#amazon-s3 #s3 #env-var #aws #aws-cli #cloud #cli

app ss3

Yet another S3 command line utilities... but env driven, per bucket.

11 releases

0.1.2 Apr 5, 2023
0.1.1 Mar 13, 2023
0.1.0 Jan 5, 2023
0.0.8 Dec 11, 2022
0.0.3 Jan 22, 2022

#7 in #aws-cli



Yet another S3 command-line, but environment variables are driven per bucket or profile credentials.

Note: v0.1.x now has the base feature set. Still, many enhancements are possible, and we will add them as needed/requested.

Key points:

  • Uses the official AWS-SDK-S3 library.
  • Environment variables driven credentials (per bucket, per profile, fallback to AWS CLI defaults).
  • Will mimic most of the official aws s3 ... command line (however, does not intend to be too dogmatic)
  • Will eventually provide a lib as well.

Note: Tested on Mac and Linux (might not work on Windows, for now, contribution welcome)


# With Cargo install
cargo install ss3

# Or install the binary (mac or linux) with binst (https://binst.io)
binst install ss3

Command Examples

# list all buckets (assuming appropriate access)
ss3 ls s3://

# list all object and prefixes (-r for recursive)
ss3 ls s3://my-bucket -r

# list all object and prefixes (--info to display total count & size, also per extensions)
ss3 ls s3://my-bucket -r --info

# Upload a single file
ss3 cp ./image-01.jpg s3://my-bucket/my-folder

# Upload full folder (recursive)
ss3 cp ./ s3://my-bucket/my-folder/ -r

# Upload full folder with "text/html" content-type for file without extension 
# (rather than fall back "application/octet-stream")
ss3 cp ./ s3://my-bucket/my-folder/ -r --noext-ct "text/html"

# Upload full folder except the *.mp4
ss3 cp ./ s3://my-bucket/my-folder/ -e "*.mp4" -r

# Upload full folder but only the *.mp4 and *.jpg
ss3 cp ./ s3://my-bucket/my-folder/ -i "*.mp4" -i "*.jpg" -r

# Download a single file to a local directory (parent dirs will be )
ss3 cp s3://my-bucket/image-01.jpg ./.downloads/

# Download a full folder (for now make sure to add end '/' in the s3 URL to distinguish from object)
ss3 cp s3://my-bucket/my-folder/ ./.downloads/ -r


Here is the order in which the credentials will be resolved:

  • First check the following SS3_BUCKET_... environments for the given bucket
    • SS3_BUCKET_bucket_name_KEY_ID
    • SS3_BUCKET_bucket_name_KEY_SECRET
    • SS3_BUCKET_bucket_name_REGION
    • SS3_BUCKET_bucket_name_ENDPOINT (optional, for minio)
  • Second, when --profile profile_name, check the following SS3_PROFILE_... environments
    • SS3_PROFILE_profile_name_KEY_ID
    • SS3_PROFILE_profile_name_KEY_SECRET
    • SS3_PROFILE_profile_name_REGION
    • SS3_PROFILE_profile_name_ENDPOINT (optional, for minio)
  • Third, when --profile profile_name, and no profile environments, will check default AWS config files
  • As as a last fallback, use the default AWS environment variables:
    • AWS_ENDPOINT (optional, for minio)

NOTE: '-' characters in profile and bucket names will be replaced by '_' for environment names above. So a bucket name my-bucket-001 will map to the environment variable SS3_BUCKET_my_bucket_001_KEY_ID ...

Other Examples

# ls
ss3 ls s3://my-bucket

# UPLOAD - cp file to s3 dir
ss3 cp ./.test-data/to-upload/image-01.jpg s3://my-bucket

# UPLOAD - cp dir to s3 dir
ss3 cp ./.test-data/to-upload/ s3://my-bucket -r

# LIST - recursive
ss3 ls s3://my-bucket -r --info

# UPLOAD - rename
ss3 cp ./.test-data/to-upload/image-01.jpg s3://my-bucket/image-01-renamed.jpg

# UPLOAD - excludes
ss3 cp .test-data/to-upload s3://my-bucket -r -e "*.txt" --exclude "*.jpg"

# UPLOAD - includes
ss3 cp .test-data/to-upload s3://my-bucket -r -i "*.txt"

# UPLOAD - cp dir to s3 (recursive)
ss3 cp ./.test-data/to-upload/ s3://my-bucket/ggg -r

# DOWNLOAD - cp s3 file to local dir 
ss3 cp s3://my-bucket/image-01.jpg ./.test-data/downloads/

# DOWNLOAD - cp s3 file to local file (rename)
ss3 cp s3://my-bucket/image-01.jpg ./.test-data/downloads/image-01-rename.jpg

# DOWNLOAD - cp s3 folder to local dir
ss3 cp s3://my-bucket/ ./.test-data/downloads/

Dev & Test

ss3 integration tests run with both cargo test or cargo nextest run.

Terminal 1

Pre-requisite for test, run minio as such:

docker run --name minio_1 --rm \
  -p 9000:9000 \
  -p 9900:9900 \
  -e "MINIO_ROOT_USER=minio" \
  -e "MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=miniominio" \
  minio/minio server /data --console-address :9900

Then, you can go to the minio web console if you want:

Terminal 2

And run the test with cargo test or cargo nextest run:

cargo test

# Or, with nextest
cargo nextest run
# This requires to have installed cargo-nextest: https://nexte.st/book/installation.html


~512K SLoC