10 releases
new 0.1.9 | Sep 2, 2024 |
0.1.8 | Nov 29, 2023 |
0.1.7 | Oct 17, 2023 |
0.1.5 | Sep 2, 2023 |
0.1.3 | May 11, 2023 |
#1075 in Network programming
117 downloads per month
🦀 crab-hole
Crab-hole is a cross platform Pi-hole clone written in Rust using hickory-dns/trust-dns. It can be use as a network wide Ad and spy blocker or run on your local pc.
For a secure and private communication, crab-hole has builtin support for doh(https), doq(quic) and dot(tls) for down- and upstreams and dnssec for upstreams. It also comes with privacy friendly default logging settings.
Crab-hole is available at the following repositories:
Prebuilt binaries can also been downloaded from the Github release.
Building from source:
Alternatively you can easily build crab-hole by yourself.
- Install Rust
- Run
cargo install crab-hole --locked
See the Rust book for more information about cargo install. - Make sure that
is listed in thePATH
environment variable
A docker image is available at the Github Container Registry.
Example docker-compoe.yml
version: '3.3'
image: 'ghcr.io/luckyturtledev/crab-hole:latest' #semver tags are available
ports: #required ports depend on downstream configuration
- "53:53/tcp"
- "53:53/udp"
- './data:/data'
- './config.toml:/data/config.toml:ro'
Semver tags like v0
, v0.1
and v0.1.3
are available to safely allow automatic updates.
Example config file using cloudflare as dot (dns-over-tls) upstream.
include_subdomains = true
lists = [
# allow domains blocked by the blocklist again
allow_list = ["file:///allowed.txt"]
# optional
port = 8080
listen = ""
# optional (default = false)
show_doc = true # OpenAPI doc loads content from third party websites
# optional
admin_key = "1234"
protocol = "udp"
listen = "localhost"
port = 8080
protocol = "udp"
listen = "[::]" #all ipv6 and ipv4 adress
port = 8053
protocol = "tls"
listen = "[::]"
port = 8054
certificate = "dns.example.com.crt"
key = "dns.example.com.key"
# optional (default = 3000)
timeout_ms = 3000
protocol = "https"
listen = "[::]"
port = 8055
certificate = "dns.example.com.crt"
key = "dns.example.com.key"
dns_hostname = "dns.example.com"
# optional (default = 3000)
timeout_ms = 3000
protocol = "quic"
listen = ""
port = 8055
certificate = "dns.example.com.crt"
key = "dns.example.com.key"
dns_hostname = "dns.example.com"
# optional (default = 3000)
timeout_ms = 3000
# optional
# optional (default = false )
validate = true # use DNSSEC
# see https://docs.rs/trust-dns-resolver/0.23.0/trust_dns_resolver/config/struct.ResolverOpts.html for all options
socket_addr = "[2606:4700:4700::1111]:853"
protocol = "tls"
tls_dns_name = "1dot1dot1dot1.cloudflare-dns.com"
trust_nx_responses = false
socket_addr = "[2606:4700:4700::1001]:853"
protocol = "tls"
tls_dns_name = "1dot1dot1dot1.cloudflare-dns.com"
trust_nx_responses = false
socket_addr = ""
protocol = "tls"
tls_dns_name = "1dot1dot1dot1.cloudflare-dns.com"
trust_nx_responses = false
socket_addr = ""
protocol = "tls"
tls_dns_name = "1dot1dot1dot1.cloudflare-dns.com"
trust_nx_responses = false
~1M SLoC