#google-cloud #pubsub #gcp


Google Cloud Platform pubsub client library

34 releases (breaking)

new 0.24.0 Apr 18, 2024
0.23.0 Feb 27, 2024
0.22.1 Feb 5, 2024
0.22.0 Dec 28, 2023
0.1.2 Mar 19, 2022

#345 in Web programming

Download history 8213/week @ 2023-12-23 9020/week @ 2023-12-30 11558/week @ 2024-01-06 12823/week @ 2024-01-13 12536/week @ 2024-01-20 14482/week @ 2024-01-27 13913/week @ 2024-02-03 9971/week @ 2024-02-10 13277/week @ 2024-02-17 15466/week @ 2024-02-24 14906/week @ 2024-03-02 13828/week @ 2024-03-09 11968/week @ 2024-03-16 11762/week @ 2024-03-23 10260/week @ 2024-03-30 10028/week @ 2024-04-06

46,146 downloads per month
Used in 6 crates

MIT license

25K SLoC


Google Cloud Platform pub/sub library.



google-cloud-pubsub = "version"



There are two ways to create a client that is authenticated against the google cloud.


The function with_auth() will try and read the credentials from a file specified in the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS, GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS_JSON or from a metadata server.

This is also described in google-cloud-auth

use google_cloud_pubsub::client::{ClientConfig, Client};

async fn run() {
    let config = ClientConfig::default().with_auth().await.unwrap();
    let client = Client::new(config).await.unwrap();


When you can't use the gcloud authentication but you have a different way to get your credentials (e.g a different environment variable) you can parse your own version of the 'credentials-file' and use it like that:

use google_cloud_auth::credentials::CredentialsFile;
// or google_cloud_pubsub::client::google_cloud_auth::credentials::CredentialsFile
use google_cloud_pubsub::client::{ClientConfig, Client};

async fn run(cred: CredentialsFile) {
    let config = ClientConfig::default().with_credentials(cred).await.unwrap();
    let client = Client::new(config).await.unwrap();


For tests, you can use the Emulator-Option like that: Before executing the program, specify the address of the emulator in the following environment variable.

export PUBSUB_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:8681

Publish Message

use google_cloud_pubsub::client::{Client, ClientConfig};
use google_cloud_googleapis::pubsub::v1::PubsubMessage;
use google_cloud_pubsub::topic::TopicConfig;
use google_cloud_pubsub::subscription::SubscriptionConfig;
use google_cloud_gax::grpc::Status;
use tokio::task::JoinHandle;
use tokio_util::sync::CancellationToken;

async fn run(config: ClientConfig) -> Result<(), Status> {

    // Create pubsub client.
    let client = Client::new(config).await.unwrap();

    // Create topic.
    let topic = client.topic("test-topic");
    if !topic.exists(None).await? {
        topic.create(None, None).await?;

    // Start publisher.
    let publisher = topic.new_publisher(None);

    // Publish message.
    let tasks : Vec<JoinHandle<Result<String,Status>>> = (0..10).into_iter().map(|_i| {
        let publisher = publisher.clone();
        tokio::spawn(async move {
            let msg = PubsubMessage {
               data: "abc".into(),
               // Set ordering_key if needed (https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/ordering)
               ordering_key: "order".into(),

            // Send a message. There are also `publish_bulk` and `publish_immediately` methods.
            let mut awaiter = publisher.publish(msg).await;

            // The get method blocks until a server-generated ID or an error is returned for the published message.

    // Wait for all publish task finish
    for task in tasks {
        let message_id = task.await.unwrap()?;

    // Wait for publishers in topic finish.
    let mut publisher = publisher;


Subscribe Message

use google_cloud_pubsub::client::{Client, ClientConfig};
use google_cloud_googleapis::pubsub::v1::PubsubMessage;
use google_cloud_pubsub::subscription::SubscriptionConfig;
use google_cloud_gax::grpc::Status;
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio_util::sync::CancellationToken;
use futures_util::StreamExt;

async fn run(config: ClientConfig) -> Result<(), Status> {

    // Create pubsub client.
    let client = Client::new(config).await.unwrap();

    // Get the topic to subscribe to.
    let topic = client.topic("test-topic");

    // Create subscription
    // If subscription name does not contain a "/", then the project is taken from client above. Otherwise, the
    // name will be treated as a fully qualified resource name
    let config = SubscriptionConfig {
        // Enable message ordering if needed (https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/docs/ordering)
        enable_message_ordering: true,

    // Create subscription
    let subscription = client.subscription("test-subscription");
    if !subscription.exists(None).await? {
        subscription.create(topic.fully_qualified_name(), config, None).await?;

    // Token for cancel.
    let cancel = CancellationToken::new();
    let cancel2 = cancel.clone();
    tokio::spawn(async move {
        // Cancel after 10 seconds.

    // Receive blocks until the ctx is cancelled or an error occurs.
    // Or simply use the `subscription.subscribe` method.
    subscription.receive(|mut message, cancel| async move {
        // Handle data.
        println!("Got Message: {:?}", message.message.data);

        // Ack or Nack message.
        let _ = message.ack().await;
    }, cancel.clone(), None).await?;

    // Delete subscription if needed.


Subscribe Message (Alternative Way)

use google_cloud_pubsub::client::{Client, ClientConfig};
use google_cloud_googleapis::pubsub::v1::PubsubMessage;
use google_cloud_pubsub::subscription::SubscriptionConfig;
use google_cloud_gax::grpc::Status;
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio_util::sync::CancellationToken;
use futures_util::StreamExt;

async fn run(config: ClientConfig) -> Result<(), Status> {
    // Creating Client, Topic and Subscription...
    let client = Client::new(config).await.unwrap();
    let subscription = client.subscription("test-subscription");

    // Read the messages as a stream
    // (needs futures_util::StreamExt as import)
    // Note: This blocks the current thread but helps working with non clonable data
    let mut stream = subscription.subscribe(None).await?;
    while let Some(message) = stream.next().await {
        // Handle data.
        println!("Got Message: {:?}", message.message);

        // Ack or Nack message.
        let _ = message.ack().await;


~527K SLoC