biscuit-auth is used at run time in 10 crates.

Number of dependers biscuit-auth version Downloads/month
1 6.0.0-beta.3 360
2 5.0.0 20K
2 4.1.1 2.1M
2 2.2.0 0
3 1.2.0 0
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) biscuit-auth version
950 hessra-sdk ^6.0.0-beta.2
140 biscuit-actix-middleware ^4.0.0
devoyage-subgraph ^4
portal ^1
files ^1
biscuit-cli ^5.0.0
biscuit-wasm ^2.1.0
broker ^1
tower-biscuit-auth ^2.1.0
hook0-api ^5.0.0