Active direct dependers over time: total, gained/lost
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Log is used at run time in 48,957 crates (of which 10,601 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 16,771 crates. It's used at build time in 1,680 crates (of which 308 optionally, 17 directly). It's used only as a dev dependency in 5,110 crates (of which 175 directly).

Number of dependers Log version Downloads/month
53,882 0.4.21 4.6M
8 0.4.20 3.5M
6 0.4.18 298K
12 0.4.17 1.4M
2 0.4.14 121K
1 0.4.13 4.3K
1 0.4.11 14K
9 0.4.8 46K
1,818 0.3.9 463K
1 0.3.6 4.3K
7 0.2.5 0
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) Log version
5.3M 6882 env_logger ^0.4.21
5.3M 194 tracing-log ^0.4.17
5.0M 8475 reqwest ^0.4
4.4M 2 wasm-bindgen-backend ^0.4
13.1M 48 regex-automata optional ^0.4.14
11.7M 558 memchr optional ^0.4.20
11.3M 120 aho-corasick optional ^0.4.17
10.9M 14236 rand optional ^0.4.4
2.9M 482 native-tls ^0.4.5
2.9M 372 prost-build ^0.4.4
2.2M 257 tungstenite ^0.4.8
7.5M 416 mio optional ^0.4.8
7.4M 742 rustls optional ^0.4.4
7.2M 6582 tracing optional ^0.4.17
1.2M 124 cbindgen ^0.4
1.0M 447 handlebars ^0.4.0
1.5M 367 ignore ^0.4.20
1.0M 563 notify ^0.4.17
2.0M 562 tokio-tungstenite ^0.4.17
1.2M 764 ureq ^0.4
4.3M 975 hyper-rustls optional ^0.4.4
3.1M 1820 bindgen optional ^0.4
1.0M 874 git2 ^0.4.8
2.2M 192 globset optional ^0.4.20
2.1M 29 security-framework optional ^0.4.17
972K 133 jni ^0.4.4
970K 36 sqlx-core ^0.4.14
934K 50 multer ^0.4.15
889K 23 kv-log-macro ^0.4.8
818K 2 env_filter ^0.4.8
790K 940 actix-web ^0.4
734K 3 sqlx-sqlite ^0.4.17
733K 3 sqlx-postgres ^0.4.17
728K 4 sqlx-mysql ^0.4.17
1.0M 63 remove_dir_all optional ^0.4.11
1.4M 677 serial_test optional ^0.4
667K 461 warp ^0.4
630K 95 os_info ^0.4
617K 89 rdkafka ^0.4.8
597K 554 simple_logger ^0.4.17
548K 30 markup5ever ^0.4
542K 134 tiny_http ^0.4.4
538K 18 ena ^0.4
538K 139 html5ever ^0.4
537K 3 regalloc2 ^0.4.8
473K 42 cranelift-codegen ^0.4.8
472K 92 sqlparser ^0.4
471K 16 cranelift-frontend ^0.4.8
460K 20 wayland-sys ^0.4
436K 186 tokio-postgres ^0.4
432K 135 pprof ^0.4
425K 623 winit ^0.4
419K 4 multistream-select ^0.4
399K 23 soketto ^0.4.8
394K 32 netlink-sys ^0.4.8
394K 164 wiremock ^0.4
387K 25 wasmtime-environ ^0.4.8
385K 27 netlink-packet-route ^0.4.20
385K 161 wasmtime ^0.4.8
385K 12 wasmtime-runtime ^0.4.8
365K 4 cargo-nextest ^0.4.21
362K 337 fern ^0.4
359K 29 selectors ^0.4
354K 255 r2d2 ^0.4
353K 459 rustyline ^0.4
353K 12 netlink-proto ^0.4.8
353K 1005 pretty_env_logger ^0.4
349K 24 smithay-client-toolkit ^0.4
348K 41 android_logger ^0.4
347K 27 rtnetlink ^0.4.8
346K 4 cranelift-wasm ^0.4.8
343K 92 sea-orm ^0.4
343K 4 wasmtime-cranelift ^0.4.8
341K 17 neli ^0.4
998K 33 thrift optional ^0.4
330K 5 yamux ^0.4.8
327K 38 cookie_store ^0.4.17
324K 36 fail ^0.4
310K 484 simplelog 0.4.*
919K 1692 async-std optional ^0.4.8
301K 4 wasmtime-jit ^0.4.8
297K 71 attohttpc ^0.4.17
290K 4 wasmtime-cache ^0.4.8
287K 129 arboard ^0.4
288K 12 protobuf-parse ^0.4
281K 15 calloop ^0.4
281K 58 multipart ^0.4
279K 119 jsonrpc-core ^0.4
276K 396 rusoto_core ^0.4
274K 12 rusoto_signature ^0.4.1
271K 266 actix ^0.4
269K 12 if-watch ^0.4.14
266K 92 tiny-skia ^0.4
263K 27 maxminddb ^0.4
262K 133 flexi_logger ^0.4
252K 4 enr ^0.4.21
244K 101 actix-cors ^0.4
242K 267 serde-xml-rs ^0.4
239K 110 async-tungstenite ^0.4
238K 70 bollard ^0.4
237K 135 yup-oauth2 ^0.4
236K 221 webbrowser ^0.4
