#amazon-s3 #s3 #ceph #aws #amazon #config-file #cli-client

app s3rs

A s3 cli client with multi configs with different provider

60 releases

0.4.29 Apr 7, 2024
0.4.28 Mar 5, 2024
0.4.27 Jan 23, 2024
0.4.26 Dec 1, 2023
0.1.6 Jun 23, 2018

#56 in Command-line interface

Download history 7/week @ 2024-03-27 117/week @ 2024-04-03 17/week @ 2024-04-10 4/week @ 2024-05-22 2/week @ 2024-06-26 81/week @ 2024-07-03

83 downloads per month

MIT license

1.5K SLoC


Build Status

an S3 Rich Support client

  • encrypt the config with one time pad, see secret command, use s3rs -s 'your secret words' to use the config again.
  • Download executable, unzip and ready to go
  • rust edition 2018
  • multi config (please put config files under ~/.config/s3rs)
  • interactive command line tool
  • easy to debug with http protocol
  • AWS4, AWS2 support
  • support http redirect for multi region of AWS S3
  • support automatically multipart upload
  • support filters v0.2.8
  • support format without protocol v0.2.9
  • support command-line interface mode v0.3.0
  • support s3 config file encryption function v0.4.0
    • s3rs -c ~/.config/s3rs/aws2.toml -s 'the password you like' secret encrypt
    • run s3rs with -s option or use secret set <secret phrases or hexal literal>
  • support multipart download

How to use

shell mode

  • execute s3rs will into shell mode, and execute help, you can see the commands you can use

command mode

  • use config file with full path

    • s3rs --config=/your/s3s/config/file ls
  • use config file example.toml in ~/.config/s3rs with file name without extension

    • s3rs --config=example ls

Command List

Table 1: List commands will send single http request

ls list all buckets O O
ls s3://bucket list objects in the bucket O O
ls s3://bucket/prefix list objects match prefix in the bucket O O
ll list all objects details (storage class, modify time, etag) O O
ll s3://bucket list objects detail in the bucket O O
ll s3://bucket/prefix list objects match prefix detail in the bucket O O
mb s3://bucket create bucket O O
rb s3://bucket delete bucket O O
put s3://bucket/object upload the file O O
put s3://bucket upload the file (file name as object name) O O
put test s3://bucket/object upload a test file specific object name O O
get s3://bucket/object file download object O O
get s3://bucket/object download object in current folder O O
cat s3://bucket/object show the object content O O
del s3://bucket/object [delete-marker:true] delete the object (with flag) O O
delete-marker used in AWS O
tag list s3://bucket/object list tag(s) to the object O O
tag ls s3://bucket/object list tag(s) to the object O O
tag add s3://bucket/object key1=value1 [key2=value2] ... add tag(s) to the object O O
tag put s3://bucket/object key1=value1 [key2=value2] ... add tag(s) to the object O O
tag del s3://bucket/object remove tag(s) from the object O O
tag rm s3://bucket/object remove tag(s) from the object O O
/uri?query give the original url O O
secret set set up the secret to run time encrypt or decrypt the config O O
secret set set up the secret to run time encrypt or decrypt the config O O
secret unset clean up the secret in memory O O
secret encrypt encrypted and print current config on screen O O
secret encrypt encrypted and save current config to s3rs config folder O O
secret show show current plain config on screen O O
secret show save current plain config to s3rs config folder O O

Table 2: List commands will send more than one http request

la list all objects O O
info s3://bucket acl(ceph, aws), location(ceph, aws), versioning(ceph, aws), uploads(ceph), version(ceph) O O

Table 3: List commands only for CEPH with system keys

usage s3://bucket show the bucket usage

Table 4: List commands only for CEPH with system keys

s3_type ceph/aws/aws4/aws2 change setting for different S3 provider
format xml/json change the format client request
log trace/debug/info/error change the log level
- Info : for Http header and body
- debug: for auth signature hash info
- trace: more detail about rust
logout logout and reselect user
Ctrl + d logout and reselect user

Table 5: The default format of S3 type

ceph aws4 json path-style
aws aws4 xml virtual-hosted–style

Table 6: The talks about this project

Talks Link
COSCon'19 Slides

Install via Crate.io

Install rust tools rustup and cargo

  • curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh

Additional package for ubuntu

  • apt-get install libssl-dev pkg-config openssl

It is easy to install s3rs via cargo as following command.

  • cargo install s3rs

Set up the path for rust binary

  • export PATH=$PATH:~/.cargo/bin

The config file will auto setup when binary first time launch

  • s3rs

Run s3rs, then it will generate examples under ~/.config/s3rs then edit the config file under ~/.config/s3rs


Install rust tools rustup and cargo

  • curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
  • git clone https://github.com/yanganto/s3rs.git
  • cargo test
  • cargo build
  • The executable binary will in ./target/debug/s3rs



~503K SLoC