Active direct dependers over time: total, gained/lost
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Tonic is used at run time in 1,299 crates (of which 208 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 790 crates. It's used only as a dev dependency in 62 crates (of which 8 directly).

Number of dependers Tonic version Downloads/month
213 0.11.0 897K
265 0.10.2 689K
304 0.9.2 1.2M
206 0.8.3 485K
2 0.8.0 3.0K
79 0.7.2 48K
144 0.6.2 96K
47 0.5.2 218K
43 0.4.3 14K
17 0.3.1 1.8K
21 0.2.1 3.3K
20 0.1.1 500
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) Tonic version
1.1M 79 opentelemetry-otlp optional ^0.11
683K 26 tonic-reflection ^0.11
526K 24 tonic-health ^0.11
352K 61 console-subscriber ^0.10
350K 2 console-api ^0.10
896K 14 opentelemetry-proto optional ^0.11
230K ginepro >=0.10, <0.12
387K 47 opentelemetry-jaeger optional ^0.11
103K 22 etcd-client ^0.10.0
263K 71 bollard optional ^0.11
83K 10 arrow-flight ^0.11.0
80K 2 tonic-types ^0.11
78K 17 tonic-web ^0.11
64K 7 google-cloud-gax ^0.10
63K 11 google-cloud-googleapis ^0.10
83K 2 arrow-format optional ^0.8.0
19K 7 gcloud-sdk ^0.11
56K 33 tendermint-proto optional ^0.10
18K 1 madsim-tonic >=0.10
53K 8 tokio-vsock optional ^0.10.2
15K madsim-etcd-client ^0.10
36K 2 polars-arrow-format optional ^0.8.0
10K 11 qdrant-client ^0.11.0
10K 3 shuttle-proto ^0.10.2
11K 7 solana-storage-bigtable ^0.9.2
10K 3 tonic-web-wasm-client ^0.11.0
9.9K 21 shuttle-runtime ^0.10.2
8.9K 2 google-cloud-longrunning ^0.10
8.2K 4 google-api-proto ^0.11
23K 26 cosmos-sdk-proto optional ^0.11
7.1K 6 pact-plugin-driver ^0.11.0
21K 28 ibc-proto optional ^0.11
6.6K tokio-console ^0.10
3.9K linkerd2-proxy-api ^0.10
11K 5 shuttle-common optional ^0.10.2
3.7K 1 apollo-router ^0.9.2
3.4K 4 tikv-client ^0.10
3.3K 3 bigtable_rs ^0.11.0
2.6K 6 surrealdb-tikv-client ^0.9
2.4K qcs ^0.11.0
2.3K 1 containerd-client ^0.11
2.3K 2 libsql_replication ^0.11
7.4K 3 databend-driver optional ^0.10
2.3K 1 cw-orch-daemon ^0.10.2
7.4K 1 databend-sql optional ^0.10
2.3K dapr ^0.11.0
2.3K k8s-cri ^0.9
2.2K 5 cln-grpc ^0.8
7.0K init-tracing-opentelemetry optional ^0.11
2.1K cargo-shuttle ^0.10.2
2.0K 6 dragonfly-client-core ^0.9.2
2.0K 2 utxorpc-spec ^0.11
2.0K 4 miden-node-proto ^0.11
2.0K 1 opentelemetry-stackdriver ^0.11
1.9K 3 nacos-sdk ^0.10
1.9K 3 fedimint-tonic-lnd ^0.10.0
1.8K 1 dragonfly-client-backend ^0.9.2
1.8K tonic-tracing-opentelemetry ^0.11
5.8K 8 libsql optional ^0.11
1.7K 3 sn_service_management ^0.6.2
1.7K 1 dragonfly-client ^0.9.2
