#fhir #json #type #deserialize-json


FHIR Software Development Kit. Library for interfacing with FHIR.

13 breaking releases

0.14.1 Aug 25, 2024
0.13.0 Jul 28, 2024
0.10.0 Feb 29, 2024
0.7.0 Nov 3, 2023
0.2.0 Mar 26, 2023

#177 in Parser implementations

Download history 495/week @ 2024-11-16 404/week @ 2024-11-23 416/week @ 2024-11-30 522/week @ 2024-12-07 430/week @ 2024-12-14 46/week @ 2024-12-21 565/week @ 2024-12-28 1112/week @ 2025-01-04 815/week @ 2025-01-11 457/week @ 2025-01-18 885/week @ 2025-01-25 1011/week @ 2025-02-01 697/week @ 2025-02-08 773/week @ 2025-02-15 1940/week @ 2025-02-22 1025/week @ 2025-03-01

4,727 downloads per month

MIT license

441K SLoC


crates.io page docs.rs page license: MIT

This is a FHIR library in its early stages. The models are generated from the FHIR StructureDefinitions (see FHIR downloads). It aims to be:

  • fully compliant
  • as safe as possibe
  • as easy to use as possible
  • fully featured


  • Generated FHIR codes, types and resources
  • Serialization and deserialization to and from JSON
  • Optional builders for types and resources
  • Implementation of base traits
    • (Base)Resource for accessing common fields
    • NamedResource for getting the resource type in const time
    • DomainResource for accessing common fields
    • IdentifiableResource for all resources with an identifier field
  • Client implementation
    • Create, Read, Update, Delete
    • Search + Paging
    • Batch operations / Transactions
    • Operations
    • Patch
    • Authentication
    • GraphQL
  • FHIRpath implementation
  • Resource validation using FHIRpath and regular expressions

Not Planned


use fhir_sdk::r5::resources::Patient;
use fhir_sdk::client::{*, r5::*};
use fhir_sdk::{TryStreamExt, header};

async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    // Set up the client using the local test server.
    let settings = RequestSettings::default()
        .header(header::AUTHORIZATION, "Bearer <token>".parse().unwrap());
    let client = Client::builder()

    // Create a Patient resource using a builder.
    let mut patient = Patient::builder().active(false).build().unwrap();
    // Push it to the server.
    // The id and versionId is updated automatically this way.
    // Search for all patient with `active` = false, including pagination.
    let patients: Vec<Patient> = client
        .search(SearchParameters::empty().and(TokenSearch::Standard {
            name: "active",
            system: None,
            code: Some("false"),
            not: false,


For more examples, see the tests or below.

Development & Testing

  1. Install cargo-nextest and cargo-make: cargo install cargo-nextest cargo-make.
  2. From the workspace root directory, you can run the following tasks:
    • Format code: cargo make format
    • Check formatting: cargo make formatting
    • Run docker environment for all FHIR versions: cargo make docker-ci-up
    • Run all tests via cargo test: cargo make test-all
    • Run all tests via cargo nextest: cargo make test
    • Stop docker environment for all FHIR versions: cargo make docker-ci-down
    • Run docker env, run all tests, stop docker env: cargo make ci-tests
    • Run clippy for all feature sets, failing on any warnings: cargo make clippy
    • Do all checks that are done in CI: cargo make ci
    • Run code generator: cargo make generate

Known Problems

  • The compile time and its memory usage are really high. This is due to the big serde derives being highly generic. It might be possible to shave some off by manually implementing Deserialize and Serialize, but that is complex.
  • Vec<Option<T>> is annoying, but sadly is required to allow [null, {...}, null] for using FHIR resources with extensions..
  • It is not supported to replace required fields by an extension.

More examples

Reading a resource from string/file

use fhir_sdk::r5::resources::Resource;

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let resource_str = r#"{
        "resourceType": "Patient",
        "id": "my-id",
        "birthDate": "2024-01-01"
    let _resource: Resource = serde_json::from_str(resource_str)?;

Re-Authentication via callback

use fhir_sdk::r5::resources::Patient;
use fhir_sdk::client::*;
use fhir_sdk::{HttpClient, HeaderValue};

/// Gets called whenever there is an UNAUTHORIZED response.
/// Retries the response with the new Authorization header.
async fn my_auth_callback(client: HttpClient) -> Result<HeaderValue, anyhow::Error> {
    let _response = client.get("my-url").send().await?;
    Ok(HeaderValue::from_static("Bearer <token>"))

/// Same as above, but with state.
struct MyLogin {
    valid: std::time::Instant,

impl LoginManager for MyLogin {
    type Error = anyhow::Error;
    async fn authenticate(&mut self, client: HttpClient) -> Result<HeaderValue, Self::Error> {
        if self.valid.elapsed().as_secs() > 360 {
            let _response = client.get("my-url").send().await?;
            self.valid = std::time::Instant::now();
        Ok(HeaderValue::from_static("Bearer <token>"))

async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    // Set up the client using the local test server.
    let client = Client::builder()
        // Register async fn as callback.
        // Register struct with state. Overwrites previous callback.
        .auth_callback(MyLogin { valid: std::time::Instant::now() })
        // Register async closure. Overwrites previous callback.
        .auth_callback(|_client: HttpClient| async move { anyhow::Ok(HeaderValue::from_static("hi")) })

    // Create a Patient resource using a builder.
    let mut patient = Patient::builder().active(false).build().unwrap();
    // Push it to the server. On unauthorized failures, the client will call our
    // auth_callback method to refresh the authorization.


Resource identifier access

use fhir_sdk::r5::{
    resources::{IdentifiableResource, Patient},
    types::{Identifier, HumanName},

async fn main() {
    // Create a Patient resource using a builder.
    let mut patient = Patient::builder()

    // Check the identifier value.
    assert_eq!(patient.identifier_with_system("MySystem").map(String::as_str), Some("ID"));

Minimum supported Rust version

Currently, I am always using the latest Rust version and do not put in any effort to keep the MSRV. Please open an issue in case you need a different policy, I might consider changing the policy.


Licensed under the MIT license. All contributors agree to license under this license.


~148K SLoC