#reqwest #stream


WebSocket connections with reqwest

7 unstable releases (3 breaking)

new 0.4.3 Oct 24, 2024
0.4.2 Aug 19, 2024
0.4.1 Jul 9, 2024
0.4.0 Jun 26, 2024
0.1.0 Feb 14, 2024

#18 in WebSocket

Download history 1383/week @ 2024-07-05 1138/week @ 2024-07-12 594/week @ 2024-07-19 688/week @ 2024-07-26 935/week @ 2024-08-02 929/week @ 2024-08-09 1293/week @ 2024-08-16 1267/week @ 2024-08-23 943/week @ 2024-08-30 1240/week @ 2024-09-06 1331/week @ 2024-09-13 1653/week @ 2024-09-20 1908/week @ 2024-09-27 2140/week @ 2024-10-04 1543/week @ 2024-10-11 1907/week @ 2024-10-18

7,752 downloads per month
Used in 8 crates (5 directly)

MIT license

945 lines


crates.io Documentation MIT Build

Extension for reqwest to allow websocket connections.

This crate contains the extension trait RequestBuilderExt, which adds an upgrade method to reqwest::RequestBuilder that prepares the HTTP request to upgrade the connection to a WebSocket. After you call upgrade(), you can send your upgraded request as usual with send(), which will return an UpgradeResponse. The UpgradeResponse wraps reqwest::Response (and also dereferences to it), so you can inspect the response if needed. Finally, you can use into_websocket() on the response to turn it into an async stream and sink for messages. Both text and binary messages are supported.


For a full example take a look at hello_world.rs.

// Extends the `reqwest::RequestBuilder` to allow WebSocket upgrades.
use reqwest_websocket::RequestBuilderExt;

// Creates a GET request, upgrades and sends it.
let response = Client::default()
    .upgrade() // Prepares the WebSocket upgrade.

// Turns the response into a WebSocket stream.
let mut websocket = response.into_websocket().await?;

// The WebSocket implements `Sink<Message>`.
websocket.send(Message::Text("Hello, World".into())).await?;

// The WebSocket is also a `TryStream` over `Message`s.
while let Some(message) = websocket.try_next().await? {
    if let Message::Text(text) = message {
        println!("received: {text}")

Support for WebAssembly

reqwest-websocket uses the HTTP upgrade functionality built into reqwest, which is not available on WebAssembly. When you use reqwest-websocket in WebAssembly, it falls back to using web_sys::WebSocket. This means that everything except the URL (including query parameters) is not used for your request.


~212K SLoC