#dimensional-analysis #unit-dimension #quantities #dimension #measurement #expression

nightly no-std dimensional_quantity

Check units of measure at compile time using generic const expressions

21 releases

0.1.10 Jan 22, 2025
0.1.7 Dec 21, 2024
0.1.6 Oct 4, 2024
0.1.3 May 23, 2024
0.0.1-alpha.4 Nov 30, 2022

#23 in Science

29 downloads per month




Dimensional quantity: checking dimensions of physical quantities in compile time using generic const expressions


  • This crate is experimental and uses unstable generic_const_exprs feature and can only be compiled with nightly toolchain.

  • If you need a stable solution, please check excellent dimensioned and uom crates.

  • The underlying storage types are f64 and f32; Decimal storage type is also available with "decimal" feature.

    To use this crate, first add this to your Cargo.toml:

dimensional_quantity = "0.1"

then enable generic_const_exprs feature in your crate:


and build it with nightly toolchain using cargo +nightly:

cargo +nightly build

or add rust-toolchain.toml file with the following content to your project

channel = "nightly"


std feature is enabled by default, use_serde and decimal are optional


dimensional_quantity = {version = "0.1", default-features=false}

Serialization/deserialization with Serde

dimensional_quantity = {version = "0.1", features = ["use_serde"]}

Decimal storage type

dimensional_quantity = {version = "0.1", features = ["decimal"]}


Creating dimensional quantities from f64


use dimensional_quantity::si::extended::f64::quantities::{Velocity};
use dimensional_quantity::si::extended::f64::units_of_measure::velocity::{MILLIMETER_PER_SECOND};

// This will create velocity of 10 m/s, default units are SI units
let v1: Velocity = Velocity::new(10.0);
// This method is constant and works also at compile time:
const SPEED_OF_SOUND: Velocity = Velocity::new(343.0);

// Various units of length are available at
// dimensional_quantity::si::extended::f64::units_of_measure::*
// Units are just constant dimensional quantities
// For example, MILLIMETER unit is defined as
// pub const MILLIMETER: Length = Length::new(1.0E-3);
// One way is using new_with_unit method:
let v2: Velocity = Velocity::new_with_unit(10_000.0, MILLIMETER_PER_SECOND);
// Another is just multiplying f64 with unit:
let v3: Velocity = 10_000.0 * MILLIMETER_PER_SECOND;

// Any of the above methods lead to the same result:
assert_eq!(v1, v2);
assert_eq!(v1, v3);

Converting dimensional quantities back to f64

use dimensional_quantity::si::extended::f64::quantities::{Velocity};
use dimensional_quantity::si::extended::f64::units_of_measure::velocity::{MILLIMETER_PER_SECOND};

// Getting f64 value of dimensional quantity in SI units:
// Velocity of 10 m/s
let v1: Velocity = Velocity::new(10.0);
// Velocity of 343 m/s
const SPEED_OF_SOUND: Velocity = Velocity::new(343.0);

let v1_value_is_si_units = v1.get_with_si_unit();
// also possible at compile time:
const SPEED_OF_SOUND_IN_SI_UNITS:f64 = SPEED_OF_SOUND.get_with_si_unit();

assert_eq!(SPEED_OF_SOUND_IN_SI_UNITS, 343.0);
assert_eq!(v1_value_is_si_units, 10.0);

// Getting f64 value of dimensional quantity in arbitrary units is possible:
let v1_value_is_mm_per_second = v1.get_with_unit(MILLIMETER_PER_SECOND);
assert_eq!(v1_value_is_mm_per_second, 10_000.0);

Mathematical operations with dimensional quantities


use dimensional_quantity::si::extended::f64::quantities::{Area, Energy, Length, Mass, ReciprocalLength, Velocity};
use dimensional_quantity::si::extended::f64::units_of_measure::length::{METER, MICROMETER};
use dimensional_quantity::si::extended::f64::units_of_measure::reciprocal_length::{RECIPROCAL_CENTIMETER};
use core::f64::consts::PI;
let width: Length = 5.0 * METER;
let height: Length = 8.0 * METER;
// Quantities can be multiplied or divided by f64 floating numbers,
// resulting in quantities of same dimension
let double_height: Length = height * 2.0;
let half_width = width / 2.0;

assert_eq!(double_height, Length::new(16.0));
assert_eq!(half_width, Length::new(2.5));