234K 40 walrus ^0.4.8
232K 47 naga ^0.4
233K 11 trie-db ^0.4
230K 12 generator ^0.4
226K 135 console_log ^0.4
225K 24 ndk ^0.4
226K 12 wgpu-core ^0.4
225K 28 inferno ^0.4
222K 6 wgpu-hal ^0.4
220K 359 wgpu ^0.4
216K 60 gl_generator ^0.4
215K 12 goauth ^0.4
215K 12 smpl_jwt ^0.4
626K 174 goblin optional ^0.4
208K 3 redis-protocol ^0.4
207K 16 fred ^0.4
206K 21 jsonpath_lib ^0.4
205K 64 slog-stdlog ^0.4.11
200K 9 bounded-collections ^0.4.17
590K 405 redis optional ^0.4
195K 238 tokio-io ^0.4
195K 40 wit-parser ^0.4.17
193K 1 wasm-bindgen-cli ^0.4
193K 74 datafusion ^0.4
192K 3 datafusion-optimizer ^0.4
192K 11 datafusion-physical-expr ^0.4
192K 5 datafusion-execution ^0.4
191K 9 datafusion-sql ^0.4
188K 2 sctk-adwaita ^0.4
186K 22 solana-frozen-abi ^0.4.20
187K 428 solana-program ^0.4.20
182K 1 file-per-thread-logger ^0.4.17
181K 22 wasm-bindgen-cli-support ^0.4
181K 1 wasm-bindgen-wasm-interpreter ^0.4
180K 300 log4rs ^0.4.20
180K 26 ws_stream_wasm ^0.4
177K 12 measure_time ^0.4
533K 1104 quickcheck optional ^0.4
530K 10 prodash optional ^0.4.8
529K 17 sentry-core optional ^0.4.8
521K 56 sentry optional ^0.4.8
170K 129 geo ^0.4.11
169K 6 parity-db ^0.4.8
509K 83 moka optional ^0.4
166K 1 snocat ^0.4
163K 2 stateright ^0.4
160K 98 rfd ^0.4
159K 22 solana_rbpf ^0.4.2
156K 5 git2-curl ^0.4
154K 7 pyroscope ^0.4
153K 4 pyroscope_pprofrs ^0.4
149K 333 mockito ^0.4
450K 74 wayland-client optional ^0.4
148K 29 tokio-reactor ^0.4.1
147K 222 postgres ^0.4
443K 2 rand_jitter optional ^0.4.4
147K 131 solana-logger ^0.4.20
439K 38 vte optional ^0.4.17
145K 9 protoc 0.*
146K 2 xkbcommon-dl ^0.4
144K 3 av1-grain ^0.4.17
144K 48 notify-debouncer-mini ^0.4.17
144K 68 tantivy ^0.4.16
143K 27 httptest ^0.4.21
142K 5 rav1e ^0.4
142K 274 sled ^0.4.14
141K 470 solana-sdk ^0.4.20
141K 26 tao ^0.4
140K 128 isahc ^0.4
423K 1 cranelift-isle optional ^0.4.8
139K 1 datafusion-physical-plan ^0.4
139K 37 tracing-bunyan-formatter ^0.4.8
139K 28 notify-debouncer-full ^0.4.17
135K 38 femme ^0.4.14
134K 17 tokio-threadpool ^0.4
131K 15 tauri-utils ^0.4.20
130K 1 mixnet ^0.4.17
129K 7 android-activity ^0.4
127K 19 nkeys ^0.4.11
126K 422 rocket ^0.4
378K 302 glib optional ^0.4
125K 33 metal ^0.4
122K 167 actix-files ^0.4
121K 6 rocket_http ^0.4
121K 3 polkavm-linker ^0.4.20
120K 40 log-panics ^0.4
118K 171 mdbook ^0.4.17
116K 29 solana-program-runtime ^0.4.20
115K 29 apache-avro ^0.4.20
114K 3 ittapi ^0.4.16
114K 31 solana-measure ^0.4.20
115K 50 solana-metrics ^0.4.20
113K 81 solana-transaction-status ^0.4.20
114K 92 usvg ^0.4
113K 318 azure_core ^0.4
111K cargo-binstall ^0.4.18
112K 34 solana-vote-program ^0.4.20
111K 4 xml5ever ^0.4
110K 22 solana-perf ^0.4.20
111K 34 solana-version ^0.4.20
109K 40 lsp-server ^0.4.17
109K 175 solana-client ^0.4.20
109K 15 solana-net-utils ^0.4.20
110K 26 solana-remote-wallet ^0.4.20
109K 25 solana-streamer ^0.4.20
107K 24 fontdb ^0.4
107K 125 httpmock ^0.4
106K 3 polkavm ^0.4.20
106K 2 polkavm-assembler ^0.4.20
318K 123 async-graphql optional ^0.4.16
104K 107 resvg ^0.4
104K 85 testcontainers ^0.4
104K 15 witx ^0.4
103K 84 awc ^0.4
103K 4 igd-next ^0.4
102K 22 http-client ^0.4.7
102K 53 rumqttc ^0.4
102K 5 solana-connection-cache ^0.4.20
102K 5 solana-quic-client ^0.4.20
103K 23 solana-rpc-client ^0.4.20
102K 11 solana-tpu-client ^0.4.20
102K 5 solana-pubsub-client ^0.4.20
102K 3 solana-thin-client ^0.4.20
102K 34 tokio-uds ^0.4.2
98K 51 actix-multipart ^0.4
