#applications #serve #directories #dead #http #address #docker

app servus

A dead simple application to serve files and directories over HTTP

1 stable release

1.0.0 Sep 25, 2023

#22 in #dead

MIT license

452 lines


A dead simple application to serve files and directories over HTTP.


Quick Local File Sharing

You can simply use the application in your terminal to serve files in your local network, for example if you want to share files from one device to another. Thats particularly useful because almost every modern device supports download via HTTP.

$ servus --serve ./data
[2022-11-08T18:20:53Z INFO  servus] Bound to address
[2022-11-08T18:20:53Z INFO  servus] LocalStore: ./data -> /

Let's assume you have a file calles big.file in the ./data directory. After starting servus, you can now download the file on another device by opening in your browser.

Content Delivery Server

You can - of course - also set up servus as a small content delivery serivce. Therefore, you can simply use the provided Docker image.


address: ""
  - type: "Local"
    directory: "/data"
    servepath: "data"
$ docker run \
    --name servus \
    --volume /var/opt/data:/data \
    --volume /etc/servus/config.yml:/etc/servus/config.yml:ro \
    ghcr.io/zekrotja/servus:latest \
        --config /etc/servus/config.yml


Some things I want to add in the future ot this project:

  • Stats and Monitoring with Prometheus
  • More store types like S3 buckets
  • SSL support


~1M SLoC