2 stable releases

1.0.1 Sep 22, 2024

#148 in Filesystem

Download history 275/week @ 2024-09-22 25/week @ 2024-09-29 3/week @ 2024-10-06

303 downloads per month

MIT license

304 lines


A command-line tool for managing bookmarks of directories.


This tool aims to allow users to save paths to specific directories as bookmarks, making it easy to access them later. Users can add, search, list, and delete bookmarks.

Bookmarks are stored in a hidden file (~/.bookmarks).



  • rustc and cargo


cargo install bookmark-cli

Alternatively, you can build from source.

cargo build --release

Then copy the generated binary to a directory that is included in your system's PATH. For example, you can copy it to ~/bin:

cp target/release/bm ~/bin/

If ~/bin is not in your PATH, you can add it by running:

echo 'export PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc


Command Description
add Add a bookmark
delete Delete a bookmark
search Search for a bookmark
list List bookmarks
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

Adding a Bookmark

bm add [bookmark path]

The bookmark path must be an absolute path.

If you do not specify [bookmark path], the current directory will be registered as a bookmark.

Searching for a Bookmark

bm search

A search prompt will appear, allowing you to filter and select a bookmark.

Listing Saved Bookmarks

bm list

All bookmarks will be displayed.

Deleting a Bookmark

bm delete

A prompt will appear for you to select the bookmark you want to delete.

Moving to a Bookmark

You can move to a selected bookmark by combining it with the cd command.

If you are using zsh, you can add a function to your ~/.zshrc.

For example:

function cb() {
  local -r dir=$(bm search)
  if [ -z "$dir" ]; then
    return 1
  cd "$dir" || return 1


~97K SLoC