Active direct dependers over time: total, gained/lost
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

actix-web is used at run time in 1,170 crates (of which 183 optionally). It's used only as a dev dependency in 110 crates (of which 100 directly).

Number of dependers actix-web version Downloads/month
939 4.9.0 814K
1 4.8.0 405K
1 4.5.1 129K
1 4.0.0-beta.5 2.3K
146 3.3.3 25K
82 2.0.0 2.1K
59 1.0.9 5.9K
45 0.7.19 5.3K
5 0.6.15 1.2K
1 0.5.8 140
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) actix-web version
1.6M 243 serde_qs optional ^3.3
397K 125 actix-cors ^4
230K 46 tracing-actix-web ^4
228K 187 actix-files ^4
641K 415 rust-embed optional ^4
203K 60 actix-multipart ^4
130K 86 actix-web-actors ^4
128K 44 actix-web-httpauth ^4.1
100K 20 actix-web-lab ^4.9
93K 17 actix-ws ^4
265K 51 utoipa-swagger-ui optional ^4
80K 6 actix-web-opentelemetry ^4.0
64K 42 actix-session ^4
44K 2 actix-htmx ^4
36K 9 async-graphql-actix-web ^4.5.1
35K 7 actix-web-prom ^4.0
33K 37 actix-test ^4.6
92K 103 maud optional ^4
81K 8 server_fn optional ^4.9
68K 18 utoipa-rapidoc optional ^4
21K 4 leptos_actix ^4.9
64K 11 utoipa-redoc optional ^4
20K 12 actix-identity ^4
63K 21 cloudevents-sdk optional ^4
20K 1 sentry-actix ^4
58K 3 utoipa-scalar optional ^4
17K 7 actix-governor ^4
17K 2 actix-web-grants ^4.3
15K actix-csrf ^4
14K 1 actix-web-prometheus ^4.2.1
11K 7 actix-web-static-files ^4
9.7K 1 actix-web-thiserror-derive ^4.3.1
9.7K actix-web-thiserror ^4.3.1
9.4K 5 actix-web-validator ^4
23K 24 leptos-use optional ^4
6.2K 2 actix-web-flash-messages ^4
5.7K actix-web-rust-embed-responder ^4.4
5.6K utoipa-actix-web ^4
16K 1 paperclip-actix optional ^2
17K 2 paperclip-core optional ^2
5.4K 3 actix-web-extras ^4
4.3K 5 apistos-plugins ^4
4.3K 3 apistos ^4
4.3K 1 apistos-gen ^4
3.6K airmoney-cli ^4
3.3K zero4rs ^4.6.0
2.9K 1 shuttle-actix-web ^4.3.1
9.0K 3 actix-redis optional ^4
2.7K vigil-server ^4.3
2.4K epistemology ^4.4.1
2.3K 7 askama_actix ^4
2.1K 2 garde-actix-web ^4
2.1K astrolab-smart-coffee-types ^2.0.0
2.0K RuStream ^4.9.0
2.0K miniserve ^4
6.3K 8 http-api-problem optional ^4
1.8K apistos-shuttle ^4
1.8K nixpacks ^4.2.1
1.8K testtrim ^4.9.0
1.8K constellation-server ^4.8
1.7K dmntk ^4.9.0
1.7K putioarr ^4.5.1
1.6K paferafileserver ^4.9.0
5.1K 2 nanoservices-utils optional ^4.9.0
1.4K humane ^4
4.9K deserr optional ^4.8.0
1.4K 1 pagefind ^4
1.4K 2 actix-middleware-etag ^4.9.0
1.3K 1 actix-easy-multipart ^4
1.3K 3 actix-extensible-rate-limit ^4
1.3K htsget-actix ^4
1.2K todors ^4.3
4.3K 1 apistos-core optional ^4
1.2K liboxen ^4
4.1K 1 problem_details optional ^4.9
1.1K actix_block_ai_crawling ^4.4.0
3.7K zitadel optional ^4.5.1
1.0K rusty_vault ^4.4
1.0K actix-web-middleware-keycloak-auth ^4.9.0
1.0K voxelize ^4.5.1
3.5K 7 dav-server optional ^4.0.0-beta.15
950 1 blockscout-tracing-actix-web ^4
