http-cache-semantics is used at run time in 70 crates (of which 31 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 17 crates.

Number of dependers http-cache-semantics version Downloads/month
36 2.1.0 43K
29 1.0.2 65K
5 0.9.14 54
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) http-cache-semantics version
91K 6 http-cache ^2.1.0
68K 23 http-cache-reqwest ^2.1.0
11K 3 http-cache-surf ^2.1.0
11K 8 spider optional ^2
5.0K 5 rattler_repodata_gateway optional ^2.1.0
140 reqwest-cache ^1.0
130 1 reqwest-middleware-cache ^0.9
130 1 sl-map-apis ^2.1.0
1 http-cache-fork ^2
http-cache-reqwest-fork ^2
surf-middleware-cache ^0.9
http-cache-mokadeser ^2.1.0
550 13 zng-task optional ^1.0
http-cache-quickcache ^2.1.0
http-cache-darkbird ^2.1.0
2 rattler_installs_packages ^2.1.0
posy ^1.0.1