46 releases (stable)
3.0.5 | Jan 31, 2025 |
3.0.0 | Dec 20, 2024 |
3.0.0-alpha-9 | Nov 22, 2024 |
2.29.2 | Dec 13, 2024 |
2.25.7 | Nov 16, 2023 |
#441 in Database interfaces
TypeDB Rust Driver
Driver Architecture
To learn about the mechanism that TypeDB drivers use set up communication with databases running on the TypeDB Server, refer to the Drivers Overview.
The TypeDB Rust Driver provides a fully async API that supports multiple async runtimes or a synchronous interface gated
by the sync
API Reference
To learn about the methods available for executing queries and retrieving their answers using Rust, refer to the API Reference.
Install TypeDB Rust Driver through Cargo
- Import
through Cargo:
cargo add typedb-driver
- Make sure the TypeDB Server is running.
- Use TypeDB Driver in your program (see Example usage or
for examples):
use typedb_driver::TypeDBDriver;
let driver = TypeDBDriver::new_core(TypeDBDriver::DEFAULT_ADDRESS).await.unwrap();
Build from Source
Note: You don't need to compile TypeDB Driver from source if you just want to use it in your code. See the " Quickstart" section above.
Make sure you have Bazel installed on your machine.
Build the library:
a) to build the native/raw rlib:
bazel build //rust:typedb_driver
The rlib will be produced at:
.b) to build the crate for a Cargo project:
bazel build //rust:assemble_crate
The Cargo crate will be produced at:
You can then unzip this crate to retrieve
. Please note: this process has not yet been thoroughly tested. The generatedCargo.toml
may not be fully correct. See theCargo.toml
of thetypedb-driver
crate for reference.
Example usage
TypeDB Cloud / Enterprise (Cloud driver)
use futures::{StreamExt, TryStreamExt};
use typedb_driver::{
concept_document::{Leaf, Node},
ConceptRow, QueryAnswer,
concept::{Concept, ValueType},
Credentials, DriverOptions, Error, TransactionType, TypeDBDriver,
fn typedb_example() {
async_std::task::block_on(async {
// Open a driver connection
let driver = TypeDBDriver::new_cloud(
Credentials::new("admin", "password"),
DriverOptions::new(false, None).unwrap(),
// Create a database
let database = driver.databases().get("typedb").await.unwrap();
// Dropped transactions are closed
// Open transactions of 3 types
let transaction = driver.transaction(database.name(), TransactionType::Read).await.unwrap();
// Execute any TypeDB query using TypeQL. Wrong queries are rejected with an explicit error
let result = transaction.query("define entity i-cannot-be-defined-in-read-transactions;").await;
match result {
Ok(_) => println!("This line will not be printed"),
// Handle errors
Err(error) => match error {
Error::Connection(connection) => println!("Could not connect: {connection}"),
Error::Server(server) => {
println!("Received a detailed server error regarding the executed query: {server}")
Error::Internal(_) => panic!("Unexpected internal error"),
_ => println!("Received an unexpected external error: {error}"),
// Open a schema transaction to make schema changes
let transaction = driver.transaction(database.name(), TransactionType::Schema).await.unwrap();
let define_query = r#"
entity person, owns name, owns age;
attribute name, value string;
attribute age, value integer;
let answer = transaction.query(define_query).await.unwrap();
// Work with the driver's enums in a classic way or using helper methods
if answer.is_ok() && matches!(answer, QueryAnswer::Ok(_)) {
println!("OK results do not give any extra interesting information, but they mean that the query is successfully executed!");
// Commit automatically closes the transaction (don't forget to await the result!)
