#cmd #process #child-process #bash #shell #log-error #log-level

build devx-cmd

Convenience wrapper over std::process::Command for xtask crates

6 releases (breaking)

0.5.0 Jun 2, 2021
0.4.0 May 28, 2021
0.3.1 Sep 22, 2020
0.3.0 Aug 29, 2020
0.1.0 Aug 16, 2020

#319 in Build Utils

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412 lines


devx-cmd provides more convenient primitives for spawning child processes than std::process targeted for use in development scripts specifically.

See the crate-level docs for more info.


devx-cmd provides more convenient primitives for spawning child processes than std::process targeted for use in development scripts specifically.

The main entities of the crate are [Cmd] (builder for executable commands), and Child (represents a spawned process).

There are also some convenient macros to reduce boilerplate. Here is the basic usage example:

use devx_cmd::{read, run, cmd, Cmd};

// Initialize some low-overhead logger implementation for the `log` crate

// Run the program, logging the invocation via [`log`] crate and waiting until it finishes
// This is used only for side-effects.
// Note that if the process ends with a non-zero status code, this will return an error.
run!("ls", "-la")?;

// Same as `run!()`, but captures the stdout and returns it as a `String`
// there is also a `read_bytes!()` for non-utf8 sequences
let output = read!("echo", "foo")?;
assert_eq!(output.trim(), "foo");

let mut cmd = cmd!("rustfmt");
    // Set `trace` level for logging command invocation and output (`debug` by default)
    // Don't log error if the command fails
    .stdin("fn foo () -> u32 {42}\n");

// Spawn without waiting for its completion, but capturing the stdout
let mut child = cmd.spawn_piped()?;

// Read output line-by-line
let first_line = child.stdout_lines().next().unwrap();

assert_eq!(first_line.trim(), "fn foo() -> u32 {");

// Dropping the child process `kill()`s it (and ignores the `Result`)
// Use `.wait()/.read()` to wait until its completion.