97K 13 wl-clipboard-rs ^0.4.21
97K 6 simplecss ^0.4.8
94K 14 gpu-allocator ^0.4
93K 25 grep-cli ^0.4.20
93K 13 libappindicator ^0.4
94K 8 tokio-udp ^0.4
92K 25 async-h1 ^0.4.11
92K 11 azure_storage ^0.4
92K 2 reqsign ^0.4
92K 29 slog-envlogger ^0.4
92K 54 tokenizers ^0.4
93K 37 wasi-common ^0.4.8
277K 64 glow optional ^0.4.16
91K 6 refinery-core ^0.4
91K 9 azure_storage_blobs ^0.4
90K 92 minreq ^0.4.0
89K 236 clap-verbosity-flag ^0.4.1
87K 38 actix-web-httpauth ^0.4
87K 2 gilrs-core ^0.4.1
86K 5 aws-creds ^0.4
86K flutter_rust_bridge_codegen ^0.4
86K 8 parity-tokio-ipc ^0.4
86K 41 egui-winit ^0.4
85K 40 gilrs ^0.4.1
85K 37 mio-extras ^0.4
86K 4 rustls-platform-verifier ^0.4
84K 32 rust-s3 ^0.4
253K 23 wayland-backend optional ^0.4
82K keyutils ^0.4.4
242K 18 zune-core optional ^0.4.17
79K 8 cgroups-rs ^0.4
79K 31 jsonrpc-http-server ^0.4
79K 19 jsonrpc-server-utils ^0.4
76K 1 flutter_rust_bridge ^0.4
77K 57 syslog ^0.4.8
76K 2 typify-impl ^0.4.20
77K 46 wasm-logger ^0.4
76K 16 jsonrpc-pubsub ^0.4
76K 1 keyutils-raw ^0.4.4
74K 2 jsonrpc-client-transports ^0.4
74K 17 pyo3-log ~0.4.4
74K 68 self_update ^0.4
72K 159 notify-rust ^0.4
72K 14 grep-searcher ^0.4.20
71K ore-cli ^0.4
70K 7 egui_glow ^0.4
69K 238 eframe ^0.4
70K 27 opendal ^0.4
70K 39 wit-component ^0.4.17
69K 44 calamine ^0.4
69K 14 testing_logger ^0.4.3
67K 10 async-sse ^0.4.8
68K 3 gcp-bigquery-client ^0.4
67K 4 wezterm-dynamic ^0.4
65K 40 font-kit ^0.4.4
199K 155 users optional ^0.4
65K 41 escargot ^0.4.4
65K 8 measureme ^0.4
65K 26 openidconnect ^0.4
64K 7 wasm-pack ^0.4.17
63K 1 uniffi_core ^0.4
63K 1 polonius-engine ^0.4
62K 23 webrtc-util ^0.4
62K 29 mobc ^0.4
61K 26 pathfinder_geometry ^0.4
62K 12 wmi ^0.4
60K 11 dircpy ^0.4
60K 74 geojson ^0.4.17
61K 1 opentls ^0.4.5
61K usvg-parser ^0.4
59K 229 surf ^0.4.7
58K cranelift-egraph ^0.4.8
57K 24 ndk-glue ^0.4.14
173K 5 polkavm-common optional ^0.4.20
55K 17 async-session ^0.4.14
168K 5 http-auth optional ^0.4
54K 12 azure_identity ^0.4
54K 14 grep-regex ^0.4.20
54K 27 nats ^0.4.14
164K 11 finality-grandpa optional ^0.4
53K 433 sp-core ^0.4.21
53K 3 turn ^0.4
53K 33 salsa ^0.4.5
51K syd ^0.4
51K 1 tokio-tfo ^0.4
50K 25 softbuffer ^0.4.17
49K 13 bluer ^0.4
48K 1 cargo-deny ^0.4
48K 8 eventsource-client ^0.4.6
48K 141 stderrlog ^0.4.11
145K 175 mongodb optional ^0.4.17
48K 21 egui-wgpu ^0.4
47K 20 symphonia-core ^0.4
141K 310 egui optional ^0.4
47K 1 launchdarkly-server-sdk-evaluation ^0.4.11
46K 10 symphonia-metadata ^0.4
46K 1 dyer ^0.4.13
46K 74 egui_extras ^0.4
45K 13 gdbstub ^0.4
45K 7 mio-serial ^0.4
45K 3 sctp-proto ^0.4.21
135K 20 epaint optional ^0.4
44K 2 autocxx-parser ^0.4
44K 1 azure_svc_blobstorage ^0.4
44K 27 hf-hub ^0.4.19
44K 11 mio-named-pipes ^0.4
44K 60 tokio-serial ^0.4
44K 80 web3 ^0.4.6
134K 5 sea-schema optional ^0.4
132K 1 calloop-wayland-source optional ^0.4.19
43K 40 fuser ^0.4.6
43K 1 hoot ^0.4.20
43K 13 neptune ^0.4.19
44K regalloc ^0.4.8
43K 499 sp-runtime ^0.4.21
43K 35 sp-state-machine ^0.4.21
43K 149 tide ^0.4.13
42K 3 autocxx-engine ^0.4
42K 9 cargo-make ^0.4
42K 1 grep-printer ^0.4.5
42K 17 solana-address-lookup-table-program ^0.4.20
42K 20 termwiz ^0.4
42K 4 webrtc-dtls ^0.4
127K 2 smoldot-light optional ^0.4.18
41K 6 jsonrpc-ipc-server ^0.4
41K 2 nextest-runner ^0.4.21
41K thingvellir ^0.4
41K 337 tokio-core ^0.4
41K 1 webrtc-data ^0.4
41K 3 webrtc-ice ^0.4
41K 3 webrtc-sctp ^0.4
40K 4 interceptor ^0.4
