5 releases

0.1.4 Jun 10, 2024
0.1.3 May 26, 2024
0.1.2 May 22, 2024
0.1.1 May 21, 2024
0.1.0 May 20, 2024

#10 in #local-file

MIT license

5.5K SLoC

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CI crates MIT UNSAFE TWEET dep_status

s3tui - AWS S3 Transfer CLI

s3tui is a powerful terminal-based application that enables seamless file transfers between your local machine and multiple AWS S3 accounts. Crafted with the ratatui Rust TUI framework, s3tui provides a robust user interface for managing uploads and downloads simultaneously in both directions, enhancing your productivity with S3 services.



  • Multiple Account Support: Easily configure and switch between different S3 accounts during runtime using the 's' command.
  • Simultaneous Transfers: Transfer multiple files at once, both to and from S3, thanks to multithreading capabilities powered by the tokio library.
  • Interactive Commands:
    • Tab, - move between local and s3 panel
    • s - select account currently in use.
    • Esc - move back to the file manager window.
    • / j / k - move up/down on the lists.
    • t - select/deselect files to transfer.
    • c - create bucket.
    • / Del - delete item.
    • l - Display currently selected files for transfer.
    • r - Execute the selected transfers.
    • q - Quit the application.
    • ? - Access the help page with all available commands.
  • Environment Configuration: Customize settings via environment variables or utilize default settings compliant with the XDG Base Directory Specification.
  • Error Handling: Integrated color_eyre panic hook for clear and colorized error reporting.
  • Version Information: Quickly view the application version with the --version command.


  1. Configure Environment Variables:

     export S3TUI_CONFIG=`pwd`/.config
     export S3TUI_DATA=`pwd`/.data
     export S3TUI_LOGLEVEL=info

    Alternatively, use the default paths set according to the XDG Base Directory Specification.

    You can check your configuration by running s3tui --version which will show you the paths currently in use.

  2. Add your s3 credentials

    • Add as many configurations under creds directory (inside your .data directory specified with S3TUI_DATA env variable)
    • The file should look like the one below:

Make sure there is a new line at the end and there are no leading spaces on the lines.

  1. Installation from crates.io:

    • Ensure you have Rust and cargo installed.
    • Install with cargo
      cargo install s3tui
  2. Building locally:

    • Ensure you have Rust and cargo installed.
    • Clone the repository and build the project:
      git clone <repository-url>
      cd s3tui
      cargo build --release
  3. Running s3tui:

  • Navigate to the project directory and run:


Application logs are efficiently managed and stored in the directory specified by S3TUI_DATA, keeping you informed of all operations and aiding in troubleshooting.

Getting Started

Once s3tui is running, press ? to open the help page, which displays all the commands and their functions, allowing you to start transferring files immediately.

Enhance your productivity with s3tui, the command-line interface that bridges the gap between local file management and cloud storage with ease and efficiency. Whether you're managing large datasets or performing routine backups, s3tui makes S3 file transfer tasks intuitive and manageable directly from your terminal.


~869K SLoC