Active direct dependers over time: total, gained/lost
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Thiserror is used at run time in 37,116 crates (of which 6,417 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 15,015 crates. It's used at build time in 516 crates (of which 216 optionally, 8 directly). It's used only as a dev dependency in 1,282 crates (of which 98 directly).

Number of dependers Thiserror version Downloads/month
38,884 1.0.58 4.1M
3 1.0.57 932K
8 1.0.56 1.6M
1 1.0.50 1.6M
7 1.0.43 92K
3 1.0.40 632K
1 1.0.39 34K
2 1.0.38 396K
1 1.0.34 8.3K
1 1.0.32 79K
2 1.0.30 82K
1 1.0.26 61K
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) Thiserror version
2.2M 514 cargo_metadata ^1.0.31
2.1M 243 opentelemetry ^1
2.2M 257 tungstenite ^1.0.23
1.0M 447 handlebars ^1
1.0M 77 opentelemetry-otlp ^1
1.4M 85 opentelemetry_sdk ^1
1.2M 425 protobuf ^1.0.30
1.5M 3 redox_users ^1.0
1.2M 27 simple_asn1 ^1
1.0M 52 trust-dns-proto ^1.0.20
2.9M 671 pest optional ^1.0.37
972K 133 jni ^1.0.20
970K 180 trust-dns-resolver ^1.0.20
970K 36 sqlx-core ^1.0.30
940K 272 prometheus ^1.0
904K 131 x509-parser ^1.0.2
883K 14 asn1-rs ^1.0.25
880K 200 serde_qs ^1.0
877K 25 opentelemetry_api ^1
785K 704 dialoguer ^1.0.40
735K 398 miette ^1.0.56
733K 3 sqlx-postgres ^1.0.35
728K 4 sqlx-mysql ^1.0.35
712K 35 quinn-proto ^1.0.21
1.6M 145 tracing-opentelemetry optional ^1.0.31
690K 197 tracing-appender ^1
638K 44 json-patch ^1.0.40
618K 27 gix-hash ^1.0.33
599K 19 gix-object ^1.0.34
597K 6 gix-actor ^1.0.38
596K 3 gix-ref ^1.0.34
594K 8 gix-config ^1.0.26
594K 26 gix-path ^1.0.26
587K 4 gix-config-value ^1.0.32
587K 4 gix-lock ^1.0.38
586K 12 gix-date ^1.0.32
575K 4 gix-validate ^1.0.34
571K 131 quinn ^1.0.21
550K 146 reqwest-middleware ^1.0.21
539K 2 sentry-types ^1.0.15
509K 83 moka ^1.0
456K 70 protobuf-codegen ^1.0.30
432K 135 pprof ^1.0
427K 122 cached ^1
401K 31 graphql-parser ^1.0.11
390K 17 netlink-packet-utils ^1
387K 25 wasmtime-environ ^1.0.43
382K 7 opentelemetry-datadog ^1.0
378K 302 glib ^1
378K 4 wasmtime-types ^1.0.43
371K 55 gix ^1.0.26
371K 4 gix-traverse ^1.0.32
369K 7 gix-url ^1.0.32
369K 3 gix-diff ^1.0.32
369K 8 gix-discover ^1.0.26
369K 4 gix-pack ^1.0.26
369K 110 oauth2 ^1.0
367K 2 gix-odb ^1.0.26
368K 3 gix-refspec ^1.0.26
368K 2 gix-revision ^1.0.26
365K 4 cargo-nextest ^1.0.58
365K 5 gix-index ^1.0.32
363K 13 jsonpath-rust ^1.0.50
361K 4 gix-commitgraph ^1.0.26
361K 4 gix-revwalk ^1.0.26
353K 4 gix-quote ^1.0.38
353K 33 histogram ^1.0.47
353K 12 netlink-proto ^1.0.30
349K 24 smithay-client-toolkit ^1.0.30
347K 1 gix-bitmap ^1.0.38
347K 27 rtnetlink ^1
344K 2 gix-chunk ^1.0.34
344K 49 metrics-exporter-prometheus ^1
343K 92 sea-orm ^1
343K 4 wasmtime-cranelift ^1.0.43
340K 8 ignore-files ^1.0.50
318K 1 async-graphql-derive ^1.0.24
318K 123 async-graphql ^1.0.24
316K 78 local-ip-address ^1
313K 6 gix-attributes ^1.0.26
310K 81 tiny-bip39 ^1.0.31
304K 3 gix-credentials ^1.0.32
301K 2 gix-prompt ^1.0.32
295K 1 gix-negotiate ^1.0.40
290K 5 protobuf-support ^1.0.30
288K 5 gix-filter ^1.0.38
287K 129 arboard ^1.0
287K 1 gix-submodule ^1.0.44
288K 12 protobuf-parse ^1.0.30
287K 4 gix-pathspec ^1.0.26
284K 12 jsonrpsee-types ^1.0
281K 15 calloop ^1.0.7
276K 24 jsonrpsee-core ^1
275K 7 kube-core ^1.0.29
274K 4 gix-transport ^1.0.26
272K 2 gix-protocol ^1.0.32
273K 57 libp2p-core ^1.0
