Active direct dependers over time: total, gained/lost
2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

tokio-stream is used at run time in 6,960 crates (of which 1,147 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 1,605 crates. It's used at build time in 6 crates (1 directly). It's used only as a dev dependency in 1,297 crates (of which 129 directly).

Number of dependers tokio-stream version Downloads/month
8,262 0.1.17 9.2M
1 0.1.8 27K
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) tokio-stream version
8.2M 1675 tonic ^0.1.16
15.8M 1026 tower optional ^0.1.0
3.1M 12 tokio-metrics ^0.1.11
3.6M 37 tonic-health ^0.1
2.6M 101 console-subscriber ^0.1
6.3M 198 opentelemetry_sdk optional ^0.1
1.4M 953 tokio-test ^0.1.1
2.8M 48 sqlx-core optional ^0.1.8
725K 19 async-graphql-axum ^0.1.15
1.1M 53 tonic-reflection optional ^0.1
455K 1 launchdarkly-server-sdk ^0.1.8
358K 34 tokio-tar ^0.1
356K 1 jsonrpsee-server ^0.1.7
941K 176 axum-extra optional ^0.1.9
310K 56 lambda_runtime ^0.1.2
302K 164 testcontainers ^0.1.15
829K 4 gpiocdev optional ^0.1.11
240K 12 alloy-rpc-client ^0.1
226K 2 subxt-lightclient ^0.1.16
208K 30 lambda_http ^0.1.2
563K 108 bollard optional ^0.1
183K 34 tonic-web ^0.1
165K 3 litep2p ^0.1.12
163K 516 rocket ^0.1.6
482K 29 jsonrpsee-core optional ^0.1
159K 6 alloy-pubsub ^0.1
132K 2 nextest-runner ^0.1.17
127K 31 etcd-client ^0.1
125K 15 wasmer-wasix ^0.1
115K 7 solana-pubsub-client ^0.1.17
92K 23 actix-web-lab ^0.1.17
83K 17 jsonrpc-server-utils ^0.1
78K 32 ldap3 ^0.1.11
75K 27 fred ^0.1
226K 2 accesskit_unix optional ^0.1.14
74K 3 gcp-bigquery-client ^0.1.17
74K 7 tracing-loki ^0.1.8
64K 22 wrpc-transport ^0.1
63K 97 async-openai ^0.1.17
61K 10 wrpc-transport-nats ^0.1
51K 15 tokio-reactor-trait ^0.1
156K 37 rust-s3 optional ^0.1
43K 21 russh-keys ^0.1
41K 7 project-origins ^0.1.9
124K 23 cacache optional ^0.1.7
122K 28 domain optional ^0.1.1
37K 8 fast-socks5 ^0.1
106K 2 tracing-mock optional ^0.1.9
33K 2 async_http_range_reader ^0.1.14
29K 6 fe2o3-amqp ^0.1
89K 83 poem optional ^0.1.8
26K shellflip ^0.1
26K trunk ^0.1
25K 2 lambda-extension ^0.1.2
24K 4 prokio ^0.1
25K 1 spire-api ^0.1
24K 9 tokio-scoped ~0.1.6
22K 2 tonic-rustls ^0.1.16
70K 3 webauthn-authenticator-rs optional ^0.1
67K 21 bluer optional ^0.1
21K 1 astral-tokio-tar ^0.1
63K 15 csv-async optional ^0.1
20K 41 sc-network ^0.1.14
59K 6 wrpc-interface-http optional ^0.1
18K 13 sc-transaction-pool ^0.1.14
16K 53 teloxide ^0.1.8
49K 5 slack-morphism optional ^0.1
49K clap-adapters optional ^0.1.14
48K 11 re_log_encoding optional ^0.1.16
46K 7 webdriver optional ^0.1
15K 13 sc-network-sync ^0.1.14
13K 52 btleplug ^0.1.17
13K 3 sc-rpc-spec-v2 ^0.1.14
42K 4 spiffe optional ^0.1
13K 2 firestore ^0.1
12K 29 iroh ^0.1.15
11K 1 axiom-rs ^0.1
10K 2 coap ^0.1
10K 3 fuel-core-poa ^0.1
10K 4 krata-tokio-tar ^0.1
10K 16 librespot-core ^0.1
10K 26 solana-ledger ^0.1.17
10K 2 axum-streams ^0.1
10K 2 denokv_sqlite ^0.1
10K 8 spider ^0.1
9.8K 1 dioxus-cli ^0.1.15
29K 24 casbin optional ^0.1.8
8.9K qorb ^0.1
8.7K jsonrpsee-ws-server ^0.1.7
8.6K 2 deepgram ^0.1.15
8.2K 3 dioxus-liveview ^0.1.11
8.1K 10 lance-core ^0.1.14
7.8K 3 libsql_replication ^0.1.14
