#adb #scan #apps #usb #phone #debugging #suspicious

bin+lib spytrap-adb

Test a phone for stalkerware using adb and usb debugging to scan for suspicious apps and configuration

3 unstable releases

new 0.3.2 Jul 18, 2024
0.3.1 Jun 11, 2024
0.2.0 Jul 27, 2023

#453 in Command line utilities

Download history 13/week @ 2024-03-31 98/week @ 2024-06-09 5/week @ 2024-06-16 115/week @ 2024-07-14

115 downloads per month




Test a phone for stalkerware using adb and usb debugging to scan for suspicious apps and configuration.

Based on stalkerware-indicators data provided by Echap.


There's an interactive UI when running the command with no arguments:


Enable usb debugging on the phone and connect it to the computer over usb.

You can also invoke some commands directly for non-interactive use:

# list available devices
./spytrap-adb list
# download indicators of compromise from https://github.com/AssoEchap/stalkerware-indicators
./spytrap-adb download-ioc
# scan the first connected device
./spytrap-adb scan

Building from source

# install rustup
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
# clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/spytrap-org/spytrap-adb
# enter the directory
cd spytrap-adb/
# compile the project
cargo build --release --locked
# this is the release binary

Example output

% target/release/spytrap-adb scan
[2021-12-19T21:26:41Z INFO  spytrap_adb] Loaded 130 rules from "/home/user/.local/share/spytrap-adb/ioc.yaml"
[2021-12-19T21:26:41Z INFO  spytrap_adb] Device is not rooted
[2021-12-19T21:26:41Z INFO  spytrap_adb] Fetching remote clock
[2021-12-19T21:26:41Z INFO  spytrap_adb] Local time is 2021-12-19 21:26:41.847457823 UTC, remote time is 2021-12-19 21:26:42.318497288 UTC, drift=PT0.471039465S
[2021-12-19T21:26:41Z INFO  spytrap_adb] Comparing list of installed apps with known stalkerware ids
[2021-12-19T21:26:41Z INFO  spytrap_adb] Scanning installed apps (0/192)
[2021-12-19T21:26:41Z WARN  spytrap_adb] Suspicious Medium: Package "org.jitsi.meet" was manually installed
[2021-12-19T21:26:42Z WARN  spytrap_adb] Suspicious Medium: Package "com.android.gpstest.osmdroid" was manually installed
[2021-12-19T21:26:46Z WARN  spytrap_adb] Suspicious Medium: Package "org.fdroid.fdroid" was manually installed
[2021-12-19T21:26:46Z INFO  spytrap_adb] Scanning installed apps (100/192)
[2021-12-19T21:26:48Z WARN  spytrap_adb] Suspicious Medium: Package "com.wifi0" was manually installed
[2021-12-19T21:26:50Z INFO  spytrap_adb] Enumerating service list
[2021-12-19T21:26:50Z INFO  spytrap_adb] Reading accessibility settings
[2021-12-19T21:26:50Z INFO  spytrap_adb::accessibility] Reading accessibility settings
[2021-12-19T21:26:50Z WARN  spytrap_adb::accessibility] Found bound accessibility services: "Service[label=WiFi, feedbackType[FEEDBACK_SPOKEN, FEEDBACK_HAPTIC, FEEDBACK_AUDIBLE, FEEDBACK_VISUAL, FEEDBACK_GENERIC, FEEDBACK_BRAILLE], capabilities=1, eventTypes=TYPES_ALL_MASK, notificationTimeout=1000, requestA11yBtn=false]"
[2021-12-19T21:26:50Z WARN  spytrap_adb::accessibility] Found enabled accessibility services: "{com.wifi0/com.wifi0.AccessibilityReceiver4}"
[2021-12-19T21:26:50Z WARN  spytrap_adb] Suspicious High: An accessibility service is bound
[2021-12-19T21:26:50Z WARN  spytrap_adb] Suspicious High: An accessibility service is enabled: "{com.wifi0/com.wifi0.AccessibilityReceiver4}"
[2021-12-19T21:26:50Z INFO  spytrap_adb] Scan finished


Error: Failed to list devices: Connection refused (os error 111)

The adb server is not running correctly

Installing adb on MacOS

brew install android-platform-tools

Installing adb on Arch Linux

pacman -S android-tools

Installing adb on Debian/Ubuntu

apt install adb

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