1.7K 1 qcs-api-client-grpc ^0.11.0
1.6K 4 tonic-openssl ^0.7
5.4K 7 bollard-next optional ^0.10
1.6K 1 momento-protos ^0.10
1.6K 3 eventstore ^0.10
1.5K 1 concordium-rust-sdk ^0.10
1.5K 1 sn_node ^0.6.2
1.4K sn_node_rpc_client ^0.6.2
1.4K 4 firestore_grpc ^0.6
4.7K 3 asserhttp optional ^0.11
1.3K viam-rust-utils ^0.9.2
1.3K 1 horaedbproto ^0.8
1.2K horaedb-client ^0.8.1
1.2K 5 yellowstone-grpc-proto ^0.10.2
1.2K 11 deep_space ^0.10
1.2K 4 bollard-buildkit-proto ^0.11
1.2K 5 krata ^0.11.0
1.2K 4 yellowstone-grpc-client ^0.10.2
1.1K 3 dragonfly-api ^0.9.2
1.1K miden-client ^0.11
1.1K 5 googapis ^0.6.1
1.1K sn-node-manager ^0.6.2
1.0K website_crawler ^0.9.2
1.0K krata-ctl ^0.11.0
1.0K krata-daemon ^0.11.0
1.0K krata-network ^0.11.0
1.0K kurtosis-sdk ^0.9.2
1.0K 1 astarte-message-hub-proto ^0.11.0
950 NOSHP-Client ^0.10
950 tonic-async-interceptor ^0.11.0
3.3K 3 gouth optional ^0.4
900 investments ^0.11
850 rnacos ^0.4
850 raftify ^0.9.2
800 2 golem-common ^0.10.2
2.9K 4 zcash_client_backend optional ^0.10
800 2 golem-api-grpc ^0.10.2
750 3 spiffe ^0.11
2.7K 29 cw-orch optional ^0.10.2
700 1 althea_proto ^0.10
2.6K 6 vls-core optional ^0.9
650 1 golem-test-framework ^0.10.2
650 tremor-otelapis ^0.8.2
650 tinkoff-invest ^0.11
650 momento ^0.10
600 2 gcp-vertex-ai-generative-language ^0.10
600 autd3-link-simulator ^0.11.0
550 utxorpc ^0.9
550 2 typedb-protocol =0.8.0
550 1 tinkoff-invest-types ^0.11
550 1 ydb ^0.8.1
550 grafana-plugin-sdk ^0.10.2
550 tonic-middleware ^0.11.0
500 tron-grpc ^0.11.0
500 3 nacos_rust_client ^0.9
500 vegafusion-server ^0.10.2
500 3 autd3-protobuf ^0.11.0
500 utxorpc-spec-sync ^0.9
2.0K 9 sn_protocol optional ^0.6.2
490 goodmetrics ^0.11
480 typedb-driver =0.8.0
460 easytier ^0.10
460 1 devtools-core ^0.10
460 1 etcd-rs ^0.9
450 2 ockam_api ^0.11
440 2 termusic-playback ^0.11
430 1 devtools-wire-format ^0.10
430 3 linera-storage-service ^0.11
430 devtools ^0.10
420 3 fedimint-ln-gateway ^0.11.0
410 4 linera-core ^0.11
410 2 tonic_lnd ^0.6.2
400 1 fundamentum-edge-proto ^0.11
390 1 gaia-stub ^0.11
390 termusic ^0.11
380 spark-connect-rs ^0.11.0
370 2 aruna-rust-api ^0.9.1
360 storus ^0.11.0
360 hds_console-subscriber ^0.10
350 1 cosm-tome ^0.8.2
350 2 maelstrom-client-base ^0.11
350 1 maelstrom-client-process ^0.11
1.5K 2 controller optional ^0.8.0
340 1 linera-rpc ^0.11
340 hds_tokio-console ^0.10
340 stablessh ^0.11
340 2 wacker ^0.11.0
330 1 gaia-tmtc ^0.11
330 2 sshx-core ^0.10.0
330 1 linera-service ^0.11
330 3 maelstrom-client ^0.11
320 wacker-cli ^0.11.0
310 razel ^0.11
