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1,103 downloads per month
Used in btrader


4.5K SLoC


Unofficial Rust Library for the Binance API and Binance Futures API (Under development with upcoming breaking changes)

Crates.io Build Status CI MIT licensed Apache-2.0 licensed

Documentation on docs.rs

Binance API Telegram


Risk Warning

It is a personal project, use at your own risk. I will not be responsible for your investment losses. Cryptocurrency investment is subject to high market risk.


Add this to your Cargo.toml

binance = { git = "https://github.com/wisespace-io/binance-rs.git" }

Rust >= 1.56.1

rustup install stable

Table of Contents


use binance::api::*;
use binance::model::*;
use binance::market::*;

fn main() {
    let market: Market = Binance::new(None, None);

    // Order book at default depth
    match market.get_depth("BNBETH") {
        Ok(answer) => println!("{:?}", answer),
        Err(e) => println!("Error: {}", e),

    // Order book at depth 500
    match market.get_custom_depth("BNBETH", 500) {
        Ok(answer) => println!("{:?}", answer),
        Err(e) => println!("Error: {}", e),

    // Latest price for ALL symbols
    match market.get_all_prices() {
        Ok(answer) => println!("{:?}", answer),
        Err(e) => println!("Error: {:?}", e),

    // Latest price for ONE symbol
    match market.get_price("BNBETH") {
        Ok(answer) => println!("{:?}", answer),
        Err(e) => println!("Error: {:?}", e),

    // Current average price for ONE symbol
    match market.get_average_price("BNBETH") {
        Ok(answer) => println!("{:?}", answer),
        Err(e) => println!("Error: {:?}", e),

    // Best price/qty on the order book for ALL symbols
    match market.get_all_book_tickers() {
        Ok(answer) => println!("{:?}", answer),
        Err(e) => println!("Error: {:?}", e),

    // Best price/qty on the order book for ONE symbol
    match market.get_book_ticker("BNBETH") {
        Ok(answer) => println!(
            "Bid Price: {}, Ask Price: {}",
            answer.bid_price, answer.ask_price
        Err(e) => println!("Error: {:?}", e),

    // 24hr ticker price change statistics
    match market.get_24h_price_stats("BNBETH") {
        Ok(answer) => println!(
            "Open Price: {}, Higher Price: {}, Lower Price: {:?}",
            answer.open_price, answer.high_price, answer.low_price
        Err(e) => println!("Error: {:?}", e),

    // last 10 5min klines (candlesticks) for a symbol:
    match market.get_klines("BNBETH", "5m", 10, None, None) {
        Ok(klines) => {   
            match klines {
                binance::model::KlineSummaries::AllKlineSummaries(klines) => {
                    let kline: KlineSummary = klines[0].clone(); // You need to iterate over the klines
                        "Open: {}, High: {}, Low: {}",
                        kline.open, kline.high, kline.low
        Err(e) => println!("Error: {}", e),


use binance::api::*;
use binance::account::*;

fn main() {
    let api_key = Some("YOUR_API_KEY".into());
    let secret_key = Some("YOUR_SECRET_KEY".into());

    let account: Account = Binance::new(api_key, secret_key);

    match account.get_account() {
        Ok(answer) => println!("{:?}", answer.balances),
        Err(e) => println!("Error: {:?}", e),

    match account.get_open_orders("WTCETH") {
        Ok(answer) => println!("{:?}", answer),
        Err(e) => println!("Error: {:?}", e),

    match account.limit_buy("WTCETH", 10, 0.014000) {
        Ok(answer) => println!("{:?}", answer),
        Err(e) => println!("Error: {:?}", e),

    match account.market_buy("WTCETH", 5) {
        Ok(answer) => println!("{:?}", answer),
        Err(e) => println!("Error: {:?}", e),

    match account.limit_sell("WTCETH", 10, 0.035000) {
        Ok(answer) => println!("{:?}", answer),
        Err(e) => println!("Error: {:?}", e),

    match account.market_sell("WTCETH", 5) {
        Ok(answer) => println!("{:?}", answer),
        Err(e) => println!("Error: {:?}", e),

    match account.custom_order("WTCETH", 9999, 0.0123, "SELL", "LIMIT", "IOC") {
        Ok(answer) => println!("{:?}", answer),
        Err(e) => println!("Error: {:?}", e),

    let order_id = 1_957_528;
    match account.order_status("WTCETH", order_id) {
        Ok(answer) => println!("{:?}", answer),
        Err(e) => println!("Error: {:?}", e),

    match account.cancel_order("WTCETH", order_id) {
        Ok(answer) => println!("{:?}", answer),
        Err(e) => println!("Error: {:?}", e),

    match account.cancel_all_open_orders("WTCETH") {
        Ok(answer) => println!("{:?}", answer),
        Err(e) => println!("Error: {:?}", e),

    match account.get_balance("KNC") {
        Ok(answer) => println!("{:?}", answer),
        Err(e) => println!("Error: {:?}", e),

    match account.trade_history("WTCETH") {
        Ok(answer) => println!("{:?}", answer),
        Err(e) => println!("Error: {:?}", e),


Provides more detailed error information

You can check out the Binance Error Codes

use binance::errors::ErrorKind as BinanceLibErrorKind;


Err(err) => {
    println!("Can't put an order!");

    match err.0 {
        BinanceLibErrorKind::BinanceError(response) => match response.code {
            -1013_i16 => println!("Filter failure: LOT_SIZE!"),
            -2010_i16 => println!("Funds insufficient! {}", response.msg),
            _ => println!("Non-catched code {}: {}", response.code, response.msg),
        BinanceLibErrorKind::Msg(msg) => {
            println!("Binancelib error msg: {}", msg)
        _ => println!("Other errors: {}.", err.0),


You can overwrite the default binance api urls if there are performance issues with the endpoints.