271K 2 gix-packetline ^1.0.34
269K 169 gio ^1
269K 5 kube-client ^1.0.29
267K 1 gix-packetline-blocking ^1.0.34
265K 14 quick-protobuf-codec ^1.0
262K 133 flexi_logger ^1.0
262K 121 libp2p ^1.0
256K 86 ethers-core ^1.0
246K 19 hickory-proto ^1.0.20
245K 119 cairo-rs ^1
242K 267 serde-xml-rs ^1.0
241K 28 tokio-socks ^1.0
238K 70 bollard ^1.0
238K 8 libp2p-identify ^1.0
235K 48 hickory-resolver ^1.0.20
236K 16 libp2p-noise ^1.0.50
235K 18 libp2p-yamux ^1.0
232K 4 libp2p-quic ^1.0.50
232K 47 naga ^1.0.56
232K 18 kube-runtime ^1.0.29
694K 24 gix-features optional ^1.0.38
230K 3 libp2p-tls ^1.0.50
230K 4 libp2p-kad ^1
228K 10 jsonrpsee-http-client ^1.0
225K 24 ndk ^1.0.23
226K 12 wgpu-core ^1
223K 34 ethers-providers ^1.0
222K 6 wgpu-hal ^1
221K 19 fdlimit ^1.0.50
219K 2 ffi_helpers ^1.0.30
216K 1 jsonrpsee-server ^1
209K 20 watchexec ^1.0.44
208K 19 ethers-contract ^1.0
208K 21 ethers-signers ^1.0
205K ginepro ^1
196K 34 mysql_common ^1.0
196K 43 spl-token-2022 ^1.0
195K 5 ethers-etherscan ^1.0
192K 166 spl-associated-token-account ^1.0
191K 1 image-webp ^1.0.47
191K 24 wasm-opt ^1.0.32
187K 35 gloo-net ^1.0
186K 22 solana-frozen-abi ^1.0.56
187K 428 solana-program ^1.0.56
187K 266 spl-token ^1.0
180K 300 log4rs ^1.0.15
180K 1 opentelemetry-application-insights ^1
180K 26 ws_stream_wasm ^1
178K 6 zookeeper-client ^1.0.30
176K 30 caps ^1.0
174K 8 rustfix ^1.0.56
173K 7 coins-bip32 ^1.0
173K 2 coins-bip39 ^1.0
173K 6 coins-core ^1.0
168K 6 aliri ^1
168K 3 light-poseidon ^1.0
166K 1 aliri_tokens ^1
166K 1 sea-query-derive ^1.0
166K 1 snocat ^1.0.37
163K 7 spl-program-error ^1.0
162K 2 w3f-bls ^1.0
159K 22 solana_rbpf ^1.0.26
159K 1 spl-discriminator-syn ^1.0
157K 7 ethers-solc ^1.0
155K 11 eth-keystore ^1.0.22
155K 41 sysctl ^1.0.32
154K 7 pyroscope ^1.0
153K 4 pyroscope_pprofrs ^1.0
153K 9 sys-mount ^1.0.38
153K 18 salvo_core ^1
145K 175 mongodb ^1.0.24
146K 197 syntect ^1.0
144K 68 tantivy ^1.0.30
144K 10 solang-parser ^1.0
142K 7 ethers-middleware ^1.0
142K 5 rav1e ^1.0
141K 470 solana-sdk ^1.0.56
141K 10 solana-zk-token-sdk ^1.0.56
136K 52 async-native-tls ^1.0.9
135K 29 scylla ^1.0
133K 3 scylla-cql ^1.0
131K 23 fluent-syntax ^1.0
131K 15 tauri-utils ^1
131K 10 google-cloud-auth ^1.0
130K 1 mixnet ^1.0.30
130K 28 wry ^1.0
129K 7 android-activity ^1
129K 4 google-cloud-metadata ^1.0
124K 125 gstreamer ^1
124K 98 tauri ^1.0
123K 8 bounded-vec ^1
123K 9 filedescriptor ^1.0
122K 5 prioritized-metered-channel ^1.0.31
121K 4 reed-solomon-novelpoly ^1.0.23
120K 12 fatality ^1.0
120K 1 fatality-proc-macro ^1.0.30
120K 2 orchestra ^1
118K 4 svm-rs ^1.0
118K 3 tauri-codegen ^1
118K 5 tauri-runtime ^1.0
116K 8 protox ^1.0.50
116K 29 solana-program-runtime ^1.0.56
115K 29 apache-avro ^1.0.48
115K 3 landlock ^1.0
115K 50 solana-metrics ^1.0.56
114K 20 phonenumber ^1.0
113K 1 protox-parse ^1.0.50
114K 90 solana-account-decoder ^1.0.56
113K 81 solana-transaction-status ^1.0.56
112K 34 solana-vote-program ^1.0.56
110K 45 solana-clap-utils ^1.0.56
109K 175 solana-client ^1.0.56
110K 26 solana-remote-wallet ^1.0.56
109K 25 solana-streamer ^1.0.56
107K 1 mysql-common-derive ^1
105K 39 tarpc ^1.0
104K 15 witx ^1.0
103K 26 solana-rpc-client-api ^1.0.56
102K 10 crates-io ^1.0.56
102K 53 rumqttc ^1
102K 5 solana-connection-cache ^1.0.56
102K 5 solana-quic-client ^1.0.56
102K 2 solana-rpc-client-nonce-utils ^1.0.56