900 actix-analytics ^4
900 2 actix-form-data ^4.0.0
850 1 async-mcp ^4
800 10 myc-core ^4
800 juniper_actix ^4.4
800 bendsql ^4.0
750 actix_error_proc ^4.9.0
2.7K 6 surrealml-core optional ^4.5.1
700 viguno ^4.9
700 1 mycelium-http-tools ^4
700 1 mycelium-memory-db ^4
700 1 actix-error-derive ^4.2
700 zugriff =4.8.0
700 actix-error ^4.2
2.6K 1 opentalk-types-api-v1 optional ^4
650 actix-session-surrealdb ^4.3.1
650 1 actix-protobuf ^4
650 mycelium-api ^4
650 wterm ^4.9.0
650 2 oxide-auth-actix ^4.2.1
600 1 fuel-web-utils ^4.9
600 3 feldera-types ^4.3
600 1 actix_error_proc_macros ^4.9.0
600 ayb ^4.9.0
600 traffic_forward ^4.5.1
550 actix-limitation ^4
550 operator ^3.3.3
550 snakepipe ^4.5.1
550 shellchat ^4
550 dsntk ^4.9.0
2.2K netsblox-vm optional ^4.6.0
550 2 actix-request-identifier ^4.1.0
550 nature-demo ^4.2.1
500 rust_wheel ^4
500 flowmium ^4
500 actix-admin ^4.9
2.1K 6 lemmy_db_views optional ^4.8.0
2.0K 1 legion_prof_viewer optional ^4
500 2 controller ^4.3.1
500 snarkify-sdk ^4.3.0
2.0K 2 clerk-rs optional ^4.9.0
490 1 serde-querystring-actix ^4
480 garage-door ^4
480 actix-ws-broadcaster ^4.9.0
460 graph_fs ^4.3
460 rserve ^4.7.0
450 1 actix-proxy ^4.3.0
450 fleet_apiserver ^4.9.0
440 trustcaptcha-rust ^4.0
430 srt_whep ^4
420 tembo-cli ^4.5.1
420 oidc-cli ^4
410 goalaim ^4.7.0
410 spotify_token_manager ^4.5.1
410 pprog ^4.4
1.7K 6 activitypub_federation optional ^4.8.0
1.7K 9 lemmy_api_common optional ^4.8.0
400 2 shaku_actix ^4
390 toolproof ^4
370 1 zino-actix ^4.9.0
360 paas-server ^4.0
360 2 annonars ^4.9.0
350 akas ^4
350 2 nature ^4
1.5K 11 lemmy_utils optional ^4.8.0
1.5K 4 lambda-web optional ^4
330 actix-remote-ip ^4
330 1 langdb_core ^4
1.5K opcua optional ^4.4
330 2 actix-ratelimit ^3.3.2
330 vuefinder ^4.0
1.4K firebase-auth optional ^4
320 vite-actix ^4.9.0
320 1 lemmy_routes ^4.3.1
320 openligadb ^4.0
310 1 forc-index ^4
310 1 actix-slog ^3.0.2
310 rusty-notes ^4
310 SysMonk ^4.9.0
310 actix-msgpack ^4
300 xxljob-sdk-rs ^4
290 1 contact ^3
290 cdn ^4.9.0
280 webbase ^4.8.0
280 RustFL ^4.9.0
270 1 lemmy_api ^4.3.1
260 actix-contrib-logger ^4.3
260 lemmy_apub_lib ^4.0.1
260 rheomesh ^4.9.0
250 deadnews-template-rust ^4.9.0
250 stelae ^4
250 reva_actix ^4
250 serwus ^4
240 1 actix-jwt-auth-middleware ^4.2.1
240 1 actix-settings ^4
230 russenger ^4
230 1 qecp ^4.0.1
230 nature_demo_executor_restful ^2.0
230 ai-gateway ^4
230 2 teloxide_tests ^4.9
210 shorty-http ^0.7
200 twelve_service ^4.9.0
200 1 actix-prost ^4
200 relay-mailer ^4.9.0
200 actix-request-hook ^4.0.1
1.1K inertia-rust optional ~4
190 web3_account_server ^4
190 1 lemmy_apub ^4.3.1
180 sqlpage ^4
180 actix-ip-filter ^4.0.0-beta.14
180 1 mehari ^4.9
180 actix-web-requestid ^4.3.1
180 tembo-telemetry ^4.4
180 furdb ^4
170 1 actix-state-guards ^4.3
170 perseus-actix-web ^4.3
170 hardshare ^3