7.7K spider_utils ^0.1
22K 89 web3 optional ^0.1
22K 4 dioxus-fullstack optional ^0.1.12
20K 1 mev-share-sse optional ^0.1
6.6K 1 tokio-quiche ^0.1
6.4K rust-eigenda-client ^0.1.16
6.3K 5 mini-redis ^0.1
6.3K ros2_helpers ^0.1
6.2K 9 volo ^0.1
5.9K manager_handlers ^0.1.17
18K cooklang-chef optional ^0.1
5.4K 10 contract-build ^0.1
5.2K 2 apollo-router ^0.1.15
4.8K 6 provider-archive ^0.1
4.7K 7 databend-client ^0.1
4.7K lueur-cli ^0.1
4.6K 1 poem-grpc ^0.1.8
4.6K navipod ^0.1
4.5K 5 librespot-connect ^0.1
4.3K espup ^0.1.17
4.3K chokepoint ^0.1.16
12K 8 fastcdc optional ^0.1
4.2K 11 fuel-core ^0.1
4.2K plexo-sdk ^0.1.15
4.1K yazi-fm ^0.1.17
4.1K s3sync ^0.1.17
4.0K 2 tower-abci ^0.1
11K 4 livekit-runtime optional ^0.1.14
3.9K 19 thrussh-keys ^0.1
3.8K 7 fedimint-tonic-lnd ^0.1
3.8K 31 matrix-sdk ^0.1.17
3.8K mesa ^0.1.11
3.7K 5 async-graphql-poem ^0.1.15
3.7K 23 irc ^0.1.12
3.6K dbcrossbar ^0.1.2
3.5K 6 matrix-sdk-crypto ^0.1.17
3.4K 5 yazi-dds ^0.1.17
3.4K 2 devtools-core ^0.1
3.4K rencfs ^0.1.15
3.3K zero4rs ^0.1.15
3.3K 3 yazi-plugin ^0.1.17
3.3K 1 yazi-core ^0.1.17
3.2K 1 cala-ledger ^0.1.17
3.2K 1 rumqttc-dev-patched ^0.1.16
10K 25 libsql optional ^0.1.14
2.9K 1 tracing-gelf ^0.1.15
2.9K 1 fuel-core-gas-price-service ^0.1
2.9K 1 celery ^0.1.9
2.9K 10 genai ^0.1
2.8K 1 gst-plugin-webrtc ^0.1.11
2.8K 1 kip_db ^0.1.9
2.8K 5 trillium-tokio ^0.1.14
2.6K 9 swiftide-core ^0.1
2.5K lychee ^0.1.17
2.4K tokise ^0.1.14
2.4K epistemology ^0.1.14
2.4K 4 tokio-process-stream ^0.1.8
2.4K 1 ltrait ^0.1.17
2.3K 9 unftp-sbe-fs ^0.1.17
7.5K 17 ollama-rs optional ^0.1.17
2.3K 1 swiftide-indexing ^0.1
2.2K streammap-ext ^0.1
2.2K 3 deepl ^0.1.16
2.2K mangadex-desktop-api2 ^0.1
2.2K 2 klickhouse ^0.1
2.1K poem-mcpserver ^0.1.8
2.1K 5 cln-plugin ^0.1
2.1K zilliqa-rs ^0.1
2.0K viam-rust-utils ^0.1
2.0K 3 chitchat ^0.1
2.0K rxqlite ^0.1
2.0K rio-rs ^0.1.8
2.0K aipack ^0.1.17
2.0K 3 helius ^0.1.15
1.9K 1 fuel-core-sync ^0.1
1.9K 1 ssstar ^0.1
1.9K 10 penumbra-sdk-dex ^0.1.8
1.9K sn-testnet-deploy ^0.1.14
1.8K 1 ezk-sip-core ^0.1
1.8K 4 dockworker ^0.1
5.9K 5 napi-ohos optional ^0.1
1.7K bndl ^0.1
1.7K monorail ^0.1.16
1.7K 17 cnidarium ^0.1.15
1.7K 9 iroh-net ^0.1.15
1.7K 1 penumbra-sdk-tower-trace ^0.1.8
1.7K rabbitmq-stream-client ^0.1.11
1.6K 11 tokio-compat-02 ^0.1
1.6K 3 barter-integration ^0.1.17
1.6K obeli-sk ^0.1.16
1.5K 1 cherry-ingest ^0.1
1.5K snapup ^0.1.14
1.5K 2 penumbra-sdk-view ^0.1.8
1.5K 2 rweb ^0.1
1.5K pg-trunk ^0.1.12
1.5K 1 trapeze ^0.1
1.5K y-sweet ^0.1.14
1.4K worterbuch ^0.1.14
1.4K 11 llm-chain ^0.1.14
1.3K 6 holochain_p2p ^0.1
1.3K 1 snocat ^0.1
1.3K 2 langchain-rust ^0.1.15
4.4K 7 patharg optional ^0.1.12
1.2K 6 kitsune_p2p ^0.1
1.2K 8 cln-grpc ^0.1.14
1.2K trpl ^0.1
1.2K tauri-plugin-blec ^0.1.16
1.2K 1 golem-service-base ^0.1
1.2K 1 agp-datapath ^0.1
1.2K 2 golem-test-framework ^0.1
1.1K huge-commit ^0.1.14
1.1K 6 holochain ^0.1
1.1K opentelemetry-gcloud-trace ^0.1
1.1K 1 p2panda-net ^0.1.15
1.1K tmi-ord ^0.1.9
1.1K 3 wit-deps ^0.1
1.1K 6 dragonfly-client-core ^0.1.17
1.1K garage_api ^0.1
1.0K 1 couch_rs ^0.1
1.0K redhac ^0.1.5
1.0K denkproto-rs ^0.1.15
1.0K 1 dragonfly-client ^0.1.17