102K 11 solana-tpu-client ^1.0.56
102K 20 wiggle ^1.0.43
102K 5 solana-pubsub-client ^1.0.56
102K 1 solana-udp-client ^1.0.56
100K 7 unescaper ^1.0
99K 10 jsonwebkey ^1.0
97K 1 gix-worktree-state ^1.0.26
97K 13 wl-clipboard-rs ^1
95K 7 google-cloud-storage ^1.0
95K 22 tree-sitter-highlight ^1.0.57
95K 35 wasmer-types ^1.0
95K 20 wasmer-vm ^1.0
94K 14 gpu-allocator ^1.0
94K 110 wasmer ^1.0
95K 21 wasmer-compiler ^1.0
93K 32 tiberius ^1.0
92K 4 hassle-rs ^1.0.2
92K 41 mysql_async ^1.0.4
92K 54 tokenizers ^1.0.49
93K 37 wasi-common ^1.0.43
91K 6 refinery-core ^1
90K 1 freedesktop-icons ^1.0.56
271K 63 ethabi optional ^1
265K 60 libp2p-identity optional ^1.0
87K 3 defmt-parser ^1.0
88K 23 enquote ^1.0
86K 5 aws-creds ^1
86K 30 crates-index ^1.0.43
86K flutter_rust_bridge_codegen ^1.0
86K 45 gstreamer-video ^1.0.49
86K 62 wasmtime-wasi ^1.0.43
85K 5 aws-region ^1
84K 32 rust-s3 ^1
250K 3 jsonrpsee-client-transport optional ^1
81K 4 muda ^1
80K 18 duration-str ^1.0.37
80K 12 rustsec ^1
79K 7 cargo-credential ^1.0.56
79K 8 cgroups-rs ^1
78K 35 clearscreen ^1.0.38
77K 20 jwt-simple ^1.0.57
77K 7 encase ^1
77K 7 openid ^1
76K 2 typify-impl ^1.0.57
75K 1 cross ^1
74K 79 mpl-token-metadata ^1.0
74K 22 polars-core ^1
74K 9 tame-index ^1.0
74K 2 userfaultfd ^1.0.4
73K 9 yaml-merge-keys ^1.0
72K 110 bcs ^1.0.37
72K 95 bevy_utils ^1.0
71K 18 serde-reflection ^1.0.25
71K 203 bevy_ecs ^1.0
70K 11 gcp_auth ^1.0
212K 20 ruint optional ^1.0
69K 235 eframe ^1.0.37
70K 27 vm-memory ^1.0.40
68K 4 naga_oil ^1.0
69K 12 polars-error ^1
67K 20 fast_image_resize ^1.0.56
68K 3 gcp-bigquery-client ^1
67K 25 x509-certificate ^1.0.50
67K 38 bevy_transform ^1.0
67K 4 wezterm-dynamic ^1.0
65K 27 async-nats ^1.0
65K 17 bevy_input ^1.0
66K 9 serde_v8 ^1
197K 21 opentelemetry-stdout optional ^1
64K 53 bevy_asset ^1.0
65K 2 deno_ops ^1
65K 26 openidconnect ^1.0
64K 24 rustfmt-wrapper ^1.0.49
63K 52 bevy_render ^1.0
192K 9 watchexec-signals optional ^1.0.50
62K 136 candid ^1.0
62K 1 gherkin ^1.0.20
62K 23 webrtc-util ^1
61K 6 bevy_scene ^1.0
62K 29 mobc ^1.0
62K 12 wmi ^1
60K 12 cargo-audit ^1
60K 74 geojson ^1.0.20
60K 2 gloo-worker ^1.0.37
60K 8 stun ^1
60K 52 tch ^1
61K 1 webview2-com-sys build ^1.0.26
59K 5 sqllogictest ^1
59K 11 taplo ^1.0.30
58K 90 bevy_reflect ^1.0
58K 21 bevy_sprite ^1.0
58K 10 gloo-storage ^1.0
58K 5 rustify ^1.0.30
57K 13 cargo-manifest ^1.0.49
56K 4 ore-program ^1.0.57
55K 7 bevy_ui ^1.0.0
56K 4 named-lock ^1.0.35
54K 29 anchor-syn ^1
54K 18 aws-smithy-protocol-test ^1.0.40
55K 4 bevy_text ^1.0
54K 7 google-cloud-gax ^1.0
54K 1 serde_bser ^1.0
55K 6 vaultrs ^1.0.40
54K 4 watchman_client ^1.0
53K 252 cw2 ^1.0.49
53K 3 turn ^1
52K 399 anchor-lang ^1
52K 26 bevy_time ^1.0
52K 28 psutil ^1.0.20
52K 4 quick-junit ^1.0.58
52K 7 rustc-cfg ^1
51K 5 forwarded-header-value ^1
50K 36 deno_ast ^1.0.58
50K 11 postage ^1.0
50K 9 surge-ping ^1.0.57
49K 1 bevy_gltf ^1.0
49K 34 trust-dns-client ^1.0.20
49K 2 zipsign-api ^1
48K 198 cw-utils ^1.0.49
48K 7 parse-hyperlinks ^1.0.49
47K 1 apple-bindgen ^1.0
47K 584 cosmwasm-std ^1.0.26
48K 21 egui-wgpu ^1.0.37
47K 10 josekit ^1
47K 8 rtp ^1
47K 3 taplo-common ^1.0.30
143K 48 solana-security-txt optional =1.0.30
46K 5 cosmwasm-crypto ^1.0.38
46K 6 google-cloud-pubsub ^1.0
46K 11 isocountry ^1
46K 61 poem ^1.0.30
46K 5 serde-name ^1.0.25
