Active direct dependers over time: total, gained/lost
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

Reqwest is used at run time in 15,539 crates (of which 1,866 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 10,968 crates. It's used at build time in 279 crates (of which 62 optionally, 119 directly). It's used only as a dev dependency in 933 crates (of which 531 directly).

Number of dependers Reqwest version Downloads/month
6,419 0.12.15 5.9M
6 0.12.12 2.7M
1 0.12.8 135K
1 0.12.7 160K
2 0.12.5 320K
1 0.12.4 452K
1 0.12.2 5.7K
8,450 0.11.27 3.1M
1 0.11.26 24K
1 0.11.25 224K
1 0.11.22 62K
9 0.11.20 75K
1 0.11.18 64K
4 0.11.17 18K
1 0.11.16 10K
2 0.11.14 32K
4 0.11.13 43K
10 0.11.11 40K
1 0.11.4 14K
910 0.10.10 30K
1 0.10.0-alpha.1 60
660 0.9.24 19K
6 0.9.17 900
3 0.9.11 2.1K
167 0.8.8 1.0K
1 0.8.5 1.3K
87 0.x 850
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) Reqwest version
3.7M 234 reqwest-middleware ^0.12.0
10.4M 1653 axum optional ^0.12
3.0M 112 reqwest-retry ^0.12.0
2.4M 65 reqwest-tracing ^0.12.0
2.0M statsig ^0.12
4.0M 47 opentelemetry-http optional ^0.12
2.3M 7 opentelemetry-datadog optional ^0.12
2.7M 169 opentelemetry-otlp optional ^0.12
776K 31 elasticsearch ^0.12
1.9M 116 jsonschema optional ^0.12
1.5M 157 oauth2 optional ^0.12
1.9M 158 object_store optional ^0.12
1.5M 340 prometheus optional ^0.12
440K 1 snowflake-api ^0.12
350K 14 google-cloud-auth ^0.12.11
323K 3 google-cloud-metadata ^0.12.4
835K 98 graphql_client optional ^0.11
256K 206 tauri ^0.12
753K 73 sentry optional ^0.12
246K 12 goauth ^0.12
244K 10 google-cloud-storage ^0.12
222K 8 pyroscope ^0.12
646K 4 gix-transport optional ^0.12.0
205K 6 svm-rs ^0.12
194K 8 vaultrs ^0.12.2
570K 23 polars-io optional ^0.12
186K 88 self_update ^0.12
179K 36 ethers-providers ^0.11.19
167K 6 cloud-storage ^0.11
167K 5 ethers-etherscan ^0.11.19
164K 10 ethers-middleware ^0.11.19
152K 19 progenitor-client ^0.12.4
439K 51 utoipa-swagger-ui optional build ^0.12
143K 53 solana-metrics ^0.11.27
416K 4 three-d-asset optional ^0.12
133K 57 reqwest-eventsource ^0.12.0
121K 68 opendal ^0.12.2
119K 44 solana-rpc-client-api ^0.11.27
118K 52 solana-rpc-client ^0.11.27
116K serpapi-search-rust ^0.11.7
115K 8 openid ^0.12
115K 7 solana-pubsub-client ^0.11.27
113K 3 zombienet-configuration ^0.12.9
113K 1 zombienet-orchestrator ^0.12.9
113K 2 zombienet-provider ^0.12.9
113K 4 zombienet-support ^0.12.9
100K 14 oci-client ^0.12.4
302K 164 testcontainers optional ^0.12.5
97K 6 prometheus-http-query ^0.12.2
93K 1 cargo-deny ^0.12
93K 2 opensearch ^0.12
89K 23 http-cache-reqwest ^0.12.12
89K taplo-cli ^0.11.9
245K 11 tame-index optional ^0.12
241K 14 alloy-transport-http optional ^0.12
241K 43 opentelemetry-jaeger optional ^0.11
240K 12 alloy-rpc-client optional ^0.12
236K 27 alloy-provider optional ^0.12
78K 1 goose ^0.12
74K 3 gcp-bigquery-client ^0.12.12
74K 7 tracing-loki >=0.11.10, <0.13.0
196K 7 rustify optional ^0.12.2
195K 212 mongodb optional ^0.12.12
63K 97 async-openai ^0.12.12
62K 11 gcloud-sdk >=0.12.7
189K 48 axum-test optional ^0.12
179K 4 ethers-contract-abigen optional ^0.11.19
180K 4 reqsign optional ^0.12
174K 109 serenity optional ^0.11.22
56K 5 bonsai-sdk ^0.12
52K 1 solana-file-download ^0.11.27
51K 12 downloader ^0.12
152K 1 salvo-proxy optional ^0.12
130K 17 http-cache-semantics optional ^0.12
42K azure_jwt ^0.12
41K 4 schema_registry_converter ^0.12
41K 2 tauri-plugin-updater ^0.12
125K 15 wasmer-wasix optional ^0.12.0
124K 167 google-cloud-gax optional ^0.12.11
39K 1 cargo-leptos ^0.12.12
39K 2 walkers ^0.12
119K 53 hf-hub optional ^0.12.2
38K 3 twirp-rs ^0.12