310 sshx ^0.10.0
310 1 google-cloud ^0.4.1
1.4K 2 bigerror optional ^0.11
300 protopathy ^0.11
300 1 milvus-sdk-rust ^0.8.2
300 tmtc-c2a ^0.11
290 kortex_gen_grpc ^0.10.2
290 termusic-server ^0.11
290 envoy-types ^0.11
280 2 hds_console-api ^0.10
280 hedera ^0.9.0
280 axum_tonic ^0.10.2
270 avalanche-network-runner-sdk ^0.11.0
270 tonic-richer-error ^0.8
270 lnd-grpc-tonic-client ^0.11
270 skywalking ^0.8.0
260 1 hedera-proto ^0.11.0
260 agones ^0.9.2
250 2 tonic_openssl_lnd ^0.7
250 1 cosmos-grpc-client ^0.11.0
240 klozr-protobuf-user ^0.9.2
240 ledger-models ^0.9.0
240 mmap-loader ^0.11
240 klozr-protobuf-notification ^0.9.2
230 fregate 0.9.*
230 megaphone-broker ^0.11
230 klozr-protobuf-s3 ^0.9.2
220 triton-client ^0.7
220 3 cita_cloud_proto ^0.11
220 sshx-server ^0.10.0
210 1 pubsub_grpc ^0.5.2
210 2 zebra-grpc ^0.11.0
210 telexide ^0.10
210 nvidia_riva ^0.9
210 tonic-lb ^0.11.0
210 redhac ^0.11.0
200 googleads-rs ^0.8.0
200 netavark ^0.10
200 cerbos ^0.11.0
190 10 wick-rpc ^0.9
180 parrot_rs ^0.10.2
180 cloud-util ^0.11
180 1 solana-replica-lib ^0.7.1
180 beaker ^0.9
180 sn_testnet ^0.6.2
180 4 miraland-storage-bigtable ^0.9.2
180 test_distp ^0.7.2
170 2 inx ^0.8
170 tracing-actions-otlp ^0.9
170 eth-state-server-lib ^0.9
170 3 miden-node-store ^0.11
170 etcdv3client ^0.11
170 ibc-query ^0.11
160 klozr-protobuf-owner ^0.9.2
160 2 miden-node-block-producer ^0.11
160 1 eternaltwin_rest ^0.11.0
160 1 miden-node-rpc ^0.11
150 sovereign-rs ^0.9
150 containerd-snapshots ^0.9.2
150 5 quickwit-proto ^0.7
150 1 thalo_runtime ^0.10
150 3 ballista-core ^0.10
150 klozr-protobuf-delivery ^0.9.2
150 klozr-protobuf-websocket ^0.9.2
140 1 bulwark-ext-processor ^0.6.2
140 google_pubsub ^0.4
140 jc-protobuf-money ^0.8
140 systemathics-apis ^0.7
140 2 buildkit-proto ^0.1
140 2 eth-state-server-common ^0.9
140 1 telexide-fork ^0.9.2
140 flow-rust-sdk ^0.5
900 3 cosmos-sdk-proto-althea optional ^0.10
130 timestampvm ^0.9.2
130 4 waffles-solana-storage-bigtable ^0.8.3
130 bulwark-cli ^0.6.2
130 timada-starter-client ^0.10.2
130 bicycle ^0.11.0
130 term-sesh ^0.10.2
130 timada-cobase-client ^0.9.1
130 zeebe ^0.6
130 dev_api ^0.6
130 2 bpfman-csi ^0.11.0
130 openfga-rs ~0.11
120 klozr-protobuf-rider ^0.9.2
120 typedb-client ^0.8.0
120 tunein-cli ^0.8.3
120 klozr-protobuf-paystack ^0.9.2
120 spire-api ^0.11
120 qbutton-pi ^0.6.2
110 1 bpfman-api ^0.11.0
110 dgraph-tonic ^0.8
110 stat_server ^0.11
110 vitess-grpc ^0.10
110 2 bpfman ^0.11.0
110 tinkoff-invest-api ^0.8.0
110 1 wiremock-grpc ^0.6.0