45K 1 bevy_gilrs ^1.0
45K 1 gix-mailmap ^1.0.38
45K 3 sctp-proto ^1.0.58
45K 9 tls-listener ^1.0.30
44K 2 autocxx-parser ^1.0
44K 9 bellpepper-core ^1.0.44
44K 3 browserslist-rs ^1.0
44K 469 cosmwasm-schema ^1.0.26
44K 22 network-interface ^1.0
44K 23 oci-spec ^1.0.26
43K 31 async_zip ^1
43K 22 cynic ^1.0.30
43K 1 hootbin ^1.0.56
43K 21 reqwest-eventsource ^1.0.30
43K 2 serde_prometheus ^1.0
43K 70 termimad ^1.0
43K 4 worker-kv ^1.0.29
42K 3 autocxx-engine ^1
42K 177 confy ^1.0
42K 7 cynic-codegen ^1
41K 3 sdp ^1
42K 17 solana-address-lookup-table-program ^1.0.56
42K 20 termwiz ^1.0
42K 4 webrtc-dtls ^1
42K 1 webrtc-media ^1
41K 2 nextest-filtering ^1.0.57
41K 2 nextest-runner ^1.0.58
41K 6 rtcp ^1
41K thingvellir ^1.0
41K 1 webrtc-data ^1
41K 3 webrtc-ice ^1
41K 3 webrtc-sctp ^1
40K 17 avro-rs ^1.0
40K 52 bat ^1.0
40K 4 interceptor ^1
40K 11 odbc-api ^1.0.58
40K 8 russh ^1.0
40K 9 russh-keys ^1.0
40K 21 tendermint-rpc ^1
40K 8 wasmer-toml ^1
40K 14 webc ^1
40K 23 webrtc ^1
40K 2 webrtc-mdns ^1
40K 3 webrtc-srtp ^1
39K 1 mukti-metadata ^1.0.50
39K 7 ssri ^1.0.40
39K 10 suppaftp ^1
38K 1 webauthn-rs-core ^1.0
37K 14 cacache ^1.0.40
38K 5 datadriven ^1.0.40
38K 5 pep508_rs ^1.0.57
38K vm-allocator ^1.0
38K 223 yew ^1.0
37K 1 launchdarkly-server-sdk ^1.0
37K 25 reedline ^1.0.31
37K 5 rfc2047-decoder ^1.0
37K 4 sendgrid ^1.0
37K 6 server_fn ^1
36K 3 ttrpc ^1.0
111K 12 ed25519-consensus optional ^1
36K 34 ts-rs ^1
36K 7 webdriver ^1
35K 2 python-pkginfo ^1.0.30
34K 58 solana-runtime ^1.0.56
34K 7 wasmer-object ^1.0
34K 10 cedar-policy ^1.0
34K 6 cedar-policy-core ^1.0
34K 3 cedar-policy-validator ^1.0
33K 6 virtual-fs ^1
34K 4 wasmer-cache ^1
34K 9 wasmer-engine ^1.0
33K 11 wasmer-wasix ^1
33K 2 containers-api ^1
32K 17 kdtree ^1.0
33K 2 leptos_config ^1.0.38
33K 7 leptos_reactive ^1
33K 1 leptos_server ^1
33K 15 openssh ^1.0.30
33K 17 rstml ^1.0.37
33K 5 virtual-net ^1
33K wai-bindgen-wasmer ^1.0
31K 4 candid_parser ^1.0
32K 11 cargo-generate ~1.0
32K gcra ^1.0.39
32K 6 opentelemetry-zipkin ^1
32K 6 web3-async-native-tls ^1.0.9
31K 9 async-graphql-actix-web ^1.0.24
31K 2 async-stripe ^1.0.24
31K 10 docker-api ^1
31K 19 i18n-embed ^1.0
31K segment ^1.0.50
31K 16 solana-bpf-loader-program ^1.0.56
30K 26 pathfinding ^1.0.57
30K snowflake-api ^1
30K 3 subxt-codegen ^1.0.57
30K 5 virtual-mio ^1
29K 41 iref ^1.0.40
29K 2 openssh-sftp-error ^1.0.29
29K 9 pct-str ^1.0.40
28K 31 poem-openapi ^1.0.30
28K 3 poem-openapi-derive ^1.0.30
29K 8 solana-faucet ^1.0.56
28K 127 solana-program-test ^1.0.56
29K 29 subxt ^1.0.57
27K 12 cairo-lang-compiler ^1.0.50
27K 2 cairo-lang-project ^1.0.50
28K 18 cairo-lang-sierra ^1.0.50
28K 3 cairo-lang-sierra-ap-change ^1.0.50
28K 2 cairo-lang-sierra-gas ^1.0.50
28K 8 cairo-lang-sierra-to-casm ^1.0.50
27K 18 cairo-lang-starknet ^1.0.50
28K 4 i18n-config ^1.0
28K 3 solana-banks-client ^1.0.56
28K 1 tray-icon ^1.0
27K 2 window_clipboard ^1.0
85K 3 swayipc-types optional ^1
27K 4 libp2p-relay ^1.0
27K 2 openssh-sftp-protocol-error ^1.0.30
27K 22 paho-mqtt ^1.0
26K 2 pinned ^1.0.35
27K 2 reserve-port ^1.0
27K 3 tower_governor ^1.0.37
27K 17 wkt ^1.0.23
25K 9 bls-signatures ^1.0
26K 7 buildstructor ^1.0.47
26K 2 coins-ledger ^1.0
25K 8 dynfmt ^1.0
26K 19 leptos_router ^1
26K 18 pcap-file ^1.0.35
26K 11 ratelimit ^1.0.40
25K rsmq_async ^1
25K 2 shadowsocks ^1.0
25K 10 tun ^1
