74 releases (6 breaking)

Uses new Rust 2024

new 0.7.0-beta.3 Mar 23, 2025
0.7.0-beta Feb 25, 2025
0.6.24 Dec 28, 2024
0.6.20 Nov 17, 2024
0.5.13 Jul 31, 2024

#109 in HTTP server

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A "Batteries Included" web framework for rust designed to get you moving fast 🏎️. Inspired by other fully-featured frameworks such as Rails, Django, Laravel, and Loco.


  • Built on Tokio's web stack (axum, tower, hyper, tracing). App behavior can be easily extended by taking advantage of all the resources in the tokio ecosystem.
  • Built-in support for HTTP APIs via Axum (with the http feature) and gRPC APIs via Tonic (with the grpc feature).
  • Auto-generates an OpenAPI schema for HTTP API routes defined with aide (requires the open-api feature).
  • Support for running arbitrary long-running services (e.g., an API format not supported out of the box) with minimal boilerplate. Simply provide a FunctionService with your async function and register it in the App#services method.
  • Provides sensible defaults so you can focus on building your app, but most (all?) of the built-in behavior can be customized or disabled via per-environment configuration files.
  • Uses #![forbid(unsafe_code)] to ensure all code in Roadster is 100% safe rust.
  • Provides a CLI for common commands, and allows consumers to provide their own CLI commands using clap (requires the cli feature)
  • Provides sample JWT extractor for Axum (requires the jwt-ietf and/or jwt-openid features). Also provides a general JWT extractor for Axum that simply puts all claims into a map (available with the jwt feature)
  • Built-in support for SeaORM, including creating DB connections (requires the db-sea-orm feature)
  • Built-in support for Deisel, including creating DB connections (requires a subset of the db-diesel-* collection of features, depending on what's needed)
  • Built-in support for Sidekiq.rs for running async/background jobs (requires the sidekiq feature)
  • Built-in support for sending emails via SMTP (requires the email-smtp feature) or Sendgrid's Mail Send API (requires the email-sendgrid feature)
  • Structured logs/traces using tokio's tracing crate. Export traces/metrics using OpenTelemetry (requires the otel feature).
  • Health checks to ensure the app's external dependencies are healthy
  • Pre-built migrations for common DB tables, e.g. user (requires the db-sea-orm feature)
  • Support for auto-updating timestamp columns, e.g. updated_at, when updating DB rows (Postgres only currently) ( requires the db-sea-orm feature)

Getting started

Start local DB

# Replace `example_dev` with your app name, e.g., `myapp_dev`
docker run -d -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_USER=roadster -e POSTGRES_DB=example_dev -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=roadster postgres:15.3-alpine

Start local Redis instance (for Sidekiq.rs)

docker run -d -p 6379:6379 redis:7.2-alpine

Start local SMTP server instance


docker run -d -p 8025:8025 -p 1025:1025 axllent/mailpit


docker run -d -p 1080:80 -p 1025:25 rnwood/smtp4dev


docker run -d -p 1080:1080 -p 1025:1025 maildev/maildev

Create your app

# Todo: Add instructions for creating a new app
# Using one of our examples for now 
git clone https://github.com/roadster-rs/roadster.git
cd roadster/examples/full

Set the environment (production/development/test)

# Either set it as an environment variable
export ROADSTER__ENVIRONMENT=development
# Or add it to a `.env` file
echo ROADSTER__ENVIRONMENT=development >> .env

Start your app

cargo run

Explore the API

Navigate to http://localhost:3000/api/_docs to explore the app's OpenAPI playground

Add a UI

Currently, Roadster is focused on back-end API development with Rust. We leave it to the consumer to decide how they prefer to add a front-end, e.g., using an established JS/TS framework (React / Next / Vue / Svelte / Solid / etc) or using a Rust front-end framework (Leptos / Yew / Perseus / Sycamore / etc). That said, we do have some examples of how to use Roadster with some these frameworks.


Framework Example
Leptos leptos-ssr


Local testing of sending emails via SMTP

If you're using our SMTP integration to send emails, you can test locally using a mock SMTP server. Some options:

Tracing + OpenTelemetry

Roadster allows reporting traces and metrics using the tracing and opentelemetry_rust integrations. Provide the URL of your OTLP exporter in order to report the trace/metric data to your telemetry provider (e.g., SigNoz, New Relic, Datadog, etc).

Background/async job queue using Sidekiq.rs

This crate is a rust implementation of Sidekiq, which is usually used with Ruby on Rails. All we need in order to use this is a Redis instance.

Sidekiq dashboard

We provide a sample repo to run the sidekiq dashboard locally in a standalone docker container.

git clone https://github.com/roadster-rs/standalone_sidekiq_dashboard.git
cd standalone_sidekiq_dashboard
docker build -t standalone-sidekiq .
# Linux docker commands
# Development
docker run -d --network=host standalone-sidekiq
# Test
docker run -d --network=host -e REDIS_URL='redis://localhost:6380' standalone-sidekiq

# Mac docker commands -- todo: see if there's a command that will work on both mac and linux
# Development
docker run -d -p 9292:9292 -e REDIS_URL=redis://host.docker.internal:6379 standalone-sidekiq
# Test
docker run -d -p 9292:9292 -e REDIS_URL=redis://host.docker.internal:6380 standalone-sidekiq

Redis Insights

You can also inspect the Redis DB directly using RedisInsight.

# Linux docker commands
docker run -d --name redisinsight --network=host -p 5540:5540 redis/redisinsight:latest
# Mac docker commands -- todo: see if there's a command that will work on both mac and linux
# Use `host.docker.internal` as the host domain in redis insight (instead of ``)
docker run -d --name redisinsight -p 5540:5540 redis/redisinsight:latest


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