5 releases (breaking)

0.5.0 Apr 6, 2023
0.4.0 Jul 2, 2022
0.3.0 Mar 28, 2022
0.2.0 Mar 24, 2022
0.1.0 Mar 23, 2022

#1347 in Cryptography


6.5K SLoC


Hashing utilities for Actix Web.

crates.io Documentation MIT or Apache 2.0 licensed
dependency status Download CircleCI


Hashing utilities for Actix Web.

Crate Features

All features are enabled by default.

  • blake2: Blake2 types
  • blake3: Blake3 types
  • md5: MD5 types 🚩
  • md4: MD4 types 🚩
  • sha1: SHA-1 types 🚩
  • sha2: SHA-2 types
  • sha3: SHA-3 types

Security Warning 🚩

The md4, md5, and sha1 types are included for completeness and interoperability but they are considered cryptographically broken by modern standards. For security critical use cases, you should move to using the other algorithms.


~590K SLoC