38K yubico ^0.11
106K 8 server_fn optional ^0.12.9
104K 2 subrpcer optional ^0.12
33K 2 async_http_range_reader ^0.12.3
31K segment ^0.12.12
31K 4 sendgrid ^0.12
92K 27 qdrant-client optional ^0.12.8
30K graphql_client_cli ^0.11
29K 10 influx_db_client ^0.12
89K 83 poem optional ^0.12.2
85K 22 cloudevents-sdk optional ^0.12
27K 2 tauri-plugin-http ^0.12
81K 32 cynic optional ^0.12
26K 2 coveralls-api ^0.12.4
26K trunk ^0.12
25K 44 crates_io_api ^0.12
24K 110 google-cloud-longrunning ^0.12
24K 5 foundry-block-explorers ^0.12
24K 4 thirtyfour_sync ^0.11
22K bob-nvim ^0.11
22K cargo-about ^0.12
23K 22 openai-api-rs ^0.12
22K 29 reqwest_cookie_store ^0.12
23K 1 xlsynth-sys build ^0.12
22K datafusion-server ^0.12.15
21K 3 taplo-common ^0.11.24
66K 3 delta_kernel optional ^0.12.8
20K 32 ic-agent ^0.12
20K 1 mev-share-sse ^0.12
18K 8 cached-path ^0.11.0
17K google-cloud-artifactregistry-v1 ^0.12
18K 52 google-cloud-iam-v1 ^0.12
18K 66 google-cloud-location ^0.12
18K 17 oci-distribution ^0.12
18K omicron-zone-package ^0.12
17K 5 teloxide-core ^0.11.10
16K 2 shuttle-api-client ^0.12.14
15K 2 rust_engineio ^0.12.3
47K 38 tendermint-rpc optional ^0.11.20
14K 6 apple-codesign ^0.12.9
15K cargo-risczero ^0.12
14K 9 pocket-ic ^0.12.8
15K 6 reqwest-websocket ^0.12
15K toxiproxy_rust ^0.11
15K 4 warp-reverse-proxy ^0.11
44K 37 update-informer optional ^0.12
14K 2 jwt-authorizer ^0.12.4
13K 4 keycloak ^0.12
13K komac ^0.12.15
13K 12 near-jsonrpc-client ^0.12
41K 2 free_log_client optional ^0.12.12
13K 19 chromiumoxide ^0.12
12K 15 fuel-core-client ^0.12.0
13K 2 gnostr-bins ^0.11
12K 29 iroh ^0.12
13K 25 reqwest-conditional-middleware ^0.12
37K 7 sp1-sdk optional ^0.12.4
12K 5 binstalk-downloader ^0.12.5
11K 1 debbugs >=0.11
11K 4 debian-analyzer >=0.11
11K 1 tide-disco ^0.12
11K 1 upstream-ontologist >=0.11
34K 8 opentelemetry-zipkin optional ^0.12
11K 1 axiom-rs ^0.12
10K datadog-tracing ^0.11
10K jwks ^0.12.12
10K rs-firebase-admin-sdk ^0.12
33K 4 kittycad optional ^0.12.14
10K 6 gcloud-auth ^0.12.4
10K 2 gcloud-metadata ^0.12.4
10K 8 spider ^0.12
9.9K 6 pact-plugin-driver ^0.12.9
9.9K 3 iroh-relay ^0.12
9.8K 2 postgresql_archive ^0.12.15
9.8K 2 iroh-net-report ^0.12
9.8K 9 warg-client ^0.12.7
9.8K 1 dioxus-cli ^0.12.5
9.8K 7 near-workspaces ^0.12
9.8K surf-disco ^0.12
9.5K 5 starknet-providers ^0.11.16
9.4K 5 bitwarden-api-api >=0.12.5, <0.13
9.4K 2 bitwarden-api-identity >=0.12.5, <0.13
9.3K 1 soldeer-core ^0.12.5
9.2K 4 axum-test-helper ^0.11.23
9.1K 2 dfx-core ^0.12.4
8.9K cargo-vet ^0.11.10
8.7K 2 reqwest_dav ^0.12
26K 15 lindera-dictionary optional ^0.12.12
25K 25 thirtyfour optional ^0.12.8
8.6K 2 deepgram ^0.11.22
24K 1 opentelemetry-application-insights optional ^0.12
24K 12 test-with optional ^0.12
8.2K reqwest-traits ^0.11.18
8.2K 8 rattler_networking ^0.12.12
8.0K 2 spider_chrome ^0.12
23K 18 gitlab optional ~0.12
24K sccache optional ^0.12
7.8K 4 octorust ^0.12
7.6K 1 reqwest-ratelimit ^0.12.0
23K 14 esplora-client optional ^0.11
22K 89 web3 optional ^0.11
7.6K 4 rattler ^0.12.12
7.5K 1 ockam_ebpf build ^0.12
7.5K 17 ollama-rs ^0.12.12
7.5K 3 rattler_cache ^0.12.12
7.4K 4 ant-releases ^0.12
7.4K 6 slack-hook ^0.12.12
7.3K 5 rattler_repodata_gateway ^0.12.12
7.2K 3 loco-rs ^0.12.7
7.1K pinecone-sdk ^0.12
20K 5 cryptographic-message-syntax optional ^0.12.9
6.9K 8 tugger-common ^0.11.13
6.8K zizmor ^0.12.14
6.8K debuginfod ^0.12.4
6.8K rustweb2 ^0.12.0
6.7K mempool_space ^0.11
19K 3 apple-xar optional ^0.12.9
20K 68 surrealdb optional ^0.12.7
19K 2 surrealdb-core optional ^0.12.7
6.5K 1 google-cloud-bigquery ^0.12.4
6.4K rust-eigenda-client ^0.12
