10 releases
0.1.10 | Feb 23, 2025 |
0.1.9 | Dec 2, 2024 |
0.1.8 | Aug 27, 2024 |
0.1.7 | Feb 25, 2024 |
0.1.3 | Apr 28, 2023 |
#608 in Database interfaces
169 downloads per month
makes it easy to create databases, share them with collaborators, and query them from a web application or the command line.
With ayb
, all your (data)base can finally belong to you. Move SQL for great justice.
is a database management system with easy-to-host instances that enable users to quickly register an account, create databases, share them with collaborators, and query them from a web application or the command line. An ayb
server allows users to create SQLite databases (other databases to come), and then exposes those databases through an HTTP API.
To learn more about why ayb
matters, how it works, or who it's for, read this introductory blog post.
alpha warning: ayb
is neither feature complete nor production-ready. Functionality like authentication, permissions, collaboration, isolation, high availability, and transaction support are on the Roadmap but not available today. I work on ayb
as a hobbyist side project.
Getting started
is written in Rust, and is available as the ayb
crate. Assuming you have installed Rust on your machine, installing ayb
takes a single command:
cargo install ayb
Alternatively, you can run ayb
using Docker - see the Docker section for details.
Running a server
An ayb
server stores its metadata in SQLite or PostgreSQL, and stores the databases it's hosting on a local disk. An ayb.toml
file tells the server what host/port to listen for connections on, how to connect to the database, and the data path for the hosted databases. You can generate a starter file with ayb default_server_config
$ ayb default_server_config > ayb.toml
$ cat ayb.toml
host = ""
port = 5433
database_url = "sqlite://ayb_data/ayb.sqlite"
# Or, for Postgres:
# database_url = "postgresql://postgres_user:test@localhost:5432/test_db"
data_path = "./ayb_data"
# A secret (and unique to your server) key that is used for account registration.
token_expiration_seconds = 3600
from = "Server Sender <server@example.org>"
reply_to = "Server Reply <replyto@example.org>"
smtp_host = "localhost"
smtp_port = 465
smtp_username = "login@example.org"
smtp_password = "the_password"
Running the server then requires one command
$ ayb server
Running a client
Once the server is running, you can register a user (in this case, marcua
), create a database marcua/test.sqlite
, and issue SQL as you like. Here's how to do that at the command line:
$ ayb client --url register marcua you@example.com
Check your email to finish registering marcua
# You will receive an email at you@example.com instructing you to type the next command
$ ayb client confirm <TOKEN_FROM_EMAIL>
Successfully authenticated and saved token <API_TOKEN>
$ ayb client create_database marcua/test.sqlite
Successfully created marcua/test.sqlite
$ ayb client list marcua
Database slug | Type
test.sqlite | sqlite
$ ayb client query marcua/test.sqlite "CREATE TABLE favorite_databases(name varchar, score integer);"
Rows: 0
# If you don't pass a query to the query command, ayb launches an interactive query session
$ ayb client query marcua/test.sqlite
Launching an interactive session for marcua/test.sqlite
marcua/test.sqlite> INSERT INTO favorite_databases (name, score) VALUES ("PostgreSQL", 10);
Rows: 0
marcua/test.sqlite> INSERT INTO favorite_databases (name, score) VALUES ("SQLite", 9);
Rows: 0
marcua/test.sqlite> INSERT INTO favorite_databases (name, score) VALUES ("DuckDB", 9);
Rows: 0
marcua/test.sqlite> SELECT * FROM favorite_databases;
name | score
PostgreSQL | 10
SQLite | 9
DuckDB | 9
Rows: 3
$ ayb client update_profile marcua --display_name 'Adam Marcus' --links 'http://marcua.net'
Successfully updated profile
$ ayb client profile marcua
Display name | Description | Organization | Location | Links
Adam Marcus | | | | http://marcua.net
Note that the command line also saved a configuration file for your
convenience so you don't have to keep entering a server URL or API
