#trading #bot #interface #api #asynchronous #client


A library for interacting with the Trading212 API

14 releases

0.2.10 May 8, 2024
0.2.9 Mar 30, 2024
0.1.2 Mar 13, 2024
0.1.1 Jan 8, 2024

#34 in Finance

Custom license


Trading 212 Rust API

MIT licensed Crates.io docs.rs

A minimal asynchronous interface to Trading 212, intended for (but not limited to) implementing bots.

[!WARNING] This is very experimental and probably contains bugs and invalid documentation, use with caution

The API is documented here It is bound to change as it is v0 and currently in Beta


A library for interacting with the Trading212 API

This is very experimental and probably contains bugs and invalid documentation, use with caution


use trading212::Client;

async fn main() {
   let client = Client::new("token", trading212::Target::Demo).unwrap();
   let exchanges = client.get_exchanges().await.unwrap();
   println!("{:?}", exchanges);

The API is documented here It is bound to change as it is v0 and currently in Beta


~246K SLoC