1.0K moto ^0.1.14
1.0K 1 switchboard-on-demand-client >=0.1.17
1.0K 1 playwright ^0.1.7
1.0K axum-util ^0.1
1.0K tokio-stream-ext ^0.1.7
1.0K 1 kitsune_p2p_mdns ^0.1
1.0K faucet-server ^0.1
950 18 fedimint-client ^0.1.17
950 goodmetrics ^0.1
950 cratery ^0.1.15
900 indexer1 ^0.1.17
850 genius-core-client ^0.1.14
850 vayu ^0.1.15
850 lonelyradio ^0.1.15
850 etcdv3client ^0.1
850 1 atuin-daemon ^0.1.14
850 rhine ^0.1.17
800 3 quilt-rs ^0.1.17
800 wacker-cli ^0.1.14
800 11 ibc-relayer ^0.1.16
800 aichat ^0.1.15
3.0K 9 round-based optional ^0.1
800 obelisk ^0.1.17
800 11 fedimint-server ^0.1.17
800 2 phyllo ^0.1.8
2.9K glycin optional ^0.1.15
800 1 golem-cli ^0.1.17
750 penumbra-sdk-tendermint-proxy ^0.1.8
2.7K 4 coerce optional ^0.1.14
750 4 fedimint-ln-gateway ^0.1.17
700 3 simple-hyper-client ^0.1.8
700 turn-server ^0.1
700 1 wasmcloud-runtime ^0.1
700 async-openai-alt ^0.1.15
700 12 sos-database ^0.1
650 ya-sb-router ^0.1
600 flemish ^0.1
600 egg-viz ^0.1.16
600 ptimer ^0.1.15
2.3K 2 gremlin-client optional ^0.1.2
600 spotifyd ^0.1.7
2.2K 3 agnostic-net optional ^0.1
550 unleash-edge ^0.1.17
550 snakepipe ^0.1.14
550 1 chat-gpt-lib-rs ^0.1
2.2K 1 streamtools optional ^0.1.14
550 merka-vault ^0.1.17
550 spotifatius ^0.1.15
550 1 torrosion ^0.1
550 mocktail ^0
550 bendsql ^0.1
550 tritium_remote ^0.1
550 streambed-kafka ^0.1.11
550 2 crb-superagent ^0.1.17
500 xrpl_ws_client ^0.1
500 picokafka ^0.1.9
500 11 rill-engine ^0.1.7
500 1 rustwide ^0.1
500 2 near-lake-framework ^0.1.14
500 midas-client ^0.1.17
500 rememberthemilk ^0.1.12
500 ora-server ^0.1.17
500 5 databend-driver ^0.1
500 1 databend-driver-core ^0.1
500 1 streamstore ^0.1.16
500 noosphere-sphere ~0.1
2.0K 1 openai_dive optional ^0.1
490 rbw ^0.1.17
480 rship-sdk ^0.1.15
480 ab-av1 ^0.1
480 mcprotocol-rs ^0.1
480 selium-server ^0.1
470 1 spider-client ^0.1
470 astarte-message-hub ^0.1.15
470 idiom ^0.1.17
470 skywalking ^0.1.9
470 pangea-client ^0.1.0
460 ollie ^0.1
460 scr-axum-cranker-router ^0.1
460 danube-client ^0.1.17
460 jnv ^0.1.16
450 10 sos-filesystem ^0.1
450 2 pulumi_gestalt_grpc_connection ^0.1.17
450 1 sos-integrity ^0.1
440 2 wasmcloud-host ^0.1
440 rs-mongo-stream ^0.1.0
1.8K 3 twitch-irc optional ^0.1
440 1 sos-database-upgrader ^0.1
430 crosscall ^0.1
430 qslib ^0.1.17
420 cross-stream ^0.1.15
410 3 ballista-core ^0.1
1.7K 4 penumbra-sdk-compact-block optional ^0.1.8
410 mneme ^0.1
410 4 flmodules ^0.1
410 streambed-logged-cli ^0.1.11
410 latte-cli ^0.1
400 foxglove-ws ^0.1.14
400 dora-openai-proxy-server ^0.1.11
400 2 tuktuk-sdk ^0.1.16
400 4 fedimint-lightning ^0.1.17
400 vertigo-cli ^0.1
400 1 warp-fix-171 ^0.1.1
400 1 floxide-reactive ^0.1.17
390 azure-speech ^0.1
390 rex-sm ^0.1
390 1 ballista-executor ^0.1
390 4 snarkos-node-router =0.1
390 7 tokio-xmpp ^0.1
380 floxide ^0.1.17
380 1 ballista-scheduler ^0.1
380 hyperbee ^0.1.14
380 progress-token ^0.1
380 hoard ^0.1
380 1 vielpork ^0.1.17
380 release-exporter ^0.1.14
380 sos-server ^0.1
370 fidelityfetch ^0.1.17
370 netavark ^0.1.17
370 3 snarkos-node-bft =0.1
370 2 tonic_openssl_lnd ^0.1
370 dify-openai-apis ^0.1
370 simple-irc-server ^0.1
370 babel ^0.1
1.6K 2 janus_core optional ^0.1.17
