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71K SLoC


Crates.io docs.rs MSRV Crates.io Matrix

A WiFi, BLE and ESP-NOW driver for Espressif microcontrollers.

Current support

If a cell contains an em dash (—) this means that the particular feature is not present for a chip. A check mark (✓) means that some driver implementation exists. A Tilde (˜) means it is implemented but buggy. An empty cell means that the feature is present in the chip but not implemented yet.


Minimum supported Rust compiler version:



Ensure that the right features are enabled for your chip. See [Examples] for more examples.

# A supported chip needs to be specified, as well as specific use-case features
features = ["esp32s3", "wifi", "esp-now"]

Make sure to include the rom functions for your target:

# .cargo/config.toml
rustflags = [
    "-C", "link-arg=-Tlinkall.x",
    "-C", "link-arg=-Trom_functions.x",

At the time of writing, you will already have the linkall flag if you used cargo generate. Generating from a template does not include the rom_functions flag.

Optimization Level

It is necessary to build with optimization level 2 or 3 since otherwise, it might not even be able to connect or advertise.

To make it work also for your debug builds add this to your Cargo.toml

opt-level = 3

Xtensa considerations

Within this crate, CCOMPARE0 CPU timer is used for timing, ensure that in your application you are not using this CPU timer.


When using USB-SERIAL-JTAG (for example by selecting jtag-serial in esp-println) you have to activate the feature phy-enable-usb.

Don't use this feature if you are not using USB-SERIAL-JTAG as it might reduce WiFi performance.


Feature Meaning
wifi-logs logs the WiFi logs from the driver at log level info (needs a nightly-compiler)
wifi-default A convenience feature to enable some reasonable defaults for wifi use.
dump-packets dumps packet info at log level info
smoltcp Provide implementations of smoltcp traits
utils Provide utilities for smoltcp initialization. Adds smoltcp dependency
ble Enable BLE support
wifi Enable WiFi support
esp-now Enable esp-now support
coex Enable WiFi-BLE coexistence support
ipv4 IPv4 support. Includes utils feature
ipv6 IPv6 support. Includes utils feature
tcp TCP socket support. Includes ipv4 feature
udp UDP socket support. Includes ipv4 feature
igmp IGMP (multicast) support. Includes ipv4 feature
dns DNS support. Includes udp feature
dhcpv4 DHCPv4 support, both creating sockets and autoconfiguring network settings. Includes utils feature
phy-enable-usb See USB-SERIAL-JTAG above
ps-min-modem Enable minimum modem sleep. Only affects STA mode
ps-max-modem Enable maximum modem sleep. Only affects STA mode
log Route log output to the log crate
defmt Add defmt::Format implementation and output logs via defmt
embedded-svc Implement the embedded-svc Wifi trait

Note that not all features are available on every MCU. For example, ble (and thus, coex) is not available on ESP32-S2.

When using the dump-packets feature you can use the extcap in extras/esp-wifishark to analyze the frames in Wireshark. For more information see extras/esp-wifishark/README.md


The defaults used by esp-wifi and the examples are rather conservative. It is possible to change a few of the important settings.

See Tuning for details

Missing / To be done

  • Support for non-open SoftAP

Directory Structure

  • src/timer/: systimer code used for timing and task switching
  • src/preemt/: a bare minimum RISCV and Xtensa round-robin task scheduler
  • src/compat/: code needed to emulate enough of an (RT)OS to use the driver
    • common.rs: basics like semaphores and recursive mutexes
    • timer_compat.rs: code to emulate timer related functionality
  • examples/*.rs: examples

Driver version

This uses the WiFi drivers from https://github.com/esp-rs/esp-wireless-drivers-3rdparty

v5.1.2-602-gdb1e54a0c5-dirty commit db1e54a0c537d8b2cc2bd109ee88b50e1ca0ea80

https://github.com/esp-rs/esp-wireless-drivers-3rdparty/ (commit ca2809144cf6d2f89d413f1d415f1c4454ee6249)


Licensed under either of:

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


~359K SLoC