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0.14.0 Aug 27, 2024
0.12.0 Jul 24, 2024
0.8.0 Mar 9, 2024

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931 lines

Mistral AI Rust Client

Crates.io Package Docs.rs Documentation Test Workflow Status Code Coverage

Rust client for the Mistral AI API.

While we are in v0, minor versions may introduce breaking changes.
Please, refer to the CHANGELOG.md for more information.

Supported APIs

  • Chat without streaming
  • Chat without streaming (async)
  • Chat with streaming
  • Embedding
  • Embedding (async)
  • List models
  • List models (async)
  • Function Calling
  • Function Calling (async)


You can install the library in your project using:

cargo add mistralai-client

Mistral API Key

You can get your Mistral API Key there: https://docs.mistral.ai/#api-access.

As an environment variable

Just set the MISTRAL_API_KEY environment variable.

use mistralai_client::v1::client::Client;

fn main() {
    let client = Client::new(None, None, None, None);
MISTRAL_API_KEY=your_api_key cargo run

As a client argument

use mistralai_client::v1::client::Client;

fn main() {
    let api_key = "your_api_key";

    let client = Client::new(Some(api_key), None, None, None).unwrap();



use mistralai_client::v1::{
    chat::{ChatMessage, ChatMessageRole, ChatParams},

fn main() {
    // This example suppose you have set the `MISTRAL_API_KEY` environment variable.
    let client = Client::new(None, None, None, None).unwrap();

    let model = Model::OpenMistral7b;
    let messages = vec![ChatMessage {
        role: ChatMessageRole::User,
        content: "Just guess the next word: \"Eiffel ...\"?".to_string(),
        tool_calls: None,
    let options = ChatParams {
        temperature: 0.0,
        random_seed: Some(42),

    let result = client.chat(model, messages, Some(options)).unwrap();
    println!("Assistant: {}", result.choices[0].message.content);
    // => "Assistant: Tower. The Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark in Paris, France."

Chat (async)

use mistralai_client::v1::{
    chat::{ChatMessage, ChatMessageRole, ChatParams},

async fn main() {
    // This example suppose you have set the `MISTRAL_API_KEY` environment variable.
    let client = Client::new(None, None, None, None).unwrap();

    let model = Model::OpenMistral7b;
    let messages = vec![ChatMessage {
        role: ChatMessageRole::User,
        content: "Just guess the next word: \"Eiffel ...\"?".to_string(),
        tool_calls: None,
    let options = ChatParams {
        temperature: 0.0,
        random_seed: Some(42),

    let result = client
        .chat_async(model, messages, Some(options))
        "{:?}: {}",
        result.choices[0].message.role, result.choices[0].message.content
    // => "Assistant: Tower. The Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark in Paris, France."

Chat with streaming (async)

use futures::stream::StreamExt;
use mistralai_client::v1::{
    chat::{ChatMessage, ChatMessageRole, ChatParams},
use std::io::{self, Write};

async fn main() {
    // This example suppose you have set the `MISTRAL_API_KEY` environment variable.
    let client = Client::new(None, None, None, None).unwrap();

    let model = Model::OpenMistral7b;
    let messages = vec![ChatMessage {
        role: ChatMessageRole::User,
        content: "Tell me a short happy story.".to_string(),
        tool_calls: None,
    let options = ChatParams {
        temperature: 0.0,
        random_seed: Some(42),

    let stream_result = client
        .chat_stream(model, messages, Some(options))
        .for_each(|chunk_result| async {
            match chunk_result {
                Ok(chunks) => chunks.iter().for_each(|chunk| {
                    print!("{}", chunk.choices[0].delta.content);
                    // => "Once upon a time, [...]"
                Err(error) => {
                    eprintln!("Error processing chunk: {:?}", error)
    print!("\n") // To persist the last chunk output.

