vortex-dtype is used at run time in 27 crates.

Number of dependers vortex-dtype version Downloads/month
20 0.25.2 420
2 0.24.0 320
2 0.21.1 10
1 0.19.0 4
1 0.16.0 8
1 0.14.0 8
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) vortex-dtype version
950 8 vortex-datetime-dtype ^0.25.2
850 19 vortex-scalar ^0.25.2
800 22 vortex-array ^0.25.2
500 7 vortex-expr ^0.25.2
500 4 vortex-bytebool ^0.25.2
500 5 vortex-dict ^0.25.2
500 6 vortex-fastlanes ^0.25.2
490 5 vortex-runend ^0.25.2
490 5 vortex-datetime-parts ^0.25.2
490 5 vortex-alp ^0.25.2
490 4 vortex-sparse ^0.25.2
490 5 vortex-zigzag ^0.25.2
480 4 vortex-layout ^0.25.2
480 6 vortex-fsst ^0.25.2
480 2 vortex-file ^0.25.2
470 1 vortex-ipc ^0.25.2
390 vortex-datafusion ^0.25.2
380 1 vortex-sampling-compressor ^0.24.0
380 1 vortex ^0.25.2
260 vortex-scan ^0.24.0
220 2 vortex-btrblocks ^0.25.2
2 vortex-schema ^0.19.0
1 vortex-roaring ^0.21.1
1 vortex-runend-bool ^0.21.1
1 vortex-serde ^0.16.0
vortex-all ^0.14.0