160 mini-rust-auth ^4
160 1 lemmy_api_crud ^4.3.1
160 pilgrimage ^4
150 openmood ^4.4.0
950 3 jsonrpc-v2 optional ^1
150 openapi-mocker ^4.5.1
150 actix-web-condition-middleware ^1
150 5 auditor ^4.8.0
150 lemmy_websocket ^4.0.1
140 webring-plusplus-server-actix ^4.8
140 senax-actix-session ^4
140 lrzcc-api ^4
140 rnacos ^4
140 1 pict-rs ^4.6.0
140 turbo-remote-cache-rs ^4
130 aegis-waf ^4.9.0
130 legba ^4.8.0
130 blockscout-contracts-info-proto ^4.9.0
130 indieauth-client ^4.9.0
130 rickview ^4
130 2 usc ^4.3.1
900 blockscout-service-launcher optional ^4
900 2 oasgen optional ^4.3.1
120 bigsql ^4.0
120 erc20_payment_lib_test ^4
120 indiebookmarks ^4.9.0
120 serve-dav ^4.7.0
120 actix-4-jwt-auth ^4.9.0
120 acme-redirect ^4
120 empede ^4.4.0
120 serv4rs ^4.3.1
120 auditor-priority-plugin ^4.8.0
120 pict-rs-proxy ^4.0.0
110 martin ^4
110 raos_actix ^4
110 zeusd ^4
110 1 dbui-controllers ^1.0.9
110 microbin ^4
110 rswarm ^4.9.0
100 actix-web-correlation-id ^4
100 brig ^4.9.0
100 boltcli ^4
100 2 sse-actix-web ^2.0.0
100 midlware ^3
100 actix-web-utils ^4.1.0
100 soap_tools ^4.3.1
100 restrepo ^4
biscuit-actix-middleware ^4.3.1
superviseur ^4.3.1
web3_test_proxy ^4
cloudevents-sdk-actix-web ^3
800 2 oasgen-core optional ^4.3.1
supremo_loan ^3.3
hashira-actix-web ^4.3.1
shorust ^3.3.2
actix-xml ^4.0
subweight-web ^4.5.1
actix-embed ^4
hextacy ^4
actix_extract_multipart ^4
1 shield-actix ^4.9.0
zb ^4
dev_api ^4
xiod ^1.0.0
actix-web-pagination 3.*
avantis_actix_web_common ^4.0.0-beta.8
coredb-controller ^4.3.1
pipe_downloader ^4.1.0
geo-server ^4
torchbear ^0.7
1 actix-casbin-auth ^4.0.1
security-cam-common ^4.4.0
1 ajars_server_actix_web ^4.0
3 bbox-map-server ^4.0.0
8 exonum-testkit ^2.0.0
fplus-cli ^4.4.0
700 3 stubr optional ^4.2
700 hypertext optional ^4
lemmy_server ^4.2.1
lib_bolt ^4
13 pagetop ^4.9.0
trifid-api ^4
8 bbox-core ^4.0.0
1 bbox-feature-server ^4.0.0
aster-proxy ^1.0
zentrox ^4.9.0
airnc ^4
1 music-player-webui ^4.2.1
server_clipboard ^3
1 bbox-tile-server ^4.0.0
nb-serde-query ^4.4.0
static-files-server ^4.5.1
blazzy ^4.8.0
9 exonum-rust-runtime ^2.0.0
rustus ^4.0.1
sql_db_creator ^4
rosey ^4
650 tsdb_timon optional ^4.9.0
scout-worker ^4
1 chimes-auth ^4.0.1
actix-helper-macros ^4.0.0
6 exonum-api ^2.0.0
ooproxy ^0.7
robopages ^4.9.0
actix-multipart-extract ^4
actix-web-middleware-redirect-scheme ^3
1 coi-actix-web ^4.2.1
sui-rust-operator ^4.3.1
4 actix-storage ^4.0.0
bbox-server ^4.0.0
catenary-backend ^4.4.1
gxib ^4.2.1
groot ^4.4
1 bbox-processes-server ^4.0.0
1 sea_battle_backend ^4.4.1
2 bbox-asset-server ^4.0.0
k8s_apiserver ^4.9.0
mitsuba ^4.0.0-BETA.4
narnia ^4
shibboleth-oauth2-forwarding ^4
6 shine-testutils ^1.0.0-beta
subilo ^2.0.0
line_bot_sdk ^4.3
minimongo ^4.9.0
procweb-rust ^4
1 awmpde_structs ^4.0.0
1 dweb ^4.9.0
git-http-backend ^4.9.0
apiserver ^4.9.0
h2n5 ^4