110 2 bicycle_core ^0.10.2
110 eth-state-client-lib ^0.9
110 2 eternaltwin_system ^0.11.0
110 1 speakeasy-protos-tokio-02 ^0.3
100 gravity_proto ^0.10
800 zitadel optional ^0.11
100 generic-device-plugin ^0.11.0
100 fundamentum-edge-daemon ^0.11.0
100 ibc-test-framework ^0.10
100 3 ibc-relayer ^0.10
100 todors ^0.9.2
ev-protobufs ^0.8
indradb ^0.8.3
lndk ^0.8.3
marco-test-three ^0.10
7 somm_gravity_utils ^0.4
5 daml-grpc ^0.6.2
3 norgopolis-protos ^0.9.2
3 bicycle_proto ^0.11.0
kurtosis-rust-lib ^0.4.0
750 1 vls-proxy optional ^0.9
google-cognitive-apis ^0.8.0
jc-protobuf-document ^0.8
kickable ^0.10.2
uptrace ^0.8.3
iotics-grpc-client ^0.8
thalo_cli ^0.10
nacos-tonic-adapter ^0
1 vasystem-api-grpc ^0.10
3 wick-invocation-server ^0.9
3 kaspa-p2p-lib ^0.10.2
lol-core ^0.8
1 solana-bigtable-connection ^0.7.1
mysten-network ^0.8.0
oomclient ^0.6
superviseur ^0.8.3
bicycle_server ^0.10.2
tonic_catch ^0.9.2
2 azure-functions-shared ^0.1.0-alpha.5
3 iqkms-proto ^0.8
700 2 vegafusion-core optional ^0.10.2
5 cronback-proto ^0.9
2 music-player-server ^0.8.1
opentelemetry-tonic ^0.8
1 rocketmq ^0.9.0
submliminal-protos-rust ^0.8.3
google-cloud-grpc ^0.6
jc-protobuf-event ^0.8
jc-protobuf-notification ^0.8
transmit ^0.10.2
2 lightning-storage-server ^0.8
5 somm_cosmos_gravity ^0.4
3 wechaty_puppet ^0.4
ethers-gcp-kms-signer ^0.9
kschoonme-identity-pb ^0.3.0
1 lightspeed-astro ^0.9.2
vasystem-api ^0.10
flow-sdk ^0.5.2
3 engula-apis ^0.6
1 ballista-scheduler ^0.10
lolraft ^0.11
nostr-rs-relay ^0.8.3
groupcache ^0.10.2
1 tonic-rpc ^0.8.3
7 somm_gravity_proto ^0.4
arrow_cli ^0.11
4 cronback-lib ^0.9
geco-consul-connector ^0.4.0
moksha-mint ^0.8
tonic-interceptor ^0.11
tonic-reflect-protobuf ^0.9
eks-blueprints-rust-sdk ^0.9
liftbridge ^0.3.0
stilgar ^0.9
ydb-unofficial ^0.9.2
1 ballista-executor ^0.10
2 engula-storage ^0.6
2 kaspa-grpc-core ^0.10.2
2 ydb-grpc ^0.8.2
3 boardswarm-protocol ^0.10
2 engula-journal ^0.6
exon-exome ^0.9.2
farcaster_node ^0.7.2
spiceai ^0.10.0
hakoniwa-code-runner ^0.8.0
2 music-player-client ^0.8.1
gcp-vertex-ai-vizier ^0.9
1 gl-client ^0.8
grr-plugin ^0.6
3 perovskite_core ^0.9.1
weaver_protos_rs ^0.8.3
2 cali_core ^0.9.2
lanquetta ^0.9.2
manage_relay_users ^0.9.2
toxicblend ~0.6
uhg-custom-appollo-roouter ^0.8.3
1 wechaty-grpc ^0.5
1 ceresdb-client ^0.8.1
grpc-web-client ^0.4.3
rymder ^0.10
synclip ^0.10.2
karmen ^0.6
libzymod-rust ^0.5
cacti_weaver_protos_rs ^0.8.3
jc-protobuf-cognito ^0.8
lc-renderer ^0.4
bicycle_sproc ^0.10.2
2 engula-supervisor ^0.6
1 pi_logger ^0.8.2