6.2K openweather_sdk ^0.11
6.2K 14 pact_models ^0.12.5
6.0K 6 reqwest-streams ^0.12
6.0K 1 qcs-api-client-openapi ^0.12.5
6.0K 2 jwks_client_rs ^0.12
17K 7 paperclip optional ^0.10
18K 7 raur optional ^0.11.9
5.9K ory-kratos-client ^0.12
5.8K 7 diqwest ^0.12
5.7K ory-client ^0.12
5.7K 9 pact_matching ^0.12.3
5.7K datadog-api-client ^0.11.24
5.6K 4 ssi-vc ^0.11
16K nel optional ^0.11
16K 4 tough optional ^0.12
5.5K 2 frida-build ^0.12.2
5.5K 3 httpc-test ^0.12
5.4K wasmcloud-component-adapters build ^0.11
5.4K 5 influxdb2 ^0.11
5.4K 1 configcat ^0.12.4
5.3K 1 spacetimedb-jwks ^0.11.23
15K 30 hifitime optional ^0.12
15K 6 mrml optional ^0.12
5.2K 2 apollo-router ^0.12.9
5.2K 1 rain-metadata ^0.11.22
5.2K 4 symsrv ^0.12
5.0K statsig-rs ^0.11
5.0K parity-publish ^0.12.5
5.0K 21 rig-core ^0.12.12
5.0K darwin-v7 ^0.12
4.9K 2 monitor_client ^0.12.5
15K 10 burn-common optional ^0.12.12
14K 25 iroh-metrics optional ^0.12
15K 14 pkarr optional ^0.12.13
14K 2 precis-tools optional ^0.12.1
15K 4 tldextract optional ^0.11
4.8K qcs ^0.12.8
4.7K 7 databend-client ^0.12
4.7K lueur-cli ^0.12.14
4.7K 2 posthog-rs ^0.11.3
4.6K canbench ^0.11.23
4.6K navipod ^0.12
13K 22 influxdb optional ^0.11.4
4.4K 5 tokio-rustls-acme ^0.12
4.4K 1 rattler_index ^0.12.12
4.3K ocsp-stapler ^0.12
4.3K 1 prima_bridge ^0.12
4.3K espup ^0.12.12
4.3K 1 linkcheck ^0.11.1
4.3K mdbook-linkcheck ^0.11
12K 3 dhall optional ^0.11
12K 5 meilisearch-sdk optional ^0.12.3
12K twapi-v2 optional ^0.12
12K 3 youtube_dl optional ^0.12
4.2K 1 blitzar-sys build ^0.11.18
4.1K 2 resend-rs ^0.12.12
4.1K minio-rsc ^0.12
4.0K ory-hydra-client ^0.11
4.0K 5 mcp-client ^0.11
4.0K gcp-sa ^0.11
4.0K 1 vss-client ^0.11.13
4.0K 2 app-store-connect ^0.12.9
3.9K 12 ckb-sdk ^0.12
11K 8 axoasset optional >=0.11.0
11K 1 cd optional ^0.12
11K 1 dump_syms optional ^0.12
11K 4 livekit-api optional ^0.11
12K 4 sspi optional ^0.12
11K 4 wasm-pkg-common optional ^0.12.0
3.8K 31 matrix-sdk ^0.12.12
3.8K mesa ^0.11
3.7K 8 gql_client ^0.11
3.7K wasmer-deploy-cli ^0.11.17
3.7K 2 gibberish-or-not ^0.11
3.6K dbcrossbar ^0.11.0
3.6K 1 ripunzip ^0.11.13
3.5K reqwest_mock ^0.10
10K 1 postmark optional ^0.12
10K 11 readability optional ^0.11
10K 9 sev optional ^0.11.10
11K 1 silver-platter optional >=0.12
3.5K 8 proto_core ^0.12.15
3.4K 1 sev-snp-utilities ^0.11.12
3.4K rustup-toolchain-install-master ^0.10
3.3K zero4rs ^0.12.4
3.3K 1 sqd-portal-client ^0.12
3.3K 3 warpgate ^0.12.15
3.3K japanese-address-parser ^0.12.9
3.2K skar-client ^0.12
3.1K znap-cli ^0.12.5
3.1K mise ^0.12
9.9K 5 typespec_client_core optional ^0.12
3.1K proksi ^0.12.11
3.1K 2 wasmcloud-tracing ^0.12
3.1K solana-crate-features ^0.11.2
3.0K 1 kcl-lib ^0.12
3.0K 1 pwned ^0.11
3.0K 3 check-if-email-exists ^0.11.16
3.0K 3 postgrest ^0.11
9.4K 2 jwtk optional ^0.12.4
2.9K 1 bitwarden-generators >=0.12.5, <0.13
2.9K 1 fuel-core-gas-price-service ^0.12.0
9.2K 1 candle-hf-hub optional ^0.12.2
2.9K 10 genai ^0.12
2.9K zen-engine ^0.12
2.9K npm-package ^0.11.14
2.8K 9 cloudflare ^0.12.12
2.8K 6 bitwarden-core >=0.12.5, <0.13
2.8K vrc-get ^0.12
2.8K 3 wasmedge-sys build ^0.11
2.8K jirust ^0.11.11
8.9K 1 cloudproof_findex optional ^0.11.24
2.8K etradeTaxReturnHelper ^0.11.16
2.7K vigil-server ^0.11
2.7K 3 wasmer-registry ^0.12.0
2.7K 2 ubi ^0.12.14
2.7K up-rs ^0.12.7
2.7K theory_grabber ^0.12.12
2.7K 1 axum-keycloak-auth ^0.12.12
2.6K 2 stream_lib ^0.12
2.6K ruget ^0.11
2.6K 1 octocrate-core ^0.12.12
2.6K multiversx-sc-meta ^0.12
2.6K 4 did-web ^0.11
2.6K ferium ^0.12
8.2K 13 schematic optional ^0.12.12
2.5K 3 did-tz ^0.11
2.5K tes ^0.12.12
2.5K 1 twitter-v2 ^0.11
