Rocket-Okapi is used at run time in 15 crates (of which 6 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 13 crates.

Number of dependers Rocket-Okapi version Downloads/month
6 0.9.0 4.9K
9 0.8.0 31K
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) Rocket-Okapi version
6.6K 8 http-api-problem optional >=0.8.0-rc.2, <0.10
4.1K zitadel optional ^0.9.0
500 rust_wheel ^0.8.0
1.6K 2 sea-orm-rocket optional ^0.9
330 2 open-stock ^0.8.0
250 chainhook-event-observer ^0.8.0-rc.3
110 cloud-scanner-cli ^0.8.0
100 quiet-stroll ^0.9.0
cedar-agent ^0.8.0
ginger-shared-rs ^0.8.0-rc.2
450 fbsim-core optional ^0.9.0
240 rocket-no-content optional ^0.8.0
rocket_read_db_pools optional >=0.8, <0.10