3 somm_relayer ^0.4
bicycle-plugin ^0.10.2
600 datafusion-server optional ^0.11.0
dotspb ^0.9.2
1 ledgers ^0.2.1
opentelemetry-tracing-utils ^0.8.3
reapi ^0.11
tracing-opentelemetry-ext ^0.9.2
coreemu ^0.7.2
norgopolis-client ^0.9.2
velociraptor_api ^0.9
chidori ^0.9
dummy-agones ^0.9
fake-opentelemetry-collector ^0.11
norgopolis-module ^0.9.2
rmqtt-raft ^0.9
1 rusty-p4-proto ^0.1.0
solana-geyser-plugin-bigtable ^0.7.1
2 webtonic-proto ^0.4.1
1 engula-kernel ^0.6
4 kaspa-grpc-client ^0.10.2
kubelet ^0.4
timeline-service ^0.10.2
tonic_datastore_v1 ^0.8.3
tourniquet-tonic ^0.10
bigquery-storage ^0.4.0
1 iqkms ^0.8
2 monsta-proto ^0.6.2
1 perovskite_server ^0.9.2
wolfengine ^0.7.1
2 cipherstash-grpc-web-client ^0.6
2 dlq-gateway-grpc ^0.7.2
envoy-ext-proc-stubs ^0.8
heekkr ^0.10.2
indradb-client ^0.8.3
1 k8s-csi ^0.5
medea ^0.3
1 microunit ^0.5
1 pallet-abci >=0.3.0, <0.4.0
2 boardswarm-client ^0.10
1 cosmos_gravity_proto ^0.4
2 cuberef_core ^0.9.1
engula-client ^0.7.2
gapi_grpc ^0.2
gportal_rs ^0.8.3
1 hstreamdb-pb ^0.8.3
1 iqkms-ethereum ^0.8
jwt-tonic-user-uuid ^0.7.2
kschoonme-notifications-pb ^0.3.0
libp2p-grpc-rs ^0.9.2
1 lnd_grpc_rust ^0.7
1 lookrd ^0.2
1 speakeasy-protos-tokio-latest ^0.8
azure-functions ^0.1.0-alpha.5
moose ~0.6
stat_client ^0.11
hub1989-protobuf-keycloak ^0.10.0
monsta ^0.6.2
nostr-rs-ext ^0.8.3
1 usbase ^0.9.2
1 engula-cooperator ^0.6
kaspa-miner ^0.10
1 lunaria-api ^0.5.0
mobc-tonic ^0.4
mock-agones ^0.9
1 ydb-grpc-bindings ^0.9.2
1 data-plane-api ^0.8
1 ella-server ^0.9.2
engula ^0.6
failover ^0.8.0
grpc_health_probe ^0.7
k8s-deviceplugin ^0.7
lnrpc ^0.3.0
lookr ^0.2
norgopolis-server ^0.9.2
2 nostr-rs-proto ^0.8.3
postgrpc ^0.8.0
2 buildkit-rs-proto ^0.8.3
4 dendrite_lib ^0.10
1 handy-grpc ^0.9
jito-geyser-protos ^0.8.3
nacos-tonic-discover ^0.7
permesi ^0.11
scienceobjectsdb_rust_api ^0
1 solana-bigtable-geyser-models ^0.7.1
devzat-rs ^0.7.2
iqkmsd ^0.8
lading ^0.9
nakama-rust-gen ^0.4
perovskite_client ^0.9.2
3 pipebuilder_common ^0.6
webtonic-client ^0.4.1
webtonic-server ^0.4.1
etcd-discovery ^0.10
gcp_client ^0.2
1 google-cloud-for-versionstore-operator ^0.4.1
hello_idc ^0.10.2
madtofan-microservice-common ^0.8.3
permesi-genesis ^0.11
1 safecoin-storage-bigtable ^0.5.0
subliminal-protos-rust ^0.8.3
tonic-thiserror ^0.11.0
1 wechaty-puppet-service ^0.4
xpring ^0.1.1
1 yandex-cloud ^0.9
1 awto ^0.5
fashion-clip-rs ^0.10.2
haqq-grpc ~0.11
1 hdfs-client ^0.10.2
hstreamdb ^0.8.3
lets-see-if-this-builds-on-docs-rs ^0.6.2
mekadb-client ^0.10.2
1 sdc_apis ^0.9.2