// Dividing f64 by dimensional quantity returns reciprocal quantity:
let red_light_wavelength: Length = 0.65 * MICROMETER;
let red_light_k: ReciprocalLength = 2.0 * PI / red_light_wavelength;
let red_light_k_in_reciprocal_cm = red_light_k.get_with_unit(RECIPROCAL_CENTIMETER);

assert_eq!(red_light_k_in_reciprocal_cm, 966_64.389_341_224_39);
// Most quantities of same dimension (except ones containing ThermodynamicTemperatures,
// that will be discussed below) can be added or subtracted:

let perimeter: Length = 2.0 * (width + height);
// AddAssign and SubAssign operators are supported
let mut width_minus_height = Length::new(0.0);
width_minus_height += width;
width_minus_height -= height;

assert_eq!(perimeter, Length::new(26.0));

// Dimensional quantities can be multiplied and divided:
let area_1: Area = width * height;
let area_2: Area = half_width * double_height;
assert_eq!(area_1, area_2);
let height_1 :Length = area_1 / width;
assert_eq!(height_1, height);

// Dimensional quantities can also be raised to an integer power during compile time
let v: Velocity = Velocity::new(10.0);
let m: Mass = Mass::new(5.0); // 5 kg
let e: Energy = m * v.powi::<2>() / 2.0;
assert_eq!(e, Energy::new(250.0));

Attempting to add, subtract, or assign quantities with mismatching dimensions will results in compile-time error:

use dimensional_quantity::si::extended::{Area, Length};

let length: Length = Length::new(10.0);
let area: Area = length.powi<2>();
// Type mismatch: can not add Length and Area:
let fail_1 = length + area;
// Type mismatch: can not subtract Area from Length:
let fail_2 = length - area;
// Type mismatch: can not assign Area to Length:
let fail_3: Length = area;

Creating new quantities and tests

If some quantity or unit are not implemented in predefined dimensional quantities and predefined units of measure, then a new quantity and corresponding units of measure can be defined as follows:

use dimensional_quantity::si::extended::f64::quantities::{Information, Volume};
use dimensional_quantity::si::extended::f64::Quantity;
// New quantity: amount of information per unit of volume, standard unit of measure: Bit per cubic meter, B ⋅ m<sup>-3</sup>:
pub type VolumetricInformationDensity = Quantity<
                                                -3, // Length
                                                 0, // Mass
                                                 0, // Time
                                                 0, // ElectricCurrent
                                                 0, // ThermodynamicTemperature
                                                 0, // AmountOfSubstance
                                                 0, // LuminousIntensity
                                                 0, // TemperatureInterval
                                                 0, // Angle
                                                 0, // SolidAngle
                                                 1, // Information

pub const GIGABIT_PER_CUBIC_METER: VolumetricInformationDensity = VolumetricInformationDensity::new(1.0_E9);
let information_density_1: VolumetricInformationDensity  = 5.0 * GIGABIT_PER_CUBIC_METER;
let information_density_2: VolumetricInformationDensity = Information::new(5.0_E9) / Volume::new(1.0);
assert_eq!(information_density_1, information_density_2);

Definition of quantities and units of measure

Quantities and corresponding units are defined at src/si/quantities_definition/*toml files.

For example, definition of Area quantity is:

name = "Area"
symbol = "Area"
snake_case_name = "area"
short_dim_formula = "L<sup>2</sup>"
long_dim_formula = "Length<sup>2</sup>"
units_formula = "m<sup>2</sup>"
length = 2
mass = 0
time = 0
electric_current = 0
thermodynamic_temperature = 0
temperature_interval = 0
amount_of_substance = 0
luminous_intensity = 0
angle = 0
solid_angle = 0
information = 0

multiplier = "1.0E0"
symbol = ""
singular = "square meter"
plural = "square meters"

multiplier = "1.0_E-4"
symbol = "cm²"
singular = "square centimeter"
plural = "square centimeters"


Licensed under either of Apache License, Version 2.0 or MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) at your option.

License: MIT OR Apache-2.0


~45K SLoC