modeling ^3
bunbun ^3.0
RustMusic ^1.0
actix-telegram ^0.7.18
2 sonya-meta ^4.0.0-beta.15
diana-actix-web ^3.3.2
1 rotala ^4
webterm-rs ^4.3.1
NeteaseCloudMusicRustApi ^1.0
actix-web-query-method-middleware ^4.3
1 bolt_core ^4.3.1
3 hub1989-error-util ^4.9.0
turbolift ^3
validr ^4
1 actix-rate-limit ^3
1 exonum-explorer-service ^2.0.0
mezzo ^4
nitram ^4.8.0
1 actix_send_websocket ^3.1.0
bayard-rest ^2.0
1 bbox-frontend ^4.0.0
hermod-api ^4.0.0-beta.3
photo_shoop ^4.3.1
1 exonum-system-api ^2.0.0
melody_server ^4.0.1
actix-web-jsonschema ^4
actix-web-multipart-file ^0.7.6
2 jonases-tracing-util ^3.3.2
pepe-actix ^4.2.1
service-authenticator ^3.0.0
actix-web-4-validator ^4.0.0-rc.3
blackhole-bin ^4
september ^4.9.0
wascc-httpsrv ^2.0.0
dweb-cli ^4.9.0
hub1989-oidc-util ^4.5.1
lest ^4.9.0
awmpde ^4.0.0
600 kismesis-ssg optional ^4.8.0
geoip-rs ^2
serve-mar ^4.1.0
2 web-queue-meta ^3
webdev_guide ^4.3.1
1 actix-web-buffering ^3
actix_web_openidconnect ^4
user-service ^4
aliri_actix ^4
ap-relay ^4.4.0
darwinia-shadow ^2.0.0
6 erc20_payment_lib_common ^4
fexon ^4.0
pict-rs-admin ^4.3.1
tracing-actix-web-mozlog ^4
actix-extended-session ^4
actix-logger ^4.3
actix-web-middleware-requestid ^3
2 bitcoin-cli ^4.1.0
graphannis-webservice ^4
moker ^4.4.0
reveal-yaml ^4
tmobile-internet-tools ^4.1.0
actix-hash ^4
cargo-web-component ^3.1.0
re-sol ^4.2.1
2 actix-plus-error ^3.3.2
actix-web-async-await ^0.7.13
actix-web-middleware-cognito ^3.0.2
actix-web-sql-identity ^0.7
actix-web-upload-example ^2.0.0-alpha.1
chord-web ^4.2.1
funes ^4.0.0-beta.7
wacr ^4
dlphn ^2.0.0
live-view ^4.0.0-beta.4
acid ^4.9.0
actix-middleware-ed25519-authentication ^4
biller ^2.0.0
infini-pizza ^4.2.1
k0s ^4.4
proxyboi ^3
racker ^4.3
risq ^1.0.8
weih ^4.0.0-beta.6
actix-loginmanager ^4
actix-middleware-rfc7662 ^4
1 actix-plus-utils ^3.3.2
ajars_actix_web ^4.0
bailongma ^4.0.0-beta.6
5 erc20_payment_lib ^4
4 erc20_rpc_pool ^4
kimage ^4.3
recaptcha-service ^4
spiral-server ^4.3.1
estuary ^3.3.2
miniserver ^0.7
mitto ^4.1
1 qinpel-srv ^3
1 yummy-delta ^4
actix-jwks ^4.3.0
actix-oidc-token ^3.3.2
actix-prerender ^4
actix_lambda ^2
hookd ^4.0.0-beta.6
1 limitation-actix-middleware ^1.0.8
rustomword ^2.0.0
servus ^4
shadocal ^4.9
staple ^1.0.8
torrust-index-backend ^4.3
web-base ^4.2
daas ^3
eastwind-blogger ^4.4.0
file-server ^1.0.9
forwarded ^3.3.2
fplus-http-server ^4.3.1
gumbo-lib ^4.9
katwebx >=1.0.5
1 rustimate-controllers ^1.0.9
soda-test-service ~0.7
testax ^3.0
actix-cbor ^3.0.0
actix-permissions ^4.0.1
actix-web-jwt ^4.3.1
jake_the_dog ^4.3.1
rapid-web ^4.3.1
riz ^4.4.0
rust-code-analysis-web ^4.2
wx-work ^4.0.0-beta.6
zy ^4.2.1
actix-web-flash ^1
actix_channels ^4.0.1
1 actix_route_rate_limiter ^4.0
actix_web_metrics_mw ^3.0
bot-api-example ^4.3
notegraf-web ^4.2
otter-daemon ^4
1 tdnet ^2.0
actix-jwt-validator-middleware ^3.3.2
