Cargo Features

rust-s3 = { version = "0.34.0-rc4", default-features = false, features = ["use-tokio-native-tls", "with-tokio", "async-std-native-tls", "http-credentials", "with-async-std", "sync", "no-verify-ssl", "fail-on-err", "tokio-rustls-tls", "sync-native-tls", "sync-native-tls-vendored", "sync-rustls-tls", "blocking", "tags"] }
default = fail-on-err, tags, use-tokio-native-tls

These default features are set whenever rust-s3 is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

use-tokio-native-tls default = with-tokio

Enables native-tls of aws-creds

with-tokio tokio-rustls-tls? use-tokio-native-tls = futures, hyper, hyper-tls, native-tls, tokio, tokio-native-tls, tokio-stream

Enables fs of tokio

Affects request::tokio_backend, request_trait::Request.response_data_to_writer, request_trait::DataStream, request_trait::StreamItem, request_trait::ResponseDataStream, request_trait::Request.response_data_to_stream, utils::read_chunk_async

async-std-native-tls = with-async-std

Enables native-tls of aws-creds


Enables http-credentials of aws-creds

with-async-std async-std-native-tls? = async-std, futures, futures-io, futures-util, surf

Affects request::async_std_backend, request_trait::Request.response_data_to_writer, request_trait::DataStream, request_trait::StreamItem, request_trait::ResponseDataStream, request_trait::Request.response_data_to_stream, utils::read_chunk_async

sync sync-native-tls? sync-native-tls-vendored? sync-rustls-tls? = attohttpc

Enables is_sync of maybe-async

Affects request::blocking, request_trait::Request.response_data_to_writer

fail-on-err default
tokio-rustls-tls = with-tokio

Enables rustls-tls of aws-creds

sync-native-tls = sync

Enables native-tls of aws-creds and tls of attohttpc ^0.26


These features are provided for backwards compatibility

sync-native-tls-vendored = sync

Enables tls-vendored of attohttpc ^0.26, native-tls-vendored of aws-creds

sync-rustls-tls = sync

Enables tls-rustls of attohttpc ^0.26, rustls-tls of aws-creds

blocking = block_on_proc

Enables rt and rt-multi-thread of tokio

tags default = minidom

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

async-std with-async-std?
attohttpc sync? sync-native-tls? sync-native-tls-vendored? sync-rustls-tls?

Enables attohttpc ^0.26

futures with-async-std? with-tokio?
futures-io with-async-std?
futures-util with-async-std?
hyper with-tokio?

Enables hyper ^0.14

hyper-tls with-tokio?

Enables hyper-tls ^0.5.0

surf with-async-std?
tokio blocking? with-tokio?
tokio-native-tls with-tokio?
native-tls with-tokio?
tokio-stream with-tokio?
minidom tags
block_on_proc blocking?