Chat with Function Calling

use mistralai_client::v1::{
    chat::{ChatMessage, ChatMessageRole, ChatParams},
    tool::{Function, Tool, ToolChoice, ToolFunctionParameter, ToolFunctionParameterType},
use serde::Deserialize;
use std::any::Any;

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct GetCityTemperatureArguments {
    city: String,

struct GetCityTemperatureFunction;
impl Function for GetCityTemperatureFunction {
    async fn execute(&self, arguments: String) -> Box<dyn Any + Send> {
        // Deserialize arguments, perform the logic, and return the result
        let GetCityTemperatureArguments { city } = serde_json::from_str(&arguments).unwrap();

        let temperature = match city.as_str() {
            "Paris" => "20°C",
            _ => "Unknown city",


fn main() {
    let tools = vec![Tool::new(
        "Get the current temperature in a city.".to_string(),
            "The name of the city.".to_string(),

    // This example suppose you have set the `MISTRAL_API_KEY` environment variable.
    let mut client = Client::new(None, None, None, None).unwrap();

    let model = Model::MistralSmallLatest;
    let messages = vec![ChatMessage {
        role: ChatMessageRole::User,
        content: "What's the temperature in Paris?".to_string(),
        tool_calls: None,
    let options = ChatParams {
        temperature: 0.0,
        random_seed: Some(42),
        tool_choice: Some(ToolChoice::Auto),
        tools: Some(tools),

    client.chat(model, messages, Some(options)).unwrap();
    let temperature = client
    println!("The temperature in Paris is: {}.", temperature);
    // => "The temperature in Paris is: 20°C."

Chat with Function Calling (async)

use mistralai_client::v1::{
    chat::{ChatMessage, ChatMessageRole, ChatParams},
    tool::{Function, Tool, ToolChoice, ToolFunctionParameter, ToolFunctionParameterType},
use serde::Deserialize;
use std::any::Any;

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct GetCityTemperatureArguments {
    city: String,

struct GetCityTemperatureFunction;
impl Function for GetCityTemperatureFunction {
    async fn execute(&self, arguments: String) -> Box<dyn Any + Send> {
        // Deserialize arguments, perform the logic, and return the result
        let GetCityTemperatureArguments { city } = serde_json::from_str(&arguments).unwrap();

        let temperature = match city.as_str() {
            "Paris" => "20°C",
            _ => "Unknown city",


async fn main() {
    let tools = vec![Tool::new(
        "Get the current temperature in a city.".to_string(),
            "The name of the city.".to_string(),

    // This example suppose you have set the `MISTRAL_API_KEY` environment variable.
    let mut client = Client::new(None, None, None, None).unwrap();

    let model = Model::MistralSmallLatest;
    let messages = vec![ChatMessage {
        role: ChatMessageRole::User,
        content: "What's the temperature in Paris?".to_string(),
        tool_calls: None,
    let options = ChatParams {
        temperature: 0.0,
        random_seed: Some(42),
        tool_choice: Some(ToolChoice::Auto),
        tools: Some(tools),

        .chat_async(model, messages, Some(options))
    let temperature = client
    println!("The temperature in Paris is: {}.", temperature);
    // => "The temperature in Paris is: 20°C."


use mistralai_client::v1::{client::Client, constants::EmbedModel};

fn main() {
    // This example suppose you have set the `MISTRAL_API_KEY` environment variable.
    let client: Client = Client::new(None, None, None, None).unwrap();

    let model = EmbedModel::MistralEmbed;
    let input = vec!["Embed this sentence.", "As well as this one."]
        .map(|s| s.to_string())
    let options = None;

    let response = client.embeddings(model, input, options).unwrap();
    println!("First Embedding: {:?}", response.data[0]);
    // => "First Embedding: {...}"

Embeddings (async)

use mistralai_client::v1::{client::Client, constants::EmbedModel};

async fn main() {
    // This example suppose you have set the `MISTRAL_API_KEY` environment variable.
    let client: Client = Client::new(None, None, None, None).unwrap();

    let model = EmbedModel::MistralEmbed;
    let input = vec!["Embed this sentence.", "As well as this one."]
        .map(|s| s.to_string())
    let options = None;

    let response = client
        .embeddings_async(model, input, options)
    println!("First Embedding: {:?}", response.data[0]);
    // => "First Embedding: {...}"

List models

use mistralai_client::v1::client::Client;

fn main() {
    // This example suppose you have set the `MISTRAL_API_KEY` environment variable.
    let client = Client::new(None, None, None, None).unwrap();

    let result = client.list_models().unwrap();
    println!("First Model ID: {:?}", result.data[0].id);
    // => "First Model ID: open-mistral-7b"

List models (async)

use mistralai_client::v1::client::Client;

async fn main() {
    // This example suppose you have set the `MISTRAL_API_KEY` environment variable.
    let client = Client::new(None, None, None, None).unwrap();

    let result = client.list_models_async().await.unwrap();
    println!("First Model ID: {:?}", result.data[0].id);
    // => "First Model ID: open-mistral-7b"


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on how to contribute to this library.


~247K SLoC