40K 11 odbc-api ^0.4.21
40K 8 russh ^0.4
40K 9 russh-keys ^0.4
39K 19 thread-priority ^0.4
40K 1 usvg-text-layout ^0.4
40K 23 webrtc ^0.4
40K 2 webrtc-mdns ^0.4
40K 3 webrtc-srtp ^0.4
39K 3 sentry-log ^0.4.8
39K 10 suppaftp ^0.4
39K 2 symphonia-bundle-mp3 ^0.4
39K 1 wezterm-bidi ^0.4
38K 11 askalono ^0.4.6
114K 45 icu_provider optional ^0.4
37K 36 bitcoincore-rpc ^0.4.5
36K 11 deno_lint ^0.4.20
37K 1 launchdarkly-server-sdk ^0.4.14
36K 3 ttrpc ^0.4
36K 37 lopdf ^0.4
36K 7 webdriver ^0.4
34K cargo-chef ^0.4.11
35K 20 igd ^0.4
34K 58 solana-runtime ^0.4.20
34K 29 mustache ^0.3.5
34K 22 solana-stake-program ^0.4.20
34K 7 uefi ^0.4.5
33K 2 containers-api ^0.4
33K 8 grcov ^0.4
33K 2 solana-bucket-map ^0.4.20
31K 82 bevy_egui ^0.4
32K 11 cargo-generate ~0.4
32K 2 dipstick ^0.4
32K 15 portable-pty ^0.4
32K 6 puffin_http ^0.4
32K 36 sudo ^0.4
32K 9 zopfli ^0.4.20
31K 10 docker-api ^0.4
31K 19 i18n-embed ^0.4
30K 6 pulsar ^0.4.19
31K 16 solana-bpf-loader-program ^0.4.20
29K 4 datafusion-functions ^0.4
30K 4 flatc-rust >=0.4.4
30K snowflake-api ^0.4
30K 8 solana-send-transaction-service ^0.4.20
91K 9 rustls-connector optional ^0.4
29K 14 env_proxy ^0.4
29K 8 solana-faucet ^0.4.20
28K 127 solana-program-test ^0.4.20
28K 2 aws-nitro-enclaves-nsm-api ^0.4
27K 7 cairo-lang-lowering ^0.4
28K 17 cosmic-text ^0.4.20
28K 4 i18n-config ^0.4
28K 2 stream_throttle ^0.4.8
27K 6 actix-connect ^0.4
26K 4 actix-threadpool ^0.4
27K 6 cargo-watch ^0.4.17
27K 15 indicatif-log-bridge >=0.4.19
27K 22 paho-mqtt ^0.4
27K 12 pcre2 ^0.4.19
27K 4 solana-loader-v4-program ^0.4.20
26K 4 solana-system-program ^0.4.20
27K 17 wkt ^0.4.17
26K 2 coins-ledger ^0.4
26K 2 crossfont ^0.4
25K 5 minilp ^0.4.8
25K 2 shadowsocks ^0.4
26K 8 tract-core ^0.4.14
26K 2 tract-linalg ^0.4.14
26K 10 tract-nnef ^0.4.14
25K 10 tun ^0.4
25K 8 cranelift-object ^0.4.8
25K 1 just ^0.4.4
24K 4 minidump-writer ^0.4
25K 3 ssdp-client ^0.4
24K 1 devx-cmd ^0.4
24K 30 electrum-client ^0.4
24K 1 ion-binary-rs ^0.4
24K 1 mio-signals ^0.4.11
24K 10 okapi ^0.4
24K 8 parcel_selectors ^0.4
24K qldb ^0.4
24K 9 quiche ^0.4
23K 26 socketcan ^0.4
23K 16 solana-accounts-db ^0.4.20
23K 5 solana-cost-model ^0.4.20
24K 1 symphonia-codec-vorbis ^0.4
24K 2 tract-onnx-opl ^0.4.14
24K 38 trash ^0.4
71K 3 fontconfig-parser optional ^0.4
23K 8 actix-http-test ^0.4
23K 4 actix-testing ^0.4
23K 10 actix-web-prom ^0.4
23K 1 goose ^0.4
22K 4 lindera-cc-cedict-builder ^0.4.21
23K 26 lindera-core ^0.4.21
23K 5 lindera-ipadic-builder ^0.4.21
22K 4 lindera-ko-dic-builder ^0.4.21
22K 4 lindera-unidic-builder ^0.4.21
22K 3 log-once ^0.4
23K 25 pgp ^0.4.6
22K 6 rstack ^0.4
23K 7 solana-vote ^0.4.20
22K 1 symphonia-codec-pcm ^0.4
22K 12 bitcoind ^0.4
21K 5 future-utils ~0.3.8
21K 11 libmdns ^0.4
21K 14 libsystemd ^0.4
21K 2 minidumper ^0.4
22K 4 pathos ^0.4.11
21K 9 pwasm-utils ^0.4
21K 2 symphonia-bundle-flac ^0.4
22K 1 symphonia-format-ogg ^0.4
21K 28 zenoh-util ^0.4.17
21K 20 actix-test ^0.4
21K 16 bdk ^0.4
21K 5 cached-path ^0.4
21K 15 femtovg ^0.4
20K 2 lindera-ipadic-neologd-builder ^0.4.21
20K 23 rusqlite_migration ^0.4
21K 1 shadowsocks-service ^0.4
21K 162 sp-api ^0.4.21
21K 27 zenoh ^0.4.17
21K 1 zenoh-link-tcp ^0.4.17
21K 8 zenoh-plugin-trait ^0.4.17
21K 1 zenoh-transport ^0.4.17
63K 42 smoltcp optional ^0.4.4
20K 1 aur-fetch ^0.4.17
20K 2 cargo-deb ^0.4.20
19K 1 dinghy-build ^0.4
19K 4 fvm ^0.4.19
19K 15 gpt ^0.4
20K 2 ic-response-verification ^0.4