// Open a read transaction to safely read anything without database modifications
let transaction = driver.transaction(database.name(), TransactionType::Read).await.unwrap();
let answer = transaction.query("match entity $x;").await.unwrap();
// Collect concept rows that represent the answer as a table
let rows: Vec<ConceptRow> = answer.into_rows().try_collect().await.unwrap();
let row = rows.get(0).unwrap();
// Retrieve column names to get concepts by index if the variable names are lost
let column_names = row.get_column_names();
let column_name = column_names.get(0).unwrap();
// Get concept by the variable name (column name)
let concept_by_name = row.get(column_name).unwrap().unwrap();
// Get concept by the header's index
let concept_by_index = row.get_index(0).unwrap().unwrap();
// Check if it's an entity type
if concept_by_name.is_entity_type() {
print!("Getting concepts by variable names and indexes is equally correct. ");
"Both represent the defined entity type: '{}' (in case of a doubt: '{}')",
// Continue querying in the same transaction if needed
let answer = transaction.query("match attribute $a;").await.unwrap();
// Concept rows can be used as a stream of results
let mut rows_stream = answer.into_rows();
while let Some(Ok(row)) = rows_stream.next().await {
let mut column_names_iter = row.get_column_names().into_iter();
let column_name = column_names_iter.next().unwrap();
let concept_by_name = row.get(column_name).unwrap().unwrap();
// Check if it's an attribute type to safely retrieve its value type
if concept_by_name.is_attribute_type() {
let label = concept_by_name.get_label();
let value_type = concept_by_name.try_get_value_type().unwrap();
println!("Defined attribute type's label: '{label}', value type: '{value_type}'");
println!("It is also possible to just print the concept itself: '{}'", concept_by_name);
// Open a write transaction to insert data
let transaction = driver.transaction(database.name(), TransactionType::Write).await.unwrap();
let answer = transaction
.query("insert $z isa person, has age 10; $x isa person, has age 20, has name \"John\";")
// Insert queries also return concept rows
let mut rows = Vec::new();
let mut rows_stream = answer.into_rows();
while let Some(Ok(row)) = rows_stream.next().await {
let row = rows.get(0).unwrap();
for column_name in row.get_column_names() {
let inserted_concept = row.get(column_name).unwrap().unwrap();
println!("Successfully inserted ${}: {}", column_name, inserted_concept);
if inserted_concept.is_entity() {
println!("This time, it's an entity, not a type!");
// It is possible to ask for the column names again
let column_names = row.get_column_names();
let x = row.get_index(column_names.iter().position(|r| r == "x").unwrap()).unwrap().unwrap();
if let Some(iid) = x.try_get_iid() {
println!("Each entity receives a unique IID. It can be retrieved directly: {}", iid);
// Do not forget to commit if the changes should be persisted
// Open another write transaction to try inserting even more data
let transaction = driver.transaction(database.name(), TransactionType::Write).await.unwrap();
// When loading a large dataset, it's often better not to resolve every query's promise immediately.
// Instead, collect promises and handle them later. Alternatively, if a commit is expected in the end,
// just call `commit`, which will wait for all ongoing operations to finish before executing.
let queries = ["insert $a isa person, has name \"Alice\";", "insert $b isa person, has name \"Bob\";"];
for query in queries {
let transaction = driver.transaction(database.name(), TransactionType::Write).await.unwrap();
// Commit will still fail if at least one of the queries produce an error.
let queries =
["insert $c isa not-person, has name \"Chris\";", "insert $d isa person, has name \"David\";"];
let mut promises = vec![];
for query in queries {
let result = transaction.commit().await;
println!("Commit result will contain the unresolved query's error: {}", result.unwrap_err());
// Open a read transaction to verify that the inserted data is saved
let transaction = driver.transaction(database.name(), TransactionType::Read).await.unwrap();
// A match query can be used for concept row outputs
let var = "x";
let answer = transaction.query(format!("match ${} isa person;", var)).await.unwrap();
// Simple match queries always return concept rows
let mut count = 0;
let mut stream = answer.into_rows().map(|result| result.unwrap());
while let Some(row) = stream.next().await {
let x = row.get(var).unwrap().unwrap();
match x {
Concept::Entity(x_entity) => {
let x_type = x_entity.type_().unwrap();
count += 1;
println!("Found a person {} of type {}", x, x_type);
_ => unreachable!("An entity is expected"),
println!("Total persons found: {}", count);
// A fetch query can be used for concept document outputs with flexible structure
let fetch_query = r#"
