jsonpath-rust is used at run time in 52 crates (of which 7 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 13 crates. It's used only as a dev dependency in 3 crates.

Number of dependers jsonpath-rust version Downloads/month
22 0.5.0 34K
11 0.4.0 81K
14 0.3.5 93K
3 0.2.6 192K
5 0.1.6 1.3K
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) jsonpath-rust version
272K 5 kube-client optional ^0.5.0
3.7K 1 apollo-router ^0.3.5
1.8K 1 switchboard-utils ^0.3.0
600 datafusion-server ^0.5.0
360 2 net-file ^0.5.0
190 fltn ^0.5
160 1 libflatterer ^0.3.0
json_env ^0.2.0
2 gluerunner ^0.1.6
uhg-custom-appollo-roouter ^0.3.1
1 chord-flow ^0.2.0
cj ^0.1.5
barb ^0.1