1 unstable release

0.1.0 Oct 4, 2023

#359 in HTTP client

Download history 49/week @ 2023-12-29 14/week @ 2024-01-05 3/week @ 2024-01-12 85/week @ 2024-01-19 68/week @ 2024-01-26 7/week @ 2024-02-02 9/week @ 2024-02-09 10/week @ 2024-02-16 68/week @ 2024-02-23 48/week @ 2024-03-01 21/week @ 2024-03-08 12/week @ 2024-03-15 3/week @ 2024-03-22 38/week @ 2024-03-29 17/week @ 2024-04-05 7/week @ 2024-04-12

65 downloads per month

MIT license

272 lines


A Rust client for Cloudflare Turnstile.


use cf_turnstile::{SiteVerifyRequest, TurnstileClient};

let client = TurnstileClient::new("my-secret".to_string().into());

let validated = client.siteverify(SiteVerifyRequest {
   response: "myresponse".to_string(),




To utilize Turnstile's indempotency_key feature, you can enable the idempotency feature flag.

This will enable the idempotency_key field on the SiteVerifyRequest struct and the generate_indepotency_key function.


Note: not enabling any TLS feature is supported for use behind a proxy; Turnstile's API is HTTPS only.

Note: this TLS code was taken from twilight-http in accodance with its license.

cf-turnstile has features to enable HTTPS connectivity with hyper. These features are mutually exclusive. rustls-native-roots is enabled by default.


The native feature uses a HTTPS connector provided by hyper-tls.

To enable native, do something like this in your Cargo.toml:

cf-turnstile = { default-features = false, features = ["native"], version = "0.1" }


The rustls-native-roots feature uses a HTTPS connector provided by hyper-rustls, which uses rustls as the TLS backend, and enables its native-tokio feature, which uses rustls-native-certs for root certificates.

This is enabled by default.


The rustls-webpki-roots feature uses a HTTPS connector provided by hyper-rustls, which uses rustls as the TLS backend, and enables its webpki-tokio feature, which uses webpki-roots for root certificates.

This should be preferred over rustls-native-roots in Docker containers based on scratch.


The trust-dns enables hyper-trust-dns, which replaces the default GaiResolver in hyper. hyper-trust-dns instead provides a fully async DNS resolver on the application level.


~296K SLoC