8.1K 4 rattler_package_streaming optional ^0.12.12
2.5K 2 hypersync-client ^0.12
2.5K google-oauth ^0.12
2.5K lychee ^0.12.9
2.5K 1 runpod ^0.12.12
2.5K 7 did-ion ^0.11
2.4K reqwest-hickory-resolver ^0.12
2.4K epistemology ^0.12.4
2.4K iso-rs build ^0.11.3
2.4K 2 nlprule-build ^0.11
2.4K limes ^0.12
2.4K 1 middle ^0.12
7.8K 2 css-inline optional ^0.12.0
2.4K 5 atrium-xrpc-client ^0.12
7.7K 4 rattler_redaction optional ^0.12.12
2.4K pricedb ^0.12.5
2.3K 1 ssi-status ^0.12.3
2.3K 2 astarte-device-sdk ^0.12.9
2.3K ibkr_client_portal ^0.12.4
2.3K 1 prusto ^0.11
2.3K 1 proto_installer ^0.12.15
2.3K 5 namada_sdk ^0.12
2.3K 1 jsonwebtokens-cognito ^0.11
2.2K 12 ssi-dids-core ^0.11
2.2K 3 deepl ^0.12.9
2.2K 1 cargo-lambda-new ^0.12
2.2K mangadex-desktop-api2 ^0.11.22
2.2K 1 cargo-lambda-invoke ^0.12
2.2K task-keeper ^0.12
2.2K upbit ^0.12.12
2.2K 1 influxive-downloader ^0.12
2.2K qiniu-download ^0.11.9
2.2K aliri_reqwest ^0.12.3
2.2K 2 minio ^0.11.20
2.2K 1 vfox ^0.12
2.2K cargo-near ^0.12.5
2.2K valorant_api ^0.12.8
2.2K shellchat ^0.12.5
2.1K 1 lnbits-rs ^0.12
2.1K shad3 ^0.11.20
7.0K 3 breakpad-symbols optional ^0.12
2.1K gcloud-storage ^0.12
2.1K titan-client ^0.12.12
6.8K 5 sigstore optional ^0.12
2.0K 1 anchor-cli ^0.11.4
6.7K 5 dash-mpd optional ^0.12.14
2.0K cargo-download ^0.9.5
2.0K 3 wholesym ^0.12
2.0K ggetrs ^0.12.5
6.6K 38 nostr optional ^0.12
6.6K 8 relm4-components optional ^0.12.5
2.0K rxqlite ^0.12
2.0K 11 yahoo_finance_api ^0.12
2.0K 3 qcs-api-client-common ^0.12.5
6.6K 4 nydus-storage optional ^0.11.14
2.0K aipack ^0.12
2.0K 2 async-anthropic ^0.12
2.0K 3 helius ^0.11.22
1.9K imdb-async ^0.12
1.9K 8 chatgpt_rs ^0.11.20
1.9K ghe2d ^0.12.12
1.9K tealdeer ^0.12.5
1.9K 6 activitypub_federation ^0.12.5
1.9K fishnet ^0.12
1.9K cp-core ^0.11
1.9K 4 http-signature-normalization-reqwest ^0.12
1.9K 7 reqwest-oauth1 ^0.12.7
1.9K sn-testnet-deploy ^0.11
1.9K 3 wasmer-api ^0.12.0
1.9K 1 manganis-common ^0.11.18
1.9K kbve ^0.12
1.8K 1 waterfalls ^0.12.12
1.8K 1 backend-dispatcher ^0.11
1.8K jobshell ^0.11
1.8K kind-openai ^0.12.5
1.8K passage-auth ^0.12
1.8K 5 hashicorp_vault ~0.11
1.8K octokit-rs build ^0.12
1.8K 11 eigen-utils ^0.12
1.8K cargo-shuttle ^0.12.14
1.8K 2 golem-cloud-client ^0.12
1.8K snowflake-connector-rs ^0.12
1.8K 1 hueclient ^0.12.9
1.8K 2 workflow-http ^0.12.4
1.8K 4 eventstore ^0.12
1.7K asm-lsp ^0.12.8
1.7K 1 libhimmelblau ^0.12.2
1.7K sideko_rest_api ^0.12
5.8K 2 pg-embed optional ^0.11
1.7K goose-eggs ^0.12
1.7K vkapi2 ^0.11.20
1.7K git-disjoint =0.12.15
5.8K 5 json-ld-core optional ^0.12
1.7K pact_mock_server_cli ^0.11.23
1.7K web5-rust ^0.11.23
1.7K 2 fuel-core-shared-sequencer ^0.12
5.7K 6 iroh-io optional ^0.11
1.7K release-plz ^0.12.9
1.7K gogoanime-scraper ^0.12
5.6K 3 rspotify-http optional ^0.12.1
1.7K 9 iroh-net ^0.12
1.7K ttvendor ^0.12.3
1.7K 2 taskcluster ^0.12
1.6K 2 switchboard-utils ^0.11
1.6K gcs-rsync ^0.12
1.6K 11 mycelium-config ^0.11
1.6K mktool ^0.12.8
1.6K authentik-client ^0.12
1.6K 2 clerk-rs ^0.12
1.6K 10 myc-core ^0.11
1.6K 5 iceberg ^0.12
1.6K nix-installer ^0.12.4
1.6K 3 tower-reqwest ^0.12
1.6K paferafileserver ^0.12.9
1.6K tw-api ^0.11
1.6K 3 barter-integration ^0.12.9
1.6K merklemap-cli ^0.12
5.4K 2 json-rules-engine-fork optional ^0.11
1.6K 3 solana-cli ^0.11.27
1.6K 1 geph5-client ^0.12.5
1.6K nomad-client ^0.11
1.6K anthropic-sdk ^0.12
1.6K taskcluster-download ^0.12
1.6K locustdb ^0.11
1.6K 2 janus_core ^0.12.9
1.6K 3 near-cli-rs ^0.12
1.6K binance-sdk-rs ^0.12.12
5.3K ognibuild optional >=0.10
1.6K leptos_oidc ^0.12
1.6K taskcluster-upload ^0.12
1.6K 4 mr_bundle ^0.12
1.6K golem-cloud-cli ^0.12.9