xpring-rs ^0.1.1
1 cosm-script ^0.7.2
dstore ^0.4
1 protokit_grpc ^0.11.0
tenebrous-dicebot ^0.4
waves-rust ^0.8.0
xand-api-client ^0.6.2
acts-channel ^0.8.3
1 cosmos_gravity_utils ^0.4
1 groupcache-pb ^0.10
oss-vizier ^0.9
pipebuilder ^0.6
quilclient ^0.10.2
1 quilkin ^0.10.2
1 secretmanager_grpc ^0.5.2
2 somm_orchestrator ^0.4
bevy-firebase-firestore ^0.9.2
cln-grpc-plugin ^0.8
1 engula-api ^0.7.2
galadh ^0.6.2
helloworld-tonic-bsr ^0.10.2
2 indradb-proto ^0.8.3
1 kaspa-grpc-server ^0.10.2
marketstore ^0.10
milvus ^0.8
spark-connect-rust ^0.9.2
versionstore-operator ^0.4.1
xcm_grpc_lib ^0.6
2 chord-grpc ^0.8
clip_qdrant ^0.9.2
1 engula-transactor ^0.6
ginmi ^0.11.0
gl-signerproxy ^0.3
1 navajo-gcp ^0.9
penman ^0.2.1
1 superviseur-server ^0.8.3
xenon-rs ^0.6
1 codectrl-bindings-web ^0.7
2 gemachain-storage-bigtable ^0.5.2
minknow-api-rust ^0.8
1 monsta-server ^0.6.2
1 quilibrium ^0.10.2
tf-provider ^0.10
2 astro-run-protocol ^0.9.2
1 codectrl-bindings-native ^0.7
colink ^0.9
3 hub1989-error-util ^0.10.0
myblog-proto-rust ^0.3
bicycle-plugin-echo ^0.10.2
bjorn-acme ^0.9
cosm-tome-wasm-deploy-fork ^0.8.2
cosmos_proto_build ^0.4
databend-cli ^0.8
distroprotos ^0.7.2
dlq-cli ^0.7.2
dlq-gateway ^0.7.2
gnostr-relay ^0.8.3
2 rhoast_utils ^0.7.2
devops-workwechat ^0.9.2
distro-protos ^0.7.2
g2jsonrt ^0.9
golem-worker-executor-base ^0.10.2
hub1989-oidc-util ^0.10.0
ibc-grpc-server ^0.8
idgend ^0.1.1
inference ^0.8
kilowatt ^0.8
lunaria ^0.3.1
mav-sdk ^0.5.0
nakama-rust ^0.4
ort-grpc ^0.5
satp_protos_rs ^0.9.2
tiny-firestore-odm ^0.5.2
2 biurs-core ^0.9.2
blobsled ^0.1
containerd ~0.6
1 cuberef_server ^0.9.2
gandalf-consensus ^0.5.1
gandolf-consensus ^0.5.1
gemachain-replica-lib ^0.5.0
gl-plugin ^0.8
googletest-tonic ^0.8
jito-relayer-protos ^0.7.2
mekadb ^0.10.2
monsta-client ^0.6.2
ops-grpc ^0.2
1 agora-lnd-client ^0.5.2
bazel-remote-apis-rs ^0.6.2
1 cipherstash-grpc ^0.6
1 cmpb ^0.9.2
1 dendrite_auth ^0.10
envoy-prost-tonic ^0.8
hedera_rust_client ^0.6
ledger-api ^0.2.1
ledgers-api ^0.2.1
openrr-remote ^0.8
1 pipebased_common ^0.6
rust-control-plane ^0.8
somm_gorc ^0.4
1 tenebrous-rpc ^0.4
tonic-mock ^0.4
1 xand-api-proto ^0.6.2
bobsled ^0.1
bonerjams-db ^0.8
1 ceresdbproto ^0.8
chiral-db-grpc-client-rust ^0.7
cronback-api-srv ^0.9
1 datacake-cluster ^0.8.0
grpc-status ^0.4
grpc_schemas_example ^0.5.0
gtunnel ^0.6
hailstorm ^0.7.2
hivemind ^0.3
hub-rs ^0.9.2
inve-etcd ^0.6
investager_contracts ^0.7
keda-oracle-scaler ^0.7
2 pravega-controller-client ^0.5
1 tinkc ^0.6.2
1 aruna-cache ^0.9.2