24K 62 async-openai ^1.0.38
24K 5 cairo-lang-runner ^1.0.50
24K 4 minidump-writer ^1.0
25K 16 oci-distribution ^1.0
23K 110 fvm_shared ^1.0.40
24K 1 ion-binary-rs ^1
24K 31 native-dialog ^1.0.19
24K 17 nvml-wrapper ^1.0
24K qldb ^1
23K 1 readings-probe ^1.0.13
24K 1 rust-multipart-rfc7578_2 ^1.0
24K 55 snailquote ^1.0
24K 1 snmp-parser ^1.0
23K 26 socketcan ^1.0
23K 16 solana-accounts-db ^1.0.56
24K 8 starknet_api ^1.0.31
24K 1 trezor-client ^1.0
24K 1 wireguard-uapi ^1.0
23K 12 aide ^1
22K 6 async-socks5 ^1.0.0
22K 21 blsttc ^1.0.22
22K 45 candle-core ^1
23K 1 ffi-convert ^1.0.20
23K 3 gcemeta ^1.0
23K 26 lindera-core ^1.0.58
23K 25 pgp ^1.0.30
23K 7 solana-vote ^1.0.56
22K 17 wasmer-wasi ^1
21K 6 clickhouse ^1.0.16
21K 9 command-fds ^1.0.24
21K 2 dof ^1
21K 4 dtrace-parser ^1.0.56
21K 2 gix-dir ^1.0.34
21K 5 instant-acme ^1.0.30
21K 11 libmdns ^1.0
21K 14 libsystemd ^1.0
21K 2 minidumper ^1.0
22K 4 pathos ^1.0.21
22K 2 sn-releases ^1.0.49
21K 28 trust-dns-server ^1.0.20
21K 3 usdt-impl ^1
20K 10 boa_engine ^1.0.57
21K 5 cached-path ^1.0
21K 144 cw-multi-test ^1.0.58
20K 1 ic-http-certification ^1.0
21K 25 linfa ^1.0
21K 19 public-ip ^1
21K 1 shadowsocks-service ^1.0
19K 5 apalis-core ^1.0.58
19K 7 common-multipart-rfc7578 ^1.0
20K 4 ftdi ^1.0.15
19K 4 fvm ^1.0.40
20K 6 hyper-socks2 ^1.0
19K 2 ic-cbor ^1.0
19K 2 ic-certificate-verification ^1.0
20K 2 ic-response-verification ^1.0
20K 91 iced ^1.0
20K 21 iced_core ^1.0
20K 4 iced_winit ^1.0
19K 24 inkwell ^1.0.48
19K 26 ldap3 ^1.0.38
19K 14 linfa-linalg ^1
19K memcomparable ^1
20K 71 ndarray-linalg ^1.0.24
19K 24 ort ^1.0
20K 7 storekey ^1.0.40
19K 1 subxt-lightclient ^1.0.57
19K 5 tracing-stackdriver ^1.0.40
19K 28 wax ^1.0.0
19K 21 ansi-to-tui ^1.0
19K 40 btleplug ^1.0.53
19K 11 cairo-lang-starknet-classes ^1.0.50
19K 2 clang-format ^1.0
19K 28 embuild ^1
18K 2 foyer-storage ^1
18K 40 fvm_ipld_hamt ^1.0
18K 2 libp2p-floodsub ^1.0.50
18K 1 libp2p-websocket-websys ^1.0.50
18K 3 partition-identity ^1.0.30
19K 1 str0m ^1.0.38
18K thiserror-ext ^1
18K 25 tls-api ^1.0.30
18K 2 tree-sitter-tags ^1.0.57
18K 2 varisat-dimacs ^1.0.20
18K 4 cargo-util-schemas ^1.0.56
17K 1 clipboard_x11 ^1.0
17K 9 cloudflare ^1
17K 29 fluvio-future ^1.0
18K 2 gix-archive ^1.0.26
17K 2 gix-worktree-stream ^1.0.26
17K 1 libp2p-webrtc ^1.0.30
18K madsim-rdkafka ^1
17K 1 papyrus_config ^1.0.31
17K 1 papyrus_storage ^1.0.31
17K 4 pdb-addr2line ^1.0
18K 10 picky ^1
17K 6 selinux ^1.0
17K 4 wasmer-artifact ^1.0
17K 1 wasmer-engine-universal-artifact ^1.0
18K 26 zip-extract ^1.0
53K 433 sp-core optional ^1.0.48
16K 1 apalis ^1
16K 8 bluez-async ^1.0.40
16K 29 cosmrs ^1
16K 3 dhcproto ^1.0
17K 13 dioxus-hooks ^1.0.40
16K 4 graphql-ws-client ^1.0
16K 20 iced_graphics ^1.0
17K 11 json_dotpath ^1
17K 4 lax ^1.0.24
17K 79 libipld ^1.0.25
17K 19 libipld-cbor ^1.0.25
16K 2 libmdbx ^1
16K 1 openvino ^1.0
16K 2 oxc_resolver ^1.0.58
16K 4 pyo3-polars ^1
17K 4 redjubjub ^1.0
17K 10 revision ^1.0.44
16K 7 serde-sarif ^1.0.48
16K 12 symbolic-debuginfo ^1.0.39
17K 19 thirtyfour ^1
16K 10 tracing-forest ^1.0.31
17K 13 varisat ^1.0.20
17K 2 varisat-checker ^1.0.20
16K 27 argmin ^1.0
15K 18 gzp ^1.0.38
15K 29 headless_chrome ^1
16K 21 ic-agent ^1.0.40
15K 11 ledger-transport-hid ^1.0
15K 3 linfa-nn ^1.0
15K 1 llvm_profparser ^1.0.30
16K madsim-etcd-client ^1
15K 1 mcap ^1.0