1.5K ochami-rs ^0.11
1.5K 1 roslibrust_ros1 ^0.11
1.5K 1 pinata-sdk ^0.11.7
1.5K fil-proofs-param ^0.11.10
1.5K 1 monolith ^0.12.14
1.5K 4 graph-error ^0.12
5.2K 2 nimiq-jsonrpc-client optional ^0.12
1.5K gdman ^0.12.8
1.5K 1 prometheus-reqwest-remote-write ^0.12.12
1.5K pg-trunk ^0.11.16
1.5K 5 rustainers ^0.12.5
1.5K downapk ^0.12
1.5K 2 webrtc-sys-build ^0.11
1.5K 8 ant-bootstrap ^0.12.2
1.5K ore-cli ^0.12
1.5K 1 graph-oauth ^0.12
1.5K stof-cli ^0.12.12
1.5K 1 graph-http ^0.12
1.5K 3 graph-core ^0.12
1.5K graph-rs-sdk ^0.12
1.5K okta ^0.11.14
1.4K mrktpltsbot ^0.11.0
1.4K wrpc-wasmtime-nats-cli ^0.11
1.4K jenkins ^0.12.7
1.4K render_cdk ^0.12.4
1.4K opentalk-etherpad-client ^0.12
1.4K opentalk-nextcloud-client ^0.12
1.4K rustbricks ^0.11.24
1.4K 1 janus_client ^0.12.9
1.4K nanopub ^0.12
1.4K opentalk-keycloak-admin ^0.12
1.4K 1 janus_collector ^0.12.9
1.4K hcaptcha ^0.12.14
1.4K hubbub ^0.12.4
1.4K mevlog ^0.11
1.4K rsiot-influxdb ^0.11.23
1.4K log-analysis ^0.12.7
1.4K 11 llm-chain ^0.11.18
1.4K ghtool ^0.12.4
1.4K 1 learner ^0.12
1.4K firebase-auth ^0.11
1.4K 1 splits-io-api ^0.11.23
1.4K 8 sequoia-net ^0.12
1.4K 2 mycelium-service ^0.11
1.4K google-geocode ^0.11
1.4K jsonwebtoken-google ^0.11
1.4K fcm_v1 ^0.11
1.4K selene-helius-sdk ^0.12
1.4K 2 lychee-lib ^0.12.9
1.4K mdfried ^0.11
1.3K llmclient ^0.11
1.3K docker-registry ^0.12
1.3K saml2aws-auto ^0.12
1.3K 2 pagerduty-rs ^0.11.8
1.3K 1 mycelium-http-tools ^0.11
1.3K 1 iceberg-catalog-rest ^0.12
1.3K roadster ^0.12.8
1.3K gitlab-ci-ls ^0.12.12
1.3K 1 gitea-sdk ^0.12.5
1.3K 4 golem-client ^0.12.13
1.3K 1 kittycad-modeling-session ^0.11.22
4.5K 5 lancedb optional ^0.12.0
1.3K 2 langchain-rust ^0.12
4.5K 8 songbird optional ^0.12.2
1.3K dlprotoc ^0
1.3K yacme ^0.11
1.3K wecom-agent ^0.11.24
1.3K printer_client ^0.11
1.3K 1 tavily ^0.12.4
1.3K html-asset-hasher ^0.12.9
1.3K mycelium-api ^0.11
1.3K tauri-plugin-upload ^0.12
1.3K wasmer-edge-cli ^0.11.17
1.3K 2 evm-rpc-canister-types ^0.12
1.3K rustyproxy ^0.12.4
1.3K 4 cargo_auto_lib =0.12.12
1.2K 2 commonware-deployer ^0.12.12
1.2K dj-wizard ^0.11.18
1.2K 1 thepipelinetool ^0.12.3
1.2K 1 cyfrin-foundry-config ^0.12
1.2K rhombus ^0.12.7
1.2K rudderanalytics ^0.11
1.2K 6 walker-common ^0.12
1.2K paypal-rs ^0.12.4
1.2K 1 binance ^0.11.24
1.2K transmission_rs ^0.12
1.2K 3 bgpkit-broker ^0.12.7
1.2K vinted-rs ^0.12
1.2K publish-action ^0.11.10
4.2K 8 wasmcloud-core optional ^0.12
1.2K trpl ^0.12
1.2K 1 gh-file-curler ^0.11.24
1.2K 1 golem-service-base ^0.12.13
1.2K rdbkp2 ^0.12
1.2K 2 edgee-components-runtime ^0.12.9
1.2K idempotent-proxy-server ^0.12
1.2K 1 release_plz_core ^0.12.9
1.2K 3 kitsune_p2p_bootstrap ^0.12
1.2K nhl-235 ^0.11
1.2K 1 ldk-node ^0.11
4.2K prigen-cli optional ^0.12.7
1.2K proto_cli ^0.12.15
4.1K 14 starbase_utils optional ^0.12.15
1.2K minitrace-datadog ^0.11
1.2K cooklang-sync-client ^0.11
1.2K conogram ^0.12.7
1.2K axum-oidc ^0.11
1.2K 1 sheets ^0.11.14
1.2K 2 golem-test-framework ^0.12.13
1.2K 1 google-drive ^0.11.14
1.2K 4 fcm ^0.11.0
1.2K rt-pods-client ^0.12.4
1.1K drill ^0.11.11
1.1K 2 csaf-walker ^0.12
1.1K huge-commit ^0.11.24
1.1K kwaak ^0.12.12
1.1K 2 spider_firewall build ^0.12
1.1K 3 cmsis-pack ^0.12.0
1.1K gst-plugin-reqwest ^0.12
1.1K 3 sbom-walker ^0.12
1.1K tonapi ^0.11
1.1K 3 kitsune_p2p_bootstrap_client ^0.12
1.1K 4 yammer ^0.12
1.1K corrator ^0.12
1.1K korea-investment-api ^0.11.13
1.1K rldb ^0.11.18
1.1K 2 npmv ^0.12.8
1.1K open-wechat ^0.12.9
1.1K bestool ^0.12.14
1.1K soar-cli ^0.12.12
1.1K google-api-rust-client-unoffical ^0.11.18
1.1K image-anonymizer ^0.11
1.1K 2 vade-evan-substrate ^0.11.4