1.6K 9 viz-core optional ^0.1
360 parallely ^0.1.16
360 solana-trader-client-rust ^0.1.16
350 comfyui-client ^0.1.17
350 8 buttplug ^0.1.17
350 1 retrom-service ^0.1.15
350 1 async-mcp ^0.1
350 mlua-samsa ^0.1.14
350 ofc ^0.1.17
340 rants ^0.1
340 2 convex ^0.1
340 3 spacetimedb-core ^0.1
340 7 workspacer-3p ^0.1.16
340 1 ant-node ~0.1.12
1.5K 5 rustube optional ^0.1.7
330 asterisk-ari ^0.1.17
320 1 fts-server ^0.1
320 open_ai ^0.1.15
320 2 langdb_core ^0.1.15
320 yellowstone-fumarole-client ^0.1.11
320 proxyfor ^0.1.14
310 affinidi-messaging-mediator ^0.1
310 anime-dl ^0.1.17
310 mecomp-tui ^0.1.17
310 2 yocalhost ^0.1.15
310 2 dora-daemon ^0.1.11
310 ant-node-rpc-client ~0.1.12
300 mcp_daemon ^0.1
300 bevy_mod_async ^0.1.15
300 dora-cli ^0.1.8
300 vproxy ^0.1.0
300 1 dora-coordinator ^0.1.8
300 2 openiap-client ^0.1.16
300 termusic ^0.1
300 thru ^0.1.15
300 proxies ^0.1
300 1 dora-runtime ^0.1.8
290 saddle ^0.1.17
290 ghciwatch ^0.1.14
290 ncspot ^0.1.17
290 1 dfir_rs ^0.1.3
290 1 kv-rs ~0.1.6
290 nakadion ^0.1.1
290 vsp-router ^0.1
280 myst-client ^0.1.16
280 rust-rcs-client ^0.1
280 sqlpage ^0.1.9
280 shellmark ^0.1
280 wash ^0.1
280 whatawhat ^0.1.17
280 wiremocket ^0.1.17
1.3K ractor_actors optional ^0.1
280 6 hydro_deploy ^0.1.3
280 simple_llama_rs ^0.1.17
280 wiring ^0.1
280 rnacos ^0.1
270 github-workflows-update ^0.1.17
270 noveum-ai-gateway ^0.1
270 1 fuel-core-tx-status-manager ^0.1
270 1 wash-lib ^0.1
270 openiap ^0.1.16
270 2 anthropic ^0.1.14
270 1 barter-data ^0.1.17
270 4 crypto-auditing ^0.1
270 1 lazybar-core ^0.1.17
260 little-stomper ^0.1
260 1 libpkgx ^0.1
260 9 aggligator ^0.1
260 ecksport-rpc ^0.1
260 1 wrangler ^0.1.5
260 1 htwrap ^0.1
260 streamstore-cli ^0.1.17
260 youtui ^0.1.17
260 1 ostree-ext ^0.1.8
260 1 scryfall ^0.1.17
260 linecache ^0.1.17
260 1 rship-entities ^0.1.16
260 zncat ^0.1.16
250 cx-sdk ^0.1.14
250 flyradar ^0.1.16
250 dynamo-runtime ^0.1
250 kdash ^0.1.17
250 9 redgold-common-no-wasm ^0.1.14
250 10 bytesio ^0.1
250 1 kaspa-grpc-server ^0.1.14
250 juicerss ^0.1.16
250 ruskit ^0.1.14
250 rp-supabase-realtime ^0.1
250 cornerstone ^0.1.14
250 jw_client ^0.1.16
1.2K 3 mongodb-gridfs optional ^0.1
240 1 concordium-rust-sdk ^0.1
240 drmemd ^0.1
240 covey-plugin ^0.1.16
240 fgpt ^0.1.15
240 crab_ai ^0.1.15
240 streambed-confidant-cli ^0.1.11
240 ya-etcd-rs ^0.1
240 affinidi-messaging-text-client ^0.1
230 drift-rs ^0.1.17
230 re_grpc_server ^0.1.16
230 libmdbx-remote ^0.1
230 minim-app ^0.1.17
230 iroh-dns-server ^0.1.14
220 forest-filecoin ^0.1
220 1 spacetimedb-client-api ^0.1.12
220 2 gl-client ^0.1
220 inindexer ^0.1.15
220 3 lnd_grpc_rust ^0.1.16
220 airshipper ^0.1.6
220 6 hashira ^0.1.14
210 parrot_rs ^0.1.15
210 tonic-sysinfo ^0.1
210 termusic-server ^0.1
210 7 garage_net ^0.1
210 1 perovskite_server ^0.1.14
210 1 vnc-rs ^0.1
210 2 cdk-fake-wallet ^0.1.15
200 jupiter ^0.1
200 2 matchbox_signaling ^0.1
200 http-horse ^0.1.15
200 fake-opentelemetry-collector ^0.1
200 llmvm-codeassist ^0.1
200 openaws-vpn-client =0.1.8
200 uactor ^0.1
190 1 etcd-rs ^0.1
190 1 parquet_aramid ^0.1
190 sein ^0.1
190 containerd-shim-wasm ^0.1
190 dbcrossbarlib ^0.1.2
190 perovskite_client ^0.1.14
