13 stable releases

1.6.0 Jul 25, 2023
1.5.0 Jan 16, 2023
1.3.2 Nov 22, 2022
1.3.1 Jul 29, 2022
0.1.0 May 24, 2020

#526 in Database interfaces

Download history 916/week @ 2024-08-18 886/week @ 2024-08-25 1086/week @ 2024-09-01 764/week @ 2024-09-08 696/week @ 2024-09-15 896/week @ 2024-09-22 1083/week @ 2024-09-29 1042/week @ 2024-10-06 1012/week @ 2024-10-13 903/week @ 2024-10-20 1298/week @ 2024-10-27 1178/week @ 2024-11-03 949/week @ 2024-11-10 1059/week @ 2024-11-17 1011/week @ 2024-11-24 855/week @ 2024-12-01

3,908 downloads per month
Used in 2 crates

Apache-2.0 OR MIT

738 lines


Build Crate API License: Apache-2.0 OR MIT

PostgREST client-side library 🦀. This library provides an ORM interface to PostgREST.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

postgrest = "1.0"

Simple example:

use postgrest::Postgrest;

let client = Postgrest::new("https://your.postgrest.endpoint");
let resp = client
let body = resp

Simple example with JWT auth

use postgrest::Postgrest;

let client = Postgrest::new("https://your.postgrest.endpoint");
let resp = client
let body = resp

Simplified example using a custom header (e.g. for API gateway authentication with Supabase).

use postgrest::Postgrest;

let client = Postgrest::new("https://your.supabase.endpoint/rest/v1/")
    .insert_header("apikey", "ExampleAPIKeyValue"); // EXAMPLE ONLY!
// Don't actually hard code this value, that's really bad. Use environment
// variables like with the dotenv(https://crates.io/crates/dotenv) crate to inject
let resp = client
let body = resp

Secure example with authenticated API gateway using the dotenv crate to correctly retrieve sensitive values.

use postgrest::Postgrest;
use dotenv;


let client = Postgrest::new("https://your.supabase.endpoint/rest/v1/")
let resp = client
let body = resp

Building Queries

These examples assume you've already initialized the client. The methods .from() and .rpc() initalizes the query builder inside the client.

Using filters:

let resp = client
    .eq("country", "Germany")
    .gte("id", "20")

Updating a table:

let resp = client
    .eq("username", "soedirgo")
    .update("{\"organization\": \"supabase\"}")

Executing stored procedures:

let resp = client
    .rpc("add", "{\"a\": 1, \"b\": 2}")

Not enough filters:

let resp = client
    .eq("name", "New Zealand")                        // You can filter for equality...
    .gt("id", "20")
    .lt("id", "20")
    .gte("id", "20")
    .lte("id", "20")
    .like("name", "%United%")                         // ...do pattern matching...
    .ilike("name", "%United%")
    .is("name", "null")
    .in_("name", vec!["China", "France"])
    .neq("name", "China")
    .fts("phrase", "The Fat Cats", Some("english"))   // ...do full text search...
    .plfts("phrase", "The Fat Cats", None)
    .phfts("phrase", "The Fat Cats", Some("english"))
    .wfts("phrase", "The Fat Cats", None)
    .cs("countries", "(10,20)")
    .cd("countries", "(10,20)")
    .ov("population_range", "(100,500)")
    .sl("population_range", (100, 500))               // ...and range operations!
    .sr("population_range", (100, 500))               // Find out more about the filters at:
    .nxl("population_range", (100, 500))              // https://postgrest.org/en/stable/api.html#operators
    .nxr("population_range", (100, 500))
    .adj("population_range", (100, 500))

Check out the API docs for more info!


Contributions are welcome! There might be some features you want in, or some unclear documentation, or a bug—either way, feel free to create an issue, and we'll work it out!

Boring stuff below.

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as below, without any additional terms or conditions.


Licensed under either of

at your option.


~210K SLoC