1.1K tmi-ord ^0.11.23
1.1K youtube-music ^0.11.23
1.1K 9 trauma ^0.12.4
1.1K rtc-quebec-gtfs-rt ^0.12.14
3.9K arrow-udf-js optional ^0.12
1.1K marketstack ~0.12.0
1.1K 1 multiversx-sdk-http ^0.12
1.1K 1 webmention ^0.11
1.1K 3 wit-deps ^0.11
1.1K paradex ^0.12.14
1.1K wasmer-cli ^0.12.0
1.1K 6 dragonfly-client-core ^0.12.4
1.1K 4 soroban-cli ^0.12.7
3.8K 7 identity_credential optional ^0.11
1.1K c2patool ^0.12.4
1.1K 1 ferrisgram ^0.11
1.1K gloss-word ^0.12.9
1.1K netsblox-cloud ^0.11.20
1.1K 2 anthropic-ai-sdk ^0.12.12
1.1K yao-dev-common ^0.12
1.1K spools ^0.12.5
1.1K typesensei ^0.12
1.1K edgee ^0.12.9
1.1K 1 edgee-api-client ^0.12.9
1.1K llama-desktop ^0.12
1.1K 1 iget ^0.12
1.1K donder-release ^0.11
3.8K 4 json_typegen_shared optional ^0.9
1.1K 1 edgee-server ^0.12.9
1.1K 4 dragonfly-client-util ^0.12.4
3.8K fhir-sdk optional ^0.12.2
1.0K elusion ^0.12
1.0K propelauth ^0.12
1.0K orb-billing ^0.11.13
1.0K stytch ^0.12.4
1.0K 2 chia-sdk-coinset ^0.12.12
1.0K 1 fnm ^0.12.4
3.7K 9 snarkvm-ledger-query optional ^0.11.20
1.0K 1 couch_rs ^0.12
1.0K spoify ^0.12.2
1.0K 1 phoenixd-rs ^0.12
1.0K 2 iggy ^0.12.12
1.0K 1 dragonfly-client ^0.12.4
1.0K 1 dragonfly-client-backend ^0.12.4
3.6K 1 roqoqo-qryd optional ^0.12
1.0K fache ^0.12.12
1.0K 2 fuel-gql-client ^0.11
1.0K 2 outscale_api ~0.9
1.0K open_launcher ^0.12.4
1.0K 1 dragonfly-client-storage ^0.12.4
1.0K 6 cw-orch-daemon ^0.12.5
3.6K 10 git-cliff-core optional ^0.12.12
1.0K rs_bybit ^0.12.7
1.0K drasi-source-sdk ^0.12.9
1.0K 1 appinsights ^0.11
1.0K 2 soar-dl ^0.12.12
1.0K 1 switchboard-on-demand-client ^0.11
1.0K zero-cli ^0.12.4
1.0K 1 playwright build ^0.11.4
1.0K rido ^0.12.2
1.0K webex ^0.12.5
1.0K weather-cli ^0.11.18
1.0K llama-core ^0.11
3.5K 7 anise optional ^0.12.0
1.0K 1 maestro-rust-sdk ^0.11
1.0K netsblox-cli ^0.11.20
1.0K smarthome-sdk-rs ^0.11.20
1.0K megamind ^0.11.20
1.0K excalivator-client ^0.12
1.0K liboxen ^0.12.2
1.0K 1 sfo-http ^0.12
1.0K frontegg ^0.11.13
1.0K dot4ch ^0.12.7
3.5K 1 mcp-core optional ^0.12.12
950 tembo-api-client ^0.11
950 18 fedimint-client ^0.12.9
950 tuono ^0.12.4
950 python-project-generator ^0.12.15
950 leptos_meilisearch ^0.12
950 cratery ^0.12
950 1 public-ip-address ^0.12
950 tgl-cli ^0.11.12
950 1 dtz-core ^0.12
950 cynthiaweb ^0.12.5
950 az-openai-rs ^0.11.16
950 teslatte ^0.12.3
950 bt_http_utils ^0.12.15
950 consumet ^0.11.18
950 3 light-client ^0.11.26
950 cscart-rs ^0.11.14
950 sw-sync-cli ^0.12.6
950 mmap-loader ^0.12
950 rust_supabase_sdk ^0.12.15
950 cargo-auto =0.12.12
950 hessra-sdk ^0.12
900 connchk ^0.11
3.3K 2 rzup optional ^0.12.9
900 rbx_api ^0.11.6
900 festive-bot ^0.12.9
900 trading212 ^0.12
900 3 anda_engine ^0.12
900 8 fedimint-bitcoind ^0.12.9
900 prelate-rs ^0.11.13
900 gito ^0.11
900 inference-gateway-sdk ^0.12.15
900 dfe ^0.12.9
900 leetcoderustapi ^0.11.18
900 subgraph-status ^0.11
900 colossus ^0.11
900 agave-install ^0.11.27
3.2K vegafusion-sql optional ^0.11.22
900 1 atuin-server ^0.11
900 tiktok-business ^0.12
900 8 llm ^0.12.12
900 thqm ^0.12.8
850 genius-core-client ^0.11.23
850 sp1-cli ^0.12.4
850 2 cipherstash-client ^0.12
850 yt-sub ^0.12
850 termai ^0.12.12
850 8 kxio ^0.12
850 4 mime-db build ^0.11
850 cfspeedtest ^0.12
850 2 stellar-ledger ^0.12.7
850 vayu ^0.12.1
850 fal ^0.12
850 spark-rust ^0.12.12
850 1 geosuggest-utils ^0.12
3.1K jours-feries optional build ^0
850 nadeo-api-rs ^0.12.9
850 cloud-storage-lite ^0.11.2
850 frontwork ^0.12.4
850 rhine ^0.12.12
800 3 quilt-rs ^0.12.14
800 11 ibc-relayer ^0.11.27
800 2 fastly-api ^0.11
800 1 roqoqo-iqm ^0.11
800 csep ^0.11
800 3 geph4-protocol ^0.11.12
800 wg-mod ^0.11.19