bazel-bep ^0.10
boardswarm ^0.10
buildkit-rs-frontend ^0.8.3
cronback-scheduler-srv ^0.9
milvus-sdk ^0.7
notary-client ^0.11.0
oidc-util ^0.9.2
pikav-client ^0.11.0
redis-grpc ^0.5.2
temporal-sdk-core ^0.4
timada-starter-feed ^0.10.0
1 buildkit-frontend ^0.1
check-if-email-exists-grpc ^0.8.2
cuberef_client ^0.9.2
gxtdb-rs ^0.9.2
juniper-jet ^0.9
pegasus_astro ^0.7
phab-grpc ^0.2
summa ^0.7.2
1 bpfd-api ^0.10.2
codectrl ^0.7
cronback-dispatcher-srv ^0.9
1 hdfs-types ^0.10.2
1 retc-raft ^0.2
seaweedfs ^0.1.0-alpha.5
2 zkp_protobuf ^0.10.2
actix-web-tonic ^0.7
bookkeeper-client ^0.9.2
locky ^0.11.0
nwl-protobufs-rust ^0.7.2
1 proximity-grpc ^0.2.1
rusdb-core ^0.5.2
serva ^0.7
svc-storage-client-grpc ^0.8
therm ^0.2.1
aptos-indexer-protos ^0.9.2
backproof-sdk ^0.6.2
pachyderm ^0.3.0
pipebased ^0.6
rotors ^0.10
rove ^0.7.2
sentinel-tonic ^0.8.2
shuttle-provisioner-proto-test ^0.8.0
somm_proto_build ^0.4
speakeasy ^0.2
sso ^0.2
summa-server ^0.10
2 usc ^0.9.2
1 aocdata ^0.9.2
blip ^0.7.2
cmsdk ^0.9
crw-client ^0.4.1
darksteel ^0.5
datadiver-proto ^0.9.2
db3-proto ^0.9.2
reed ^0.1
riteraft ^0.9
1 runkins_proto ^0.5
2 sesh-proto ^0.10.2
sfm-sdk ^0.10.2
2 stat_common ^0.11
tonic-error ^0.7
zkp_grpc_client ^0.10.2
zkp_grpc_server ^0.10.2
550 3 bomboni_proto optional ^0.10.2
bpfctl ^0.10.2
cipherstash-grpc-wasm ^0.6
1 datastore_grpc ^0.5.2
rslocal ^0.7.1
1 sesh-shared ^0.10.2
skywalking_rust ^0.5.2
somm_test_runner ^0.4
wacker-api ^0.10.2
550 1 ya-gcp optional ^0.10.2
2 prompt-graph-core ^0.9
quee ^0.5.0
rplotlib ^0.8
rust-types ^0.8.2
1 secret-keeper-cloudkms ^0.3
syphon ^0.2.0
analytics-rs ^0.8.3
1 aptos-protos ^0.10.2
biurs-server ^0.9.2
clipsync ^0.8.3
dataforge-rpc-defs ^0.8.3
lvp ^0.9
pastry-dht ^0.10.2
1 rhoast_client ^0.7.2
runkins ^0.5
seabird ^0.8
stargate-grpc ^0.5
subliminal ^0.9.2
apache-dubbo ^0.7.2
arduino-cli-client ^0.3
avalanche-proto ^0.8.2
barracuda ^0.8.3
txf ^0.9
arc-vector-rust ^0.9.2
asciidoctor-client ^0.10.2
authzed ^0.4.0
2 alqs_shared ^0.10.2
arrow-flight-sql-client ^0.7
pancake-db-client ^0.6.2
proximity-db ^0.2.1
spire-workload ^0.7
spotifatius ^0.7.2
arrow-flightsql-odbc ^0.7
astarte-message-hub ^0.8.2
autd3-simulator ^0.9.2
auto-traffic-control ^0.7.2
quilkin-network-conditioner ^0.9.2
remotecache ^0.9
rhoast_client_v03 ^0.7.2
spanner-rs ^0.8
starlink ^0.10.2
agora ^0.5.2
bayard ^0.7.2
gmf ^0.9.2
petclinic-protobuf-owner ^0.8
petclinic-protobuf-pet ^0.8
petclinic-protobuf-user ^0.8
petclinic-protobuf-vet ^0.8
1 prompt-graph-exec ^0.9
aocrun ^0.9.2