token. If you ever want to set these explicitly, the --url
command-line flags and AYB_SERVER_URL
variables will override whatever is in the saved configuration. By
default, the configuration file can be found in:
- Linux:
- MacOS (untested):
/Users/Alice/Library/Application Support/org.ayb.ayb/ayb.json
- Windows (untested):
The command line invocations above are a thin wrapper around ayb
's HTTP API. Here are the same commands as above, but with curl
$ curl -w "\n" -X POST -H "entity-type: user" -H "entity: marcua" -H "email-address: your@example.com"
$ curl -w "\n" -X POST -H "authentication-token: TOKEN_FROM_EMAIL"
$ curl -w "\n" -X POST -H "db-type: sqlite" -H "authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN_FROM_PREVIOUS_COMMAND>"
$ curl -w "\n" -X PATCH -H "authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN_FROM_PREVIOUS_COMMAND>" -d "{\"display_name\": \"Adam Marcus\"}"
$ curl -w "\n" -X GET http://localhost:5433/v1/entity/marcua -H "authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN_FROM_PREVIOUS_COMMAND>"
{"slug":"marcua","databases":[{"slug":"test.sqlite","database_type":"sqlite"}],"profile":{"display_name":"Adam Marcus"}}
$ curl -w "\n" -X POST -H "authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN_FROM_PREVIOUS_COMMAND>" -d 'CREATE TABLE favorite_databases(name varchar, score integer);'
$ curl -w "\n" -X POST -H "authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN_FROM_PREVIOUS_COMMAND>" -d "INSERT INTO favorite_databases (name, score) VALUES (\"PostgreSQL\", 10);"
$ curl -w "\n" -X POST -H "authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN_FROM_PREVIOUS_COMMAND>" -d "INSERT INTO favorite_databases (name, score) VALUES (\"SQLite\", 9);"
$ curl -w "\n" -X POST -H "authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN_FROM_PREVIOUS_COMMAND>" -d "INSERT INTO favorite_databases (name, score) VALUES (\"DuckDB\", 9);"
$ curl -w "\n" -X POST -H "authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN_FROM_PREVIOUS_COMMAND>" -d "SELECT * FROM favorite_databases;"
Snapshots / backups
You can configure ayb
to periodically upload snapshots of each
database to S3-compatible storage to
recover from the failure of the machine running ayb
or revert to a
previous copy of the data. Each snapshot is compressed (using
zstd) and only uploaded if the database changed
since the last snapshot. To enable snapshot-based backups, include a
configuration block like the following in your ayb.toml
sqlite_method = "Vacuum"
access_key_id = "YOUR_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID"
secret_access_key = "YOUR_S3_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET"
bucket = "bucket-to-upload-snapshots"
path_prefix = "some/optional/prefix"
endpoint_url = "https://url-endpoint-of-s3-compatible-provider.com" # Optional
region = "us-east-1" # Optional
force_path_style = false # Optional
interval = "10m"
max_snapshots = 3
Here is an explanation of the parameters:
: The two SQLite backup methods are Vacuum and Backup.ayb
only supportsVacuum
for now.access_key_id
: The access key ID and secret to upload/list snapshots to your S3-compatible storage provider.bucket
: The name of the bucket to which to upload snapshots.bucket_prefix
: (Can be blank) if you want to upload snapshots to a prefixed path insidebucket
), provide a prefix (e.g.,the-snapshots
: (Optional if using AWS S3) Each S3-compatible storage provider will tell you their own endpoint to manage your buckets.region
: (Optional if using AWS S3) Some S3-compatible storage providers will request a region in their network where your bucket will live.force_path_style
: (Optional, legacy) If included andtrue
, will use the legacy path-style method of referencing buckets. Used inayb
's end-to-end tests and might be helpful beyond, but start without it.interval
: How frequently to take a snapshot of your data in human-readable format (e.g., every 30 minutes =30m
, every hour =1h
, every hour and 30 minutes =1h30m
, with more examples here).max_snapshots
: How many old snapshots to keep before pruning the oldest ones.