20K 21 iced_core ^0.4
19K 21 iced_futures ^0.4
19K 9 iced_wgpu ^0.4
20K 4 iced_winit ^0.4
19K 26 ldap3 ^0.4.17
19K 1 mnl ^0.4.4
19K nftnl ^0.4
20K 22 yaserde ^0.4
20K 19 yaserde_derive ^0.4
59K 1 fs_at optional ^0.4.17
19K 40 btleplug ^0.4.20
19K 28 embuild ^0.4
18K 12 fatfs ^0.4
19K 370 frame-support ^0.4.21
18K 6 guess_host_triple ^0.4.1
18K 1 symphonia-codec-aac ^0.4
18K 25 tls-api ^0.4
18K 17 delog ^0.4
18K 11 esplora-client ^0.4
17K 29 fluvio-future ^0.4.0
18K 308 frame-system ^0.4.21
17K 1 libp2p-webrtc ^0.4.14
18K madsim-rdkafka ^0.4.19
18K ripgrep ^0.4.5
18K 1 symphonia-format-isomp4 ^0.4
17K 16 virtio-queue ^0.4.17
18K 26 zip-extract ^0.4.20
55K bindgen-cli optional ^0.4
16K 1 apalis-redis ^0.4
16K 8 bluez-async ^0.4.17
17K 1 cargo-component ^0.4.21
16K 5 exacl ^0.4.20
17K 152 frame-benchmarking ^0.4.21
16K 4 graphql-ws-client ^0.4
16K 20 iced_graphics ^0.4
17K 79 libipld ^0.4.14
16K 2 openvino-finder ^0.4
16K 84 rocket_contrib ^0.4
17K 3 solana-bloom ^0.4.20
16K 1 symphonia-codec-adpcm ^0.4
16K 4 tough ^0.4
16K 3 tree-sitter-cli ^0.4.21
17K 13 varisat ^0.4.6
17K 2 varisat-checker ^0.4.6
51K 7 again optional ^0.4
51K 13 sp-wasm-interface optional ^0.4.21
50K 11 postage optional ^0.4
50K 13 shared_memory optional ^0.4
16K cargo-machete ^0.4.16
15K 2 datafusion-functions-array ^0.4
15K 31 evm ^0.4
16K 1 fastfield_codecs ^0.4
15K 14 ffi-support ^0.4
16K 21 flv-util ^0.4.0
15K 29 headless_chrome ^0.4
15K 11 ledger-transport-hid ^0.4
15K 1 mcap ^0.4
15K 38 re_log ^0.4
15K 6 rocket_okapi ^0.4
16K 2 sphinx-packet ^0.4
16K 21 tokio-modbus ^0.4.20
46K 18 uhlc optional ^0.4
15K 6 actix-web-validator ^0.4
14K 59 gfx ^0.4
15K 110 pallet-balances ^0.4.21
14K 2 serde-env ^0.4
14K 7 solana-storage-bigtable ^0.4.20
15K 2 wasm-mutate ^0.4.17
14K 2 yubihsm ^0.4
44K 1 autocxx-bindgen optional ^0.4
43K 271 sp-io optional ^0.4.21
13K cargo-leptos ^0.4
13K 141 cursive ^0.4
14K 5 egg ^0.4.17
13K 40 gfx_device_gl ^0.4
13K 14 oxipng ^0.4.19
13K 70 pallet-timestamp ^0.4.21
14K 79 skim ^0.4.17
14K 15 solana-entry ^0.4.20
13K 13 solana-geyser-plugin-interface ^0.4.20
13K 13 solana-gossip ^0.4.20
14K 23 solana-ledger ^0.4.20
13K 5 solana-poh ^0.4.20
13K 16 solana-rpc ^0.4.20
14K 10 tuikit ^0.4
12K cargo-sweep ^0.4.6
12K 15 cranelift-jit ^0.4.8
12K 25 cursive_core ^0.4
12K 5 fast-socks5 ^0.4
12K 10 fluent-templates ^0.4.14
12K 10 gfx-backend-metal ^0.4
13K 12 gfx-backend-vulkan ^0.4
12K 24 gfx_core ^0.4
12K 17 grpc ^0.4
13K 3 httpbis ^0.4
12K 4 iced_renderer ^0.4
12K 1 iced_tiny_skia ^0.4
12K 139 iron ^0.3
12K 2 jni-utils ^0.4.19
12K 2 libseat ^0.4
12K 3 logging_timer ^0.4
12K 1 logging_timer_proc_macros ^0.4
12K 45 pallet-session ^0.4.21
12K 9 r3bl_rs_utils_core ^0.4.20
12K 1 r3bl_simple_logger ^0.4.20
12K 4 r3bl_tuify ^0.4.20
12K 16 solana-core ^0.4.20
13K 7 solana-geyser-plugin-manager ^0.4.20
12K 71 sp-blockchain ^0.4.21
12K 40 sp-consensus ^0.4.21
13K 4 spdx-rs ^0.4
12K 1 symphonia-format-riff ^0.4
12K 3 tauri-bundler ^0.4.21
13K ttaw ^0.4
12K 10 vhost-user-backend ^0.4.17
37K 17 rubato optional ^0.4.18
12K 4 actix-broker ^0.4
11K 3 alacritty_terminal ^0.4
11K 2 async-dnssd ^0.4.8
12K 7 burn-autodiff ^0.4.21
11K 2 burn-compute ^0.4.21
11K 2 burn-fusion ^0.4.21
11K 1 burn-train ^0.4.21
11K 3 burn-wgpu ^0.4.21
11K cargo-hakari ^0.4.20
11K 1 cddl ^0.4.14
12K 90 compiletest_rs ^0.4
11K 3 conhash ^0.4
11K 7 cryptoki ^0.4.14
11K 2 ec-gpu-gen ^0.4.14
11K 20 esp-idf-hal ^0.4
