5 unstable releases

0.3.0 Jun 3, 2023
0.2.0 Dec 19, 2022
0.1.2 Dec 19, 2022
0.1.1 Jul 3, 2022
0.1.0 Apr 28, 2022

#295 in Testing

Download history 2101/week @ 2024-03-14 1994/week @ 2024-03-21 1767/week @ 2024-03-28 1580/week @ 2024-04-04 1549/week @ 2024-04-11 2476/week @ 2024-04-18 2123/week @ 2024-04-25 1984/week @ 2024-05-02 4304/week @ 2024-05-09 2092/week @ 2024-05-16 2403/week @ 2024-05-23 1656/week @ 2024-05-30 2797/week @ 2024-06-06 2995/week @ 2024-06-13 4825/week @ 2024-06-20 3218/week @ 2024-06-27

14,046 downloads per month
Used in 3 crates

MIT license

187 lines


axum-test-helper exposes axum original TestClient, which is private to the axum crate

More information about this crate can be found in the crate documentation.

High level features

  • Provide an easy to use interface
  • Start a server in a different port for each call
  • Deal with JSON, text and files response/requests

Usage example

Add this crate as a dev-dependency:

axum-test-helper = "0.*" # alternatively specify the version as "0.3.0"

Use the TestClient on your own Router:

use axum::Router;
use axum::http::StatusCode;
use axum_test_helper::TestClient;

// you can replace this Router with your own app
let app = Router::new().route("/", get(|| async {}));

// initiate the TestClient with the previous declared Router
let client = TestClient::new(app);
let res = client.get("/").send().await;
assert_eq!(res.status(), StatusCode::OK);

You can find examples like this in the example directory.

See the crate documentation for way more examples.

Disable trace

By default axum-test-helper print trace like Listening on You can disable trace with axum-test-helper = { version = "0.*", default-features = false, features = ["withouttrace"] }.


This project is licensed under the MIT license.


~325K SLoC