Once snapshots are enabled, you will see logs on the server with each periodic snapshot run. The following example shows how snapshots work, including how to list and restore them (using interval = "3s"
and max_snapshots = 2
$ ayb client create_database marcua/snapshots.sqlite
Successfully created marcua/snapshots.sqlite
$ ayb client query marcua/snapshots.sqlite "CREATE TABLE favorite_databases(name varchar, score integer);"
Rows: 0
$ ayb client query marcua/snapshots.sqlite "INSERT INTO favorite_databases (name, score) VALUES (\"PostgreSQL\", 10);"
Rows: 0
# Wait longer than 3 seconds before inserting the next row, so that a snapshot with just PostgreSQL exists.
$ ayb client query marcua/snapshots.sqlite "INSERT INTO favorite_databases (name, score) VALUES (\"SQLite\", 9);"
Rows: 0
$ ayb client query marcua/snapshots.sqlite "SELECT * FROM favorite_databases;"
name | score
PostgreSQL | 10
SQLite | 9
Rows: 2
# Wait longer than 3 seconds before listing snapshots to ensure that a snapshot with SQLite exists as well.
$ ayb client list_snapshots marcua/snapshots.sqlite
Name | Last modified
f9e01a396fb7f91be988c26d43f9ffa667bd0fd05009b231aa61ea1073d34423 | 2024-08-18T15:05:04+00:00
856e21f7cae8383426cd2e0599caf6e83962b051af4734ab5c53aff87ea0ff45 | 2024-08-18T15:04:40+00:00
# Restore the older snapshot, which didn't contain SQLite
$ ayb client restore_snapshot marcua/snapshots.sqlite 856e21f7cae8383426cd2e0599caf6e83962b051af4734ab5c53aff87ea0ff45
Restored marcua/snapshots.sqlite to snapshot 856e21f7cae8383426cd2e0599caf6e83962b051af4734ab5c53aff87ea0ff45
$ ayb client query marcua/snapshots.sqlite "SELECT * FROM favorite_databases;"
name | score
PostgreSQL | 10
Rows: 1
Credits: the design of snapshot-based backups was influenced by that of rqlite. Thank you to the authors for their great design and documentation.
By default, only the owner / creator of an ayb
database can access
it. It's possible to share ayb
databases in two ways:
- By setting the public sharing level of the database to give all entities some level of access to the database.
- By sharing the database with a particular entity.
To set the public sharing level of a database, select one of the following options:
# The default setting: no entity will be able to access the database
# unless they specifically get permissions.
$ ayb client update_database marcua/test.sqlite --public-sharing-level no-access
# With a public sharing level of `fork`, entities will be able to see
# the database in the owner's list of databases using `ayb client
# list` and fork a copy of the database under their own account. They
# won't be able to query the database unless they fork it. Note:
# Listing access is implemented today, but forking one database into
# another account is not yet implemented.
$ ayb client update_database marcua/test.sqlite --public-sharing-level fork
# In addition to the listing and forking access that `fork`
# allows, `read-only` access allows any entity to
# issue a read-only (e.g., SELECT) query against the database. They
# can't modify the database.
$ ayb client update_database marcua/test.sqlite --public-sharing-level read-only
To provide a specific user with access to a database, select one of the following:
# Revoke access to a database from an entity.
$ ayb client share marcua/test.sqlite sofia no-access
# Allow an entity to make read-only (e.g., SELECT) queries against a
# database.
$ ayb client share marcua/test.sqlite sofia read-only
# Allow an entity to make any type of query against a database.
$ ayb client share marcua/test.sqlite sofia read-write
# Allow an entity to not only modify a database, but also to manage
# snapshots and change the permissions of any non-owner entity.
$ ayb client share marcua/test.sqlite sofia manager
allows multiple users to run queries against databases that are
stored on the same machine. Isolation enables you to prevent one user
from accessing another user's data, and allows you to restrict the
resources any one user is able to utilize.