auto_impl_trait ^0.8.2
rusk-schema ^0.6
reportportal_common_api ^0.8.3
spectate_lib ^0.6.2
smartgpt ^0.9.2
500 1 bomboni_request optional ^0.10.2
protobufs-rust ^0.7.2
tari_base_node ^0.2
490 gzlib optional ^0.4.1
480 autd3-link-soem optional ^0.11.0
440 1 chirpstack_api optional ^0.10
430 blockscout-service-launcher optional ^0.8
430 a11ywatch_cli optional ^0.7.2
400 just-webrtc-signalling optional ^0.11.0
390 3 summa-proto optional ^0.10
350 1 filigree optional ^0.9.2
340 2 tokio-listener optional ^0.11.0
320 2 stubr optional ^0.9
300 2 kip_db optional ^0.10.2
260 m10-sdk optional ^0.5
240 5 avalanche-types optional ^0.11.0
210 2 envoy-control-plane optional ^0.6
200 fasttext-serving optional ^0.8.0
140 1 valensas-actuator optional ^0.10.1
130 surreal-id optional ^0.1
110 2 m10-protos optional ^0.5
110 1 secret-sdk-proto optional ^0.11.0
110 terra-proto-rs optional ^0.8
110 fs2db optional ^0.10
110 1 medea-control-api-proto optional ^0.11
110 neutron-proto optional ^0.9
110 ts_opentelemetry_jaeger optional ^0.9.0
100 2 cometbft-proto optional ^0.10
1 overclock optional ^0.9
1 ts_opentelemetry_proto optional ^0.9.0
1 tina-core optional ^0.9.2
4 ella-common optional ^0.9.2
terra_proto_build optional ^0.8
2 wick-component-cli optional ^0.9
7 boot-core optional ^0.8.1
aabb-cw-orch optional ^0.9.2
1 appbiotic-code-error optional ^0.10.0
archway-proto optional ^0.9.2
3 authzen-service-util optional ^0
chainlib optional ^0.4.0
chord-rs optional ^0.8
1 ciphercore-base optional ^0.8.3
comet-eventbus optional ^0.7
coredb-controller optional ^0.9.0
coredb-operator optional ^0.8.3
1 cosmos-sdk-proto-nymlab optional ^0.9
2 cw-orch-publish-test optional ^0.9.2
hi-push optional ^0.8.0
hyperproxy optional =0.7.2
juno-rust-proto optional ^0.8
lightning-signer-core optional ^0.1.1
m10-sdk-protos optional ^0.5
otlp-exporter optional ^0.9.2
2 pancake-db-idl optional ^0.6.2
pangu-bollard optional ^0.9
pyo3-tracing-subscriber optional ^0.9.2
2 qrt-log-utils optional ^0.9
1 runkins_lib optional ^0.5
scuffle-utils optional ^0.11
soundboard optional ^0.3
speakeasy-rust-sdk optional ^0.8
suricata-ipc optional ^0.2
tokio-named-pipe optional ^0.2.1
tonic-native-tls optional ^0.8.2
ts_opentelemetry_otlp optional ^0.9.0
101K 1 sentry-tower dev ^0.11
28K 18 grpc-build dev ^0.11
1.2K power-protobuf dev ^0.11.0
1.0K golem-cli dev ^0.10.2
500 multiplex-tonic-hyper dev ^0.8
260 tonic-include-proto dev ^0.6
200 zebrad dev ^0.11.0
130 hedwig dev ^0.10
tina dev ^0.9.2
2 chaum_pedersen_auth dev ^0.10.2
secretrs dev ^0.11.0