#publish #install #binary #package-manager #amazon-s3 #cli

app binst

binst's goal is to provide a simple way to publish and install Rust based binaries without the need of cargo-install and the complexity of OS dependent package managers

9 releases

0.1.6 Mar 16, 2023
0.1.5 Jan 7, 2023
0.1.4 Jan 19, 2022
0.1.1 Jun 7, 2021
0.0.0 May 13, 2021

#161 in Command-line interface

41 downloads per month


1.5K SLoC

Crates.io MIT licensed

Under Development - Working but still early.

binst's goal is to provide a simple and decentralize mechanism to publish and install [rust based] binaries. The command line is repository location agnostic, although we might provide one repository at binst .io at some point. At this point, only support s3 protocol to publish, and s3 and http/https for install.

In short:

  • From dev machine, publish with binst publish -r s3://my_bucket-com/repo (will publish the --release previously built)
  • From any machine, install with binst install my_cool_lib -r https://my_bucket.com/repo (assuming you made your bucket a website).
    • Can also install with same s3 protocol binst install my_cool_lib -r s3://my_bucket-com/repo
  • One a bin is installed, just do binst update my_cool_lib and it will get updated if a new one was deployed in the stream (main by default)
  • Stream are based on the semver pre, default is main.

OS Support - For now, supports x64 mac and x64 linux gnu. ARM Mac / Linux coming soon. Windows, pull request welcome.


Binary install on the development and install machines

## On Linux x86 (Intel/AMD)
curl -O https://repo.binst.io/binst/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stable/binst.tar.gz && \
  tar -xvf binst.tar.gz && ./binst self && \
  echo 'source "$HOME/.binst/env"' >> ~/.bashrc && source "$HOME/.binst/env" 

## On Mac Apple Silicon
curl -O https://repo.binst.io/binst/arm64-apple-darwin/stable/binst.tar.gz && \
  tar -xvf binst.tar.gz && ./binst self && \
  echo '\nsource "$HOME/.binst/env"' >> ~/.zshenv && source "$HOME/.binst/env"

## On Mac x86 (Intel/AMD)
curl -O https://repo.binst.io/binst/x86_64-apple-darwin/stable/binst.tar.gz && \
  tar -xvf binst.tar.gz && ./binst self && \
  echo '\nsource "$HOME/.binst/env"' >> ~/.zshenv && source "$HOME/.binst/env"

Note on AWS Linux - When using older instances, you must (and should anyway) update openssl to 1.1 or above with sudo yum install openssl11 (per default Rust's requirement).

On the development machine, can use cargo install as well

cargo install binst

CLI Examples

Note: You need to have a AWS S3 repository and the credential either as environment variables or as a aws profile

Publishing a binary from dev machine.

## Publish to S3 
# Note: publish the --release, with the Cargo.tml version.
binst publish -r s3://my_repo_bucket/repo_root --profile my_aws_profile

# Or with the default AWS credential env variables set
binst publish -r s3://my_repo_bucket/repo_root 

Installing the binary published

# Install the latest stable version published (the one in the info.toml)
binst install cool_cli -r s3://my_repo_bucket/my_repo 

# install from a http/https URL (assuming http domain map  to the s3 bucket above)
binst install cool_cli -r https://my_repo_bucket.com/my_repo

# then, you can run the cool_cli (assuming ~/.binst/bin/ has been added to the PATH)
cool_cli ....

Note: For now a binst install ... will reinstall the binary for the latest version. It won't do any semver comparison.

Scope and Concepts

  • Not for end users - binst is not for end-users, but for developers and the technical community.
  • Not a package manager - Dumb is the new smart; use real package manager if dumb is not enough.
  • No Windows support (yet) - Sorry, I do not have Windows around. Pull request welcome, though.
  • No central repository - Decentralized first, but eventually will profile one on binst .io for the popular command-line tools.
  • Simple repo layout - There can be only one. Also, only .tar.gz format.
  • Few protocols - S3 to publish, https/s3 to install. Git planned.

S3 Credentials - Environment variables

binst gets the S3 credentials the following way.

  • if --profile profile-name is defined, it will take the standards AWS
  • Otherwise,
    • first, it will check the BINST_... environment variables
      • BINST_REPO_AWS_ENDPOINT (optional, useful when using minio as object store)
    • Ohterwise, as last fall back, will see the standard AWS_... environment variables
      • AWS_ENDPOINT (optional, useful when using minio as object store)

Repo layout

- repo_base
  - cool_cli/
    - x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/      
        - main/ # for main semver, like 0.1.1
            - latest.toml # latest         
            - 0.1.1/
                - cool_cli.toml # package.version = 0.1.1
                - cool_cli.tar.gz
            - 0.1.0/
                - cool_cli.toml # package.version = 0.1.0
                - cool_cli.tar.gz
        - rc/ # when semver has a -..pre.. (take the alpha only).
            - latest.toml
            - 0.1.0-rc.1/
                - cool_cli.toml # package.version = 0.1.0-rc.1
                - cool_cli.tar.gz            

Local dir layout

- ~/.binst/
    - env # sh file to source to set the ~/.binst/bin in the PATH
    - bin/ # symblink dir. Should be in the PATH
        crate_name -> ../packages/crate_name/0.1.3/upacked/crate_name
    - packages/
        - crate_name/
            - 0.1.3/
                - install.toml # (version and repo of the download. Will be user for the future 'binst update' command)
                - crate_name.tar.gz # (downloaded package)
                - unpacked/  # unpacked tar.gz containing the executable crate_name


  • Tested so far:
    • x86_64-apple-darwin (only one tested/supported so far !!!!)
    • x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
  • Plan to test
    • aarch64-apple-darwin
    • aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu
  • Not planned (but pull request welcome)
    • x86_64-pc-windows-msvc



~894K SLoC