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#1099 in Filesystem

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shellmark: bookmark manager for shell

Build & Test

Shellmark demonstration: CLI and TUI

shellmark is a cross-platform bookmark mananger for your shell. The main features are:

  1. shellmark add to bookmark directories and files.
  2. shellmark browse to interactively search and act on bookmarks.

Use ctrl+k on selected bookmark to delete it. (shellmark browse)

Installation instructions

Pre-built binary

  1. Go to Releases page and download the binary for your OS.
  2. Rename the binary to remove the OS suffix, so it becomes just shellmark or shellmark.exe.
  3. Drop the binary somewhere in your PATH.

cargo install

  1. Run cargo install shellmark.
  2. The binary will be built and installed under a local Cargo folder, usually $HOME/.cargo/bin. Make sure this directory is in your PATH.

From source

Make sure you have Rust toolchain set up (1.49+ should work). Then run the following commands:

$ git clone https://github.com/artempyanykh/shellmark.git
$ cd shellmark
$ cargo install --path .

This will install shellmark under ~/.cargo/bin.

Integration with shell


if type shellmark &>/dev/null; then
    eval "$(shellmark --out posix plug)"


if type -q shellmark
    shellmark --out fish plug | source


if (Get-Command shellmark -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
    Invoke-Expression (@(&shellmark --out powershell plug) -join "`n")


~330K SLoC