$x isa! person, has $a;
$a isa! $t;
fetch {
"single attribute type": $t,
"single attribute": $a,
"all attributes": { $x.* },
let answer = transaction.query(fetch_query).await.unwrap();
// Fetch queries always return concept documents
let mut count = 0;
let mut stream = answer.into_documents().map(|result| result.unwrap());
while let Some(document) = stream.next().await {
// The content of the document can be explored in details
match document.root.as_ref().unwrap() {
Node::Map(map) => {
println!("Found a map document:\n{{");
for (parameter_name, node) in map {
print!(" \"{parameter_name}\": ");
match node {
Node::Map(map) => println!("map of {} element(s)", map.len()),
Node::Leaf(leaf) => match leaf.as_ref().unwrap() {
Leaf::Concept(concept) => match concept {
Concept::AttributeType(type_) => println!("attribute type '{}'", type_.label()),
Concept::Attribute(attribute) => println!("attribute '{}'", attribute.value),
_ => unreachable!("Unexpected concept is fetched"),
_ => unreachable!("Unexpected leaf type is fetched"),
_ => unreachable!("Expected lists in inner maps"),
_ => unreachable!("Unexpected document type is fetched"),
// The document can be converted to a JSON
count += 1;
println!("JSON representation of the fetched document:\n{}", document.into_json().to_string());
println!("Total documents fetched: {}", count);
println!("More examples can be found in the API reference and the documentation.\nWelcome to TypeDB!");
TypeDB CE (Core driver)
use futures::{StreamExt, TryStreamExt};
use typedb_driver::{
concept_document::{Leaf, Node},
ConceptRow, QueryAnswer,
concept::{Concept, ValueType},
Credentials, DriverOptions, Error, TransactionType, TypeDBDriver,
fn typedb_example() {
async_std::task::block_on(async {
// Open a driver connection
let driver = TypeDBDriver::new_core(
Credentials::new("admin", "password"),
DriverOptions::new(false, None).unwrap(),
// Create a database
let database = driver.databases().get("typedb").await.unwrap();
// Dropped transactions are closed
// Open transactions of 3 types
let transaction = driver.transaction(database.name(), TransactionType::Read).await.unwrap();
// Execute any TypeDB query using TypeQL. Wrong queries are rejected with an explicit error
let result = transaction.query("define entity i-cannot-be-defined-in-read-transactions;").await;
match result {
Ok(_) => println!("This line will not be printed"),
// Handle errors
Err(error) => match error {
Error::Connection(connection) => println!("Could not connect: {connection}"),
Error::Server(server) => {
println!("Received a detailed server error regarding the executed query: {server}")
Error::Internal(_) => panic!("Unexpected internal error"),
_ => println!("Received an unexpected external error: {error}"),
// Open a schema transaction to make schema changes
let transaction = driver.transaction(database.name(), TransactionType::Schema).await.unwrap();
let define_query = r#"
entity person, owns name, owns age;
attribute name, value string;
attribute age, value integer;
let answer = transaction.query(define_query).await.unwrap();
// Work with the driver's enums in a classic way or using helper methods
if answer.is_ok() && matches!(answer, QueryAnswer::Ok(_)) {
println!("OK results do not give any extra interesting information, but they mean that the query is successfully executed!");
// Commit automatically closes the transaction (don't forget to await the result!)
// Open a read transaction to safely read anything without database modifications
let transaction = driver.transaction(database.name(), TransactionType::Read).await.unwrap();
let answer = transaction.query("match entity $x;").await.unwrap();
// Collect concept rows that represent the answer as a table
let rows: Vec<ConceptRow> = answer.into_rows().try_collect().await.unwrap();
let row = rows.get(0).unwrap();
// Retrieve column names to get concepts by index if the variable names are lost
let column_names = row.get_column_names();
let column_name = column_names.get(0).unwrap();
// Get concept by the variable name (column name)
let concept_by_name = row.get(column_name).unwrap().unwrap();
// Get concept by the header's index
let concept_by_index = row.get_index(0).unwrap().unwrap();
// Check if it's an entity type
if concept_by_name.is_entity_type() {
print!("Getting concepts by variable names and indexes is equally correct. ");
"Both represent the defined entity type: '{}' (in case of a doubt: '{}')",
// Continue querying in the same transaction if needed
let answer = transaction.query("match attribute $a;").await.unwrap();
// Concept rows can be used as a stream of results
let mut rows_stream = answer.into_rows();
while let Some(Ok(row)) = rows_stream.next().await {
let mut column_names_iter = row.get_column_names().into_iter();
let column_name = column_names_iter.next().unwrap();
let concept_by_name = row.get(column_name).unwrap().unwrap();
