oci-distribution is used at run time in 51 crates (of which 3 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 19 crates. It's used at build time in 2 crates ().

Number of dependers oci-distribution version Downloads/month
7 0.11.0 22K
5 0.10.0 5.1K
36 0.9.4 5.6K
3 0.6.0 550
1 0.4.0 0
1 0.3.0 0
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) oci-distribution version
6.8K 4 oci-wasm ^0.11
4.5K 6 wasmcloud-control-interface ^0.9
6.4K 5 wasmcloud-core optional ^0.11
1.7K wash-cli ^0.11
1.4K 1 wasm-pkg-loader ^0.11.0
460 1 wash-lib ^0.11
390 1 wasmcloud-host ^0.6
310 warg-loader ^0.10.0
230 2 bpfman ^0.10
220 1 bpfman-api ^0.10
1.1K 4 sigstore optional ^0.10
190 4 wick-oci-utils ^0.9
110 obeli-sk ^0.11.0
wascc-host ^0.4.0
1 oci-util ^0.9.2
2 bpf-oci ^0.9.4
brew-moonshine ^0.9.4
oras ^0.3
kubelet ^0.6