By default, ayb
flag and sets
to 0
in order to prevent users from corrupting the database or
attaching to other databases on the filesystem.
For further isolation, ayb
can use nsjail
(only when running on Linux) to isolate each query's filesystem access
and resources. When this form of isolation is enabled, ayb
starts a
new nsjail
-managed process to execute the query against the
database. We have not yet benchmarked the performance overhead of this
To enable this deeper form of isolation on Linux, you must first build
, which you can do through
scripts/build_nsjail.sh. Note that nsjail
depends on a few other packages. If you run into issues building it,
it might be helpful to see its
to get a sense of those requirements.
Once you have a path to the
binary, add the following to your ayb.toml
nsjail_path = "path/to/nsjail"
On every release, a docker image is built and pushed to
. For now, docker images are available for
. If you would like a linux-arm64
image, follow this
To pull the latest version of the image:
docker pull ghcr.io/marcua/ayb
To run the server, you'll need to:
- Create an
configuration file (see Running a server) - Create a data directory for the databases
- Map these as volumes when running the container
For example:
docker run -v $(pwd)/ayb.toml:/ayb.toml \
-v $(pwd)/ayb_data:/ayb_data \
-p 5433:5433 \
ghcr.io/marcua/ayb \
ayb server --config /ayb.toml
To run client commands, you can create an alias for convenience:
alias ayb="docker run --network host ghcr.io/marcua/ayb ayb"
Then use the client as normal:
ayb client --url register marcua you@example.com
is largely tested through end-to-end
tests that mimic as realistic an environment as
possible. Individual modules may also provide more specific unit
tests. To set up your environment for running end-to-end tests, type:
The Postgres-based tests require a postgres_user
user with password test
. Create this user with createuser -P postgres_user
and enter test
as the password when prompted. Then grant the user database creation privileges:
- On Linux (tested Ubuntu):
sudo -u postgres psql -c "alter user postgres_user createdb;"
- On macOS:
createuser -s postgres
followed bypsql -U postgres -c "alter user postgres_user createdb;"
After your environment is set up, you can run the tests with:
cargo test --verbose
In order to mimic as close to a realistic environment as possible, the end-to-end tests mock out very little functionality. The tests/set_up_e2e_env.sh
script, which has been used extensively in Ubuntu, does the following:
- Sets up a Python virtual environment and installs requirements for various helpers.
- Installs requirements for a Python-based stub SMTP server to help test email-based registration.
- Installs the requirements for a LocalStack server and then runs that server in the background (requires Docker) in order to test database snapshotting functionality that stores snapshots in S3-compatible storage.
- Installs an
binary to testayb
's isolation functionality.
Who is ayb
The introductory blog post has a section describing each group that stands to benefit from ayb
's aim to make it easier to create a database, interact with it, and share it with relevant people/organizations. Students would benefit from encountering less operational impediments to writing their first SQL query or sharing their in-progress database with a mentor or teacher for help. Sharers like scientists and journalists would benefit from an easy way to post a dataset and share it with collaborators. Finally, anyone concerned about the sovereignty of their data would benefit from a world where it's so easy to spin up a database that more of their data can live in databases they control.
What's with the name?
Thank you for asking. I hope the answer elicits some nostalgia! Shout out to Meelap Shah and Eugene Wu for convincing me to not call this project stacks
, to Andrew Lange-Abramowitz for making the connection to the storied meme, and to Meredith Blumenstock for listening to me fret over it all.
Here's a rough roadmap for the project, with items near the top of the list more likely to be completed first. The nitty-gritty list of prioritized issues can be found on this project board, with the most-likely-to-be-completed issues near the top of the to-do list.