// Check if it's an attribute type to safely retrieve its value type
if concept_by_name.is_attribute_type() {
let label = concept_by_name.get_label();
let value_type = concept_by_name.try_get_value_type().unwrap();
println!("Defined attribute type's label: '{label}', value type: '{value_type}'");
println!("It is also possible to just print the concept itself: '{}'", concept_by_name);
// Open a write transaction to insert data
let transaction = driver.transaction(database.name(), TransactionType::Write).await.unwrap();
let answer = transaction
.query("insert $z isa person, has age 10; $x isa person, has age 20, has name \"John\";")
// Insert queries also return concept rows
let mut rows = Vec::new();
let mut rows_stream = answer.into_rows();
while let Some(Ok(row)) = rows_stream.next().await {
let row = rows.get(0).unwrap();
for column_name in row.get_column_names() {
let inserted_concept = row.get(column_name).unwrap().unwrap();
println!("Successfully inserted ${}: {}", column_name, inserted_concept);
if inserted_concept.is_entity() {
println!("This time, it's an entity, not a type!");
// It is possible to ask for the column names again
let column_names = row.get_column_names();
let x = row.get_index(column_names.iter().position(|r| r == "x").unwrap()).unwrap().unwrap();
if let Some(iid) = x.try_get_iid() {
println!("Each entity receives a unique IID. It can be retrieved directly: {}", iid);
// Do not forget to commit if the changes should be persisted
// Open another write transaction to try inserting even more data
let transaction = driver.transaction(database.name(), TransactionType::Write).await.unwrap();
// When loading a large dataset, it's often better not to resolve every query's promise immediately.
// Instead, collect promises and handle them later. Alternatively, if a commit is expected in the end,
// just call `commit`, which will wait for all ongoing operations to finish before executing.
let queries = ["insert $a isa person, has name \"Alice\";", "insert $b isa person, has name \"Bob\";"];
for query in queries {
let transaction = driver.transaction(database.name(), TransactionType::Write).await.unwrap();
// Commit will still fail if at least one of the queries produce an error.
let queries =
["insert $c isa not-person, has name \"Chris\";", "insert $d isa person, has name \"David\";"];
let mut promises = vec![];
for query in queries {
let result = transaction.commit().await;
println!("Commit result will contain the unresolved query's error: {}", result.unwrap_err());
// Open a read transaction to verify that the inserted data is saved
let transaction = driver.transaction(database.name(), TransactionType::Read).await.unwrap();
// A match query can be used for concept row outputs
let var = "x";
let answer = transaction.query(format!("match ${} isa person;", var)).await.unwrap();
// Simple match queries always return concept rows
let mut count = 0;
let mut stream = answer.into_rows().map(|result| result.unwrap());
while let Some(row) = stream.next().await {
let x = row.get(var).unwrap().unwrap();
match x {
Concept::Entity(x_entity) => {
let x_type = x_entity.type_().unwrap();
count += 1;
println!("Found a person {} of type {}", x, x_type);
_ => unreachable!("An entity is expected"),
println!("Total persons found: {}", count);
// A fetch query can be used for concept document outputs with flexible structure
let fetch_query = r#"
$x isa! person, has $a;
$a isa! $t;
fetch {
"single attribute type": $t,
"single attribute": $a,
"all attributes": { $x.* },
let answer = transaction.query(fetch_query).await.unwrap();
// Fetch queries always return concept documents
let mut count = 0;
let mut stream = answer.into_documents().map(|result| result.unwrap());
while let Some(document) = stream.next().await {
// The content of the document can be explored in details
match document.root.as_ref().unwrap() {
Node::Map(map) => {
println!("Found a map document:\n{{");
for (parameter_name, node) in map {
print!(" \"{parameter_name}\": ");
match node {
Node::Map(map) => println!("map of {} element(s)", map.len()),
Node::Leaf(leaf) => match leaf.as_ref().unwrap() {
Leaf::Concept(concept) => match concept {
Concept::AttributeType(type_) => println!("attribute type '{}'", type_.label()),
Concept::Attribute(attribute) => println!("attribute '{}'", attribute.value),
_ => unreachable!("Unexpected concept is fetched"),
_ => unreachable!("Unexpected leaf type is fetched"),
_ => unreachable!("Expected lists in inner maps"),
_ => unreachable!("Unexpected document type is fetched"),
// The document can be converted to a JSON
count += 1;
println!("JSON representation of the fetched document:\n{}", document.into_json().to_string());
println!("Total documents fetched: {}", count);
println!("More examples can be found in the API reference and the documentation.\nWelcome to TypeDB!");
~460K SLoC