1 adminix_macro ^3
calar ^4.3.1
goxidize ^4.0
1 moonramp-sale-rpc ^4.1.0
pass_ball ^2.0
pontus_onyx_cli ^4.2.1
quizler ^4
rs-starter ^4
terminal-velocity ^4.9.0
actix-client-ip-cloudflare ^4
actix-jwt-authc ^4
actix-web-extract ^4.0
cakerabbit-core ^3
cargo-zaplib ^4.0.0-rc.3
1 contraband ^2.0.0
1 moonramp-program-rpc ^4.1.0
1 moonramp-wallet-rpc ^4.1.0
msg-store-http-server ^3
nextera_jwt ^4.9.0
octagon ^3
proby ^2.0.0
rhole ^4.2.1
1 solitaire-controllers ^1.0.9
1 superviseur-webui ^4.3.1
thoth ^2.0.0
actix-web-isucon-measured ^4
actix-web-stackdriver-middleware ^2
awf-help ^1.0
diect-rs ^2.0.0
gcs-server ^3.3
graphql-mongodb-boilerplate ^2.0.0
hsr ^4.2.1
http-signature-normalization-actix-extractor ^4
image-color-service ^4
kafka-replicator ^2.0.0
kanidm ^0.7
leo-ver-serv ^1.0
1 rinja_actix ^4
rues ^3.3.3
saw ^3
xiod_fakedata ^1
Hela ^4.0
actix-error-mapper-middleware ^4
actix-route-config ^4.3
actix-sled-session ^1.0
cheval ^3.2.0
cosworth ^0.7.17
g_lib ^4.3.1
jwt-actix4 ^4.0.0
mangadex-home ^4.0.0-beta.4
1 mango-orm ^3.3.3
rebuilderd ^4.1.0
remote-canvas ^2.0
replicante_agent ^2.0.0
rss-to-lametric ^4.2.1
ruspk ^2
script ^4.9.0
wxwork_robotd ^1.0.3
actix-plus-static-files ^3.0
actix-treblle ^4
actix-web-rest ^4
actix_validated_forms ^2.0.0
async-rust ^4.0.1
cynthiaweb ^4
digipages-lib ^2.0.0
2 erc20_payment_lib_extra ^4
2 fistinc-errors ^3.3.2
my_public_ip_server ^3.3
nature_demo_converter_restful ^1.0
nearby ^0.7
socksfinder ^4.0
thea ^2.0.0
uiuifree-actix-web-util ^4
actix-auth ^2.0
actix-web-middleware-oso ^4.0.1
admino ^2.0.0
amper ^3
commitai ^4
f7-cts-backend ^4
gabira ^0.7.3
moat_jwt_handler ^4.1.0
runtime_injector_actix ^3
sentinel-actix ^4
sonya-proxy ^4.0.0-beta.15
wasmcloud-httpserver ^4.0.0-beta.8
wechat-mp ^2
actix-clean-path ^3.0.0-alpha.3
actix-delay ^2.0.0
actix-httpbin ^0.6.10
actix-plus-auth ^3.3.2
1 actix-webfinger ^4.0.1
1 apub-actix-web ^4.0.0-beta.12
cargo-bavy ^4.1.0
filite ^2.0.0
framework-cqrs-lib ^4
pooly ^4.0.1
pslink ^3
rddns ^4.7.0
simple-web-server ^4.2.1
sockjs ^0.5
ssfs ^4.3.1
1 ultibi_server ^4
actix-rest ^0.7.17
actix-web-detached-jws-middleware ^3
actix-web-jwtauth 3.*
actix-webpack-proxy ^1.0
arpy-actix ^4.3.0
auth-encrypt ^4
boltserver ^4
classeq-api ^4.7
got-ya-id ^2
1 houseflow-server ^4.0.0-beta.8
2 inexor-rgf-rt ^4.0
inexor-rgf-rt-standalone ^4.0
juggernaut_broker ^4.3.1
karton ^4
medea ^3.0
meilib ^3.0.0-alpha.2
noiseless-tracing-actix-web ^4.2.1
pokedex_rs ^4.4.1
rate_my_professor_api_rs ^4.9.0
ricksponse ^4.1.0
rust-actix-crud ^4
sonya ^4.0.0-beta.15
visual-search ^3.3.2
wasm-server ^3.3.2
webservice_tutorial ^4.3.1
actix-sqlx-tx ^4.2.1
actix-web-tonic ^4.0.1
admin-gp ^3.3.3
aws-codebuild-status_server ^1.0.0
bevy_diagnostics_explorer ^4.3.1
contract_broker ^4.3.1
etf_balancer ^3.0.0-alpha.3
kepton ^3
ledgrr ^4.0.1
1 localtunnel-server ^4