190 3 linera-alloy-rpc-client ^0.1
190 jeera ^0.1.14
180 timr-tui ^0.1.16
1.0K leptos_sse optional ^0.1.14
180 3 nacos_rust_client ^0.1
180 2 webusb-web ^0.1.17
180 3 fav_core ^0.1
180 3 jetstream_macros ^0.1.17
180 6 tokio-i3ipc ^0.1
170 architect-sdk ^0.1
170 gt7_server ^0.1.10
170 vdash ^0.1.8
170 1 ygw ^0.1
170 1 barter-execution ^0.1.17
170 netgauze-bmp-service ^0.1
170 zoom-sync ^0.1.16
170 1 cdk-payment-processor ^0.1.15
170 cbtr ^0.1.17
170 netgauze-bgp-speaker ^0.1
170 async-dashscope ^0.1.17
160 aristech-stt-client ^0.1.17
160 playht_rs ^0.1
160 bake-cli ^0.1.14
160 coinlive ^0.1
160 tinkoff-invest ^0.1
160 prk_async_dataflow ^0.1.14
160 crypto-auditing-event-broker ^0.1
160 kraken-async-rs ^0.1.17
160 8 thruster ^0.1.6
160 2 garage_api_s3 ^0.1
160 lapin-tower-worker ^0.1.15
160 taxy ^0.1.14
160 1 redgold-daq ^0.1.14
160 1 rust-rcs-core ^0.1
160 elevenlabs-convai ^0.1.17
160 norgopolis-server ^0.1.14
160 redgold ^0.1.14
150 1 qpak-lib ^0.1.17
150 spytrap-adb ^0.1.12
150 1 drift-pubsub-client ^0.1
150 ghr ^0.1.17
150 pacaptr ^0.1.15
150 1 reconciler ^0.1.15
150 swh-graph-grpc-server ^0.1
150 5 linera-core ^0.1.14
150 fcm-push-listener ^0.1
150 2 redgold-node-core ^0.1.14
150 1 librqbit-dht ^0.1
150 tarantool-rs ^0.1
150 1 fetch-paper-lib ^0.1.16
150 1 hydroflow_deploy_integration ^0.1.3
150 mles ^0.1.14
150 3 onagre-launcher ^0.1.11
150 ripgrep_all ^0.1.14
140 dusk-rusk ^0.1.16
140 aws-smithy-http-server-python ^0.1.2
140 2 librqbit ^0.1
140 4 wasmcloud-test-util ^0.1
140 1 acmer ^0.1.11
140 2 async-compatibility-layer ^0.1.14
140 hipcheck-sdk ^0.1.17
140 2 myko-rs ^0.1.15
140 1 onagre-launcher-service ^0.1.11
140 blobnet ^0.1.11
140 ezrtc-server ^0.1.8
140 socit ^0.1.17
140 gl-plugin ^0.1
140 4 miraland-pubsub-client ^0.1.15
140 zksync_da_clients ^0.1.16
140 fundamentum-edge-daemon ^0.1.14
140 http-nu ^0.1
140 3 hydro_deploy_integration ^0.1.3
140 zeebe ^0.1
140 5 rsocket_rust ^0.1.7
130 aristech-tts-client ^0.1.17
900 event-sourcing optional ^0.1
130 bambu ^0.1.17
130 express-relay-client ^0.1.14
130 gst-plugin-rtsp ^0.1
130 magicapi-ai-gateway ^0.1
130 stedi-sdk-client-guides ^0.1.14
130 2 volo-grpc ^0.1
130 lasercube ^0.1.17
130 9 citadel_io ^0.1.17
130 metasearch ^0.1.17
130 datafusion-dft ^0.1.15
130 porgi ^0.1.15
130 2 ormlite ^0.1.16
130 clia-async-openai ^0.1.17
130 miden-proving-service ^0.1
130 pandoras_pot ^0.1
120 1 swimos_introspection ^0.1.11
850 iroh-docs optional ^0.1
120 junction-core ^0.1
120 treeherder-dl ^0.1.14
120 1 async-openai-compat ^0.1.17
120 terminal-ssr ^0.1.8
120 secret-service-server-rs ^0.1
120 zenoh-plugin-webserver ^0.1.15
120 rsvici ^0.1
120 containerd-snapshots ^0.1.8
120 acmer-server ^0.1.11
110 stream-tungstenite ^0.1.17
110 1 cs_epic_servers ^0.1.14
110 rust-eigen-client ^0.1.16
110 3 gadget-sdk ^0.1.16
110 icebreaker ^0.1
110 llama_link ^0.1
110 murkdown ^0.1.14
110 mysten-network ^0.1.9
110 1 ord ^0.1.9
110 wiki-tui ^0.1.14
850 fsevent-stream optional ^0.1
110 osc-cost ^0.1.12
110 seccomp-stream ^0.1.15
110 tinkerforge-async ^0.1.14
100 bonsai-ethereum-relay ^0.1
100 libratman ^0.1
100 sophie ^0.1
100 systemctl-tui ^0.1.14
100 1 async-callback-manager ^0.1.17
100 dasein ^0.1
