alloy-network is used at run time in 139 crates (of which 18 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 15 crates. It's used only as a dev dependency in 10 crates (of which 2 directly).

Number of dependers alloy-network version Downloads/month
30 0.11.1 43K
34 0.9.2 73K
1 0.8.3 11K
33 0.7.3 12K
8 0.6.4 7.1K
13 0.5.4 9.4K
9 0.4.2 5.9K
11 0.3.6 11K
6 0.2.1 5.2K
4 0.1.4 7.4K
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) alloy-network version
160K 24 alloy-provider ^0.11
153K 12 alloy-signer-local ^0.11
127K 8 alloy-contract ^0.11
76K 11 alloy-node-bindings ^0.11
109K 118 alloy optional ^0.11
25K 1 op-alloy-network ^0.11
20K 1 alloy-signer-ledger ^0.11
57K 16 op-alloy-consensus optional ^0.11
16K 1 alloy-signer-aws ^0.11
14K 1 alloy-signer-trezor ^0.11
12K 1 alloy-signer-gcp ^0.11
700 1 op-alloy-provider ^0.11
3 gadget-sdk ^0.5
1 cargo-tangle ^0.5
maili-provider ^0.9.2
70K 65 testcontainers-modules dev ^0.9.2
100 1 gadget-context-derive dev ^0.5