cargo-manifest is used at run time in 133 crates (of which 4 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 18 crates. It's used at build time in 3 crates (). It's used only as a dev dependency in 17 crates.

Number of dependers cargo-manifest version Downloads/month
5 0.19.1 1.1K
2 0.18.1 43K
23 0.17.0 14K
29 0.15.2 360
1 0.14.0 5.7K
10 0.13.0 800
2 0.7.1 150
1 0.4.0 0
80 0.2.9 4.3K
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) cargo-manifest version
57K cargo-chef ^0.18.1
16K 17 rustdoc-json ^0.17.0
2.6K featurecomb ^0.18.0
1.7K cargo-public-api ^0.17.0
1.0K 2 mavspec_rust_gen ^0.13.0
950 1 pavexc ^0.19.1
900 6 genemichaels-lib ^0.15
900 2 genemichaels ^0.15
470 cargo-autoinherit ^0.19.1
370 cargo-ament-build ^0.2
130 cargo-carbide ^0.19.1
serv4rs ^0.7.1
bread-scan ^0.4.0
etheryal-bootimage ^0.2
1 bevyhub_api ^0.15
bevyhub-cli ^0.15
caller_modpath ^0.2.3
zero4rs ^0.14.0