11K 1 garando_syntax ^0.4
11K 65 sc-client-api ^0.4.21
12K 11 solana-test-validator ^0.4.20
11K 2 solana-turbine ^0.4.20
11K 1 sqlxmq ^0.4.14
12K 35 substrate-prometheus-endpoint ^0.4.17
11K 40 syntex_syntax ^0.3
11K 10 systemd ~0.4
12K 2 tauri-plugin-shell ^0.4
11K 11 vt100 ^0.4.17
12K 9 winstructs ^0.4.8
36K 60 embassy-sync optional ^0.4.14
35K 36 lzma-rs optional ^0.4.17
34K 5 oslog optional ^0.4.14
10K 2 core-rpc ^0.4.5
10K 1 debpkg ^0.4
10K 8 gfx-backend-dx12 ^0.4
10K 7 gfx-backend-empty ^0.4
10K 45 grpcio ^0.4
11K 1 intel-mkl-tool ^0.4.17
11K 7 json_env_logger ^0.4
11K 1 lowcharts ^0
10K 11 merkletree ^0.4.7
10K minitrace-opentelemetry ^0.4
11K 3 octorust ^0.4
10K 4 r3bl_tui ^0.4.20
10K 5 redis-async ^0.4.11
11K 9 rocket_cors ^0.4
10K rust-script ^0.4
10K 14 sc-chain-spec ^0.4.21
11K 24 sc-consensus ^0.4.21
11K 3 sc-executor-wasmtime ^0.4.21
11K 35 sc-network ^0.4.21
10K 16 sc-rpc ^0.4.21
10K 1 sc-rpc-server ^0.4.21
10K 19 sc-telemetry ^0.4.21
10K 11 sc-tracing ^0.4.21
10K 8 sc-transaction-pool ^0.4.21
10K sccache ^0.4
10K 49 specs ^0.4.8
11K 1 symphonia-format-mkv ^0.4
10K 1 symphonia-format-wav ^0.4
10K 1 tauri-cli ^0.4.21
10K 40 teloxide ^0.4
10K 3 teloxide-core ^0.4
10K 8 tugger-common ^0.4.17
10K 3 tugger-windows-codesign ^0.4.17
10K 1 unicode_names2_generator ^0
33K 103 usb-device optional ^0.4
30K 45 embassy-futures optional ^0.4.14
10K 24 bellperson ^0.4.8
10K databento ^0.4
10K 1 fstab ~0.4
10K 2 gfx-backend-dx11 ^0.4
10K 2 hpke-rs ^0.4
10K 4 sc-client-db ^0.4.21
10K 2 sc-informant ^0.4.21
10K 18 sc-service ^0.4.21
10K 1 sc-state-db ^0.4.21
10K 8 storage-proofs-core ^0.4.7
10K 5 storage-proofs-porep ^0.4.7
10K 3 storage-proofs-post ^0.4.7
30K 4 auth-git2 optional ^0.4.19
30K 22 uzers optional ^0.4
9.9K 14 sc-cli ^0.4.21
9.9K 56 ws ^0.4.1
9.9K 7 rkv ^0.4.20
9.9K 2 databend-client ^0.4
9.9K 16 pallet-staking ^0.4.21
9.9K 2 storage-proofs-update ^0.4.7
9.9K 6 filecoin-proofs ^0.4.7
9.8K 41 cmd_lib ^0.4.20
9.8K 2 block-utils ^0.4
9.8K 5 wintun ^0.4
9.7K typos-cli ^0.4
28K 40 cairo-lang-utils optional ^0.4
9.7K 3 mft ^0.4
9.6K proxy-wasm ^0.4
9.6K 12 librespot-core ^0.4
9.6K 32 frame-executive ^0.4.21
9.6K 3 ocipkg ^0.4.21
9.5K 5 librespot-audio ^0.4
9.5K 4 librespot-metadata ^0.4
9.5K 6 jsonrpc-ws-server ^0.4
9.5K 5 librespot-playback ^0.4
28K 13 bellman optional ^0.4
9.3K 3 databend-driver ^0.4
9.2K shellflip ^0.4.17
9.1K 7 egui_tiles ^0.4
9.1K 10 fvm_sdk ^0.4.19
9.1K 1 symphonia-codec-alac ^0.4
9.1K 83 staging-xcm ^0.4.21
26K 13 arraystring optional ^0.4
9.0K 3 librespot-connect ^0.4
9.0K 5 librespot-discovery ^0.4
8.9K 1 serfig ^0.4
8.9K 11 logtest ^0.4.8
8.9K 12 tokei ^0.4.11
8.8K 4 prqlc ^0.4.20
8.8K 5 starknet-providers ^0.4.19
8.8K zenohd ^0.4.17
8.8K 4 sc-consensus-slots ^0.4.21
8.8K 5 zipkin ^0.4
8.8K 2 tmq ^0.4
8.7K 4 sc-offchain ^0.4.21
8.7K 3 tower-load ^0.4.1
8.7K 15 electrsd ^0.4
8.7K 1 apalis-sql ^0.4
8.7K 4 sc-network-gossip ^0.4.21
26K 7 opentelemetry-appender-tracing optional ^0.4
25K 35 redb optional ^0.4.17
8.6K 6 wgpu_glyph ^0.4
8.6K 3 witchcraft-log ^0.4
8.5K 2 dump_syms ^0.4
8.5K 1 solana-wen-restart ^0.4.20
8.5K 1 sc-proposer-metrics ^0.4.20
8.5K 4 substrate-frame-rpc-system ^0.4.21
8.5K 7 tract-hir ^0.4.14
8.5K 2 coap ^0.4
8.4K icalendar-duration ^0.4.17
8.4K 4 audiopus_sys build ^0.4
8.4K 7 frame-benchmarking-cli ^0.4.21
8.4K 5 sc-basic-authorship ^0.4.21
8.4K 3 plane-split ^0.4
8.4K 1 cargo-c ^0.4
8.4K 1 wasm-bindgen-webidl ^0.4.1
