BlueR is used at run time in 25 crates (of which 10 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 18 crates. It's used only as a dev dependency in 2 crates (of which 1 directly).

Number of dependers BlueR version Downloads/month
18 0.17.3 9.3K
6 0.16.1 51K
2 0.15.7 850
1 0.13.3 0
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) BlueR version
1.4K bluer-tools ^0.17.1
500 4 lipl-gatt-bluer ^0.17.3
220 1 aggligator-transport-bluer ^0.17
210 2 bluest ^0.16.1
140 victron_ble ^0.17.3
140 1 bluer-miflora ^0.17
120 bluer-miflora-cli ^0.17
120 bluetui ^0.17
100 1 ble-peripheral-rust ^0.17.3
xiaomi-sensor-exporter ^0.17.0
ear2ctl ^0.16.1
apple-ble ^0.15.3
1 rainmaker-components ^0.17.3
mecha_bluetooth_ctl ^0.16.0
rudelctl ^0.17.3
nxt optional ^0.16
nxtusb optional ^0.16
twisted optional ^0.13.2
ingics dev ^0.15.0