axoasset is used at run time in 8 crates (of which 1 optionally).

Number of dependers axoasset version Downloads/month
5 0.9.3 950
0 0.9.1 2.2K
2 0.4.0 55
1 0.0.1 26
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) axoasset version
3.1K 2 axoupdater >=0.9.0, <0.10.0
1.5K 1 cargo-dist ^0.9.3
1.0K 2 axoproject >=0.7.0, <0.10.0
210 oranda ^0.4.0
950 4 gazenot optional >=0.9.0, <0.10.0
1 oranda-generate-css ^0.4.0
slippy ^0.0.1
800 axoupdater-cli dev ^0.9.3