- Make the single-user
experience excellent- Reduce reliance on PostgreSQL (SQLite metadata storage). Given that the goal of
is to make it easier to create, share, and query databases, it's frustrating that runningayb
requires you to pay the nontrivial cost of operationalizing PostgreSQL. While Postgres will be helpful for eventually coordinating between multipleayb
nodes, a single-node version should be able to store its metadata in SQLite with little setup costs. - Authentication and permissions. Add authentication/the ability to log in, and add permissions to endpoints so that you can't just issue queries against any database.
- Isolation. Since an
instance can have multiple tenants/databases, we want to use one of the many container/isolate/microVM projects to ensure that one tenant isn't able to access another tenant's data. - Persistence beyond the node. Back databases up to persistent S3-compatible storage and allow (for now) manual recovery on failure.
- Clustering. Support for multiple
nodes to serve databases and requests. Whereas a single database will not span multiple machines, parallelism/distribution will happen across users and databases. - Sessions/transactions.
's query API is a stateless request/response API, making it impossible to start a database transaction or issue multiple queries in a session. Exposing sessions in the API will allow multiple statements per session, and by extension, transactions. - Import/export of databases.
already uses existing well-established file formats (e.g., SQLite). There should be endpoints to import existing databases intoayb
in those formats or export the underlying files so you're not locked in. - High availablity/automatic failover. While
provides snapshot-based backups to protect against cataclysmic failures, the recovery process is manual. Streaming databases to replicas and switching to replicas on failure will makeayb
more highly available.
- Reduce reliance on PostgreSQL (SQLite metadata storage). Given that the goal of
- Extend
to more people and software- Collaboration. In addition to making it easy to create and query databases, it should be easy to share databases with others. Two use cases include adding private collaborators and allowing public read-only access.
- Forking. Allowing a user to fork their own copy of a database will enable collaborators to remix and build on each others' work.
- Versioning. To both make it less scary to execute sensitive operations and to make it possible for scientists to reference and publish checkpoints of their work, a user should be able to snapshot and revert to a database at a point in time.
- DuckDB. Allowing users to create a DuckDB database in addition to a SQLite database would allow you to create a data warehouse with a single command. This effort is dependent on the DuckDB project. First, the DuckDB file format is rapidly changing ahead of the project's 1.0 release. Additionally, I don't know of an equivalent streaming replication project to LiteFS for DuckDB that handles persistence beyond the node.
- PostgreSQL wire protocol. While an HTTP API makes it easy to build new web apps, exposing
over the PostgreSQL wire protocol will allow existing tools and libraries to connect to and query anayb
- Increase discoverability with a web frontend
- Provide a web interface analogous to the command line interface. Much like GitHub/Gitea/Forgejo make git more approachable, you shouldn't have to pay a command line knowledge tax in order to create, share, and query an
database. - Explore people's public datasets. Beyond simplifying the command line, platforms like GitHub also make it easier to find a user's publicly shared repositories, follow along in their work, and fork a copy for your own exploration. That same experience should be possible for
-hosted databases.
- Provide a web interface analogous to the command line interface. Much like GitHub/Gitea/Forgejo make git more approachable, you shouldn't have to pay a command line knowledge tax in order to create, share, and query an
(This section is inspired by the LiteFS project, and is just one of the many things to love about that project.)
contributions work a little different than most GitHub projects:
- If you have a small bug fix or typo fix, please PR directly to this repository.
- If you want to contribute documentation, please PR directly to this repository.
- If you would like to contribute a feature, create and discuss the feature in an issue on this GitHub repository first. Once the feature and some of its finer details are hashed out in the issue and potentially a design document, submit a pull request. I might politely decline pull requests that haven't first been discussed/designed.
This project has a roadmap and features are added and tested in a certain order. I'm adding a little friction in requiring a discussion/design document for features before submitting a pull request to ensure that I can focus my attention on well-motivated, well-sequenced, and well-understood functionality.
Notes on releasing
As we are in the early days of ayb
, we largely do patch releases (e.g., v0.1.7 -> v0.1.8). We use cargo-release for this.
To install cargo-release
, run cargo install cargo-release
To perform a patch release, ensure you are on main
and run cargo release patch
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