15K 1 metrics-exporter-statsd ^1.0
15K 2 oso ^1.0.30
16K 5 ping ^1.0
15K 5 pwd ^1.0
15K 3 sprintf ^1.0.57
16K 2 surrealdb-core ^1.0.50
15K 4 wasmer-vfs ^1
48K 29 sp-trie optional ^1.0.48
48K 12 base58-monero optional ^1
47K 1 gloo-history optional ^1.0
15K 6 actix-web-validator ^1.0
14K 14 argmin-math ^1.0
14K 2 dbn ^1.0
14K 3 har ^1.0
14K 5 ic-utils ^1.0.40
14K 17 kafka ^1.0.31
15K 1 linfa-clustering ^1.0
15K 1 openblas-build ^1.0.22
14K 4 paperclip ^1.0
14K 2 paperclip-core ^1.0
14K 18 re_data_store ^1.0
15K 6 re_log_encoding ^1.0
15K 27 re_log_types ^1.0
14K 12 re_query ^1.0
14K 4 re_sdk ^1.0
14K 2 re_sdk_comms ^1.0
14K 25 re_types ^1.0
15K 13 re_types_core ^1.0
15K 9 rustdoc-json ^1.0.44
14K 7 solana-storage-bigtable ^1.0.56
15K sql-json-path ^1
14K 12 tower-sessions-core ^1.0.50
14K 1 tracing-gelf ^1.0.52
15K 2 wasm-mutate ^1.0.28
14K 2 yubihsm ^1
44K 27 hf-hub optional ^1.0.43
44K 3 substrait optional ^1.0.57
43K 35 sp-state-machine optional ^1.0.48
13K 10 deno_task_shell ^1.0.58
14K 5 egg ^1.0.31
13K 7 fastwebsockets ^1.0.40
13K 1 ic-transport-types ^1.0.40
13K 3 juniper_warp ^1.0
13K 13 re_entity_db ^1.0
14K 5 serde_valid ^1.0
13K 13 solana-geyser-plugin-interface ^1.0.56
13K 13 solana-gossip ^1.0.56
14K 23 solana-ledger ^1.0.56
13K 5 solana-poh ^1.0.56
13K 16 solana-rpc ^1.0.56
14K 2 symbolic-ppdb ^1.0.39
13K 5 tls-api-stub ^1.0.30
40K 2 ic_principal optional ^1.0.30
13K cargo-vet ^1.0.31
12K 54 cw-controllers ^1.0.49
13K 81 cw20-base ^1.0.4
12K 50 cw721-base ^1.0.38
12K 5 fast-socks5 ^1
12K 11 finite-wasm ^1
12K 10 fluent-templates ^1.0.58
12K 2 foundry-block-explorers ^1.0
13K 1 foundry-compilers ^1.0
12K 110 fvm_ipld_encoding ^1.0
13K 2 gix-status ^1.0.26
12K 44 html2text ^1.0.50
12K 4 iced_renderer ^1.0
12K 5 iced_runtime ^1.0
12K 6 iced_widget ^1.0
12K 1 libp2p-rendezvous ^1
12K 7 magic ^1.0.49
12K 7 minidump ^1.0.37
12K 14 mp4 ^1.0
12K 15 node-semver ^1.0.30
13K 7 openssh-keys ^1.0
13K 2 picky-krb ^1.0.47
12K 4 ppp ^1
12K 16 solana-core ^1.0.56
13K 7 solana-geyser-plugin-manager ^1.0.56
12K 71 sp-blockchain ^1.0.48
12K 40 sp-consensus ^1.0.48
13K 1 spdx-expression ^1
13K 4 spdx-rs ^1
13K 38 surrealdb ^1.0.50
12K 3 tauri-bundler ^1.0
12K 6 termbg ^1
12K 13 wasmer-compiler-near ^1.0
12K 8 wasmer-engine-near ^1.0
12K 16 wasmer-types-near ^1.0
12K 13 wasmer-vm-near ^1.0
12K 7 apollo-parser ^1.0.30
11K 2 bcc ^1.0.30
12K 1 burn-dataset ^1.0.58
11K 1 cynic-introspection ^1
11K 2 ec-gpu-gen ^1.0.30
11K 33 evdev ^1
12K 2 freedesktop-desktop-entry ^1
12K 31 gfx-hal ^1
11K 12 hdwallet ^1.0.38
11K 9 hickory-client ^1.0.20
11K 1 hyperscan ^1.0
11K 7 i-slint-compiler ^1
11K 10 jrsonnet-evaluator ^1.0
11K 21 minimp3 ^1.0.23
11K 5 progenitor-impl ^1.0
11K 1 prost-codec ^1.0
11K 16 protobuf-json-mapping ^1.0.30
11K 31 rexpect ^1.0.34
11K 24 sc-consensus ^1.0.48
11K 7 sc-executor-common ^1.0.48
11K 35 sc-network ^1.0.48
11K 5 serde_amqp ^1
11K 14 shuttle-service ^1.0.37
11K 2 solana-turbine ^1.0.56
11K steno ^1.0
12K 35 substrate-prometheus-endpoint ^1.0
11K svix ^1.0.30
11K 1 symbolic-cfi ^1.0.39
12K 2 tauri-plugin-shell ^1
11K trunk ^1
11K 6 umask ^1.0.40
12K 3 wasmer-engine-universal-near ^1
12K 9 winstructs ^1.0
11K 13 yrs ^1
10K 1 accesskit_atspi_common ^1.0.39
10K 6 autometrics ^1
10K 2 block-utils ^1.0
10K 17 casbin ^1.0.30
11K 4 fe2o3-amqp ^1
10K 17 fvm_ipld_amt ^1.0
10K 8 gtmpl_value ^1