You can check out the Binance API Clusters.

The same is applicable for Testnet and Binance.US support. See example below:

let general: General = if use_testnet {
    let config = Config::default().set_rest_api_endpoint("https://testnet.binance.vision");
                                  // .set_ws_endpoint("wss://testnet.binance.vision/ws")
                                  // .set_futures_rest_api_endpoint("https://testnet.binancefuture.com/api")
                                  // .set_futures_ws_endpoint("https://testnet.binancefuture.com/ws")
    Binance::new_with_config(None, None, &config)
} else {
    Binance::new(None, None)


use binance::api::*;
use binance::userstream::*;

fn main() {
    let api_key_user = Some("YOUR_API_KEY".into());
    let user_stream: UserStream = Binance::new(api_key_user.clone(), None);

    if let Ok(answer) = user_stream.start() {
        println!("Data Stream Started ...");
        let listen_key = answer.listen_key;

        match user_stream.keep_alive(&listen_key) {
            Ok(msg) => println!("Keepalive user data stream: {:?}", msg),
            Err(e) => println!("Error: {:?}", e),

        match user_stream.close(&listen_key) {
            Ok(msg) => println!("Close user data stream: {:?}", msg),
            Err(e) => println!("Error: {:?}", e),
    } else {
        println!("Not able to start an User Stream (Check your API_KEY)");


use binance::api::*;
use binance::userstream::*;
use binance::websockets::*;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool};

fn main() {
    let api_key_user = Some("YOUR_KEY".into());
    let keep_running = AtomicBool::new(true); // Used to control the event loop
    let user_stream: UserStream = Binance::new(api_key_user, None);

    if let Ok(answer) = user_stream.start() {
	let listen_key = answer.listen_key;

	let mut web_socket = WebSockets::new(|event: WebsocketEvent| {
	    match event {
		WebsocketEvent::AccountUpdate(account_update) => {
		    for balance in &account_update.balance {
			println!("Asset: {}, free: {}, locked: {}", balance.asset, balance.free, balance.locked);
		WebsocketEvent::OrderTrade(trade) => {
		    println!("Symbol: {}, Side: {}, Price: {}, Execution Type: {}", trade.symbol, trade.side, trade.price, trade.execution_type);
		_ => (),

	web_socket.connect(&listen_key).unwrap(); // check error
	    if let Err(e) = web_socket.event_loop(&keep_running) {
		match e {
		    err => {
		        println!("Error: {:?}", err);
	} else {
	    println!("Not able to start an User Stream (Check your API_KEY)");


use binance::websockets::*;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool};

fn main() {
    let keep_running = AtomicBool::new(true); // Used to control the event loop
    let agg_trade = format!("!ticker@arr"); // All Symbols
    let mut web_socket = WebSockets::new(|event: WebsocketEvent| {
	match event {
        // 24hr rolling window ticker statistics for all symbols that changed in an array.
	    WebsocketEvent::DayTickerAll(ticker_events) => {
	        for tick_event in ticker_events {
		    if tick_event.symbol == "BTCUSDT" {
			let btcusdt: f32 = tick_event.average_price.parse().unwrap();
			let btcusdt_close: f32 = tick_event.current_close.parse().unwrap();
			println!("{} - {}", btcusdt, btcusdt_close);
	    _ => (),


    web_socket.connect(&agg_trade).unwrap(); // check error
    if let Err(e) = web_socket.event_loop(&keep_running) {
	match e {
	    err => {
	        println!("Error: {:?}", err);


use binance::websockets::*;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool};

fn main() {
    let keep_running = AtomicBool::new(true); // Used to control the event loop
    let kline = format!("{}", "ethbtc@kline_1m");
    let mut web_socket = WebSockets::new(|event: WebsocketEvent| {
        match event {
            WebsocketEvent::Kline(kline_event) => {
                println!("Symbol: {}, high: {}, low: {}", kline_event.kline.symbol, kline_event.kline.low, kline_event.kline.high);
            _ => (),
    web_socket.connect(&kline).unwrap(); // check error
    if let Err(e) = web_socket.event_loop(&keep_running) {
        match e {
          err => {
             println!("Error: {:?}", err);


use binance::websockets::*;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool};

fn main() {
    let endpoints = ["ETHBTC", "BNBETH"]
        .map(|symbol| format!("{}@depth@100ms", symbol.to_lowercase()));

    let keep_running = AtomicBool::new(true);
    let mut web_socket = WebSockets::new(|event: WebsocketEvent| {
        if let WebsocketEvent::DepthOrderBook(depth_order_book) = event {
            println!("{:?}", depth_order_book);


    web_socket.connect_multiple_streams(&endpoints).unwrap(); // check error
    if let Err(e) = web_socket.event_loop(&keep_running) {
        println!("Error: {:?}", e);

Other Exchanges

If you use Bitfinex check out my Rust library for bitfinex API


~322K SLoC