meilisearch-api-client ^3.0.0-alpha.2
openhuman ^3.3.2
ozone-ws ^4
pipe_mock_serve ^4.1.0
rustimate ^1.0.9
serenade ^3.3
sse-server ^2.0.0
stiglpc-server ^4
tracing-formatters ^4.2.1
twitch_oidc_fix ^4.1
webhttp ^4.4.0
webterm ^1.0.8
x-server-stats ^4
actix-web-middleware-slack ^4
arpa-node ^4
1 bbox-routing-server ^4.0.0
cdr-today ^3
cookbook ^4
cookiebox ^4.9
distance_aa ^4.3.1
1 dsntk-server ^4.9.0
fowner ^4
geoip-api ^2
hermodapi ^4.0.0-beta.3
jsonox ^3
mat-clockwork-relayer ^4.3.1
mblue ^4
olaf2 ^0.7.8
request-pretreat ^4
rung ^3.2.0
rust_raft ^3
signalr_rs ^4.0.1
stripe-integration ^2.0.0
tracing-actix-web2 ^4.0.1
actix-bincode ^4.9.0
actix-web-validation ^4
arxy ^2.0.0
bare_server_rs ^4
chatrs ^3
checkip ^3.3.2
ez-q ^4
1 fluentci-server ^4.5.1
gsync ^3.3.2
hetnetdb ^3.3.0
ical-filter ^2.0.0
infini-search ^4.2.1
infotainer ^3.0
limitation-proxy ^1.0.8
markdown-preview ^4
mavlink2rest ^2.0.0
new-home-proxy ^3.0.0-alpha.3
poke-speare ^2.0
remarkjs ^1.0.3
resalt ^4.1.0
smark ^4
starlane-core ^3.3.2
stripeql ^4.2.1
svg-tileserver ^4
tuppence ^4.3.1
tusk ^0.7.19
web-queue-proxy ^3
wsterm ^4.3.1
actix-middleware-macro ^4
actix-web-security ^3
actix-ws-proxy ^4
arkaoe ^4.5
clia-rcproxy ^1.0
coingecko_cache_api ^3
erc20_processor ^4
1 event-web ^0.6
gitarena ^3.2.0
howtocards 0.7.*
howtocards_backend 0.7.*
http-pipe ^3.0
lorikeet-dash ^2
mawby ^4
4 moosicbox_auth ^4.9.0
music_book_server ^4.0.1
neighbor ^3
prose_chan ^1.0.0
rabbithole-endpoint-actix ~1.0
rosetta ^0.7.19
rustagent ^4.9.0
sapio-ws ^3
sockethook ^1.0.8
splitterrust_server ^1.0
svanill-vault-server ^3.0.2
tafkars-lemmy ^4.3.1
telegram-webhook ^4.4
terdoc ^4.5.1
tetcore-telemetry ^3.1.0
thingy ^3
tspa ^3.0.0-alpha.3
web-queue-server ^3
webhook_listener ^1.0.3
zerotrust ^4.4.1
abode ^4
1 actix-web-validator5 ^4
deoxy ^0.7.18
eingang-backend 3.3.*
ela ^1.0.0-alpha.6
error_mapper ^4.4.0
ethers-signers-browser ^4.3
excel ^1.0.0-rc
fallbaq ^2.0.0
fistinc-auth ^3.3.2
gitcube ^0.7
haku-server ^3.3.2
hq-core ^3.0.0-alpha.3
htai_elitist ^2.0
index-html-server ^1.0.4
litekv ^3.3.2
lupt ^3
multiplex ^2.0.0
oidc-util ^4.3.1
openbanking ^1.0.4
prometheus_dhcp_exporter ^0.7.17
punch-web ^0.7
rc-storage ^4.0.1
rust_graphql_nft_server ^4.0.1
rustaman ^4
simbld-http ^4.9.0
simple_webhook_msg_sender ^3.3.2
solitaire ^1.0.9
somm_test_runner ^3
tamako ^4.3.1
unleash-edge ^4.9.0
veruna ^4
videohash ^4.9.0
web5-rust ^4.8.0
website-screenshot ^4.0.1
zedis ^1.0.0
actix-jwt-session ^4
1 actix-web-middleware-redirect-https ^3
bassment ^4
cargo-cala ^1.0
common_lib_for_router_center_api ^4.9.0
coredb-operator ^4.2.1
docserve ^4
dokkoo ^4.4.0
fll-scoring ^2.0
hubhook ^4.0.0-rc.3
j-api-actix ^2.0
kuso-subdomain-adder ^4.0.0-beta.9
localns ^4.3.1
neon_nlp ^3
nftmart-telemetry ^4.0.0-beta.8
prometheus-mpd-exporter ^3
qapro-rs ^4.0.0-beta.5
rslide ^3.3
