#middleware #axum #authenticator #open-id #oauth2 #validate #connect


Limes is a multi-tenant capable Authentication middleware for OAuth2.0 and Open ID Connect with support for axum

2 releases

new 0.1.1 Feb 8, 2025
0.1.0 Feb 8, 2025

#178 in Authentication

Download history 188/week @ 2025-02-03

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1.5K SLoC

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Limes is a multi-tenant capable Authentication middleware for OAuth2.0 and Open ID Connect with optional support for axum. It supports the following Authenticators natively:

  • JWKSWebAuthenticator that fetches JWKs keys from a .well-known/openid-configuration, refreshes keys regularly, and validates tokens locally.
  • KubernetesAuthenticator which validates tokens using Kubernetes TokenReview.
  • AuthenticatorChain hold a collection of Authenticators and authenticates the token with the first suitable Authenticator. This is especially useful for multi-tenant setups where tokens from multiple IdPs should be accepted. Each IdP is assigned a unique idp_id to provide a globally unique Subject that identifies a user.

Custom Authenticators can easily be added by implementing the Authenticator trait.

Single-Tenant Example

use axum::{middleware::from_fn_with_state, response::IntoResponse, routing::get, Extension};
use limes::{
    axum::authentication_middleware, format_subject, jwks::JWKSWebAuthenticator, Authentication,

// Use none for single tenant setups
const IDP_SEPARATOR: Option<char> = None;

async fn main() {
    let authenticator = JWKSWebAuthenticator::new(
        "https://accounts.google.com", // Must provide ./well-known/openid-configuration
        Some(std::time::Duration::from_secs(10 * 60)), // Refresh JWKS keys every 10 minutes
    .set_accepted_audiences(vec!["my-app".to_string()]); // Acceptable audiences (optional)

    let app = axum::Router::new()
        .route("/whoami", get(whoami))

    let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("")
    println!("listening on {}", listener.local_addr().unwrap());
    axum::serve(listener, app).await.unwrap();

async fn whoami(Extension(auth): Extension<Authentication>) -> impl IntoResponse {
    format!("Hello, {}!", format_subject(auth.subject(), IDP_SEPARATOR))

Multi-Tenant Setup

Limes supports the chained Authenticators. As each Authenticator can point to a different IdP, and subject IDs are not guaranteed to be unique across IdPs, it is important to specify the idp_id for each Authenticator that is used in a AuthenticatorChain.

use axum::{middleware::from_fn_with_state, response::IntoResponse, routing::get, Extension};
use limes::{
    axum::authentication_middleware, format_subject, jwks::JWKSWebAuthenticator,
    kubernetes::KubernetesAuthenticator, Authentication, AuthenticatorChain, AuthenticatorEnum,

// We recommend using a character that is never used in subject ids
const IDP_SEPARATOR: Option<char> = Some('~');

async fn main() {
    let oidc_authenticator = JWKSWebAuthenticator::new(
        "https://accounts.google.com", // Must provide ./well-known/openid-configuration
        Some(std::time::Duration::from_secs(10 * 60)), // Refresh JWKS keys every 10 minutes
    .set_idp_id("oidc") // Unique identifier for this IdP. Must never contain the `IDP_SEPARATOR`
    .set_accepted_audiences(vec!["my-app".to_string()]); // Acceptable audiences (optional)

    // Uses the default Kubernetes client. Other constructors are available that accept a custom client.
    let kubernetes_authenticator = KubernetesAuthenticator::try_new_with_default_client(
        Some("kubernetes"), // Unique identifier for this IdP. Must never contain the `IDP_SEPARATOR`
        vec![],             // Don't validate the audience

    // Chain the authenticators together. Order matters.
    // The first authenticator that returns true for `can_handle_token` will be used.
    let chain = AuthenticatorChain::<AuthenticatorEnum>::builder()

    let app = axum::Router::new()
        .route("/whoami", get(whoami))

    let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("")
    println!("listening on {}", listener.local_addr().unwrap());
    axum::serve(listener, app).await.unwrap();

async fn whoami(Extension(auth): Extension<Authentication>) -> impl IntoResponse {
    format!("Hello, {}!", format_subject(auth.subject(), IDP_SEPARATOR))
    // Would print "oidc~<subject_id>" for google tokens, where oidc is the `idp_id` we set above.

Feature flags

Limes uses a set of feature flags to reduce the amount of compiled code. The following feature flags are available:

  • all: Activate all features
  • default: Includes rustls-tls and jwks.
  • kubernetes: Provides the KubernetesAuthenticator implementation which validates tokens using Kubernetes TokenReview.
  • rustls-tls: Enable rustls for all dependant crates.
  • jwks: Provides the JWKSWebAuthenticator
  • axum: Provides axum middleware that performs the Authentication and provides the tokens Payload as extension.


~415K SLoC