100 reacher-fast-socks5 ^0.1.8
100 1 swimos_server_app ^0.1.11
100 typedb-driver ^0.1.11
100 deleteme-numaflow-rs ^0.1.16
100 sandhole ^0.1.17
100 13 miraland-ledger ^0.1.15
100 3 swimos_agent ^0.1.11
1 eureka-mmanager ^0.1
1 leaf-rpc-client ^0.1.15
mailnaggertray ^0.1.17
support-kit ^0.1.16
1 depit ^0.1
glimesh ^0.1
turbocharger ^0.1
monocore ^0.1.17
bicycle_sproc ^0.1.14
kattis-rs ^0.1
1 httpclienty ^0.1
matrix-sdk-ui ^0.1.17
750 megaphone-broker optional ^0.1.14
3 process-stream ^0.1.8
syndicate-server ^0.1
hds_console-subscriber ^0.1
750 iroh-sync optional ^0.1
ppaass-agent ^0
pearl ^0.1
serv4rs ^0.1.8
1 ic-oss ^0.1
1 prompt-graph-exec ^0.1
async-traceroute ^0.1.15
s3-tokio ^0.1
slack-morphism-hyper ^0.1.9
hailstorm ^0.1.8
4 srt-tokio ^0.1
1 overclock ^0.1
1 sn_node ~0.1.12
wrpc-transport-ants ^0.1
2 bpfman ^0.1.17
panamax ^0.1
ffutility ^0.1.16
1 hackdose-sml-parser ^0.1.11
2 ya-relay-stack ^0.1
mx-tester ^0.1
eth-state-client-lib ^0.1
s3m ^0.1.15
modbot ^0.1.17
eth-state-server-lib ^0.1
apt-cmd ^0.1.15
avalanche-network-runner-sdk ^0.1.14
freighter-server ^0.1.14
perseus-cli ^0.1
thruster-grpc ^0.1.14
21 wick-packet ^0.1
acu ^0.1.8
1 arpy-client ^0.1.11
1 bpfman-api ^0.1.17
mango-api ^0.1.16
3 datacake-chitchat-fork ^0.1
sway-plugins ^0.1.15
700 toy-rpc optional ^0.1
kanamaru ^0.1
transferhelper ^0.1.14
dwh ^0.1.16
teleproxy ^0.1.15
1 wick-asset-reference ^0.1
easytier ^0.1
2 fire-http-representation ^0.1
grpc_logger ^0.1.17
wick-component-wasm ^0.1
stream_crawler ^0.1.15
1 arctic ^0.1
botcore ^0.1
rod ^0.1.8
wasm-agnostic ^0.1
1 gaia-tmtc ^0.1
2 intrepid-model ^0.1.16
cnctd_server ^0.1.16
pdf-rename ^0.1.15
protopathy ^0.1
sshx ^0.1.14
8 streambed ^0.1.11
1 esthri ^0.1.14
minknow-api-rust ^0.1
git_fetch_concurrently ^0.1
1 unftp-sbe-gcs ^0.1.17
exc ^0.1.11
forest-server ^0.1.14
650 resonite optional ^0.1.16
socket-flow ^0.1.15
yeet-yoink ^0.1.14
2 service-toolkit ^0.1.14
3 commandstream ^0.1.11
rpc-toolkit ^0.1
term-sesh ^0.1.14
1 ttycommand ^0.1.11
1 grafbase-local-backend ^0.1
1 mistralai-client ^0.1.14
openai-req ^0.1.12
thruster-socketio ^0.1.6
puff-rs ^0.1.10
600 1 pylon-cxx optional ^0.1.8
5 erc20_payment_lib ^0.1
logtail ^0.1.8
600 rmcp optional ^0.1
hackdose-server ^0.1.11
1 krator ^0.1
2 noosphere ~0.1
tsclientlib ^0.1
webterm-rs ^0.1.14
clamav-async ^0.1
sota ^0.1.17
stratum-server ^0.1.14
2 wikimedia ^0.1.12
casper-node ^0.1.4
nbc_iris ^0.1.11
11 noosphere-storage ~0.1
superviseur ^0.1.12
kubelet ^0.1
sunfish ^0.1
askrepo ^0.1
7 essential-node ^0.1.15
kaspa-miner ^0.1
3 lan-mouse-ipc ^0.1.15
1 noosphere-collections ~0.1
noosphere-fs ~0.1
oxsync ^0.1.14
7 vsmtp-mail-parser ^0.1.12
1 betfair-stream-api ^0.1
ebg ^0.1.15
3 exc-core ^0.1.11
mrdocument ^0.1.16
safe-sdk ^0.1.11
spicedb-rust ^0.1.15
contained ^0.1
2 metalmq-codec ^0.1
gst-meet ^0.1
intiface-engine ^0.1.17
4 rocketmq-remoting ^0.1.17
5 abcperf ^0.1.8
e2020-data-viewer ^0.1.14
grafana-plugin-sdk ^0.1.14
3 re_grpc_client ^0.1.16
2 stray ^0.1.8
dyson ^0.1.14
haddock ^0.1.14
mekadb-client ^0.1.14
mpc-websocket ^0.1
1 poirebot ^0.1.5
1 poirebot-licorice ^0.1.2
1 rust-ipfs ^0.1.17
1 wormhole-common ^0.1.12
1 almost-raft ^0.1