rtrans ^0.7.19
rust-authenticator ^3
rust-demo ^3.3.2
rust-mongo-web-service ^4
rust-mongodb ^2
saga ^3.3.2
silkroad ^1.0.2
sonm ^0.7
spaserver ^0.7
still ^4.0.1
thresh ^2.0.0
thttp ^2.0
tokengen-web ^4.3.1
webapp-backend ^1.0.3
webcord ^2.0.0-alpha.3
webhook-server ^4.0.0-beta.10
actix-contrib-rest ^4.3
actix-rate-limiter ^4.8.0
brokerapi ^3.3.2
coal ^3
1 dmntk-server ^4.9.0
fortress-server ^4.2.1
1 free_log_writer ^4.9.0
gcs-rs >=2.0.0, <3.0.0
1 inn-network ^4
libquerier ^4.3.1
lottie-renderer-service ^4
lwa_simple_server ^4.4
2 nostr-relay ^4.9.0
3 pax-compiler ^4
pgx_prometheus_exporter ^4.2.1
pocket-relay-http-server ^4
raspberry-web ^0.7.19
rust-cli-messager ^4.1.0
rust_solid ^4.0.1
sn0int-signal ^2.0.0
tera_abstraction_for_actixweb ^4
tetcore-analytics ^3.0.0-beta.3
thumbrs >=3.0.0, <4.0.0
2 touchpage ^0.7.13
user-validator ^3.3.2
actix-json-response ^4
actix-multiresponse ^4.0
actix-type-util ^4.9.0
actix-web-middleware-opa ^0.7
actix-web-sqlx-tx ^4.8.0
actix_web_common ^4.0.0-beta.8
cmdpiped ^4
crl5-module-fn ^4.1.0
dom_api ^4.2.1
kubeless ^0.6.14
lockchain-http ^0.6
mangadex-desktop-api2 ^4
3 moosicbox_middleware ^4.9.0
mqttp ^4.2.1
netsblox-cloud ^4.4.0
1 nostr-extensions ^4.9.0
pgui-api ^4.3.0
ping-viewer-next ^4.9.0
registry_api ^2.0.0
releasr ^3
resymo-agent ^4
1 ruxt_macros ^4.5.1
tera_abstaction_for_actixweb ^4
tiktok_rust ^4.9.0
tracing-foramtters ^4.2.1
upend ^3.3
webhookd ^4
actix-swagger ^4.2.1
apollo-gateway-rs ^4
dbui ^1.0.9
fiddi ^4.0.1
gcs-client >=2.0.0, <3.0.0
getserviceip ^4
highlightio-actix ^4
mango-panel ^3
ok-dns ^4.5.1
pict-rs-aggregator ^4.0.0
plotka ^0.7
2 qrt-log-utils ^4
rlink-core ^3.1
spa-server ^4.0.0-beta.3
sv-webserver ^4.9
thrify-core ^2.0
zlib-searcher ^4
actix-inertia ^4
actix-ipquery ^4.9.0
actix-rl ^4
actix-web-nextjs ^4.9.0
actix-ws-ng ^4.0
actix_tera_page ^4
atomic-server ^4.4
bandcamp_recommendations ^4
bunsan ^4.9.0
ferrischat_webserver ^3
fplus-database ^4.4.0
2 fplus-lib ^4.3.1
galoy-cli ^4.2.1
guessing_number ^1.0.8
locustdb ^4
ocypod ^4
reformulate ^4.3.1
1 replicante_util_actixweb ^2.0.0
rustypaste ^4.9.0
sod-actix-web ^4.3.1
website-screenshot-actix-governor ^4
ws-actix-web ^2
ya_web3_proxy ^4.3
acsim ^4
actix-di ^4.0
actix-jwt-cookies ^4.9.0
actix-quick-extract ^4
actix-sitemaps-rs ^4.5.1
actix-web-nextjs-spa ^4.0
anonymize_rs ^4
anyhow-to-actix-error ^4
app-core ^4.4.0
aqua-cli ^4.4
authlogic ^4.9.0
broodkruimel ^4.8.0
1 chainthru-server ^4.3.1
chimes-rust ^4.0.1
1 chimes-utils ^4.0.1
coasys_juniper_actix ^4.4
cynthia_cms ^4
devops-workwechat ^4.3.1
1 eventify-http-server ^4.3.1
gmail-mbox-analyzer ^4
hackable_notes ^4.8.0
hook0-api ^4.9.0
httpbin-rs ^4.9.0
1 kactus ^4.5.1
kactus-gtfs-rt ^4.5.1
lagging_server ^4.4.0
2 moosicbox_server ^4.9.0
moosicbox_tunnel_server ^4.9.0
my-app ^4.4
nervemq ^4.9.0
1 nervemq-actix-identity ^4