11K 23 html_parser ^1.0.40
10K ic-wasm ^1.0.35
10K 25 kdl ^1.0.30
10K 3 mft ^1
10K 14 minus ^1
10K 9 mpl-token-auth-rules ^1.0
11K 13 near-primitives-core ^1.0.30
11K 3 octorust ^1
10K omicron-zone-package ^1.0
11K 1 openssh-mux-client-error ^1.0.29
10K 6 pilota ^1
10K 14 sc-cli ^1.0.48
10K 8 sc-keystore ^1.0.48
10K 11 sc-rpc-api ^1.0.48
10K 18 sc-service ^1.0.48
10K 19 sc-telemetry ^1.0.48
10K 11 sc-tracing ^1.0.48
10K 8 sc-transaction-pool ^1.0.48
10K 58 sequoia-openpgp ^1.0.2
10K 15 slint-build ^1
11K 8 solana-clap-v3-utils ^1.0.56
11K 19 stellar-strkey ^1.0.36
10K 12 syn-rsx ^1.0.37
10K 40 teloxide ^1.0
10K 3 teloxide-core ^1.0.20
10K 9 volo ^1
10K 3 volo-thrift ^1
33K 20 interprocess optional ^1.0
10K 3 axum-login ^1.0.49
10K 24 bellperson ^1.0.10
10K 3 cddl-cat ^1.0.8
10K databento ^1.0
10K 8 storage-proofs-core ^1.0.6
9.9K 16 prometheus_exporter ^1
9.9K 6 fr32 ^1.0.6
9.9K 7 rkv ^1.0
9.9K 30 near-crypto ^1.0.30
9.8K 5 wintun ^1.0
9.7K 7 gtmpl ^1
9.7K 6 echodb ^1.0.58
9.7K 3 human-date-parser ^1.0.38
9.7K 7 serde_json_path ^1.0
9.7K 29 near-primitives ^1.0.30
9.7K 2 tokio-tungstenite-wasm ^1.0
9.7K 4 oxc_diagnostics ^1.0.58
9.7K 9 downloader ^1.0
9.6K 3 tfrecord ^1.0.48
9.6K 12 librespot-core ^1.0.7
9.6K 7 pgrx ^1.0
9.6K 2 nodejs_package_json ^1
9.6K 3 ocipkg ^1.0.58
9.5K 5 librespot-playback ^1
9.5K 6 prio ^1.0
9.5K lgalloc ^1.0
9.5K 2 libp2p-dcutr ^1.0
9.4K 3 scale-typegen ^1.0.50
9.4K 13 single-instance ^1.0
9.4K 2 wasmtime-debug ^1.0.4
9.3K rs-nomad ^1
9.3K 2 fluvio-command ^1.0.23
9.3K 1 raii-counter ^1.0
9.3K 18 fvm_ipld_bitfield ^1.0.40
9.3K 11 gstreamer-pbutils ^1.0
9.3K 11 freedesktop_entry_parser ^1.0
9.2K 1 fluvio-helm ^1.0.20
9.2K netns-rs ^1.0.30
9.2K shellflip ^1.0
9.2K smf ^1.0
9.2K 3 breakpad-symbols ^1.0.37
9.2K 2 frc42_hasher ^1.0.31
9.2K 2 serde_json_path_core ^1.0
9.2K 5 pgrx-tests ^1.0
9.2K 3 av-metrics ^1
9.1K 10 fvm_sdk ^1.0.40
9.1K 6 openraft ^1.0.49
9.1K 2 wasi-nn ^1
9.0K 43 cw-ownable ^1
9.0K 1 mev-share-sse ^1.0
9.0K 4 minidump-processor ^1.0.37
26K 6 bulletproofs optional ^1
9.0K 5 librespot-discovery ^1.0
9.0K 7 sql-builder ^1.0
8.9K 17 git-hash ^1.0.33
8.9K 34 lol_html ^1.0.2
8.8K 31 frc42_dispatch ^1.0.31
8.8K 15 bio-types ^1
8.8K 5 starknet-providers ^1.0.40
8.8K limits-rs ^1.0
8.8K 2 tmq ^1
8.8K 1 gptman ^1.0
8.7K 6 starknet-signers ^1.0.40
8.6K 12 fastly ^1.0.40
8.6K 7 frame-benchmarking-cli ^1.0.48
8.5K 2 dap 1.*
8.5K 4 starknet-accounts ^1.0.40
8.4K 11 sp-maybe-compressed-blob ^1.0
8.4K 2 simple-git ^1.0.52
8.4K 2 pwd-grp ^1
8.4K 3 starknet-contract ^1.0.40
8.4K 41 iced_native ^1
8.4K 5 lspower ^1.0
8.4K 1 async_http_range_reader ^1.0.50
8.3K 4 filecheck ^1
8.3K 2 hyperfine ^1.0
8.3K 1 russh-sftp ^1.0
8.3K 16 libbpf-rs ^1.0.10
8.2K 3 r2r ^1.0.37
8.2K 85 nu-protocol ^1.0
8.1K 3 espflash ^1.0.58
8.1K 2 serde_merge ^1.0
8.1K 5 genetlink ^1.0.26
8.1K 4 purl ^1.0.37
8.0K 2 google-cloud-spanner ^1.0
8.0K 1 matrix-pickle ^1.0.58
7.9K 1 clarabel ^1.0
7.9K 1 arroy ^1.0.50
7.9K kstat-rs ^1
7.9K 11 trillium-http ^1.0.52
7.9K 2 tonic-web-wasm-client ^1.0.56
7.9K 3 sc-allocator ^1.0.48
7.8K 2 rusty-sidekiq ^1.0
7.7K 1 ethtool ^1.0.29
7.7K 9 sn_protocol ^1.0.23
7.7K 9 fuel-abi-types ^1
7.7K 6 sn_client ^1.0.23
7.6K 6 hickory-server ^1.0.20
7.6K 19 sc-transaction-pool-api ^1.0.48
23K 16 time-tz optional ^1.0.30
7.6K 1 auto-launch ^1
7.6K 13 ion-rs ^1.0
