#json #patch #document #serde-json #rfc #merge #path


RFC 6902, JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Patch

15 releases (5 stable)

2.0.0 May 6, 2024
1.4.0 May 6, 2024
1.2.0 Oct 9, 2023
1.0.0 Mar 31, 2023
0.2.1 Nov 3, 2017

#42 in Encoding

Download history 162808/week @ 2024-04-02 157180/week @ 2024-04-09 163144/week @ 2024-04-16 181967/week @ 2024-04-23 163865/week @ 2024-04-30 178142/week @ 2024-05-07 179496/week @ 2024-05-14 176754/week @ 2024-05-21 176508/week @ 2024-05-28 165549/week @ 2024-06-04 183825/week @ 2024-06-11 177243/week @ 2024-06-18 190468/week @ 2024-06-25 160159/week @ 2024-07-02 187587/week @ 2024-07-09 136069/week @ 2024-07-16

706,627 downloads per month
Used in 294 crates (49 directly)


685 lines

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A JSON Patch (RFC 6902) and JSON Merge Patch (RFC 7396) implementation for Rust.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

json-patch = "*"


Create and patch document using JSON Patch:

use json_patch::{Patch, patch};
use serde_json::{from_value, json};

let mut doc = json!([
    { "name": "Andrew" },
    { "name": "Maxim" }

let p: Patch = from_value(json!([
  { "op": "test", "path": "/0/name", "value": "Andrew" },
  { "op": "add", "path": "/0/happy", "value": true }

patch(&mut doc, &p).unwrap();
assert_eq!(doc, json!([
  { "name": "Andrew", "happy": true },
  { "name": "Maxim" }

Create and patch document using JSON Merge Patch:

use json_patch::merge;
use serde_json::json;

let mut doc = json!({
  "title": "Goodbye!",
  "author" : {
    "givenName" : "John",
    "familyName" : "Doe"
  "tags":[ "example", "sample" ],
  "content": "This will be unchanged"

let patch = json!({
  "title": "Hello!",
  "phoneNumber": "+01-123-456-7890",
  "author": {
    "familyName": null
  "tags": [ "example" ]

merge(&mut doc, &patch);
assert_eq!(doc, json!({
  "title": "Hello!",
  "author" : {
    "givenName" : "John"
  "tags": [ "example" ],
  "content": "This will be unchanged",
  "phoneNumber": "+01-123-456-7890"


Licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


~40K SLoC