1.3M 161 actix-http dev ^4
1.3M 5 actix-web-codegen dev ^4
714K 72 sentry dev ^4
654K 83 prometheus-client dev ^4
524K 266 webbrowser dev ^4
515K 3 utoipa-gen dev ^4
189K 3 actix-multipart-derive dev ^4
162K 95 awc dev ^4
76K 44 async_zip dev ^4
59K 1 actix-web-lab-derive dev ^4
51K 6 async-stripe dev ^4.2.1
48K 32 mobc dev ^4.2.1
17K 7 paperclip dev ^3
10K 5 protect-endpoints-proc-macro dev ^4.4.0
9.0K actix-default-responder dev ^4.0.1
8.3K actix-grants-proc-macro dev ^4.3
7.5K health dev ^4.0
6.6K 4 rustis dev ^4.3
5.5K 1 rust-embed-for-web dev ^4.4
5.0K actix-multipart-test dev ^4.4.0
3.9K 1 isbot dev ^4.1.0
3.8K prima-tracing dev ^4.0.1
3.4K 4 rusty_paseto dev ^4
2.5K iftree dev ^4.9
1.7K 15 web-view dev ^1.0
1.5K 5 tokio-file-unix dev ^3.3.0
1.1K 1 hitbox dev ^3
1.0K ovunto-security dev ~4.5
1.0K oha dev ^4
900 valitron dev ^4.4.0
850 1 ssr_rs dev ^4
750 1 busybody dev ^4
700 toy-rpc dev ^4
650 editorjs2html dev ^4.9.0
600 5 pretend dev ^3.3
500 qsv dev ^4.9
480 3 rusty_tarantool dev ^4
480 1 mediasoup dev ^4.2.1
430 2 webdriverbidi dev ^4.9.0
390 oidc-jwt-validator dev ^4.2.1
340 linetime dev ^4.9.0
280 1 actix-jwt-auth-middleware-derive dev ^4
240 acme-rfc8555 dev ^4
230 1 service-binding dev ^4
180 5 rustls-channel-resolver dev ^4.6.0
160 1 shared_mongodb dev ^3
160 1 mobc-forked dev ^3
140 casdoor-sdk-rust dev ^4.9.0
120 upstash-ratelimit-rs dev ^4
110 1 pbd dev ~3
cargo-artifactory-token dev ^4
1 tracing-awc dev ^4.0.0
server-starter-listener dev ^1.0.8
actix-web-macros dev ^3.0.0-alpha.1
error-http dev ^4.4.0
1 coi-actix-web-derive dev ^4.2.1
archflow dev ^4
1 actix-web-error dev ^4.1.0
alcro dev ^3.3.3
altcha-lib-rs dev ^4
actix-web-codegen-const-routes dev ^4
serde-odbc dev ^1.0
nostr-bench dev ^4.3.1
ift dev ^0.7.17
svg-diff dev ^4
actix-storage-redis dev ^4.0.0
captcha-a dev ^4
couchdb-orm dev ^3.3.2
teensy-cms dev ^4.2.1
actix-storage-dashmap dev ^4.0.0
actix-storage-hashmap dev ^4.0.0
mobc-redis-cluster dev ^2.0.0
actix-json-responder dev ^4.2.1
actix-storage-sled dev ^3
arangoq dev ^2.0
1 clique-sibyl-commonlib dev ^4.6.0
actix_responder_macro dev ^3
1 square-ox dev ^3
awred dev ^4.0.0-beta.9
ya-relay-client dev ^4.3
block_kit dev ^2.0.0-alpha.4
futurify dev ^1.0
actix-socks dev ^2.0.0
actix-web-cute-codegen dev ^1.0.0-alpha.2
async-stripe-tsar dev ^4.0.1
firebase-admin-auth-rs dev ^4.0.0-beta.12
link_rs dev ^4.0
simple_on_shutdown dev ^3.3.2
ckb-sentry dev ^3
tauri-web-view dev ^1.0
awc-uds dev ^4.0.0-beta.21
square-rs dev ^3
actix-session-sqlx-postgres dev ^4
v_rusty_tarantool dev ^1.0
acme-lite dev ^4
concurrent_tor dev ^4
2 partialzip dev ^4.9.0
1 pi_awc dev ^4
1 test-collector-derive dev ^4
osmgraphing dev ^1
1 fastapi-gen dev ^4
serde_tran dev ^4.6.0
test-collector dev ^4
acceptxmr dev ^4
1 async_zip2 dev ^4
actix-session-ext dev ^4.9.0
jwiesler-async-stripe dev ^4.2.1