }
requires protoc
to build .proto
files, so install protoc
and add it to your PATH, then invoke the code generator in build.rs
fn main() {
let mut gen = micropb_gen::Generator::new();
// Compile example.proto into a Rust module
gen.compile_protos(&["example.proto"], std::env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap() + "/example.rs").unwrap();
Finally, include the generated file in your code:
// main.rs
use micropb::{PbRead, PbDecoder, MessageDecode, MessageEncode};
mod example {
#![allow(nonstandard_style, unused, irrefutable_let_patterns)]
// Let's assume that Example is the only message define in the .proto file that has been
// converted into a Rust struct
include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/example.rs"));
fn main() {
let mut example = example::Example::default();
let data: &[u8] = &[ /* Protobuf data bytes */ ];
// Construct new decoder from byte slice
let mut decoder = PbDecoder::new(data);
// Decode a new instance of `Example` into an existing struct
example.decode(&mut decoder, data.len()).expect("decoding failed");
// Use heapless::Vec as the output stream and build an encoder around it
let mut encoder = PbEncoder::new(micropb::heapless::Vec::<u8, 10>::new());
// Compute the size of the `Example` on the wire
let size = example.compute_size();
// Encode the `Example` to the data stream
example.encode(&mut encoder).expect("Vec over capacity");
For a concrete example of micropb
on an embedded application, see arm-app
Generated Code
Protobuf messages are translated directly into Rust structs, and each message field translates into a Rust field.
Given the following Protobuf definition:
syntax = "proto3";
package example;
message Example {
int32 f_int32 = 1;
int64 f_int64 = 2;
uint32 f_uint32 = 3;
uint64 f_uint64 = 4;
sint32 f_sint32 = 5;
sint64 f_sint64 = 6;
bool f_bool = 7;
fixed32 f_fixed32 = 8;
fixed64 f_fixed64 = 9;
sfixed32 f_sfixed32 = 10;
sfixed64 f_sfixed64 = 11;
float f_float = 12;
double f_double = 13;
will generate the following Rust structs and APIs:
pub mod example_ {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Example {
pub f_int32: i32,
pub f_int64: i64,
pub f_uint32: u32,
pub f_uint64: u64,
pub f_sint32: i32,
pub f_sint64: i64,
pub f_bool: bool,
pub f_fixed32: u32,
pub f_fixed64: u64,
pub f_sfixed32: u32,
pub f_sfixed64: u64,
pub f_float: f32,
pub f_double: f64,
impl Default for Example {
// ...
impl micropb::MessageDecode for Example {
// ...
impl micropb::MessageEncode for Example {
// ...
The generated MessageDecode
and MessageEncode
implementations provide APIs for decoding, encoding, and computing the size of Example
Repeated, map
, string
, and bytes
Repeated, map
, string
, and bytes
fields require Rust "container" types, since they can contain multiple elements or characters. Normally standard types like String
and Vec
are used, but they aren't available on platforms without an allocator. In that case, statically-allocated containers with fixed size are needed. Since there is no defacto standard for static containers in Rust, users are expected to configure the code generator with their own container types.
For example, given the following Protobuf definition:
message Containers {
string f_string = 1;
bytes f_bytes = 2;
repeated int32 f_repeated = 3;
map<int32, int64> f_map = 4;
and the following configuration in build.rs
// Use container types from `heapless`, which are statically-allocated
// We can also use container types from `arrayvec` or `alloc`
// We can even use our own container types
// Since we're using static containers, we need to specify the max capacity of each field.
// For simplicity, configure capacity of all repeated/map fields to 4 and string/bytes to 8.
gen.configure(".", micropb_gen::Config::new().max_len(4).max_bytes(8));
will generate the following Rust definition:
pub struct Containers {
f_string: heapless::String<8>,
f_bytes: heapless::Vec<u8, 8>,
f_repeated: heapless::Vec<i32, 4>,
f_map: heapless::FnvIndexMap<i32, i64, 4>,
A container type is expected to implement PbVec
, PbString
, or PbMap
from micropb::container
, depending on what type of field it's used for. For convenience, micropb
comes with built-in implementations of the container traits for types from heapless
, arrayvec
, and alloc
(see Feature Flags for details).