800 aichat ^0.12.0
800 7 fedimint-ln-client ^0.12.9
800 r3bl-cmdr ^0.12.7
800 2 controller ^0.12
800 1 deft ^0.11.27
800 hikvision-rs ^0.12.0
800 teemo ^0.11.22
800 1 mailgun-rs ^0.12
800 snarkify-sdk ^0.12.9
800 mendia ^0.12.12
800 snpguest ^0.11.10
800 1 soar-core ^0.12.12
800 vkteams-bot-cli ^0.12
800 1 strike-rs ^0.12
800 2 mercy ^0.11
800 1 mackerel_client ^0.12.8
800 shreddit ^0.12.12
800 pastol ^0.12
800 metrom-commons ^0.12.8
800 async-oauth2 ^0.12.0
800 1 wadl >=0.11
800 canvas-grading ^0.12.12
800 8 ibc-chain-registry ^0.11.27
800 wallheaven ^0.12.7
800 protozoa ^0.12.15
800 2 oma-fetch ^0.12
800 workflow-gpt ^0.12.4
2.9K 7 wikipedia optional ^0.12.2
800 1 slack-hook3 ^0.11
800 snowplow_tracker ^0.11
800 1 golem-cli ^0.12.13
2.9K grafbase-sdk optional ^0.12.15
800 1 fiberplane-provider-runtime ^0.11.4
800 xh ^0.12.3
750 4 solana-notifier ^0.11.27
750 rsbit ^0.11.22
2.8K 1 gst-plugin-webrtc optional ^0.11
750 dydx ^0.12
750 1 dtz-identity ^0.12
750 megaphone-broker ^0.12.4
750 neo3 ^0.12.5
750 github-action-runner ^0.12.9
750 geckoterminal-rs ^0.12.0
750 rex-tui ^0.12.8
750 reqwest-drive ^0.12.15
750 libannict ^0.12.12
750 2 pubky ^0.12.12
750 rust_flightplan ^0.12.8
750 tonlib-client ^0.12
750 7 fedimint-lnv2-common ^0.12.9
750 jcommit ^0.11.22
750 mostro ^0.12.1
750 nutek ^0.12.12
750 aleph-alpha-client ^0.12.3
750 journal-forwarder ^0.12.0
750 cargo-pants ^0.11.9
750 5 anda_core ^0.12
750 1 eppo_core ^0.12.4
2.7K 7 xx optional ^0.12
750 aicommit ^0.11
750 ebiotic ^0.11
750 4 fedimint-ln-gateway ^0.12.9
750 webfinger-cli ^0.12.8
750 3 dagger-sdk ^0.11.23
750 1 istziio-client ^0.11
750 tuono_lib ^0.12.4
700 wukong ^0.12
700 swapkit-rs ^0
700 youtube_lounge_rs ^0.12
700 3 jarust_interface ^0.12.12
700 telegram_bots_api ^0.11
700 rsfunceble ^0.12
700 auth0_client ^0.11.13
700 chmmod-create ^0.12.12
700 elmethis-notion ^0.12.9
700 reginleif ^0.12.5
700 1 gouqi ^0.12
2.7K 2 chromiumoxide_fetcher optional ^0.12
700 9 dtz-config ^0.12
700 lectio-diei ^0.12.5
700 4 filigree ^0.11.24
700 6 ipgeolocate ^0.11
700 redox_pkgutils ^0.12
700 xero-rs ^0.11
700 yahoo_tick_grabber ^0.12.4
700 1 essi-ffmpeg ^0.11.24
700 leetup ^0.11
700 async-openai-alt ^0.12.4
700 feed-parser ^0.12.8
700 hubspot-rust-sdk ^0.12.15
700 1 httping ^0.12.2
700 1 forevervm-sdk ^0.12.12
700 rabbitmqadmin ^0.12.12
700 throttle-client ^0.12.7
700 7 txtx-addon-kit ^0.12.5
700 1 launchpadlib ^0.12
700 1 notionrs ^0.12.12
700 wash-cli ^0.12
650 supabase-management-rs ^0.12.13
650 1 ragit-api ^0.12.12
650 firestore-db-and-auth ^0.11
650 qsv ^0.12
650 riven ^0.11.2
650 qweather-sdk ^0.12
650 collaboflow-rs ^0.12.7
650 hitomi ^0.12.5
650 megra_rs ^0.11.16
650 artisan_middleware ^0.12.9
650 adguard-tui ^0.11
650 monzo-lib ^0.12.5
2.5K 1 ahqstore-types optional ^0.12
650 twelvedata ^0.11.18
650 git-gr ^0.12.2
650 mlflow_rs ^0.11
650 tosho ^0.12.12
650 hanko ^0.12.12
650 rust-blocktank-client ^0.12.12
650 wavify build ^0.12.4
650 2 api_req ^0.12.15
650 1 ragit ^0.12.12
650 1 reqwest-graphql ^0.11
650 viking ^0.12.7
650 1 libdistore ^0.12.7
650 1 fiberplane-api-client ^0.11
650 firebase-rs ^0.12.12
650 dup-cli ^0.12.12
40.1M 10677 syn dev ^0.12
4.0M 833 config dev ^0.12
3.9M 148 moka dev ^0.11.11
3.2M 244 wiremock dev ^0.12.7
2.6M 172 backoff dev ^0.11
3.0M 477 mockito dev ^0.12
1.3M 23 azure_identity dev ^0.12
1.3M 16 azure_storage dev ^0.12
941K 176 axum-extra dev ^0.12
757K 50 backon dev ^0.12
455K 1 launchdarkly-server-sdk dev ^0.12.4
448K 181 httpmock dev ^0.11.22
217K 8 http-auth dev ^0.12.7
197K 66 async-compat dev ^0.12
194K 8 alloy-contract dev ^0.12
188K 65 async-nats dev ^0.11.18