8.4K 5 lspower ^0.4
8.4K 47 simple-logging ^0.4
24K 9 icu_provider_blob optional ^0.4
8.3K 8 pallet-babe ^0.4.21
8.3K eza ^0.4
8.3K 54 staging-xcm-executor ^0.4.21
8.3K 1 russh-sftp ^0.4
8.2K 6 pdfium-render ^0
8.2K 7 pallet-grandpa ^0.4.21
8.2K 3 r2r ^0.4.18
8.2K 6 pallet-vesting ^0.4.21
8.2K 1 cargo-wix ^0.4
8.2K 40 ggez ^0.4
8.1K 3 espflash ^0.4.21
8.1K 5 genetlink ^0.4
8.1K 6 spider ^0.4
8.0K 53 staging-xcm-builder ^0.4.21
8.0K 71 polkadot-primitives ^0.4.21
8.0K 4 redis-module ^0.4
8.0K 19 esp-idf-svc ^0.4
23K 29 deku optional ^0.4.17
24K 19 esp-println optional ^0.4.20
7.9K 20 lofty ^0.4.20
7.9K 41 trillium ^0.4.20
7.9K 3 acpi ^0.4.20
7.9K 1 tower-ready-cache ^0.4.1
7.8K 12 sp-consensus-grandpa ^0.4.21
7.8K 11 trillium-http ^0.4.20
7.7K 27 pallet-aura ^0.4.21
7.7K 3 sc-allocator ^0.4.21
7.7K mousse ^0.4
7.7K 1 ethtool ^0.4.14
7.7K 37 pallet-xcm ^0.4.21
7.6K 1 arroy ^0.4.20
7.6K 2 devicemapper ^0.4.14
7.6K cargo-about ^0.4
7.6K 9 trillium-server-common ^0.4.20
7.5K 12 nu-utils ^0.4
7.5K 2 librespot ^0.4
7.5K cf-reqwest ^0.4
7.5K 19 sc-transaction-pool-api ^0.4.21
7.5K statsdproxy ^0.4
7.5K 2 ewebsock ^0.4
7.4K 4 actix-redis ^0.4.6
7.4K 4 tldextract ^0.4
7.4K 21 sc-utils ^0.4.21
7.4K 3 apple-xar ^0.4.20
7.3K 28 bevy_rapier3d ^0.4
7.3K 1 git-testament-derive ^0.4
7.3K 17 pallet-assets ^0.4.21
22K 12 input optional ^0.4.20
7.3K 3 nu-system ^0.4
7.3K 8 systemd-journal-logger ^0.4
7.2K 3 aml ^0.4
7.2K 1 kernlog ^0.4
7.2K 1 z-serial ^0.4
7.1K 2 surfman ^0.4
7.1K 9 rust_socketio ^0.4.20
7.1K 8 futures_ringbuf ^0.4
7.0K 3 fs-hdfs3 ^0.4
7.0K cargo-bundle-licenses ^0.4.17
7.0K 40 pallet-message-queue ^0.4.21
6.9K 19 polkadot-runtime-parachains ^0.4.21
6.9K 2 tree-sitter-graph ^0.4
6.8K 7 trillium-router ^0.4.20
6.8K 6 zeromq ^0.4
6.8K 1 azure_storage_queues ^0.4
6.8K 3 livekit-api ^0.4
6.8K 1 starship ^0.4.21
6.6K 2 ntex-h2 ^0.4
6.6K 6 ntex-rt ^0.4
19K 57 macroquad optional ^0.4
6.6K 12 sc-network-sync ^0.4.21
6.6K 17 deno_graph ^0.4.20
6.5K protofetch ^0.4.20
6.5K 7 nispor ^0.4.17
6.5K 6 pact-plugin-driver ^0.4.21
6.5K 1 mptcp-pm ^0.4.14
6.5K regex-cursor ^0.4.20
6.5K 11 bevy_rapier2d ^0.4
6.4K 4 fcm ^0.4
6.4K 2 sc-rpc-spec-v2 ^0.4.21
6.4K 8 sc-consensus-babe ^0.4.21
6.4K 10 sc-sysinfo ^0.4.21
6.3K 41 tokio-proto ^0.3.6
6.3K 22 rspotify ^0.4.14
6.3K 5 pinentry ^0.4
6.3K 3 libcryptsetup-rs ^0.4.19
6.3K 2 sc-network-transactions ^0.4.21
6.3K 1 sc-network-light ^0.4.21
6.3K 1 sc-network-bitswap ^0.4.21
6.1K 5 trillium-tokio ^0.4.20
6.1K 16 gitlab ~0.4.6
6.1K 5 sauron-core ^0.4
6.1K 8 svgbob ^0.4.14
6.1K 2 wasmtime-c-api-impl ^0.4.8
6.1K 10 rustls-acme ^0.4.17
6.0K 16 nu-parser ^0.4
6.0K 1 hdrs ^0.4
18K 57 embassy-time optional ^0.4.14
17K openvpn-plugin optional ^0.4
5.9K 42 ntex ^0.4
5.8K 5 apple-codesign ^0.4.20
5.8K 2 deno_npm ^0.4
5.8K 3 ntex-router ^0.4
5.8K 4 sc-consensus-aura ^0.4.21
5.8K gaol ^0.4
5.8K 1 mdbook-mermaid ^0.4.11
5.8K 19 tract-onnx ^0.4.14
5.7K 8 nu-command ^0.4
5.7K 2 piz ^0.4
5.7K 12 tss-esapi ^0.4.11
5.7K 12 ntex-util ^0.4
5.7K 11 yew-hooks ^0.4
5.7K 4 parity-ws ^0.4.1
5.7K 10 ntex-io ^0.4
5.6K 3 pgwire ^0.4
5.6K 60 nu-plugin ^0.4
5.6K dynamodb_lock ^0
5.6K 7 structured-logger ^0.4
5.6K 4 ntex-tls ^0.4
5.6K 2 hyper-old-types ^0.4
5.6K 2 cea708-types ^0.4
5.6K 6 jack-sys ^0.4
5.6K 3 sc-mixnet ^0.4.21
17K foundations optional ^0.4.20
17K 6 fruitbasket optional ^0.4
5.6K 1 bitwarden >=0.4.18, <0.5
5.6K 3 sc-authority-discovery ^0.4.21