Optional Fields
Given the following Protobuf message:
message Example {
optional int32 f_int32 = 1;
optional int64 f_int64 = 2;
optional bool f_bool = 3;
generates the following Rust APIs:
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Example {
pub f_int32: i32,
pub f_int64: i64,
pub f_bool: bool,
pub _has: Example_::_Hazzer,
impl Example {
/// Return reference to f_int32 as an Option
pub fn f_int32(&self) -> Option<&i32>;
/// Return mutable reference to f_int32 as an Option
pub fn mut_f_int32(&mut self) -> Option<&mut i32>;
/// Set value and presence of f_int32
pub fn set_f_int32(&mut self, val: i32);
/// Clear presence of f_int32
pub fn clear_f_int32(&mut self);
// Same APIs for other optional fields
pub mod Example_ {
/// Tracks whether the optional fields are present
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct _Hazzer([u8; 1]);
impl _Hazzer {
/// Query presence of f_int32
pub fn f_int32(&self) -> bool;
/// Set presence of f_int32
pub fn set_f_int32(&mut self);
/// Clear presence of f_int32
pub fn clear_f_int32(&mut self);
/// Builder method that toggles on the presence of f_int32. Useful for initializing the Hazzer.
pub fn init_f_int32(mut self) -> Self;
// Same APIs for other optional fields
One big difference between micropb
and other Protobuf libraries is that micropb
does not generate Option
for optional fields. This is because Option<T>
takes up extra space if T
doesn't have an invalid representation or unused bits. This is true for numeric types like u32
, and can lead to the size of the field being doubled. For this reason, micropb
tracks the presence of all optional fields in a separate bitfield called a "hazzer". Hazzers are usually small enough to fit into the message struct's padding, in which case it does not increase the size at all. Field presence can either be queried directly from the hazzer or from message APIs that return Option
By default, boxed optional fields use Option
to track presence, while other optional fields use hazzers. This behaviour can be overriden by the user via configuration.
Required Fields
Due to the problematic semantics of Protobuf's required fields, micropb
will treat required fields exactly the same way it treats optional fields.
Protobuf enums are translated into "open" enums in Rust, rather than normal Rust enums. This is because proto3 requires enums to be able to store unrecognized values, which is only possible with open enums.
For example, given this Protobuf enum:
enum Language {
RUST = 0,
C = 1,
CPP = 2,
generates the following Rust definition:
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct Language(pub i32);
impl Language {
pub const Rust: Self = Self(0);
pub const C: Self = Self(1);
pub const Cpp: Self = Self(2);
// Default impl that returns the default variant
// From<i32> impl
The "enum" type is actually a thin struct wrapping an integer. Known enum variants are implemented as constants. Enum values can be created and matched in a similar manner as normal Rust enums. If the enum value is unknown, then the underlying integer value can be accessed directly from the struct.
Oneof Fields
Protobuf oneofs are translated into real Rust enums. The enum type is defined in an internal module under the message, and its type name is the same as the name of the oneof field.
For example, given this Protobuf definition:
message Example {
oneof number {
int32 int = 1;
float decimal = 2;
generates the following definition:
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Example {
pub number: Option<Example_::Number>,
pub mod Example_ {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum Number {
translates Protobuf package names into Rust modules by appending an underscore. For example, if a Protobuf file has package foo.bar;
, all Rust types generated from the file will be in the foo_::bar_
module. Code generated for Protobuf files without package specifiers will go into the module root.
Nested Types
Message names are also translated into Rust modules by appending an underscore, so oneofs and nested messages/enums are defined in the Name_
module, where Name
is the message name.