600 1 async-rate-limiter optional ^0.1
lgtmeow build ^0.1
mini-telegram ^0.1
oomclient ^0.1
reductionist ^0.1
600 2 sqlx-core-oldapi optional ^0.1.8
kraken_ws_client ^0.1
1 metalmq-client ^0.1
mm-pomodoro ^0.1.15
surrealdb-async-graphql-axum ^0.1.15
tag2upload-service-manager ^0.1.15
2 xcommand ^0.1.16
5 astro-run ^0.1.14
drmem-db-redis ^0.1
3 safecoin-client ^0.1.9
crates-tui ^0.1.17
3 data-streaming-service ^0.1.8
3 state-sync-driver ^0.1.8
600 stylance-cli optional ^0.1.14
600 1 veilid-tools optional ^0.1.17
async-google-apis-common ^0.1
indi ^0
rpc-core-net ^0.1
4 simperby-network ^0.1.11
1 ydb ^0.1
bindle ^0.1.7
1 bleasy ^0.1.14
1 easyfix-session ^0.1
4 noosphere-ipfs ~0.1
13 photonic ^0.1.15
snocat-cli ^0.1
2 aptos-node ^0.1.8
3 astu-resolve ^0.1
message_worker ~0.1.6
2 music-player-server ^0.1.12
3 streambed-logged ^0.1.11
tiny-firestore-odm ^0.1.7
amsterdam ^0.1.16
aquadoggo ^0.1.14
aranet-btle ^0.1.14
astu ^0.1
1 cnx ^0.1.5
3 datacake-eventual-consistency ^0.1.9
motu_avb_api ^0.1.11
proa ^0.1
roperator ^0.1.5
1 subalfred-core ^0.1
summa ^0.1.9
vesperi ^0.1.11
3 waffles-solana-pubsub-client ^0.1.9
2 wick-component ^0.1
10 wick-rpc ^0.1
4 comprehensive ^0.1
8 noosphere-core ~0.1
quilt-server ^0
utiles ^0.1.17
1 wick-component-wasmrs ^0.1
acme-dns-rust ^0.1
7 ai-chain ^0.1.14
backup-cli ^0.1.8
certstreamrs ^0.1
chrs ^0.1.14
4 datacake-node ^0.1.9
1 exc-okx ^0.1.11
1 pgdo-lib ^0.1.17
3 silkenweb ^0.1.17
barter-data-sniper ^0.1.15
longshot ^0.1
matchbox_server ^0.1
nightfall ^0.1.5
1 noosphere-into ~0.1
triton-distributed ^0.1
binst ^0.1
1 exc-binance ^0.1.11
feophant ^0.1
lanquetta ^0.1.14
llmchain ^0.1.12
2 lynx-core ^0.1.14
memento ^0.1
1 nzskkserv-core ^0.1
postel ^0.1.17
rsa-msg ^0.1.11
2 safecoin-banks-server ^0.1
ss3 ^0.1
1 steam-vent ^0.1.15
swgoh_farming_bot ^0.1
tf-provider ^0.1
550 5 veilid-core optional ^0.1.17
6 wick-runtime ^0.1
wikimedia-download ^0.1.12
2 zebra-network ^0.1.17
driftdb-worker ^0.1.11
1 flow-graph-interpreter ^0.1
2 gemachain-banks-server ^0.1
listenbrainz-mpd ^0.1.15
1 miden-node-rpc ^0.1
multi-lsp-proxy ^0.1.11
muvm ^0.1.15
poirebot-lichess ^0.1.5
proc-heim ^0.1.16
1 rocketmq ^0.1.12
1 twinkle_client ^0.1.14
webhook-httpd ^0.1.7
architect-tonic ^0.1.16
bonerjams-db ^0.1
bullpen ^0.1.14
1 ewe_devserver ^0.1.16
1 fractal-storage-client ^0.1.9
hstreamdb ^0.1.11
mule ^0.1
2 multilink ^0.1
radicle-tui ^0.1.14
xrpl_sdk_ws ^0.1
adb-client-tokio ^0.1.15
aws-sdk-manager ^0.1.9
dnstap-utils ^0.1.12
dumpy ^0.1.8
3 gemachain-ledger ^0.1
glimmer ^0.1.6
miss-demeanor ^0.1.8
nats-aflowt ^0.1
1 runkins_lib ^0.1
rutty ^0.1.14
sshx-server ^0.1.14
arcadio ^0.1.14
1 barter-integration-copy ^0.1.15
birdc ^0.1
cuddlyfs ^0.1.16
cuttlestore ^0.1.11
dlm ^0.1.16
1 event-stream-processor ^0.1.12
fernglas ^0.1
ghosttext-any ^0.1.12
hashira-cli ^0.1.14
1 kindelia_server ^0.1.9
6 krata ^0.1
playdate-symbolize ^0.1
redis-subscribe ^0.1.8
15.0M 26292 tokio dev ^0.1
13.4M 2277 tokio-util dev ^0.1
10.4M 1653 axum dev ^0.1
5.4M 230 tracing-opentelemetry dev ^0.1
2.3M 522 aws-smithy-types dev ^0.1.5
2.1M 11 axum-tracing-opentelemetry dev ^0.1
2.7M 169 opentelemetry-otlp dev ^0.1
1.0M 508 warp dev ^0.1.1
675K 26 soketto dev ^0.1