5.5K 2 passkey-authenticator ^0.4
5.5K 9 git-cliff-core ^0.4.21
5.5K 7 pallet-election-provider-multi-phase ^0.4.21
5.5K 7 bollard-next ^0.4
5.5K debot-market-analyzer ^0.4.17
5.5K 1 stronghold-runtime ^0.4.17
5.4K 8 pallet-identity ^0.4.21
5.4K 7 ntex-http ^0.4
5.4K rage ^0.4
5.4K 3 mio-misc ^0.4
5.4K 4 lance-linalg ^0.4
5.4K 2 lance-datafusion ^0.4
5.4K 2 async-codec-lite ^0.4
5.4K 6 fuse-backend-rs ^0.4.6
5.4K 3 lance-index ^0.4
5.3K 3 lance ^0.4
5.3K 5 nu-cli ^0.4
5.3K 2 abstract-cw-multi-test ^0.4.20
5.3K 8 las ^0.4
5.3K 31 tui-logger ^0.4
5.3K 21 nickel ^0.3
5.3K 4 async-smtp ^0.4
5.3K 4 prop-check-rs ^0.4.21
15K 9 faer optional ^0.4
5.2K 7 rpm ^0.4
15K 14 stm32h7xx-hal optional ^0.4.14
5.2K 2 fs-hdfs ^0.4
5.2K 10 pdf ^0.4.14
5.2K 4 oni-comb-parser-rs ^0.4.21
5.2K 19 jack ^0.4
5.1K 3 meilisearch-sdk ^0.4
5.1K 14 deno_net ^0.4.20
5.1K nu ^0.4
5.1K flip-link ^0.4
5.1K 16 tokio-process ^0.4
5.1K rosvgtree ^0.4
5.1K fsrs ^0.4
5.1K 1 zenoh-link-udp ^0.4.17
5.1K 1 libsql-sqlite3-parser ^0.4
5.1K 2 substrate-rpc-client ^0.4.21
5.1K 2 lance-table ^0.4
5.1K 1 deno_config ^0.4.20
5.1K 4 logs ^0.4.17
5.0K 1 rsdp ^0.4
5.0K 2 containerd-shim ^0.4.2
5.0K 1 jsonpath_lib_polars_vendor ^0.4
5.0K 1 deno_cache_dir ^0.4.19
5.0K 6 tls-api-test ^0.4
5.0K 2 denokv_sqlite ^0.4.20
5.0K 2 denokv_remote ^0.4.20
5.0K 5 rusty-xinput ^0.4
5.0K 43 pancurses ^0.4
5.0K 7 mdns ^0.4
5.0K 8 pallet-scheduler ^0.4.21
4.9K 5 hpack ^0.3
14K 32 embassy-executor optional ^0.4.14
15K 5 evm-core optional ^0.4
15K 2 evm-gasometer optional ^0.4
14K 4 paperclip optional ^0.4
14K 2 paperclip-core optional ^0.4
14K 11 safer-ffi optional ^0.4.8
4.9K 1 connector_arrow ^0.4
4.9K mdbook-linkcheck ^0.4
4.9K 2 tokio-rustls-acme ^0.4.17
4.9K 4 pallet-im-online ^0.4.21
4.9K 11 kiddo ^0.4
4.8K datadog-logs ^0.4
4.8K mdbook-pandoc ^0.4.0
4.8K 21 pallet-multisig ^0.4.21
4.8K 5 json-ld-core ^0.4.17
4.8K 7 marine-rs-sdk-main ^0.4.20
4.8K 6 sc-consensus-grandpa ^0.4.21
4.8K 11 defmt-decoder ^0.4
4.8K 3 blockifier ^0.4
4.8K 18 geozero ^0.4.19
4.7K 7 nydus-api ^0.4.8
4.3M 1246 prost dev ^0.4
5.0M 3384 tracing-subscriber dev ^0.4.17
1.1M 157 wasmparser dev ^0.4.17
1.0M 620 config dev ^0.4
937K 452 getopts dev ^0.4
861K 159 metrics dev ^0.4
410K 377 test-log dev ^0.4.8
372K 57 profiling dev ^0.4
335K 6 sentry-tracing dev ^0.4
193K 8 async_io_stream dev ^0.4
194K 35 rouille dev ^0.4
122K 5 prioritized-metered-channel dev ^0.4
120K 2 orchestra dev ^0.4.20
117K 34 tracing-tree dev ^0.4
108K 19 async-scoped dev ^0.4.20
90K 22 lambda_http dev ^0.4
47K 69 zmq dev ^0.4.3
38K 5 pep508_rs dev ^0.4.20
33K 5 leptos_macro dev ^0.4
33K 7 leptos_reactive dev ^0.4
33K 31 test-env-log dev ^0.4
27K 8 cairo-lang-semantic dev ^0.4
27K 8 cairo-lang-sierra-generator dev ^0.4
27K 8 minitrace dev ^0.4
27K 1 minitrace-macro dev ^0.4
24K 27 sloggers dev ^0.4
16K tracing-slog dev ^0.4
11K 20 app_dirs2 dev ^0.4.17
12K 4 cron_clock dev ^0.4
11K 3 rlsf dev ^0.4.8
10K 7 log-derive dev ^0.4
11K 3 wasm_thread dev ^0.4
10K 8 libmount dev ^0.4.1
9.8K 9 foundationdb dev ^0.4.21
8.8K 2 logcall dev ^0.4
8.8K 3 trace dev ^0.4.17
8.3K 16 libbpf-rs dev ^0.4.4
7.8K actix-web-thiserror dev ^0.4.17
7.6K 5 serde-this-or-that dev ^0.4
6.0K 38 winit_input_helper dev ^0.4
5.9K 9 sauron dev ^0.4
5.8K 3 reopen dev ~0.4
5.4K 1 containerd-shim-protos dev ^0.4.2
5.3K 4 iota_stronghold dev ^0.4.14
5.0K oni-comb-uri-rs dev ^0.4.21
5.0K 1 crossfire dev ^0.4
4.8K 7 json-ld dev ^0.4.17