Decoder and Encoder
does not force a specific representation for Protobuf data streams. Instead, data streams are represented via read and write traits that users can implement, similar to Read
and Write
from the standard library. In addition, micropb
provides decoder and encoder types that work on top of these traits to translate between the Protobuf data stream and Rust types. The decoder and encoder types are the main interface for accessing Protobuf data.
and PbRead
Input data streams are represented by the PbRead
trait, which is implemented on byte slices by default. The PbDecoder
type wraps around an input stream and reads Protobuf structures from it, including message types generated by micropb-gen
use micropb::{PbRead, PbDecoder, MessageDecode};
let data = [0x08, 0x96, 0x01, /* additional bytes */];
// Create decoder out of a byte slice, which is our input data stream
let mut decoder = PbDecoder::new(data.as_slice());
// ProtoMessage was generated by micropb
let mut message = ProtoMessage::default();
// Decode an instance of `ProtoMessage` from the data stream
message.decode(&mut decoder, data.len())?;
// We can also read Protobuf values directly from the decoder
let i = decoder.decode_int32()?;
let f = decoder.decode_float()?;
and PbWrite
Output data streams are represented by the PbWrite
trait, which is implemented on vector types from alloc
, heapless
, and arrayvec
by default, depending on what feature flags are enabled. The PbEncoder
type wraps around an output stream and writes Protobuf structures to it, including message types generated by micropb-gen
use micropb::{PbEncoder, PbWrite, MessageEncode};
use micropb::heapless::Vec;
// Use heapless::Vec as the output stream and build an encoder around it
let mut encoder = PbEncoder::new(Vec::<u8, 10>::new());
// ProtoMessage was generated by micropb
let mut message = ProtoMessage::default();
message.0 = 12;
// Encode a `ProtoMessage` to the data stream
message.encode(&mut encoder)?;
// We can also write Protobuf values directly to the encoder
Configuring the Code Generator
One of micropb
's main features is its granular configuration system. With it, users can control how code is generated from individual Protobuf messages and fields of their choosing. For example, if we have a message named Example
with a field named f_int32
, we can generate Box<i32>
instead of i32
for its type by putting the following in our build.rs
generator.configure(".Example.f_int32", micropb_gen::Config::new().boxed(true));
We reference the f_int32
field by using its full Protobuf path of .Example.f_int32
. This allows configuration of any field or type in the compiled .proto
files. Possible configuration options include: changing the representation of optional fields, setting the container type of repeated fields, setting field/type attributes, and changing the size of integer types.
For more info on how to configure code generated from Protobuf types and fields, refer to Generator::configure
and Config
in micropb-gen
Custom Field
In addition to configuring how fields get generated, users can also replace the field's generated type with their own custom type. For example, we can generate a custom type for f_int32
as follows:
gen.configure(".Example.f_int32", micropb_gen::Config::new().custom_field(CustomField::Type("MyIntField<'a>".to_owned())));
This generates the following:
// If the custom field has a lifetime, then the message struct will also have a lifetime
pub struct Example<'a> {
f_int32: MyIntField<'a>,
// Rest of the fields
For more information on custom fields, see Config::custom_field
in micropb-gen
Feature Flags
- encode: Enable support for encoding and computing the size of messages. If disabled, the generator should be configured to not generate encoding logic via
. Enabled by default. - decode: Enable support for decoding messages. If disabled, the generator should be configured to not generate decoding logic via
. Enabled by default. - enable-64bit: Enable 64-bit integer operations. If disabled, then 64-bit fields such as
should haveConfig::int_size
set to 32 bits or less. Has no effect ondouble
fields. Enabled by default. - alloc: Implements container traits on
, andBTreeMap
, allowing them to be used as container fields. Corresponds withGenerator::use_container_alloc
. Also implementsPbWrite
. - std: Enables standard library and the
feature. - container-heapless: Implements container traits on
, andIndexMap
, allowing them to be used as container fields. Corresponds withGenerator::use_container_heapless
. Also implementsPbWrite
. - container-arrayvec: Implements container traits on
, allowing them to be used as container fields. Corresponds withGenerator::use_container_arrayvec
. Also implementsPbWrite
The oldest version of Rust that micropb
supports is 1.74.0.
is distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0).