5 releases
0.2.3 | Mar 1, 2025 |
0.2.2 | Dec 9, 2023 |
0.2.1 | Dec 21, 2022 |
0.2.0 | Aug 14, 2022 |
0.1.0 | Feb 3, 2022 |
#238 in FFI
232 downloads per month
Automatically generate type definitions and functions for your Elm frontend from your Rust backend types, making it easy to keep the two in sync. Currently supports generating
- Elm types with the
trait and derive macro - JSON encoders with the
trait and derive macro, compatible withserde_json
- JSON decoders with the
trait and derive macro, compatible withserde_json
- URL query encoders with the
traits and derive macros
For example, the following code
use elm_rs::{Elm, ElmEncode, ElmDecode, ElmQuery, ElmQueryField};
#[derive(Elm, ElmEncode, ElmDecode)]
enum Filetype {
#[derive(Elm, ElmEncode, ElmDecode)]
struct Drawing {
title: String,
authors: Vec<String>,
filename: String,
filetype: Filetype,
#[derive(Elm, ElmQuery)]
struct Query {
page: usize,
thumbnail_size: Size,
#[derive(Elm, ElmQueryField)]
enum Size {
fn main() {
// the target would typically be a file
let mut target = vec![];
// elm_rs provides a macro for conveniently creating an Elm module with everything needed
elm_rs::export!("Bindings", &mut target, {
// generates types and encoders for types implementing ElmEncoder
encoders: [Filetype, Drawing],
// generates types and decoders for types implementing ElmDecoder
decoders: [Filetype, Drawing],
// generates types and functions for forming queries for types implementing ElmQuery
queries: [Query],
// generates types and functions for forming queries for types implementing ElmQueryField
query_fields: [Size],
let output = String::from_utf8(target).unwrap();
println!("{}", output);
prints out
-- generated by elm_rs
module Bindings exposing (..)
import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Http
import Json.Decode
import Json.Encode
import Url.Builder
resultEncoder : (e -> Json.Encode.Value) -> (t -> Json.Encode.Value) -> (Result e t -> Json.Encode.Value)
resultEncoder errEncoder okEncoder enum =
case enum of
Ok inner ->
Json.Encode.object [ ( "Ok", okEncoder inner ) ]
Err inner ->
Json.Encode.object [ ( "Err", errEncoder inner ) ]
resultDecoder : Json.Decode.Decoder e -> Json.Decode.Decoder t -> Json.Decode.Decoder (Result e t)
resultDecoder errDecoder okDecoder =
[ Json.Decode.map Ok (Json.Decode.field "Ok" okDecoder)
, Json.Decode.map Err (Json.Decode.field "Err" errDecoder)
type Filetype
= Jpeg
| Png
filetypeEncoder : Filetype -> Json.Encode.Value
filetypeEncoder enum =
case enum of
Jpeg ->
Json.Encode.string "Jpeg"
Png ->
Json.Encode.string "Png"
type alias Drawing =
{ title : String
, authors : List (String)
, filename : String
, filetype : Filetype
drawingEncoder : Drawing -> Json.Encode.Value
drawingEncoder struct =
[ ( "title", (Json.Encode.string) struct.title )
, ( "authors", (Json.Encode.list (Json.Encode.string)) struct.authors )
, ( "filename", (Json.Encode.string) struct.filename )
, ( "filetype", (filetypeEncoder) struct.filetype )
filetypeDecoder : Json.Decode.Decoder Filetype
filetypeDecoder =
[ Json.Decode.string
|> Json.Decode.andThen
(\x ->
case x of
"Jpeg" ->
Json.Decode.succeed Jpeg
unexpected ->
Json.Decode.fail <| "Unexpected variant " ++ unexpected
, Json.Decode.string
|> Json.Decode.andThen
(\x ->
case x of
"Png" ->
Json.Decode.succeed Png
unexpected ->
Json.Decode.fail <| "Unexpected variant " ++ unexpected
drawingDecoder : Json.Decode.Decoder Drawing
drawingDecoder =
Json.Decode.succeed Drawing
|> Json.Decode.andThen (\x -> Json.Decode.map x (Json.Decode.field "title" (Json.Decode.string)))
|> Json.Decode.andThen (\x -> Json.Decode.map x (Json.Decode.field "authors" (Json.Decode.list (Json.Decode.string))))
|> Json.Decode.andThen (\x -> Json.Decode.map x (Json.Decode.field "filename" (Json.Decode.string)))
|> Json.Decode.andThen (\x -> Json.Decode.map x (Json.Decode.field "filetype" (filetypeDecoder)))
type alias Query =
{ page : Int
, thumbnailSize : Size
urlEncodeQuery : Query -> List Url.Builder.QueryParameter
urlEncodeQuery struct =
[ Url.Builder.int "page" (identity struct.page), Url.Builder.string "thumbnail_size" (queryFieldEncoderSize struct.thumbnailSize) ]
type Size
= Small
| Large
queryFieldEncoderSize : Size -> String
queryFieldEncoderSize var =
case var of
Small -> "Small"
Large -> "Large"
Cargo features
: Activated by default. Enables deriving theElm
: Enables compatibility with many of serde's attributes. (serde v1
: Trait implementations for chrono types. (chrono v0.4
: Trait implementations for time types. (time v0.3
: Trait implementations for uuid types. (uuid v1
Serde compatibility
The serde
feature enables compatibility with serde attributes. Currently the following attributes are supported:
Container attributes
- rename_all
- tag
- tag & content
- untagged
- transparent
Variant attributes
- rename
- rename_all
- skip
- other
Field attributes
- rename
- skip
- Generate Elm types with the
trait and derive macro - Generate JSON encoders and decoders with the
traits and derive macros - Basic generic support
- Compatibility with most serde attributes
- Support for simple queries
- Support for forms and complex queries
- Compatibility with more serde attributes
- flatten
- alias
- skip_(de)serializing
- Optionally include definitions for the dependencies of exported types
- Implement support for more
serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}
std types- IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr
- SocketAddr, SocketAddrV4, SocketAddrV6
- PhantomData
- Handle recursive types
- Attributes for controlling the name of the Elm type etc.
Known limitations
Generic types are not well supported when they are used with more than one set of concrete types. For example, for
struct Generic<T>(T);
and Generic::<String>::elm_definition()
will both use the name Generic
for the Elm definition, causing an error in Elm. Accidentally using different generic types for the generated JSON and the Elm definition can also result in some confusing error messages.
Reusing enum variant names is allowed in Rust but not in Elm. Therefore generating definitions for the two enums
enum Enum1 {
enum Enum2 {
will cause an error in Elm due to Variant
being ambiguous.
- Generate an OpenAPI spec from Rust with something like https://crates.io/crates/okapi and generate Elm code from the spec with something like https://openapi-generator.tech/.
Licensed under Mozilla Public License Version 2.0
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