1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jun 26, 2024

#259 in WebSocket

23 downloads per month
Used in 5 crates (4 directly)


17K SLoC

SwimOS Transport Layer

This crate provides the transport layer for SwimOS (bidirectional web-socket connections over TCP sockets). It consists of:

  • An abstraction over DNS to allow for the resolution of remote hosts of Swim agents.
  • A networking abstraction with basic implementation for unencrypted traffic over TCP sockets.
  • An optional implementation of the networking abstraction using TLS encryption.
  • Bindings to use the ratchet web-socket library on top of the networking abstraction.
  • A Tokio task to manage a bidirectional web-socket and handle communication with the core SwimOS runtime.


~379K SLoC