181K 31 crates-index dev ^0.12
163K 5 progenitor-impl dev ^0.12.4
153K 14 futures-buffered dev ^0.12.4
147K 165 mlua dev ^0.12
148K 14 progenitor dev ^0.12.4
145K 33 eventsource-stream dev ^0.11
124K 31 tower-sessions dev ^0.12.3
121K 65 testcontainers-modules dev ^0.12.5
106K 35 openidconnect dev ^0.12
88K 5 axum_typed_multipart dev ^0.12.12
88K 1 axum_typed_multipart_macros dev ^0.12.12
88K 19 dircpy dev ^0.12
86K 4 worker-kv dev ^0.11.8
84K 40 tiberius dev ^0.11.10
82K 6 again dev ^0.10
77K 1 foundations dev ^0.12
62K 10 rapidhash dev ^0.12.7
55K 10 tower_governor dev ^0.12
53K 16 pingora-core dev ^0.11
53K 13 pingora-proxy dev ^0.11
51K 12 oxide-auth dev ^0.11.10
51K 10 swc_bundler dev ^0.11.14
51K 13 pingora dev ^0.11
46K azure_data_cosmos dev ^0.12
42K 26 html_parser dev ^0.11.16
30K 4 axum-login dev ^0.12
28K 8 dropshot dev ^0.12.12
25K 3 foundry-compilers dev ^0.12
24K 18 prometheus_exporter dev ^0.11
24K 1 winauth dev ^0.9
21K 12 actix-identity dev ^0.12
17K 10 axum-auth dev ^0.12.12
17K 106 google-cloud-lro dev ^0.12.11
16K 53 teloxide dev ^0.11.11
15K 4 tame-gcs dev ^0.12
13K 19 relm4 dev ^0.12.5
12K 1 cynic-introspection dev ^0.12
11K 9 deno_npm dev ^0.12.9
11K 7 tame-oauth dev ^0.12
10K 2 axum-streams dev ^0.12
10K 2 denokv_remote dev ^0.12.4
9.3K 1 soldeer-commands dev ^0.12.5
9.2K 1 reqwest-netrc dev ^0.12.7
8.9K qorb dev ^0.12.9
8.5K ic-http-gateway dev ^0.12
8.5K 17 ecies dev ^0.12.15
8.4K 6 pact_mock_server dev ^0.12.7
7.5K sn-node-manager dev ^0.12
7.4K hexpm dev ^0.12
7.2K mousse dev ^0.11
6.6K 3 adblock dev ^0.11
6.6K 21 deno_graph dev ^0.12.4
6.6K reqwest-leaky-bucket dev ^0.12
6.5K 3 pgtemp dev ^0.11
6.0K 9 trustfall dev ^0.12.4
5.6K 2 pact_consumer dev ^0.12.7
5.5K 2 vaultrs-login dev ^0.11.15
5.3K 1 cobalt-aws dev ^0.12.8
5.1K 1 ngrok dev ^0.11.13
5.0K 12 tikv-client dev ^0.11
5.0K 23 gotham dev ^0.12.2
4.9K 1 axum-valid dev ^0.12.3
4.1K 7 rusty-s3 dev ^0.12
3.7K 2 sysreq dev ^0
3.3K 10 eszip dev ^0.11.23
2.7K tame-webpurify dev ^0.11
2.6K 7 spin-sdk dev ^0.11.24
2.6K 1 opentelemetry-stackdriver dev ^0.12
2.5K 11 ipfs-api dev ^0.11
2.5K 18 soup dev ^0.9.4
2.5K axum-server-timing dev ^0.12
2.4K 4 suffix_array dev ^0.9
2.1K tame-oidc dev ^0.11.22
2.1K tubetti dev ^0.12.12
2.0K 7 surrealdb-tikv-client dev ^0.11
1.9K 2 serde_xmlrpc dev ^0.11
1.8K 4 dockworker dev ^0.11.24
1.8K 6 mp3-metadata dev ^0.11
1.6K ripress dev ^0.11.18
1.6K tyco dev ^0.12
1.6K af-iperps dev ^0.12
1.6K 4 axum-server-dual-protocol dev ^0.12
1.6K 17 nanorpc dev ^0.11.12
1.6K 1 jsonrpc_client_macro dev ^0.11
1.4K af-oracle dev ^0.12
1.4K 1 nest_struct dev ^0.12
1.3K 3 cyfrin-foundry-compilers dev ^0.12
1.3K 2 graph_builder dev ^0.11
1.3K 1 moka2 dev ^0.11.11
1.3K 12 nipper dev ^0.10.4
1.2K 1 wiremock_logical_matchers dev ^0.11.24
1.2K 22 easy-jsonrpc-mw dev ^0.9.18
1.1K 7 pavex dev ^0.12
1.1K axum-reverse-proxy dev ^0.11
1.1K 2 sxd_html dev ^0.12.4
1.1K metrics_server dev ^0.12
1.1K 2 light-sdk dev ^0.12
1.1K 2 hudsucker dev ^0.12.0
1.0K 4 light-verifier dev ^0.11.24
1.0K lambda-otel-lite dev ^0.12.7
1.0K 1 rlt dev ^0.12
1.0K aliri_axum dev ^0.12.3
1.0K swagger-ui-dist dev ^0.12
1.0K 5 rpki dev ^0.12.9
950 miniserve dev ^0.12
950 1 axum-inertia dev ^0.11.22
950 goldrust dev ^0.12.8
900 2 picodata-plugin dev ^0.12
850 respicta dev ^0.12.9
850 3 axum-yaml dev ^0.12
800 mockable dev ^0.11
800 1 bitbox-api dev ^0.12
750 http-cache-quickcache dev ^0.12.12
750 2 obeli-sk-wasm-workers dev ^0.12
750 1 busybody dev ^0.12
700 3 material-colors dev ^0.12.5
700 context-async dev ^0.12.9
700 11 lemmy_utils dev ^0.11.27
700 corolla dev ^0.12.4
700 trait-net dev ^0.12