7 releases

0.2.1 Jun 20, 2024
0.2.0 Jun 20, 2024
0.1.4 May 29, 2024

#213 in Debugging

Download history 201/week @ 2024-05-17 239/week @ 2024-05-24 27/week @ 2024-05-31 10/week @ 2024-06-07 140/week @ 2024-06-14 107/week @ 2024-06-21

307 downloads per month


4.5K SLoC


TUI for Jujutsu/jj. Built in Rust with Ratatui. Interacts with jj CLI.



  • Log
    • Scroll through the jj log and view change details in side panel
    • Create new changes from selected change with n
    • Edit changes with e
    • Desribe changes with d
    • Abandon changes with a
    • Toggle between color words and git diff with p
    • See different revset with r
    • Set a branch to selected change with b
    • Fetch/push with f/p
  • Files
    • View files in current change and diff in side panel
    • See a change's files from the log tab with Enter
    • View conflicts list in current change
    • Toggle between color words and git diff with w
  • Branches
    • View list of branches, including from all remotes with a
    • Create with c, rename with r, delete with d, forget with f
    • Track branches with t, untrack branches with T
  • Command log: View every command lazyjj executes
  • Config: Configure lazyjj with your jj config
  • Help: See all key mappings with h/?


Make sure you have jj installed first.

  • With cargo binstall: cargo binstall lazyjj
  • With cargo install: cargo +nightly install lazyjj (requires nightly, may take a few moments to compile)
  • With pre-built binaries: View releases
  • For Arch Linux: pacman -S lazyjj

To build and install a pre-release version: cargo +nightly install --git https://github.com/Cretezy/lazyjj.git --locked


You can optionally configure the following options through your jj config:

  • lazyjj.higlight-color: Changes the highlight color. Can use named colors. Defaults to #323264
  • lazyjj.diff-format: Change the default diff format. Can be color-words or git. Defaults to color_words
    • If lazyjj.diff-format is not set but ui.diff.format is, the latter will be used
  • lazyjj.branch-prefix: Change the branch name prefix for generated branch names. Defaults to push-
    • If lazyjj.branch-prefix is not set but git.push-branch-prefix is, the latter will be used

Example: jj config set --user lazyjj.diff-format "color-words" (for storing in user config file, repo config is also supported)


To start lazyjj for the repository in the current directory: lazyjj

To use a different repository: lazyjj --path ~/path/to/repo

Key mappings

See all key mappings for the current tab with h or ?.

Basic navigation

  • Quit with q
  • Change tab with 1/2/3
  • Scrolling in left panel
    • Scroll down/up by one line with j/k or down/up arrow
    • Scroll down/up by half page with J/K or down/up arrow
  • Scrolling in right panel
    • Scroll down/up by one line with Ctrl+e/Ctrl+y
    • Scroll down/up by a half page with Ctrl+d/Ctrl+u
    • Scroll down/up by a full page with Ctrl+f/Ctrl+b

Log tab

  • Select current change with @
  • View change files in files tab with Enter
  • Display different revset with r (jj log -r)
  • Change right panel diff format between color words (default) and Git with w
  • Toggle right panel wrapping with W
  • Create new change after highlighted change with n (jj new)
    • Create new change and describe with N (jj new -m)
  • Edit highlighted change e (jj edit)
  • Abandon a change with a (jj abandon)
  • Describe the highlighted change with d (jj describe)
    • Save with Ctrl+s
    • Cancel with Esc
  • Set a branch to the highlighted change with b (jj branch set)
    • Scroll in branch list with j/k
    • Create a new branch with c
    • Use auto-generated name with g
  • Git fetch with f (jj git fetch)
    • Git fetch all remotes with F (jj git fetch --all-remotes)
  • Git push with p (jj git push)
    • Git push all branches with P (jj git push --all)

Files tab

  • Select current change with @
  • Change right panel diff format between color words (default) and Git with w
  • Toggle right panel wrapping with W

Branches tab

  • Show branches with all remotes with a (jj branch list --all)
  • Create a branch with c (jj branch create)
  • Rename a branch with r (jj branch rename)
  • Delete a branch with d (jj branch delete)
  • Forget a branch with f (jj branch forget)
  • Track a branch with t (only works for branches with remotes) (jj branch track)
  • Untrack a branch with T (only works for branches with remotes) (jj branch untrack)
  • Change right panel diff format between color words (default) and Git with w
  • Toggle right panel wrapping with W
  • Create a new change after the highlighted branch's change with n (jj new)
    • Create a new change and describe with N (jj new -m)

Command log tab

  • Select latest command with @
  • Toggle right panel wrapping with W


~269K SLoC