shared_memory is used at run time in 37 crates (of which 14 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 17 crates. It's used only as a dev dependency in 3 crates (of which 1 directly).

Number of dependers shared_memory version Downloads/month
37 0.12.4 68K
2 0.11.4 60
1 0.8.2 0
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) shared_memory version
1.5K testtrim ^0.12.4
1.3K sq ^0.12.4
750 lamellar ^0.12.4
600 kgdata ^0.12.4
390 3 zenoh-shm ^0.12.4
140 rlgym-learn-backend ^0.12.4
110 rublk ^0.12.4
forest-filecoin ^0.12
700 3 radix-engine-profiling optional ^0.12.4
1 cyfs-chunk-lib ^0.12.2
1 fugue-radare ^0.12
ligmars ^0.12.4
shared_hashmap ^0.12.4
shared-data ^0.8
rbt ^0.11
2 liblisa-x64-observer ^0.12.4
pyany-serde ^0.12.4
550 shared_memory_derive dev 0.*