229K 6 atspi dev ^0.1
222K 5 atspi-common dev ^0.1
222K 3 atspi-proxies dev ^0.1
191K 63 actix-multipart dev ^0.1
155K 20 stream-cancel dev ^0.1.1
130K 1 future-queue dev ^0.1.16
82K 27 arrow-flight dev ^0.1
54K 33 russh dev ^0.1.3
31K 3 re_dataframe dev ^0.1.16
23K 1 engineioxide dev ^0.1
23K 6 socketioxide dev ^0.1
16K 6 graphql-ws-client dev ^0.1
15K 6 apalis-core dev ^0.1.15
15K 3 init-tracing-opentelemetry dev ^0.1
13K 12 iroh-quinn dev ^0.1.15
12K 18 rustls-acme dev ^0.1.14
10K tokio-tasker dev ^0.1.7
10K 4 ipfs-api-prelude dev ^0.1
8.8K 2 unicycle dev ^0.1.12
7.9K 24 tokio_wasi dev ^0.1
7.5K tonic-tracing-opentelemetry dev ^0.1
7.5K 3 rattler_cache dev ^0.1.17
7.3K juniper_axum dev ^0.1
7.2K 6 kameo dev ^0.1.15
6.9K 2 salvo_extra dev ^0.1
5.5K 12 twilight-gateway dev ^0.1
5.0K 3 mpart-async dev ^0.1
4.8K 1 async-rx dev ^0.1.14
4.4K 5 tokio-rustls-acme dev ^0.1.9
4.4K 1 dapr dev ^0.1
4.2K rmesg dev ^0.1.8
3.8K 1 fuel-core-txpool dev ^0.1
3.7K 1 strawpoll dev ^0.1.11
3.7K kubert dev ^0.1
2.6K mock-http-connector dev ^0.1.14
2.5K 1 task-motel dev ^0.1
2.3K 2 astarte-device-sdk dev ^0.1.0
2.0K 1 qcs-api-client-grpc dev ^0.1.15
1.9K groupcache dev ^0.1.14
1.7K 1 jsonrpc-utils dev ^0.1.9
1.2K 5 streamunordered dev ^0.1.1
1.1K 2 p2panda-sync dev ^0.1.15
1.1K p2panda-stream dev ^0.1.17
1.1K 7 ratchet_rs dev ^0.1.11
1.0K orb-billing dev ^0.1.11
1.0K graceful-shutdown dev ^0.1
1.0K frontegg dev ^0.1.11
950 7 async_ftp dev ^0.1.0
900 splaycast dev ^0.1
850 2 ya-service-bus dev ^0.1.8
800 3 voice_activity_detector dev ^0.1.17
800 2 stream-rate-limiter dev ^0.1.8
700 2 stream-future dev ^0.1
600 messages dev ^0.1
550 barectf-parser dev ^0.1
490 rusty_network_manager dev ^0.1.14
470 1 stellar-horizon dev ^0.1.8
430 1 saltlick dev ^0.1
410 1 twilight-standby dev ^0.1
380 swansong dev ^0.1.15
380 2 nio dev ^0.1
370 deser-incomplete dev ^0.1.17
340 dnp3 dev ^0.1.1
300 lsp-codec dev ^0.1
290 automerge_repo dev ^0.1
290 logic-lock dev ^0.1.11
280 open-feature-flagd dev ^0.1
270 datafusion-table-providers dev ^0.1
260 sift_rs dev ^0.1.16
240 4 ribir_core dev ^0.1
230 4 ruma-client dev ^0.1.8
200 1 yawc dev ^0.1.16
180 orchestra-toolkit dev ^0.1
170 oaapi dev ^0.1.15
170 8 breadx dev ^0.1.9
160 1 langdb_clust dev ^0.1.15
160 reactive-messaging dev ^0.1
130 russe dev ^0.1
120 gst-plugin-inter dev ^0.1.11
120 1 async-hofs dev ^0.1
110 fuel-core-compression-service dev ^0.1
110 2 async-read-progress dev ^0.1.6
100 supply-chain-trust-example-crate-000060 dev ^0.1
100 supply-chain-trust-example-crate-000091 dev ^0.1
6 whisk dev ^0.1
4 asset-container dev ^0.1
hyprland-ipc dev ^0.1.14
1 derive-asset-container dev ^0.1
8 datafusion_iceberg dev ^0.1.17
18 wick-config dev ^0.1
1 tower-async dev ^0.1
5 noosphere-common dev ~0.1
1 tonic-rpc dev ^0.1.10
easy-modbus dev ^0.1
tiny-tokio-actor dev ^0.1.14
1 fundamentum-edge-proto dev ^0.1.15
1 mezzenger-tcp dev ^0.1.14
11 iroh-rpc-client dev ^0.1.11
2 async-zeroconf dev ^0.1
camgi dev ^0.1.1
1 clust dev ^0.1.15
1 termion-input-tokio dev ^0.1.1
confab dev ^0.1.14
actix_extract_multipart dev ^0.1
attohttp dev ^0.1.9
auth_for_warp dev ^0.1
avalanche-proto dev ^0.1.11
betfair-stream-server-mock dev ^0.1