7.6K ethereum-forkid ^1
7.6K 44 anchor-client ^1
7.5K 2 sn_networking ^1.0.23
7.5K 2 librespot ^1.0
7.5K 1 apple-flat-package ^1.0.56
7.4K 4 tldextract ^1
7.4K 3 apple-xar ^1.0.56
7.4K 7 rumqttd ^1.0.49
7.4K 5 deno_semver ^1.0.24
7.3K 8 ansi-to-html ^1.0.40
7.3K 17 soroban-spec ^1.0.32
7.3K 4 pg_query ^1.0.31
7.3K 24 fuel-core-types ^1.0
7.3K sentry_usage_accountant ^1.0
7.3K 3 jwt-authorizer ^1.0
7.3K 3 win32job ^1.0
7.3K 2 tflite ^1.0.38
7.3K tauri-plugin-manatsu ^1.0.58
21K 50 sp-version optional ^1.0.48
7.3K 1 cpio-archive ^1.0.56
7.3K 81 bio ^1
7.2K 2 backtrace_printer ^1
7.2K 8 ical ^1.0.50
7.2K 4 warp-reverse-proxy ^1.0
7.2K 14 safelog ^1
7.2K 2 rrgen ^1
7.2K 18 rdf-types ^1.0.57
7.2K 5 tokio-tun ^1
7.2K 1 rust-netrc ^1.0.56
7.2K cargo-msrv ^1.0.30
7.2K 6 apollo-compiler ^1.0.31
7.1K 9 spl-token-client ^1.0
7.1K 3 loco-rs ^1
7.1K aws-region-nearby ^1
7.1K 17 gluesql-core ^1.0
7.1K 9 rust_socketio ^1.0
7.1K 9 soroban-ledger-snapshot ^1.0
7.1K 2 rust_engineio ^1.0
7.0K cargo-bundle-licenses ^1.0.40
20K 31 libipld-core optional ^1.0.25
21K 162 sp-api optional ^1.0.48
21K 71 sp-inherents optional ^1.0.48
6.9K 15 langtag ^1.0.57
6.9K 20 influxdb ^1.0
6.9K 7 sn_transfers ^1.0.24
6.9K 2 tree-sitter-graph ^1.0.7
6.9K 3 vodozemac ^1.0.56
6.8K pcap-file-tokio ^1.0.35
6.8K init-tracing-opentelemetry ^1.0
6.8K 6 zeromq ^1
6.8K 3 socketioxide ^1.0.40
6.8K 15 raft ^1.0
6.8K 20 niffler ^1.0
6.8K 6 livekit-protocol ^1.0
6.8K 6 tokio-graceful-shutdown ^1.0.49
6.8K dependency_runner ^1.0.35
6.8K 3 livekit-api ^1.0
6.7K 8 cw3 ^1.0.4
6.7K 12 sc-network-sync ^1.0.48
6.7K 5 ruma-identifiers-validation ^1.0.37
6.7K 6 bevy_kira_audio ^1.0
6.7K sentry-kafka-schemas ^1.0.49
6.7K 12 fuel-core-client ^1.0
6.7K 9 xid ^1
6.7K 3 zip_structs ^1.0.37
6.6K 1 windows-dll ^1
6.6K 2 ntex-h2 ^1.0
6.6K 10 chksum-core ^1.0.51
6.6K 9 leon ^1.0.52
6.6K 4 ode_solvers ^1.0.56
6.6K 17 deno_graph ^1.0.24
6.6K 2 gluesql-json-storage ^1.0
6.6K 2 sc-rpc-spec-v2 ^1.0.48
6.6K 8 soroban-spec-rust ^1.0.32
6.5K 13 ruma-common ^1.0.37
6.5K protofetch ^1.0.50
6.5K 8 sc-consensus-babe ^1.0.48
6.5K async-lsp ^1.0.40
6.5K 1 mptcp-pm ^1.0.29
6.4K 4 gluesql_sled_storage ^1
6.4K 2 chksum-hash-md5 ^1.0.51
6.4K 1 sc-network-light ^1.0.48
6.4K 1 gluesql-cli ^1.0
6.4K 1 sc-network-bitswap ^1.0.48
6.4K 12 svd-parser ^1.0.31
6.4K 2 chksum-hash-sha2-256 ^1.0.51
6.4K 5 siwe ^1.0
6.3K 4 global-hotkey ^1
6.3K 2 typos ^1.0
6.3K 22 rspotify ^1.0.29
6.3K 1 engineioxide ^1.0.40
6.3K 2 minimp3_fixed ^1.0.23
6.3K 6 svd-rs ^1.0.31
18K 3 reddsa optional ^1.0
6.2K 3 daemonize-me ^1.0
6.2K 2 chksum-hash-sha1 ^1.0.51
6.2K 3 bonsai-sdk ^1.0
6.2K 5 scm-record ^1.0
6.1K 5 sauron-core ^1.0
6.1K 33 candle-nn ^1
6.1K 5 apple-codesign ^1.0.56
6.1K neutron-sdk ^1.0.49
8.5M 14421 anyhow dev ^1.0.45
1.2M 183 displaydoc dev ^1.0.24
1.0M 645 eyre dev ^1.0
680K 694 color-eyre dev ^1.0.19
529K 17 sentry-core dev ^1.0.15
193K 74 datafusion dev ^1.0.44
188K 4 backtrace-ext dev ^1.0.40
113K 318 azure_core dev ^1.0
60K 1 metered-macro dev ^1.0
40K 1 hyperlocal-next dev ^1.0
18K 1 hyper-named-pipe dev ^1
17K 79 dioxus dev ^1.0.40
14K 8 sscanf dev ^1.0.37
11K 6 getargs dev ^1.0.31
11K 65 sc-client-api dev ^1.0.48
10K 25 yaxpeax-arch dev ^1.0.26
8.2K actix-web-thiserror dev ^1.0.40
6.4K 1 chksum-md5 dev ^1.0.51
6.3K 1 chksum-sha2-256 dev ^1.0.51
6.2K 1 chksum-sha1 dev ^1.0.51